Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Shadow of Domination (Shadow of Mordor)


Themes: Bad End, Mind Break, Dragon Sex

Summary: In which Eltariel, Blade of Galadriel, tries to dominate a drake for purposes of travel through the dangerous lands of Mordor, only for it to backfire on her massively.


After one last look down at the fortress below, Eltariel pulls back from the edge of the ridge, breathing out slowly and making not a single noise as she goes. The Elven Assassin and Blade of Galadriel has been in enemy territory for a long time after all. She knows better than to get caught out in a place like this. She'll be eaten alive… possibly literally.

It's been quite a while since Eltariel found herself alone in Mordor. She was the last Blade of Galadriel deployed before the end of the Third Age, and perhaps the last one alive in Mordor altogether. She was not without her allies even in these forsaken lands, however. The human man Talion, revived by the possession of Celebrimbor, would be quite curious about the intelligence she'd managed to gleam about the fortress below.

She just had to return to him to let him know what she'd found out, and they could take things from there. Unfortunately, he was a distance away, with many enemies between the two of them. Traversing that distance on foot would not just be dangerous, it would take too long.

No, Eltariel needed another method… she needed to fly. Unfortunately, her options in that regard were also limited. The number of creatures that could carry an elf's weight and fly such a distance were few and far in between. Fortunately, one of the first things Eltariel had done after arriving was scout out one such creature… a nearby drake.

Making her way across the ridge to the thing's nest takes a few minutes, and once Eltariel arrives, she's pleased to see that the creature is currently lazing about, lounging on a nearby rock. Creeping ever closer, the Blade of Galadriel prepares herself for what is sure to be a challenging confrontation.

This was not going to be a physical fight, but rather a fight of wills. She would have the upper hand because she had the element of surprise, but that didn't mean her success was assured. Eyes narrowing, Eltariel positions herself properly… and then reaches out, gritting her teeth as she begins to try and Dominate the drake right then and there.

Feeling the intrusion upon its mind, the bestial creature lets out a terrifying cry as it rises from its lounging position. Immediately, Eltariel feels it struggle under her iron grip, even as she clamps down with all her might.

"Submit, beast! Submit!"

Drakes were fearsome predators, and largely untamable without the aid of magic. Even the orcs couldn't actually tame the creatures. Some tried and failed, while others caged the beasts in wolf-headed cages, using them as living flamethrowers to guard their gates and encampments.

None used them for flying, and indeed, none were all that eager to attack one when they saw it overhead either. Drakes were hardy creatures after all, and to take a shot at one while it was flying by was to invite it to make a meal of you. That's why they were the perfect form of fast transportation in this dismal, barren land.

This is not the first drake that Eltariel has tested her will against… but the Blade of Galadriel immediately notices that it's a lot tougher than the others she's dominated. Particularly stubborn and ornery, it turns to look in her direction, baring its fangs even as she does her best to clamp down and complete the magical domination.


The drake, however, lets out another angry cry and takes a step towards her. She's in too deep to back out now. Even if she cut off the domination magic right this moment, the drake would just be on her all the faster… too fast for her to escape. In fact, the only thing keeping it from reaching her and rending her limb from limb is the current battle of wills between them.

There's something infuriating about this barely intelligent beast matching her mind with his own. And something… deeply troubling and frightening. Eltariel shudders, but nevertheless persists… until the drake lets out a third cry that shakes her brain in her skull and disrupts her concentration.

Eltariel lets out a cry of her own as the domination doesn't just fail… it lashes back on her. The Elven Assassin's body tenses up, rocking back… and then collapses to its knees as she shudders uncontrollably. Trying to magically tame this particular drake turns out to be a massive mistake, as its so stubborn and so ornery that it manages to reverse the magic.

The Blade of Galadriel's eyes glow as the domination magic settles over HER instead. A connection forms between the two of them, just as Eltariel originally intended, but it's not the connection she'd wanted. Instead, it's the drake who dominates her, who controls her as she quivers on her knees, her mind suppressed by the weight of its will.

No, not 'it'… but rather, 'his'. Now that they're connected, Eltariel can feel the drake's thoughts, can feel his rage and anger at her attempt to usurp his mind and will for her own purposes. He's still little more than a beast, with an intelligence that's beneath even that of most orcs. However, he's smart enough to understand from their connection what she wanted to do with him… how she wanted to use him as a mount.

A shudder runs through the Elven Assassin's body as his anger turns into something… vindictive. A gasp leaves Eltariel's lips, and suddenly her hands are reaching for her own armor. As the drake who now owns her prowls forward, Eltariel stumbles through the steps of removing her armor and underclothes, pulling everything off of her elven body piece by piece.

Her current Master's will is clearly laid out in her dominated mind. If she thought to make him a mount… then he would make HER the mount instead.

Heat washes through her as she strips naked, and not just because Mordor is a particularly hot place to begin with and she's exposing her elven body to those elements. No, this heat has nothing to do with outside temperature… and everything to do with forced arousal.

A moan leaves Eltariel's lips and she shudders and quivers in pleasure and ecstasy as she falls forward onto her hands and crawls on all fours towards her new Master. Raising himself up, the drake's majestic cock unsheathes down between his legs, the massive beast's draconic member unfurling until it runs right into Eltariel's lips.

