Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Naga’s Curse (Tomb Raider)


Themes: Monster Sex, Master/Slave, Breeding

Summary: Lara Croft is deep in a jungle in India, working her way through the puzzle locks of an ancient temple, when she finally bites off more than she can chew.


"C'mon… there!"

With a click and the shift of ancient stone, Lara Croft solves the puzzle lock keeping her from her latest discovery. The British Tomb Raider smirks as she wipes the sweat from her brow. It had given her trouble, but she'd managed it all the same… and given what it had taken her to get here, she feels pretty safe in saying that she's the first one to do so in centuries, if not longer.

Deep in one of India's large, sprawling jungles, Lara has carved her way through plant life with her trusted machete to finally make her way to these ancient temple ruins. After setting up camp and studying the place for a couple days, she's at long last started to make headway.

First, she'd had to translate the runes in the temple's antechamber, of course. If they were to be believed, then this temple held some sort of 'ancient evil' and she should 'turn back now'.

Heh, as though Lara hadn't come across such warnings a hundred times before. It was never anything serious. Any 'great evil' that might have been sealed away in these temples would be long dead by now. Often times, the most dangerous thing left behind in ancient ruins were the traps.

That's why Lara keeps her head on a swivel as she scoots her way in through the partially open stone doors. Eyes all around her, she looks for anything that might seem like a pressure plate, or dart hole, or collapsible ceiling.

She doesn't see anything, and after gingerly making her way across the dusty old chamber, she arrives at the next door and another puzzle lock. Setting aside the thrill and satisfaction she feels at being the first human being to step foot in this place in hundreds upon hundreds of years, the tomb raider bites her lower lip and gets to work on this second puzzle.

Now that she's managed to solve the first, the second is actually easier truth be told. A smile of satisfaction spreads across Lara's face as she figures it out in no time at all, almost vicious in how she slots the last piece of the puzzle into place.

That smile of satisfaction lasts just long enough for the floor to give out under her. Then it's wiped away by wide-eyed surprise as she's suddenly dropped down a chute, yelping as her hands scramble along the sides, only to find completely smooth surfaces and no ability to arrest her movement. Worse still, the opening in the floor closes above her head, plunging Lara into total darkness.

Quickly pulling out a flashlight, she turns it on just in time to see the chute beginning to twist and curve… and an opening at the end that deposits her out into a similarly dark chamber. Thanks to the flashlight, Lara is able to land on her feet instead of sprawling out on her ass.

Without hesitation, the ever-prepared tomb raider pulls out an electric lantern and sets that up at her feet, turning it on to illuminate the chamber she's in. It doesn't do a very good job, not because the lantern itself is lacking in battery power or anything, but rather because the chamber is a fair bit bigger than she's anticipating.

Still, the middle is illuminated and as Lara gets her bearings, she goes to pick up the lantern to take it with her.

Only before she can do so, she hears movement… a slithering across the ground of something large that has her immediately straightening up and yanking her guns from their holsters. Panning around herself, Lara bites her lower lip, trying to figure out what was down here with her. The last thing she's expecting to hear however… is a voice. It comes from everywhere and nowhere all at once, and Lara internally curses at the chamber's confusing acoustics.

"Mm… fresssh meat. You fell for the defensesss laid by my captors. Foolissssh mortal human."

There was no way. There was just no way. Lara grits her teeth and sets her stance, head on a swivel as she gets ready to shoot.

"Come at me then. You'll find I'm no easy meal!"

There's a pause at that, and then the voice responds in a curious tone. 

"A woman? You are… female."

Lara blinks at that. She should certainly hope so, all things considered. But why is that important? She opens her mouth to make a sarcastic quip, but before the tomb raider can get the words out, there's the sudden sound of a heavy rattle that fills the air. The moment the reverberations hit her ears, Lara gasps. A full body shudder goes through her buxom figure as she climaxes on the spot, her hands spasming and her firearms falling from her grasp in the process.

Before she can recover, let alone reach for her dropped weapons, a massive snake-like tail whips out from the darkness and wraps around her, pulling her into a confining, constricting embrace.

