Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

K/DA Minus Two (Palworld/LoL)


Themes: Inhuman Sex, Master/Slave, Transformation

Summary: A sidestory/AU of K/DA Plus One. In which Wai Chin and Ahri wake up on the shores of Palpagos Islands and have to survive. Fortunately they have some distinct advantages that carry them through.


Life was strange, sometimes. And by strange, what he really meant was, life could be bat-shit fucking insane. Especially when- hm. Weird, Wai Chin was getting a strong feeling of déjà vu out of nowhere but he couldn’t quite place why. Well, it didn’t really matter in the end.
“She’s ready for you, Wai Chin~”
Life… life came at you fast. Yeah, that felt better. And it came at you especially fast when some otherworldly force was fucking with you. Wai Chin might not have been sure of it before, but even if he wasn’t… he was now.
It was one thing to die and then be reborn into another world where everything was just slightly off-center. Where you got to keep your name, but suddenly your sister was Ahri from League of Legends. Except not from Runeterra, no, your sister was K/DA’s Ahri. That was certainly one thing.
However, it was another thing entirely to then wake up on a strange beach in a foreign land with your sister. A land filled with strange monsters, strange technology, and strange powers. Wai Chin could almost believe that he’d reincarnated into K/DA’s world by chance. But landing on the Palpagos Islands… that wasn’t possibly coincidence. That was enemy action.
Though maybe it wasn’t quite right to call this otherworldly force his enemy. They’d equipped him with all the tools he needed to survive out here, after all. Ahri was a godsend of course, his kitsune sister was able to use illusions and magic to defend them in the early days. But it was Wai Chin who had taken the strange Game Interface he’d been given and built an entire town for them out of it.
That was how he new the name of this region was the Palpagos Islands. Just as he knew the monsters they found themselves facing and befriending were known as Pals. It was how he’d learned to make everything from Pal Spheres to cooking magical foods that boosted their energy and made them stronger and able to last longer.
And who populated this town that he had built with Ahri’s help? Why, the Pals of course. Capturing Pals in Spheres had seemed so strange to Wai Chin at first. But it was actually surprisingly intuitive once one got down to it. And the better the Spheres he made, the stronger the Pals that he could capture and bring to work in the town.
It was all very much like a game. And Wai Chin was nothing if not an adaptable sort who enjoyed a good feedback loop. That said… not all of it was very game like. For instance, while his interface did helpfully tell him how his Pals were feeling, they weren’t game characters. He had to actually talk to them, help them, and learn what made them all tick. And Ahri was even more complicated.
Fortunately, Ahri had uncomplicated things regarding herself fairly swiftly once they’d found out that you can actually use Pal Spheres on humans and human-adjacent beings as well. That very same night, his sister had come to him and begged him to make her his slave. Apparently, she’d always harbored feelings for him, but just when she’d been about to act on them back in their world, they’d woken up here instead and she’d been afraid to say anything while they were struggling to survive.
… In the end, Wai Chin had used Pal Sphere on his sister. She hadn’t fought it even slightly and afterwards… well, their relationship had come out the other side all the stronger than before. In the end, it wasn’t too hard to wrap his head around. As it turned out, Wai Chin was a natural born leader. Whether it was Ahri or the Pals, he could handle all of them so long as he had complete control through the obedience enforcement provided by the Pal Spheres.
Of course, that led them to the other thing. It wasn’t entirely true to say that Ahri alone had helped them survive when they first arrived in these new lands. She’d played a big part of course, but also… they probably wouldn’t have made it without the Lyleen that showed up to look after them.
Wai Chin’s interface described Lyleen as ‘a docile Pal full of love’. It then went on to elaborate, explaining that Lyleens were the sort of Pals that watched over orphan Pals who’d lost their parents. And apparently that extended to him and Ahri as well at least where this Lyleen was concerned, because the plant pal had taken an immediate likening to them both, nurturing them and guiding them and even feeding them from her own body those first couple of days before they found berries that weren’t poisoned.
