Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Comeuppance (Palworld)


Themes: Master/Slave, Rough Sex, Mind Break

Summary: In which Zoe, the tutorial boss from Palworld finds herself captured by an interloper to her tower. What follows is simply someone training his new Sexpal.


Zoe was well aware that in the grand scheme of things, she was a small fry. But here in the central portion of the Palpagos Islands, she was basically as big of a fish as you could get. Managing the Syndicate’s operations in the area from the Rayne Syndicate Tower, she barely even had to do anything. There was no real opposition here in the central region, not like there was to the North and West.
All she had to do was keep her boot on the neck of the central region’s pitiful inhabitants and make sure nobody muscled in on Syndicate territory. Easy enough, right?
Except, every once in a while, someone did get uppity and seek to challenge her at her tower. As though they could ever hope to defeat her. Still, that was why Zoe and Grizzbolt were even there… just in case someone got strong enough to threaten Syndicate Operations.
This latest challenger didn’t look like much though. He didn’t even have a Pal out as Zoe summoned her Grizzbolt and hopped up on top of him. Smirking, she decides she won’t even bother with words. She’ll let her actions do the talking and have her Grizzbolt blast this interloper back to the stone age in one single-
Her decision to not speak lasts all of the two seconds it takes the stranger to pull a literal rocket launcher out of nowhere and set it on his shoulder, lining it up with her… and her Grizzbolt.
“Grizzbolt, d-dodge!”
Unfortunately, the order comes too late. The Rocket Launcher fires. Grizzbolt attempts to get out of the way, but the interloper had followed his movement perfectly and led the shot. The rocket takes her Pal and most trusted confidante in his center mass.
The explosion is as violent as one might expect a literal fucking rocket to be. Zoe is thrown clear of her Grizzbolt, sparing her the veritable bloodbath of charred guts and viscera left behind. She tumbles away, her everything hurting as she gasps and pants for air. It’s like she just took a hundred punches to the gut. It’s like she’s back at the Syndicate Training Camp, a rookie all over again, beaten down on by her seniors who were all so much tougher than her.
But she’s not that little girl anymore, damn it! She’s s-stronger than that! And… and she has more Pals than just Grizzbolt! None that she cared about half as much though, of course. Still… she had to keep fighting!
Slowly, Zoe forces herself onto her hands and knees. She looks up at her enemy, eyes narrowing in hatred as she reaches for one of the other spheres on her belt.
Only to freeze up a moment later, her eyes widening in shock at the purple Pal Sphere in the interloper’s hand.
“Is that a Legendary Sph-!?”
Again she’s cut off as he contemptuously tosses it at her and the last thing she sees is the sphere opening up to swallow her whole before she can even blink.
When she’s let out again, Zoe finds herself on her hands and knees in front of a swaying cock. Before she can say a word, before she can curse out the man in front of her, she finds herself compelled into obedience. That’s right. The Sphere. She was… she was captured. Not even the Syndicate dealt in trafficked humans! Or at least, her part of the Syndicate didn’t anyways. They only captured Pals and sold them for a profit, damn it! This was… it was inhumane what he’d done to her!
As the pigtailed Syndicate Boss bemoans her fate, she also dutifully sucks her new… owner’s cock. She hated it, but he did own her now. Until either the PDIF caught up to him or she found another way to escape his clutches, she remained his. So long as he held her sphere, she belonged to him now. Obedience was enforced, but not loyalty. She could still talk back; she just couldn’t disobey.
Reaching out, her new owner grabs Zoe by her pigtails with both hands and begins to face fuck her without a word, forcing her up and down his cock.
“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”
Her lipstick, carefully applied, quickly smears along every last inch of his dick as he pushes his way down the back of her throat. Her eyeliner and mascara quickly runs through as well as involuntary furious tears streak down her cheeks. She glares up at him, her pink eyes filled with anger and accusation, but that just seems to turn him on even more.