Lara struggles mightily, truly she does, but there's no escaping it. The next thing she knows, her lantern has been picked up and is being held by a monstrous creature… a Naga, Lara belatedly realizes. The exact creature that the runes carved into the walls up above had claimed was sealed here in this place.

She hadn't believed it, of course. Even if she did believe that such creatures were real, Naga were supposed to reside in the netherworld, supposedly. Why would anyone lock one up down here, instead of just sending it away from this plane of existence altogether?

And yet, the proof was in the pudding. The Naga was very real, considering it had her tightly grasped by its huge tail, and had its face mere inches away from her own, studying her.

"Intriguing. I do not believe, when they designed their failssssafe, that my captors ever believed a woman would visit thissss temple. An exciting point of failure, heh."

Lara didn't quite understand what he was talking about, but she knew she had to get free and get away from the creature, lest he decide to consume her like he'd suggested he might at the start.

"Let… let me go!"

It's easier said than done though, his strength just as monstrous as his visage. In fact, at hearing her demands, he tightens his coils around her even further.

"Let you go? Don't be ridiculous… you are the key to my escape. At long last, I will be free… thanks to the children you provide me."

Lara's eyes widen at that new revelation, but before she can protest that she will never, ever do such a thing with him, movement catches her attention out of the corner of her eye. Looking over, the tomb raider blanches at the sight of the Naga's rattle mere inches away from the side of her head. And then… it shakes.

The reverberations are much closer this time, and all but impossible to resist. Lara squeals rather uncharacteristically as she cums HARD, her eyes rolling back in her head for a moment from the sheer amount of pleasure. At the same time, the Naga chuckles darkly.


There's a power to the word that wasn't in his previous speech, and Lara finds herself bending to his Will as the rattle hypnotizes her and robs her of her mental faculties. Submit… yes, she needs to submit to him. She needs to be whatever he wants her to be. It feels… right.

"Good… very good."

The Naga croons as Lara's resistance fades to nothingness. He uncoils his long tail from around her body, but she still doesn't try to fight him… not even when he rips off her clothing, leaving her in nothing but her birthday suit. 

"You will be the firsssst of many mothers to my children. Ours will be the children who free ussss from this imprisonment, and then after that, we shall create an army that will allow usssss to take over the entire world."

Absently, part of Lara notes that she's pretty sure she knows why he got himself locked away now. That's not what she says, however. What she says is…

"Ah… Master… the world above… has changed greatly in the time you were imprisoned. Weapons that can wipe out entire cities in the blink of an eye."

The divine creature (or was it half-divine? Lara couldn't remember) blinks at that, pausing for a moment.

"Intriguing. I will demand more answersss from you later. For now… freedom is sssso close. Kneel and worsssship your Master, slave."

Lara doesn't hesitate to do as she's told, dropping to her knees before the Naga, before her new Master. The rattle is still going on, keeping her in that hypnotized state, making her incredibly aroused. As such, she's not nearly as disgusted as she probably should have been when the Naga's dual cocks reveal themselves to her, flopping down across her face and naked breasts.

Instead of being repulsed by her Master's twin genitalia, she just moans happily in response and proceeds to suck on one while tit-fucking the other. It is, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the most fulfilling experience of Lara Croft's life. Tomb raiding? Making archaeological discoveries? Hunting down treasures?

None of that matters to her, not anymore. What matters are her Master's cocks and pleasuring his phalluses to the best of her considerable abilities. Wrapping her large breasts around his lower dick, and bobbing up and down his top dick, Lara stares up into the Naga's eyes with love and adoration, feeling more devoted to him and his cause than she's ever felt to anything in her entire life. She's finally right where she belongs.

Several minutes of this enthusiastic titfucking and oral sex later, the Naga lets out a groan and proceeds to cum, covering her in his seed. And that's no overstatement either. Between his two phalluses, the dual load that the monster releases is truly out of this world, coating Lara from her head to her lap in white, hot jizz.

This, it seems, is intentional, because the next thing the Naga does is pull back, slithering a couple steps away and nodding his approval at her current state.

"Now rissse, slave. Dance for your Massster, treat my gift as massage oils for your fragile human sssskin."

Lara does as she's told. Even now, the rattle is going at a low hum in the background, keeping her in a state of constant hypnosis and arousal. Dancing for her Master just feels right, and so does rubbing his seed into her flesh like it's a lotion or something.