For that, he and Ahri were grateful, don’t get them wrong. Very grateful. But there was the other line in his interface’s entry for Lyleens. The one that said ‘It uses a full-power Solar Blast to discipline naughty Pals’. Wai Chin didn’t honestly want to find out what a full-powered Solar Blast looked like and he’d warned Ahri early on not to piss off the Lyleen. She was like a motherly yandere, basically. They couldn’t risk upsetting her, lest she quite literally erase them with an errant attack.
That was a bit too much for Wai Chin to live with forever. And so, while he hadn’t immediately tried to capture Lyleen with a Pal Sphere once they got production of the things up and running, the idea was always in the back of his mind. Fortunately, whenever he held a Pal Sphere he got an idea in percentages on how well trying to catch a certain Pal would go. So he knew better than to try to catch Lyleen in a normal Pal Sphere. Or a Mega Pal Sphere. Or a Giga Pal Sphere. Or a Hyper Pal Sphere. Even an Ultra Pal Sphere wouldn’t be guaranteed unless they weakened Lyleen a ton first… and Wai Chin didn’t want to do that.
In the end, it wasn’t until he was able to craft a Legendary Pal Sphere that the chance to capture the Lyleen at night while she was asleep and he was at her back rose enough for him to be comfortable trying. Even then, he’d prepared twenty of the damn things ahead of time, because the percentage was still only fifty percent without doing damage to her first.
Good thing he did too, because it ended up taking nine of the precious, insanely valuable Spheres before the deed was done. Still, at long last Lyleen was captured and he no longer had to be afraid of her taking offense and harming him or Ahri. But that wasn’t the end of it as it turned out. Oh no…
“Are you both sure about this?”
Stepping into the large master bedroom of the stone mansion he and Ahri had built together, Wai Chin regards the two women waiting for him in the interior. Ahri, of course, was there in all her naked glory, wearing a collar around her neck denoting his ownership of her. And then there was Lyleen.
“Of course, Master~ Lyleen has been waiting for this for so long~”
Blushing surprisingly deeply for an inhuman plant creature, the Lyleen lets out a melodic trill as she nods her head in agreement. The flowers atop her skull bounce and spring about at the same time. Slowly leaning back, Lyleen pulls up her skirt, revealing spindly legs but also most important of all, what looks to be a pussy nestled between her thighs.
Why a plant would have a human woman’s reproductive organs is beyond Wai Chin. But… he’s done his due diligence and he’s not about to pass up an opportunity like the one before him. He’s learned a lot about himself since coming to the Palpagos Islands and finding out his sister’s feelings for him. That Lyleen also has the hots for him… to be quite honest, it feels like par for the course.
Freeing his cock from his handcrafted pants, Wai Chin makes his way over to the bed. Ahri beams from where she’s kneeling at Lyleen’s side and then moans when Wai Chin grabs her by her hair and pulls her into a tongue-filled, passionate kiss. The two siblings heatedly makeout for a second, with Ahri reaching out and groping his cock, sliding her hand up and down his length to jack him the rest of the way to full mast.
She might have gone even further than that if not for Lyleen letting out another mewling trill of pitying need. Pulling back from Ahri’s lips, Wai Chin chuckles while Ahri grins, switching from jerking him off to guiding him in. With the help of his dutiful slave sister, Wai Chin finds himself properly lined up with Lyleen’s petal-like pussy… and a moment later he’s inside of her, filling her with his cock.
It’s… a unique experience. Not at all like a human cunt, Wai Chin notes. But then to be fair, Lyleen is a plant so he probably should have expected as much. Her pussy is really hard to describe though. The texture is downright unusual… but not terrible. In fact, as he leans forward over Lyleen’s body, Wai Chin thinks he might just come to enjoy it.
Only one way to find out though, right? With a grunt, Wai Chin begins to thrust… and Lyleen begins to trill all the louder, clearly moaning in enjoyment. From the side, Ahri pants noisily as she watches him fuck the closest thing they have to a mother in this world. A bit of a strange mother admittedly, but it’s true all the same. Lyleen was there for them when no one else was and while they might have survived without her, there’s no denying that they’d been better off WITH her then without.