With another moan, Eltariel puts the tip into her mouth. It's far too big for her to actually suck it properly. She would dislocate her jaw trying. Instead, Eltariel uses her hands on her Master's cock, stroking its ridged length up and down, suckling at the tip and swirling her tongue this way and that.

She does what feels right… she does what feels natural. Serving her Master is what she's made for… isn't it? Somewhere deep inside of her own dominated mind, a part of Eltariel rails against this. She's an Elven Assassin, a Blade of Galadriel… she is made for more than this… this demeaning act!

And yet, the domination magic holds her fast, and the drake's bestial, vindictive mind does the rest. She is nothing but a warm body for him to enjoy himself on now. Elven Assassin? Blade of Galadriel? These words have no meaning to the drake, and thus have no meaning to Eltariel anymore either. 

Instead, she focuses on pleasuring her Master's massive drake dick. She swirls her tongue this way and that and glides her silken hands up and down his length. Of course, it's not enough to truly satisfy him… not even slightly. It's certainly enough to arouse the drake to the point where it decides it wants more… it wants the real thing.

By this point, Eltariel's cunt is sopping wet with arousal brought on by the drake's own desire to fuck her. Connected as they are by the domination magic, the drake's eagerness to mount her translates in turn to eagerness to BE mounted. Pulling back from the drake's cock with a wanton, throaty moan, Eltariel slowly but surely turns around. 

Part of her hesitates. Maybe part of her even tries to resist. In the end, it doesn't matter. The naked elf lowers herself into a position of reverse prostration before her Master. Face and tits pressing into the harsh, cutting rock of Mordor's terrain, and ass lifted high up into the air, as high as she can get it.

Back arching, kneeling legs spread a bit, Eltariel provides unrestricted access to her cunt so that her Master might mount her and make her his bitch properly. A moment later the tapered yet massive tip of the drake's huge, ridged member presses against her drooling slit.

She's so aroused it's not even funny, so perhaps it's not surprising that she cums almost immediately upon even the slightest penetration. A low cry leaves Eltariel's lips as the drake barely pushes an inch of his huge draconic cock into her pussy, and she climaxes on the spot.

Then, he keeps going. Pushing down on her with one set of his talons in order to hold her in place, the drake thrusts forward, delivering several inches of his member to her cunt in one go. His girthy length, truly huge in every way, stretches Eltariel out to her limits and then some as she lets out a loud, lewd cry.

The pain of being taken by such a huge phallus leaves the Blade of Galadriel weeping, even as she orgasms all over the cock. Her climaxes can only make the passage so much easier, however. For a moment, the pain even seems like it might be enough to break the connection between them, and free her from the drake's domination.

… But that doesn't happen, because ultimately as the drake starts to truly fuck her, having mounted her properly so he can begin to thrust in and out, the pleasure that HE is experiencing begins to bombard Eltariel's mind and drown out the pain.

Eltariel's cries turn completely towards ecstasy and bliss. She moans wantonly, like some whore rather than the Elven Assassin she's supposed to be. She shudders and shakes, spasming as he fucks her without hesitation and without mercy. It shouldn't be so good, but it is. It shouldn't feel as amazing as it does, but that doesn't change the facts.

Losing track of her surroundings, Eltariel cums more times than she can count as the drake savagely and ruthlessly fucks her, treating her like nothing more than a vehicle for his pleasure. That part is very clear through their connection, even with his mind being as bestial as it is. He does not see her as a mate or anything quite so romantic as that.

No, she was an enemy… and now she is a prize, to be enjoyed and used up. That's all there is for her. The rest of her life, spent as this drake's plaything. One would think the sheer indignity of such a thought might be enough to let Eltariel break free and turn the tables on the beast… but this isn't that kind of tale.

The more he fucks her, the more his desires permeate her mind through the connection, and the more of herself Eltariel loses. The part of her that's still fighting tries to hold on as best she can, but it's a losing battle and there's no changing that. Every orgasm she's forced to endure disrupts what little focus she has remaining. Every climax that wracks her body with reluctant pleasure also wracks her mind, rocking it and shattering it a bit more.

With one last monstrous cry from her Master, and a loud squeal from Eltariel, the drake finally cums. He cums and cums and cums, filling her womb with his seed, and then some. She's never been more bloated, never been more stuffed. In truth, Eltariel has not laid with a man or had semen touch her womb in a long, long time.

Eyes rolling back in her head, tongue lolling out of her mouth, the Blade of Galadriel makes a pathetic expression for a brief moment from the overwhelming pleasure. Then, the drake pulls out of her cunt and rears back as Eltariel twitches there on the ground before him.

However… the domination is still in play. And so, when the Drake scoops her up, she does not resist. When he carries her away from her armor, her clothes, and her gear, she does not fight him. Part of her still resists in the depths of her fractured mind even now, and the drake seems to understand that because she can feel his intent to take her back to his cave lair and finish breaking her in properly through the connection.

She will fight him for control of her mind to her dying breath… but in the end, it won't matter. No one will ever see the Blade of Galadriel again. Certainly not her allies. Both Talion and Celebrimbor will spare a thought to wonder what became of her, but they'll never find out. An ignoble end for the Elven Assassin, all because she made a mistake and picked the one drake she couldn't possibly dominate.


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