For a time, the Naga watches her do this with an intensity that sends shivers down Lara's spine, even as she moans. Then, he waves his hands in a certain way and the 'lotion' she's been using begins to glow, before truly absorbing into her flesh. She's covered every inch of her body in the stuff by this point through her dancing and massaging, and it seems that her Master has a spell that utilizes it in some way she can't possibly understand.

"There. With thissss, you will be youthful and beautiful forevermore. All the better to sssserve your Master, slave. Now come."

There might be some small part of Lara trying to fight it. Some part of her trying to resist the Naga's siren call, the hypnotic sound of his rattle. But if there is, that part has absolutely no control by this point, because the infamous brunette tomb raider doesn't hesitate to walk over to her Master. 

As the last drop of his first set of loads is absorbed into her flesh, completing the spell that will turn her immortal and ever beautiful, the Naga reaches out and grabs her with both sets of his massive claws, lifting her up off of the ground and into the air… right above his throbbing twin phalluses.

Panting needily, Lara looks down at where the twitching members await her. Then, she looks up into her new Master's eyes and licks her lips.

"Master, I-!"

But the Naga doesn't even give her a chance to say whatever she was going to say. Whether she was going to beg, or pronounce her love for him, or whatever… in the end, it just doesn't matter. The next thing Lara knows, she's impaled upon his cocks. First the top one slides into her cunt, and then the bottom one presses against her asshole.

There's a bit more natural resistance there, but only for a split second before it pops past her anus and into her bowels.

Lara's eyes roll back in her skull again as she cums on the spot from the dual impalement. The Naga's masts push up into her holes in unison after that initial resistance, filling her up and stretching her out like nobody's business. The brunette gurgles in response, shuddering and quivering upon his members.

"Good. It issss a poor broodmare that cannot handle her Massster's lengthsss."

Yes. Yes, Lara doesn't want to be a poor broodmare. She wants to be the best slave her Master has ever had. She wants to please him and satisfy him. She wants to remake herself into the perfect collection of holes for his cocks.

The rattling in the background intensifies as the Naga begins to properly fuck her. Though in this case, that really just takes the form of him sliding her up and down his cocks back and forth like some sort of living sex doll. The different in their sizes means Lara is left dangling in his grasp, her arms and legs splayed out as she's helpless to do anything but get fucked by him.

Her pussy walls clench down around his top cock and her anal walls clench around his bottom, but it's not like she's strong enough to clench down on either of his lengths with enough power to hold him in place or push him out. All she can do is add to his pleasure… which is precisely what Lara wants to do. 

After all, her Master is letting her experience such pleasure… pleasure untold, really. Everything she's ever done can't measure up to the satisfaction Lara Croft is feeling in this moment. She's been reduced from a heroine to a cock sheath, from an adventurer and explorer to a cum dump and a broodmare.


And she couldn't be happier, either. This right here, being used by her Master, is what feels right to Lara. The rattling helps of course, making her more and more aroused, but more than that… she just feels like she's finally somewhere she belongs. 

Of course, there's also the fact that she owes her Master quite a lot. His spell has conveyed upon her immortality and eternal beauty. There are loads of women who would give up their souls, their wombs, their bodies for such things. Tons and tons of women who would absolutely kill to be in Lara's position.

She hadn't been one of them though… but that didn't matter anymore. What Lara had once been matters little in the face of the rattle. As the Naga continues to bounce her up and down on his cocks, working his way towards breeding her womb and creampieing her anus, the rattle's shaking rewrites Lara's mind, making the hypnosis more and more permanent as this continues on.

Any part of her that might have fought back is long gone. She never stood a chance, really. Lara has been in a lot of tough situations. Most of the time, she's put herself in those tough situations. She's done so here, as well.

Obviously, the builders of this temple… no, rather, this prison… they never expected a woman to try and break into the Naga's jail. They were from centuries upon centuries ago though, a different time where that sort of casual sexism just made sense. Female adventurers like Lara didn't exist back then… frankly, they barely existed even now.

