Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

High Standards (Bleach)


Themes: Sexual Training, Rough Sex, Loving Sex

Summary: In which Retsu Unohana has been around enough death to know when her time is short. She could care less about her own death, but she does so worry for her adoptive daughter and pupil, Isane...


"I want to ask out Lieutenant Isane. How would you recommend I proceed?"

Such simple words, and yet… they still manage to surprise Retsu Unohana, her eyes actually widening slightly as she sits across from the young man who uttered them.

As the Captain of Gotei 13's Fourth Division, Unohana was commonly known as the Soul Society's best healer, bar none. To a few other old timers such as herself, she was also known as the former Captain of the Eleventh Division, the original 'Kenpachi' and a truly terrifying force to behold when she was going all out.

… But it had been a long time since she'd actually showed her true strength. In truth, these days she simply spent her time running the Fourth Division alongside her trusted Lieutenant and lovely white-haired second-in-command, Isane Kotetsu.

There were few things in like Retsu truly cared about, but Isane was one of them. She truly loved the girl but found Isane's doting to be something of a problem. Not in a work sense, not in a professional sense, but rather, in a more personal sense. 

Unohana knew that her days were numbered. This was not necessarily a bad thing. Rather, she did not see death in the same way others did. She welcomed it with open arms and always had. This gave her a sense of when her time would truly come, and she was confident that it was now approaching.

Unfortunately, she couldn't actually expect Isane to be alright once she was gone. The younger Shinigami was too focused on her job, not to mention having a very low opinion of herself. Isane didn't realize that she was one of the most beautiful women in the Soul Society, and that any man or woman would happily be all over her if given half a chance.

However, they were all too afraid to approach her. Unohana tested each and every one of Isane's would be suitors and found none who could handle even an iota of her bloodlust. She refused to allow any coward to worm their way into Isane's fragile heart.

For a time, Unohana had been left wondering if she would have to lower her standards. Her end was still fast approaching after all, and she'd found herself contemplating which option was truly worse… leaving Isane with nobody at all or letting someone not truly worthy of her lay claim to her heart.

But perhaps things weren't as dire as they seemed. Unohana looks at the young man sat across from her, considering him and his words placidly for a long moment.

His name was Zerin Kall, and he'd only been recruited to the Fourth Division a few months ago. He had a cute face and an athletic body, and in Unohana's eyes, he had so far seemed to be a relatively good addition to her division.

When he'd first requested this meeting, the Captain had expected him to ask for something relatively mundane or common, like additional training in the healing arts. She hadn't expected him to point blank request some help in asking her Lieutenant out on a date. 

It was such an innocent question on the surface, but to nobody's surprise, no one had ever dared ask it of Unohana before. Even if many of the new generation didn't know about her past, there was still a general understanding among ALL members of the Soul Society that when it came to Isane, Unohana was insanely protective.

She didn't consider it 'insane' though, to want to make sure the closest thing she had to a daughter would be happy and satisfied after she was gone, however.

Tilting her head to the side, Unohana gives young Zerin a smile after a moment.

"Ah. What an interesting question. I wonder… why would you ask that of me of all people?"

Zerin blinks back guilelessly, tilting his head to the side in what seems to be an unconscious mirroring of her movements.

"Well… Captain spends the most time with the Lieutenant, right? So if I wanted to know how to approach her properly, Captain would know the best way, would she not?"

Such an innocent answer along with his innocent question. In that moment, there's no doubt in Unohana's mind that Zerin Kall is exactly what she's looking for. However, that didn't mean she would just throw her support behind him. No, it merely meant he'd past the first of many tests.

Faster than the young man could ever hope to react, Unohana places a blade against his neck. Zerin's eyes widen slightly in shock, but he otherwise keeps his composure. He trusts her, the Captain notes in amusement. He has no problem putting his life into her hands, because he believes if she takes it, then it was for a good reason.

Narrowing her eyes, the First Zenpachi hums.

"Tell me, Karin. Do you love Isane?"

He blushes but doesn't hesitate, maintaining his composure even then.


"Would you protect her with your life, would you do anything she asked of you, and even the things she didn't ask of you?"

Gaining a determination in his gaze, Karin once again answers without hesitation.


Finally, Unohana asks the most important question of all.