And now she was his pet, just like his sister. She belonged to him just like every Pal in the town he’d built. But those others… they were like worker drones. He assigned them based on their usefulness and made sure to manage their moods how the interface told him to, but ultimately he didn’t pay them much mind. Ahri and Lyleen were undeniably different. They weren’t just his slaves; they were his women.
With that in mind, Wai Chin picks up the pace, fucking Lyleen even harder. Until finally, with a loud groan, he cums deep inside of her, filling Lyleen with his seed. There’s simply no helping it. She’s just too damn sexy.
But that’s when things get strange. As she shakes and shudders under him, Wai Chin initially assumes that she’s in the throes of ecstasy and pleasure. And to be fair, from the amount of sticky fluid coating his cock, she definitely is. But then… then it keeps going. Her seizing becomes something else. Ahri pulls him away from her and Wai Chin stumbles back, blinking all the while.
He and his sister can only stare as Lyleen… transforms. An evolution of sorts? Maybe. Except she doesn’t take on some new, more powerful form that’s unrecognizable to Wai Chin. Rather, the form she takes on is VERY recognizable to him. He remembers it from his first life.
“… An Alraune…”
It’s a plant monster from Monster Girl Encyclopedia. Very similar to a Lyleen in fact, except for a couple key differences. Number One, Alraune have much more humanoid figures. Like breasts for instance. Lyleen hadn’t had more than a slender stick of a chest before now, but suddenly she’s rocking a huge rack that even rivals Ahri’ in size.
On top of that… well…
“M… M… M-Master?”
The Lyleen, or rather the Alraune, now has a mouth. A mouth that she quickly puts to work, opening it and struggling her way through her first word. She looks at him with longing in her eyes, literal heart shaped pupils gazing at him in adoration. And out of everything she could have said, she says… Master.
Grinning, Wai Chin nods.
“That’s right. I’m your Master. And I suppose we have an actual name for you now. You’ll be Allie.”
Allie the Lyleen. Allie the Alraune. He’s not sure which she actually is, only that it feels fitting. Plus… Ahri and Allie. His girls. His women.
“Al…lie… y-yes… like… it. Love… Master.”
Slowly, Allie climbs off of the bed, the plant monster wiggles for a moment, still having a massive flower petal skirt. Unlike a proper Alraune, she’s not nearly as immobile. She crawls along the floor towards him seemingly by choice, reaching for his cock and licking her new lips eagerly. When she leans forward to take him into her mouth, Wai Chin lets her.
At his side, Ahri goes from being ready to defend him to hugging his arm and giggling as Allie sucks his cock.
“Ah, Master is so powerful he can even make Pals into horny needy bitches with just one load of seed from his cock. You’re amazing, sir~”
Ahri’s words bring a grin to his face, but also a bit of contemplation as well. She’s right. He’s pretty damn special, isn’t he? But… what for? They’ve had limited interactions with the other human beings that call the Palpagos Islands their home. Some have been a lot friendlier than others, that’s for sure. But one thing is true for all of them… none have the interface that Wai Chin was graced with. He hadn’t outright told anyone what he was capable of course, the power at his fingertips, but he’d still sussed out that he was one of a kind.
That was one thing though. This? Wai Chin didn’t think for a moment that no human being had ever fucked a Lyleen before. They were just humanoid enough to be sexually appealing to the right sort of deviant. Someone HAD to have plowed one before, and if they had, they’d almost certainly cum in them as well. And that meant this change would have been documented.
… But no, Wai Chin didn’t think something like what he’d done to Allie was possible… except for him personally. He was the special one here and that wasn’t just ego talking… he was sure of it. Of course, knowing he was special was one thing. Deciding what he was going to do about it was another entirely.
Gazing down at Allie as she sucks his cock dutifully and enthusiastically, Wai Chin reaches out with one hand and places it atop her leafy green locks. His other hand moves to the side where his sister’s pussy awaits and he cups Ahri’s sex, finding her to be absurdly turned on by all of this. Fingering her, he smiles as he listens to her moaning alongside Allie’s slurping noises.
He won’t do anything about these revelations for now. Instead, he’ll let things come as they may and see what’s going to happen next. But one thing is for sure. He’s in charge here… and he’s going to stay that way, no matter what.


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