The sun beats down on them from overhead. And there are sounds of manufacturing and farmwork filling the air alongside lumbering and mining. Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
She knew who this was. Or rather, she didn’t know his name, but she’d heard about him. She’d received reports of this asshole setting up shop in her backyard two weeks ago. Just another idiot who washed up on shore with absolutely nothing to his name. She hadn’t been worried. He’d come to her like all the others, she figured.
And yet… somehow, in just two weeks, he’d developed enough of a base to have fucking rocket launchers! She can’t turn her head, not and properly suck his cock at the same time, but she can peer around and glance out of her periphery at her surroundings. The guy has quite the intense set up. Electricity, Production Lines, Furnaces. And his Pals… those are some powerful Pals he’s managed to capture.
But then, they would be if he had access to Legendary Spheres somehow. That was supposed to be Lost Tech. And yet… here they were.
Without warning, her owner proceeds to cum down her throat. Zoe chokes on his jizz and since he didn’t order her to swallow, she doesn’t even try. His cum overflows out of her lips and down her chin, exploding out along his length and balls while also making a mess of her jacket and tube top. He looks annoyed with her for that, which pleases Zoe to no end. She wouldn’t give this bastard the satisfaction of a perfect sex slave. She’d fight him every step of the way!
“Clean me up.”
Of course, when he actually ordered her, there was nothing for Zoe to do but obey. She cleans him up… but at least she herself is still a mess. An unappealing one hopefully? Maybe looking like she just threw up on herself would lower her sex appeal?
It seems like this is the case when he pulls out her Legendary Sphere a moment after she finishes slurping him clean. She doesn’t necessarily want to go back into the thing, but better in there than out here she figures-
A moment later, Zoe appears on her knees again, blinking owlishly. She’d been put in the sphere… but from a glance around, she was right back out. She looks around in confusion, wondering why he did that… until purses her lips and looks down at herself. The mess is gone. More than that, her lipstick and the rest of her makeup… it’s fixed itself. A complete reset.
“Stand up. Turn around. Bend over and grab your ankles.”
“Fuck you!”
But she does as she’s told all the same. At least she can talk now since her mouth isn’t occupied.
“You’re a real goddamn pervert, aren’t you? Bastard… you think I’m just going to roll over and play dead for-guh!”
Stepping up behind her, he flips up her too-short skirt and yanks down her panties. A moment later and his cock, spit-polished by her mere moments before, thrusts into her cunt. Zoe gasps, feeling tears threaten at the edge of her eyes. She was no virgin… but she also wasn’t wet. He went in dry, with only her spit as lubrication. And anyone could tell you that saliva is a terrible source of lube.
He could have told her to shut up. Instead, he just fucks her. Though after a few dry thrusts, he stops with a grunt.
“H-Heh… what, don’t like it when they’re dry as sandpaper? Well maybe you shouldn’t be raping me then you-!”
“Cum for me.”
Zoe squeaks, her eyes widening as his order… is obeyed. Her body climaxes on the spot, not something she would have thought possible. The orgasm produces some amount of fluid, moistening her stretched cunt as her owner grunts in appreciation.
“Cum for me again. Again. Again.”
Three more times. Each more explosive than the last. By the final orgasm, Zoe is squealing at the top of her lungs for everyone to hear. Thankfully its just a bunch of dumb Pals, all of them working on their own projects and not paying her any mind. Well, them and… and her new owner.
Now that she’s sopping wet against her will, he begins to properly fuck her. Zoe flushes, hating how good it feels even as she bends over and grabs her ankles just as she was ordered.
“F-Fuck… fucking s-slow down… d-damn it all… guh!”
He doesn’t, of course. He just silently fucks her, grunting and groaning like… like some damn ape! But Zoe can’t really judge when she’s moaning like a whore at this point. It’s not her fault though. It’s not! Her body is betraying her! It’s the damn sphere too! She’s heard about what a Legendary Sphere is capable of. Wasting one on a human was… it was ridiculous. Crafting them was impossible, and finding one among the ruins of the ancient civilizations that came before them was like one in a BILLION.