"Would you be there for her always, even in the darkest of times, even on her worst days? Would you stand by her side and lend her your strength, no matter how bad things get?"


That final 'yes' is spoken with the most certainty and assuredness yet. He means it with every fiber of his soul. A brief smile crosses Unohana's face at the young man's sincerity, before finally she nods sharply.


For the first time, Zerin is visibly confused, but when she just raises a brow at him, he doesn't bother asking for clarification. He merely rises to his feet and does as he's told, stripping down to his underwear and showing his athletic form. Unohana admires it for a moment before nodding to his undergarments.


Zerin pulls down his underwear as well, revealing an impressive package. He's certainly well-endowed… but he's also incredibly inexperienced. 

Pulling her blade away at long last, Unohana reaches out and closes and locks the doors before looking at her now naked subordinate. Zerin stands there, looking back at her with a mild blush but no fear or distress. Rather, he stands there in the nude with a curious look in his eyes, watching her and waiting to find out what it all means. 

He's the perfect receptacle for her teachings, and in another time and place, she might have trained him up to be better than even Zaraki at fighting. But in this time and place, her needs were different. She didn't need yet another warrior, yet another fighter. What she needed was a man for her adoptive daughter, a husband and lover for the woman she would be leaving behind once she finally passed on.

"You are not yet ready for Isane. If I am going to entrust you to her, I need to make sure you are prepared. It will be intense; it will push your body beyond anything you have ever experienced. You may consider this your last chance to back out."

That last part is tacked on as little more than a formality. They both know that Zerin won't back down now. Still, she wants to hear him say it… and say it, he does.

"I won't back out, Captain. Please… prepare me."

Unohana smiles and begins to strip out of her own robes. Even with his certainty, it's clear Zerin is surprised by this, and he even tries to look away at first. But she quickly corrects him there, and soon enough, she's straddling him on the floor of the room, his cock sliding between her ass cheeks until it's hard before she lifts herself up and impales herself on his massive, throbbing member.

"Mm… you have a good size… but size is only one part of the equation. You must know how to wield such a sword to actually have it mean something."

Zerin nods with a resolve in his eyes and determination thrumming through every inch of his being.

"Yes, Captain."

What follows… is training. Of a sort. There's no denying that if many of her peers found out what she was doing, they wouldn't understand. Hell, if Isane found out what Unohana was doing with one of their cute subordinates, she wouldn't understand either, even if she learned it was all for her sake.

Which is why the Captain of the Fourth Division doesn't tell her or anyone really. Two months. That's how long Unohana gives herself and Zerin to train him up and prepare him for what's to come.

Two months in which Unohana fucks Zerin practically day and night, every waking moment where they are not busy with their other duties. While they do go at it for hours that first day, eventually she has to let him go back to his responsibilities, while taking care of her own. Otherwise, Isane would surely get suspicious.

That said, there's no denying the amount of time they're spending together. As far as everyone, Isane included, knows, Unohana has simply taken Zerin under her wing and is giving him special treatment and secret training. It's something Unohana has done in the past, of course. Isane is one such example of such training, albeit more of a healing variety instead of carnal.

And there have been others too over the centuries. Shinigami who Unohana saw a spark in, who she worked to bring that potential out of. So as far as everyone is concerned, that's what's going on between her and Zerin now. If only they knew.

Heh, if only they knew that she happily lets Zerin fuck her every hole like there's no tomorrow. Mouth, cunt, and ass… nothing is off-limits when it comes to their closed door 'sessions' together. She'll happily drop into a crouch and let Zerin fuck her face or bend over and allow him to plow her anally. She'll ride him until he cums inside of her a dozen times, and then lay prone as he pounds into her from above for the thirteenth load.

There is no romance involved in it. In that way, this two months of training is something of another test, really. Does Zerin truly love her adoptive daughter and Lieutenant? Or does he simply lust after her? Can something as simple and base as lust overpower his love for Isane? If he fucks Unohana for two months, will he still want to be with Isane by the end of it all?

