Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Roxie Mayday & the Gargareans (Original Sci-Fi)


Themes: Alien Sex, Rough Sex, Fucked Silly

Summary: In which a freedom fighter called Roxie Mayday goes on a mission to investigate a nearby ship belonging to alien invaders.


“Roxie Mayday reporting for duty, Commander!”
As Roxie all but skips into the Briefing Hall, the room’s other two occupants both turn to regard her with a certain mixture of fondness and exasperation. In turn, Roxie takes a moment to study her superiors, checking to see what mood they’re both in.
The first is Dominique Kajira, Commander of the Babydolls. The Babydolls being the resistance group that Roxie is a part of. Resistance against what, you might ask? Why, alien invasion of course! Commander Kajira is a statuesque beauty at six feet tall with a voluptuous hourglass figure. Big ass and big tits, but she’s so much more than just her body. Still, even the eyepatch over her right eye isn’t enough to detract from the white-haired woman’s beauty.
The second is Baron La Croix, Commander Kajira’s second in command. A tall, broad-chested black man, the Baron is a consummate professional and an altogether exceptional warrior. He usually wears similar colored clothing to Dominique and he’s ALWAYS gotta have a pair of sunglasses on. Oh yeah, and he’s got a big cock, not that Roxie can see it right now. That’s okay though, because she knows it from experience.
Just like she knows from experience that Dominique loves being called ‘Commander’, even outside of the bedroom. It’s a total turn on for her! And Roxie is ALWAYS up for making sure her Commander is, heh, turned on~
Roxie herself is a lot shorter than both of her superiors, with long brown hair, light tan skin, and a fancy cowboy hat atop her head. She doesn’t wear much beyond a sports bra and a tight pair of shorts, preferring not to cover herself up more than absolutely necessary. Of course, this means that the womb tattoo she has just above her crotch is partially visible at all times, revealing just how naughty she can really be~
That said… as much as Roxie would love to turn this briefing into a ‘briefing’, a moment of gauging the Commander and her second-in-command tells her that that’s not possible. Dominique was always a bit high strung on account of being in charge, but even the Baron was looking at Roxie with a slightly somber expression today. Something was up. Something big.
“Good, Roxie, you’re here. Come over to the table so we can explain your mission.”
Roxie does as she’s told, bouncing and skipping her way over in a manner that has her chest bouncing with her in spite of the sports bra. Finally arriving at the table, she looks down to see… the schematics for an alien ship? Blinking owlishly, she looks up at the Commander.
“What’s all this then, Commander?”
“Your next mission, Roxie. A Gargarean Ship has landed nearby just a couple of hours ago. We don’t know if they know about our base or if it’s just coincidence, but we need to either take care of them or begin the evacuation. That’s where you come in… you’re going to infiltrate the ship and find out for us whether we need to go in guns blazing or run the fuck away.”
Roxie soaks this all in… and then puffs out her cheeks, crossing her arms over her chest in a huff.
“Infiltration work, Commander?! That doesn’t sound like my kind of gig! What about Shade, huh? Where’s she at? Why isn’t she handling this?”
Dominique lets out a sigh, looking over at La Croix with her one good eye. He just shrugs in response.
“… Shade is currently away on another mission. I know full well that this isn’t your kind of rodeo, Roxie. But you’re the best operative we have on base right now. The Babydolls are relying on you. Can we count on you for this or not?”
Roxie’s back straightens up at the Commander’s tone, her chest puffing up. The Babydolls needed her! And she was the best gal for the job! Say no more!
“Alright Commander! If it all relies on me… then I’ll make it happen, don’t you worry!”
Snorting in amusement, Commander Kajira reaches out and grabs Roxie by the back of her sports bra as the shorter woman turns to begin walking away. Yanking her back, Dominique rolls her one visible eye and shakes her head.
“Love the enthusiasm Roxie… but we really do need to go over the details with you before you go running off.”