Did he find one? Or… or had he done the impossible? Could he perhaps CRAFT Legendary Spheres?
Zoe didn’t want to think about what that might mean, but at the same time she also didn’t want to focus too much on how good his cock felt inside of her overly sensitive cunt. The amount of times he’d made her cum for him was… rough. Her entire body was tingling now, with her nipples especially rock hard and pressing against the inside of her top in a way that’s only adding to her reluctant pleasure.
“H-Hate you… h-hate this… don’t want it. Swear I d-don’t…”
Her words seemingly fall on deaf ears. Or at least, her new owner doesn’t bother responding to her. He just keeps on fucking her, his thighs slapping into her ass with every pistoning, punishing thrust of his prick into her poor abused pussy. This wasn’t how Zoe expected her day to go if she was being honest. She never imagined something like this could happen to her of all people, not in a million years.
… The Syndicate would come for her though, right? Even if the PDIF never came to stop this guy for his very serious crimes, the Syndicate would eventually find out she’d been defeated. Even if it was purely business, they wouldn’t let some random fucker push in on their territory. And when they came and destroyed his base, they’d find her among the wreckage and free her… right?
Only, as he fucks her from behind, Zoe is able to get a better look around his base then before. The Pals she’d noticed as high level before… they were the tip of the iceberg. Some of the Pals he had working for him… they were legends in their own right. The sort of monsters who could kill a hundred of the Syndicate Thugs she had working under her without breaking a sweat.
The Syndicate would have to break out the big guns to defeat this bastard. They would have to come in force with some of their strongest soldiers. Oh, Zoe didn’t doubt that they COULD do it… they had the resources for sure to put this guy in his place. But would they? Central Palpagos wasn’t anywhere special. It wasn’t worth much. The Syndicate… might decide to cut their losses.
Suddenly, the bastard who captured her picks up the pace. He fucks her even harder than before, bouncing her back into his hips and thrusting forward with all his might. Zoe squawks as she realizes what’s happening and begins shaking her head wildly.
“N-No! No, no, no! Don’t you dare! Don’t you DARE cum inside you-!”
With one last grunt, her owner cums inside of her. Zoe squeals as she climaxes right alongside him, before her eyes widen as she realize this time was all on her. She came… without him having to say a word. Her pussy walls milk him of his load, drawing every last drop of his seed from his cock. He fills and fills her until he’s finished.
Then, he lets go of her and Zoe yelps as she falls forward onto her face, winding up in a rather humiliating position. Face down, ass up. A perfect pose for a complete and utter failure like her…
That’s the last thought that goes through her head before her Sphere opens up and sucks her in again. Probably not a good idea. After all, everyone knew that your final thoughts before sphere capture tended to… stick with you in the null space. And that was bad. Because thoughts that stuck with you could influence you even when you weren’t aware of the world around you.
Zoe is summoned, like always, on her hands and knees. Makeup and lipstick perfectly in place, the young woman opens her mouth… only to pause at seeing the cock in her face. She… she didn’t know how many times she’d been brought out by this point. Dozens of times, maybe? And each and every time, it had been for sex. Always goddamn sex.
She was pretty good at crafting things too, but that was never what her owner wanted her for. No… he’d turned her into his own personal Sexpal. How… how was this her life? She was going to be somebody! She had shown all those bullies at the Syndicate Training Camp that she was better than them. She’d made herself indispensable to the cause and even been assigned an entire region!
Zoe was better than this! Stronger than this! How could it end like this? How could her rising star be pulled down to the ground so easily by this… this hunk of man meat?!
In the end, she doesn’t even wait for an order. He doesn’t even bother giving her own. He just watches wordlessly as Zoe leans forward and slurps his cock right up, moaning wantonly as she forgets all about whatever it was she was just thinking about. All that matters is her owner’s cock, really. All that matters is his desires and pleasure.
So long as he’s happy, she’s happy. And really… life is easier like that. So, so much easier. Head empty, mouth full, Zoe dutifully sucks away at the big fat dick in front of her. She’s right where she belongs, in the end.


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