If at any moment Zerin had switched up his tune and told Unohana that he loved her now instead, and that he wanted to be with her over Isane, the former Kenpachi would have cut his head from his shoulders in a heartbeat. It would have been proof that in the end, he was too weak to be with her Isane. While sex was important, and Unohana definitely wanted Zerin to be able to appropriately pleasure her adoptive daughter for the rest of their lives together, that wasn't everything. And if something as simple as this had been enough to break him…

Well, in the end it doesn't matter. Zerin doesn't fail this test anymore than he failed her others. He fucks her of course, he fucks her constantly and builds a steady experience of sexual pleasure through that, but he never once takes his eye off the prize. He never begs Unohana to be his lover, he never confesses his true love for her… and most importantly of all, whenever Unohana tells him to close his eyes and imagine that she's Isane as he fucks her, it really gets him going.

Imagining her as Isane instead of his Captain makes Zerin fuck her all the harder, whether its gripping down on her hair to skull fuck her, squeezing her cheeks to ass fuck her, or pushing her legs back to her shoulders to plow her in a consummate mating press. Thinking of her as Isane causes his enthusiasm to explode tenfold, easily.

Of course, as these two months pass, Unohana is not idle in other ways as well. It takes two to tango, after all. Training up Zerin could turn out to be entirely meaningless… if she doesn't prepare the other side of the equation for what she has planned.

This does not, however, mean that she's also taking Isane into closed door 'lessons' of sex, debauchery, and depravity. Instead, Unohana was a lot more subtle when it came to preparing her Lieutenant for her eventual match made in heaven. 

She starts with an understated, subtle aphrodisiac in all of Isane's food and drink. The effects are barely noticeable at first, but over eight weeks, they become more and more pronounced, until Isane is basically always hot, tired, and hungry… in reality, the poor dear is just perpetually horny, but it's been so long that she doesn't even realize what 'horny' truly feels like.

The Fourth Captain follows this up by assigning Zerin to Isane as her assistant, having him constantly around the Lieutenant whenever he's not doing private sessions with her. Isane doesn't seem to know what to make of this at first, but Zerin is nothing if not diligent, always eager to help, and ever willing to please. 

Unohana half-expects the two to fall into bed together from there without her having to make the final push. After all, she sees how Isane begins to look at Zerin when she thinks no one is looking. She can feel how aroused her Lieutenant is, and how handsome she finds her new assistant.

However, Isane's insecurities and certainty that she's not worthy of anyone's romantic attention in that way keep her from making a move. And of course, Zerin is the perfect gentleman who would never take advantage of Isane. Even after a night where Isane works herself to exhaustion, forcing him to carry her to her room to sleep, Zerin doesn't take advantage.

That's when Unohana knows that she'll have to do it herself. And so, after one last night with Zerin, enjoying his massive cock and his now-skilled hands and mouth, Unohana puts her plan into action, telling him to be prepared for what is to come next. Then, she invites Isane to her room for a spot of tea.

Her Lieutenant comes with no small amount of wariness of course, fidgeting and looking both tired and fearful.

"C-Captain… I…"

Unohana simply smiles as she always does, and bids for Isane to sit. Then, she raises a single brow.

"Isane. You seem distressed. Are you worried about something?"

Fidgeting for a moment longer, Isane finally blurts out her true feelings.

"I… I know you're considering replacing me with Zerin! Please reconsider!"

Unohana blinks, caught off guard. That wasn't at all in the cards but looking back on her actions the past two months… she could see how someone as insecure as her precious Lieutenant might come to that conclusion. Still…

"That's not in the cards, my dear. Not at all. I'm not going to replace you with Zerin."

Her firmness and no-nonsense tone prompts a wave of relief from Isane, who blushes and looks down at her hands as her shoulders slump. She quickly takes a long drink of her tea, before shivering.

"Ah… I-I see, Captain. Apologies for my… outburst. I just… I've been feeling so strangely these past two months. I don't know how to explain it. I'm always burning up like I have a fever, and I'm always tired and hungry. I…"

Really, you could lead a horse to water, but sometimes you had to force it to drink, didn't you?

"You're horny, Isane. What you're currently experiencing in such large amounts is called arousal."

Her white-haired Lieutenant gapes at Unohana for a long moment before slowly turning red.

"W-What? Captain, I-!"

But Unohana cuts her off with a beatific smile.

"I imagine it's probably from the aphrodisiac I've been slipping into your food and drinks for the last two months."

Isane's eyes widen even further at that, but before the Lieutenant of the Fourth Division can question her Captain… the newest drugs in the tea she just drank take effect, and she proceeds to pass out on the spot.