Roxie pouts as she’s subsequently deposited into a nearby chair, only to have the Baron place his big, strong hands on her shoulders to keep her in place. Ugh! Details! She HATED this part…
A few hours later, Roxie finds herself on a ridge overlooking the beach where the Gargaraen Ship is parked, using night-vision goggles to spy on the alien creatures guarding the ship’s exterior.
Gargareans. They were bad news, to say the least. It’d been a few years ago that the alien species had invaded Earth and began conquering the planet. With their fleet and their advanced technology, the countries of Earth hadn’t been able to put up much of a fight against the Gargareans, and at this point all that was left were pockets of resistance like the Babydolls, fighting the good fight and struggling to kick the alien invaders off their planet.
It had taken a lot of effort and a fair few sacrifices, but ultimately they’d figured out what the Gargareans’ motivations were at least. They’d even managed to grab their history from a stolen alien database.
Basically, the Gargareans were a proud race of warriors that had grown up on a planet so deadly that Strength was the only thing that mattered. After managing to finally conquer their own planet, the species hadn’t settled down or become more complacent and content… no, they’d turned their eyes to the rest of the galaxy, leading to their species becoming Intergalactic Conquerors.
Unfortunately for them, being Intergalactic Conquerors meant coming into contact with the larger Intergalactic Community. And while the Gargareans were numerous and bred extremely quickly, they weren’t quite as advanced as some of their enemies. Especially not in the higher sciences. The Gargareans didn’t know WHO exactly did it, but someone had unleashed a deadly virus onto every planet under their control that wiped out the female Gargareans as a whole, leaving only the males behind.
With a weakened army and a dwindling population, the Gargareans had swiftly quit being conquerors and instead started looking for a way to save their species. A noble goal on the face of it, but as previously mentioned, the Gargareans weren’t the smartest tools in the shed. Their solution, as it turned out, was to look for another alien species close enough to them to be compatible sexually… so that they could breed new Gargareans from that species’ females.
Yeah. They were looking for a needle in a haystack to be sure, though it wasn’t like they had anyone to tell them how unlikely such a thing was. And even if they did, they weren’t likely to listen to begin with. This was because Gargareans were, as a general rule, big muscular aliens with big cocks and even bigger libidos. They’d conquered their home world by fucking their way into having enough numbers to dominate the planet. And they weren’t about to stop.
Despite looking a bit reptilian, they were also actually warm-blooded and mammalian in nature, making a planet like Earth rather hospitable to their kind. Their skin tones usually ranged from blue to black and they tended to wear little to no clothing except on their lower bodies. Usually, they sported loincloths, though some of the higher ranking Gargareans wore pants. Neither of these did a very good job of hiding their massive girths though.
And to make matters worse, Gargareans came in as many variations and permeations as humans did. Except all of their different types of Gargareans came with unique powers.
Unfortunately for humanity, the Gargareans’ idiotic plan had borne fruit. Their decision to find another species that they could breed with and force to bear their young should NEVER have worked… but as might have already been guessed, it had. Humankind was that species. Needless to say, as soon as the Gargareans found out they were compatible, they’d invaded Earth immediately and began taking as many women as possible.
These days, Earth was a constantly raided, barely civilized wasteland. Cities had been the first to go, with their female populations scooped up in a matter of days. Even towns and villages, the smallest communities you could imagine, didn’t survive long. Now what was left of FREE humanity was stuck operating in the shadows, utilizing underground bases and striking wherever they could.
Even knowing that there was an Intergalactic Community out there that had dealt with the Gargareans once before didn’t really help. Not only did the human resistance not have a way of contacting them, but there was also a question of whether these other aliens would actually help them… or if they would just wipe them out like they did the Gargarean females, in order to continue denying the Gargareans potential breeding partners.
No, in the end… humanity was on its own. Which was just the way Roxie liked it! Licking her lips, she studies the Gargarean Ship… and the guards currently on its exterior. To her surprise, they’re all buck-naked, giving her rather clear glimpses of their huge cocks through the night-vision goggles. She can’t help but gawk at them for a moment before focusing back on the task at hand.