In their eyes, sending any man who dared to try and solve the temple's puzzles up top down below to be consumed by the Naga was merely just desserts. Any man foolish enough to ignore all those warnings deserved what was coming to him, to become just another meal in the Naga's belly.

But never in a million years did they see Lara coming. Never in a million years did they think a woman would come along, solve their puzzles, and fall into their trap. In not accounting for an adventurer of the more feminine persuasion, the builders of this prison had effectively delivered the means for her Master's escape right into his claws.

"Yessss! Here it comessss! Take it! Take my seed, broodmare! Become the mother of my children!"

Lara feels exultant as the Naga finally cums inside of her. He fills both of her holes with his cum, stuffing her womb to the brim as well as doing the same with her bowels. Lara has never been more bloated, never been fuller… and never been more satisfied either.

She'd never particularly wanted to be a mother… until now. Now though, becoming her Master's broodmare was all that mattered to her. Lara's eyes roll back in her head one final time as he finishes inside of her, her entire body shaking and spasming in his claws as she cums harder than she ever has before.

Finally, he releases his hold on her and Lara slides off of his cocks and onto the floor, hitting the ground with a wet slap as she lays there, panting heavily and slowly recovering. When she can finally think straight again, she finds her Master looming over her, peering down at her curiously.

"Hm. Tell me about the world above now, sssslave. Tell me about these weapons capable of destroying entire citiesss in the blink of an eye."

Ah, of course. If the Naga wanted to take over the world, he would need her knowledge. Lara smiles and doesn't hesitate to tell her Master everything.


A slightly pregnant Lara Croft walks down the path with a smile on her face, her body clad in see-through silks and golden jewelry adorning her beautiful flesh. 

They'd made it out of the temple ruins together, just as her Master had said. The first batch of his children had been born within the day, and the incredibly small snake-like creatures had been able to worm their way through far smaller cracks than she or her Master possibly could. They had wormed their way through the temple's inner workings, and ultimately freed their Father from his imprisonment at long last.

From there, the Naga had done the smart thing and taken what Lara had informed him about the state of the modern world to heart. She thinks he probably would have named her a liar… but obviously, he knew she couldn't and wouldn't lie to him. Not anymore, not ever again really. At the end of the day, she told him everything without reservation, warning him of the technology that humans had invented, the sheer amount of information and weaponry at humanity's fingertips.

Her Master still wanted to take over the world of course, he wouldn't be her Master if he didn't, but he understood now that they could not simply do so by making an army of his children and waging war until all were under his control. Rather… they could still do that, but far more subtly.

Instead of waging a normal war, her Master intended to wage a shadow war… and they'd already begun by taking over the village that Lara had stayed in before she'd made her way through the jungle to the temple. A private meeting with the Mayor, followed by a public meeting with the village's inhabitants, and all of them were under her Master's sway, just as she was.

A tray of food and drink in her hands, Lara finally arrives at her destination. What was once the Mayor's large and well-furnished home now belonged to her Master of course, and she, as his slave and broodmare, was his most loyal and devoted servant, always.

"Ah, good, you're finally here. Bring it to me."

Her Master takes the tray of food and drink for himself, setting it aside as he lounges back almost lazily. But Lara knows he's anything but lazy. She's already given birth to hundreds of his children by this point and will give birth to another batch within the day as well. And she's not the only woman in the village he's bred either.

Soon, her Master's children will sweep across India, not in a tide of war, but in a tide of domination and hypnosis. Soon, India will fall to the rattle.

Speaking of which, her Master raises his tail and the rattle begins, causing Lara to moan happily and begin touching herself right then and there as she shudders in orgasmic delight. Snorting derisively, her Master waves a hand through the air, even as he starts to eat.

"Dance for me, ssslave."

Lara does as she's told, her silken clothes and gold jewelry designed to accentuate her dancing for her Master. She dances her heart out even as he eats and drinks, having his fill. Until finally, he snaps his fingers and Lara drops to her hands and knees without missing a beat.

Crawling over, the once proud, independent woman happily begins sucking off her Master's top cock while wrapping her tits around the bottom one. She no longer gets fulfillment from going places she's not supposed to, and uncovering secrets lost to the world for centuries or even millennia. Now, she gets fulfillment from serving her Master… in every possible way she can.


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