As Isane wakes up to the sound of flesh slapping against flesh, it takes a long moment for the female Shinigami to come to and to remember everything that happened to lead up to her momentary bout of unconsciousness. Once she DOES remember it all, including the part where her Captain said she'd been drugging her, Isane wakes up more fully, rising from her laid out position with eyes snapping wide open.

There, in front of her, she witnesses Captain Unohana being railed by the young Zerin Kall. These past two months had been tough on Isane, because not only was she always so hot and hungry and tired (horny, her Captain had said) she'd also been worried about why Unohana was spending so much time around Zerin, and why she had assigned him to be Isane's personal assistant.

The Fourth Division's Lieutenant had ultimately come down on the assumption that Captain Unohana was replacing her with Zerin and having Isane help train her own replacement. Why she would do that, Isane didn't know, but it was the only thing that made sense to her.

Only, the Captain had outright said that she wasn't doing that before Isane passed out, and despite everything that was happening now, Isane believed her. The white-haired Shinigami can only blush as she watches Zerin fuck Unohana from behind, the entire situation feeling somewhat… surreal.

"Ah good, you're awake Isane. Mm, finally."

"C-Captain, I… w-what's going on?!"

"Simple, really. I won't always be around. One day I will be gone and you will be Captain of the Fourth Division."

Isane's eyes widen at that frank admission. Her initial reaction is to deny it. Captain Unohana was eternal. She'd been around for so much longer than Isane… she felt like an institution of sorts. It seemed far more likely to Isane that SHE would be the one who would one day be gone and have to be replaced as Lieutenant of the Fourth Division.

But before she can protest, the Captain overrides her. Her voice is completely calm and composed, despite Zerin fucking her so roughly and deeply.

"I'm not worried about who your Lieutenant will be. Though Zerin here might be a good candidate. However, I am worried about you and finding love."


"That's why, when Zerin came to me two months ago and asked me how to best approach you and ask you out, I decided to take him under my wing and train him to be the best partner for you that he can be."


Isane tries again to protest, but this time it's not Captain Unohana who overrides her. Rather, it's her own body. A gasp leaves the white-haired Lieutenant's lips as she feels her entire body burning with arousal. It had already been happening, to be fair, but now it finally reaches the point where she can't ignore it anymore.

She's turned on by watching Zerin fuck Unohana. She's hopelessly aroused by the sight of the handsome, well-built young man plowing their Captain from behind. When he finally cums inside of her and pulls out, Isane gets her first look at Zerin's sizable cock and finds her mouth watering at the sight.

Captain Unohana, meanwhile, rises to her feet, uncaring of her nudity, looking as regal and self-assured as ever.

"I'll be putting a Kido on this room now. Nothing too serious… just a three-day long seal so you two won't be disturbed and won't be able to leave. I've stocked the room with provisions as well, so you needn't worry about that either. Enjoy yourselves~"

With that, the Captain grabs Zerin by his hair and pulls him into a kiss… and Isane is watching closely enough to see a pill go from Unohana's mouth and down his throat. The young Shinigami tries to question her, but the pill is fast-acting from the look of things, because he begins to shudder in pleasure, his cock quickly growing back to full mast.

Captain Unohana leaves them there like that, and as she said, uses a Kido that seals the room. Even then, if it wasn't for the aphrodisiacs, Isane isn't sure she would have let what happens next happen. She probably would have just rebuked Zerin and spent the three days keeping him away from her.

But as it is, when he stumbles over to her and drops to his hands and knees before her, she can't help but stare at him as he looks at her with wide eyes.

"Lieutenant… I've loved you since the moment I laid eyes on you. Please, let me show you."

When he grabs her legs, she doesn't push him away. However, Isane can't help but be shocked when he doesn't go straight to fucking her. Instead, he buries his head between her thighs and begins eating her out right then and there, causing Isane to squeak and then moan as his tongue dives deep into her clenching pussy depths.

She'd been unknowingly edging herself for the last two months now. Isane was not a naturally asexual creature, but she was so caught up in her work, and so filled with insecurity and self-loathing, that she had effectively pushed away any sexual desires she might have had for a long, long time. 

So long in fact, that she hadn't even realized arousal was what she was experiencing these last two months. If she had figured it out, Isane would certainly have taken care of it on her own time, handling that horny feeling with a session of masturbation here and there. Of course, that would have only made her hornier and more aroused, because that was how the aphrodisiac was supposed to work.