Eventually, she sees an access port on the side of the ship that she’s confident she can get in through. Scurrying down, she does her best to keep to the shadows as she hurries over to it. Admittedly, Roxie Mayday has NEVER been one for sneaking or skulking about. That’s definitely more Shade’s job. But hey, these Gargarean lugheads are all pretty stupid, so even someone like her can probably sneak past, right?
Entering through the access port, she’s able to get into the Gargarean Ship’s ventilation system with little difficulty, using what the Commander and Baron drilled into her head via the ship’s schematics. Eventually, she reaches the Gargarean equivalent of a Briefing Hall, where she finds a bunch of Gargareans discussing their next plans.
Quickly, she turns on the recorder, not understanding their alien language, but knowing that the recorder will translate it for her as well as the Commander back at base. Fortunately, reading the translation makes it clear that the Gargareans have no idea that the Babydolls’ main base is nearby. Unfortunately, reading the translation ALSO makes it clear that the Gargareans are planning another raid on a nearby ruined city.
It was the Commander’s idea to take the civilians they managed to rescue and hide them in the ruined city that still stood mostly intact nearby. The place had been abandoned for ages at this point, so as long as the civilians kept their heads down, the Gargareans shouldn’t have bothered checking there for more people.
Unfortunately, it seemed like they were getting desperate. As far as Roxie could tell, they didn’t even know if there was anyone in the city, but they were still going to sweep it for anyone they’d missed all the same.
Roxie blushes as the conversation about possibly finding women in the ruined city causes the Gargareans in the meeting room to begin to visibly erect as the meeting goes on. She can’t help but stare a little at their shafts, licking her lips unconsciously. When she got back to base, she was definitely seducing the Commander… a-and the Baron too!
For now though, she needed to exfiltrate. Thankfully the recorder has already sent everything to the Commander and the Baron, so they will probably already be deciding their next plan of action. But Roxie definitely shouldn’t be on the enemy ship whenever they do what they’re going to do.
Moving back through the ventilation shaft, she gets perhaps a little… too eager, thinking about how they’re going to celebrate the success of this mission later. And as a result, she moves a little too fast. Halfway through her backtracking, the vent gives out on her and she drops into the room below with a startled squeak.
Landing with a thud, Roxie nevertheless immediately hops to her feet again, looking around herself with wide eyes. Thankfully, the room appears to be empty. A windowless cabin, it likely belongs to one of the higher ranking Gargareans. Fortunately he’s not here right now, so Roxie can just sneak on out and skedaddle… or so she figures.
Trying the door, she finds that it’s locked from the outside irritatingly enough, meaning she’s locked in. Furrowing her brow, wondering why it would be locked from the outside, Roxie tries to think of a plan… only to hear something that stops her dead in her tracks.
The growling is very distinctive and Roxie whips around, eyes wide as she looks for an enemy. She quickly reaches for her katana… only to realize that it fell off her back when she dropped from the vent.
Just as Roxie’s eyes fall upon the katana where it rests on the floor, she suddenly feels a pressure around her body, trapping her arms against her chest as she’s grabbed and hoisted up into the air.
A sinister chuckle echoes into her ear as she twists around in time to realize that she’d wound up in a locked room with a Veiled Gargarean. They were a special type of Gargarean capable of camouflaging with their environments. Even as she tries to struggle free, Roxie also notices something else that chills her blood… the Veiled Gargarean is foaming at the mouth at the moment, and his erection stands completely erect, coming up to slap between her legs as he holds her aloft.
Suddenly, Roxie understands why the door was locked. Her captor is currently in a Gargarean Process called ‘In-Heat’. Basically, it meant that he was insanely horny, insanely aroused, and insanely strong… all at the cost of his basic sanity.
As she realizes that she has absolutely no way of fighting her way out of this one, Roxie bats her eyelashes and smiles nervously at her alien captor.
“Please be gentle?”
The Gargarean answers by spinning her around and making out with her, shoving his tongue deep into her mouth and pulling her in for a French Kiss to end all French Kisses. Roxie’s eyes widen as the alien tongue dominates her own tongue, wrapping all around it. He’s a really good kisser. And by that, she means he’s a really rough kisser. The problem is, Roxie LIKES it rough.