By not so much as touching herself as the drugs built up in her system the past eight weeks, Isane eventually forced her Captain's hand, making Unohana resort to these drastic measures.

Meanwhile, now that she's finally getting some sexual attention… Isane tips over the edge in no time flat. The white-haired Lieutenant positively squeals as Zerin quickly brings her over the edge, making her climax all over his face. And then he keeps going. He eats her out like there's no tomorrow, making her orgasm over and over again.

By the time he finally pulls his mouth away, his face is covered in her pussy juices and he's grinning happily. Isane, meanwhile, is bright red and flustered as all hell, her pussy still aroused beyond belief. 

"I want you, Isane. I want to fuck you… can I?"

Isane shudders but can't bring herself to deny him. In the end, she nods her head shakily… and a moment later, he's inside of her. The male Shinigami might be rather young, but he's nothing if not experienced. He immediately starts to fuck her at a pace that meets her needs perfectly. Not too slow, not too fast.

On top of that, his hands roam across Isane's body, playing with her naked flesh as she gasps and moans and writhes under him.

This… this was why her Captain had taken Zerin aside these past two months for hours upon hours of special 'instruction. Isane had foolishly believed Unohana was training a replacement Lieutenant and planning to do away with her. Instead, it was something even crazier than that. It was… the Captain taking a pliable young man who had expressed interest in her and turning him into a Sex God.

Of course, it took two to tango. Even someone as good as Captain Unohana couldn't turn shit into diamonds. Obviously, Zerin was some sort of prodigy when it came to the carnal arts… or maybe he was just a genius of hard work, the kind of guy who could do anything if he had the right mentor to push him for a length of time.

Either way, Isane loves every last inch of Zerin's cock punching in and out of her gushing quim. She cums more times than she can count before he finally fills her… but that's just the beginning. They fuck the entire day away, exchanging oral sex but always going back to vaginal sex, with him creampieing her again and again.

It's the next day that Zerin introduces her to anal sex as well, after making liberal use of the lube that Captain Unohana had left behind for the two of them. Isane isn't sure at first, but when Zerin confides in her that anal sex was something the Captain made sure he was trained in, she knows that it was meant to be part of this. Or maybe she just tells herself that because she's still so fucking horny.

They rotate between anal sex, oral sex, and vaginal sex all throughout the second day. They ruin the room that Captain Unohana sealed them in, fucking across every single surface. Frankly, they lose track of time, and even though Unohana did make sure they were adequately provisioned, they ignore such things. Food, water, sleep… all that matters is each other at this point.

Isane still struggles to wrap her brain around why Captain Unohana would do this. To be fair, she struggles to wrap her brain around the idea of the Captain dying in the first place. And yet… all things end, don't they? As Shinigami, they know this better than most.

But endings don't always have to be sad. And when something ends, it always gives way to a new beginning.

By the end of the third day of their enforced confinement with one another, something new HAS begun. The two have become one, their thoughts and feelings for one another fully crystallized and entwined. Zerin becomes akin to Isane's right hand, not just her assistant, but her lover and closest confidante from that day onward. They don't get married in the typical sense, but they do become as close as husband and wife, just as Unohana intended.

From that moment on, everyone in the Soul Society knows that Isane Kotetsu has found a lover at long last, one approved by the terrifying Retsu Unohana at that. From that day forward, it's not just Lieutenant Isane anymore… it's Lieutenant Isane and Zerin Kall, with the younger Shinigami rarely if ever leaving her side for any reason.

Their bond is most tested after Unohana's eventual passing, which does come a few months later, just as she had anticipated it would. The Fourth Captain leaves a letter for her successor of course, entrusting Isane with the Captainship and telling her how proud she is of her. There is no one else who could possibly even begin to step into Captain Unohana's shoes, so of course Isane is given the position right off the bat.

In response, Isane immediately goes to Zerin, finding comfort in his arms. Zerin holds her tightly and gives her everything she needs. As Unohana had suggested she might, Isane asks him to be her Lieutenant right away, a position he of course accepts. He doesn't bother informing her of Unohana's letter to him though. In the end, it was only a single line.

Keep her safe. Keep her loved.

-Captain Unohana

One final set of orders, ones that he would gladly follow forevermore.


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