She should be thinking about a plan to escape, but before she knows it, she’s dropped down on the Veiled Gargarean’s bed, with the sexually aggressive reptilian alien snarling as he pins her down by her shoulders and then rips off her sports bra. His massive, ridged, alien cock comes up and slaps down between Roxie’s breasts, making her gasp and then quickly close her mouth as he begins fucking her tits quite vigorously.
The tip of his dick is soon pressing against her lips, making it clear what he wants from her. But obviously Roxie isn’t going to give it to him! She’s not-
Proving himself smarter than she ever would have given him credit for, the Veiled Gargarean grabs her nipples and gives them a pinch and a tug, causing her to moan out involuntarily and allowing his dick to slip inside of her mouth.
Roxie’s face twists up. On one hand, she kind of likes to be dominated. It’s a whole thing. But she doesn’t like being dominated by a damn space invader… o-obviously! And yet, that’s exactly what’s happening. The Gargarean continues to thrust deep and quick, sliding up between her tits and into her mouth until finally she tastes his precum collecting on her tongue. She grimaces, but before she can do anything, the Gargarean blows his actual load a moment later.
Sputtering, Roxie rears her head back, finally getting his dick out of her mouth though not before swallowing an unfortunate mouthful of his jizz. Ugh, it even tastes good. Stupid sexy, big dicked alien bastard…
Unfortunately, by removing his cock from her mouth, the rest of the alien cum lands on her face and tits. As her attacker pulls back, she takes a moment to wipe some of the seed from her face and stare at it… but unfortunately, her short inspection is subsequently shattered by the Gargarean suddenly tearing off her shorts and panties.
“H-Hey, wait-eeep!”
She barely even gets the chance to yelp as the Veiled Gargarean immediately shoved his thick alien cock into her wet cunt. Yeah she’s turned on, so sue her! It’s not her fault, d-damn it! Roxie was pretty sure she’d read somewhere about Gargarean cum having aphrodisiac properties o-or something! Yeah, that was it! She definitely hadn’t been wet from before, when she was peeping on all of the other Gargareans and getting to stare at their erect alien dicks o-or anything like that!
Of course, her alien captor doesn’t actually care about the justifications running through Roxie’s head in that moment. He only cares about one thing, and that’s fucking her silly. Grabbing hold of her ankles, he folds her up and begins going to town on her cunt in a consummate mating press.
Roxie is squealing up a storm in no time, getting fucked vigorously in this position is just too damn much for her. The pleasure quickly becomes overwhelming despite the current circumstances and her thoughts become fuzzy as she moans up a storm while the Gargarean continues to drive his massive cock deep inside of her.
When he finally leans forward again and starts to French Kiss her with his weird-ass alien tongue once more, Roxie finds herself reciprocating this time, her wanton moans turning muffled and stifled as she kisses him right back with a passion that she usually reserved for her fellow humans. It was just too good though. It was all just too fucking good.
Even as the Gargarean disengages their lip lock and starts to thrust faster in a way that Roxie KNOWS is bad news, she can’t quite muster any form of protest. Instead she yelps, squawks, and squeaks quite loudly, uncaring at this point if anyone actually heard her. Wrapping her arms around his shoulders and locking her legs around his back, Roxie Mayday opens her mouth to ask… nay, to BEG for more… but before she can get a word out, the Gargarean preempts her with a toss of his head and a howl.
Roxie’s eyes widen… and then roll back in her skull as he cums inside of her, semen flooding into her womb and packing it to the brim before overflowing from her vulva. She squeals and cums her brains out, positively shrieking at the top of her lungs from the mind blowing, explosive orgasm that rushes over her as he fills and fills her.
By the time she finally recovers, the Gargarean has pulled out of her, leaving her lying on her back with her limbs splayed in every direction, breathing heavily and feeling somewhat exhausted from the ordeal. She could… use a good nap, she figures. Just… rest her eyes for a moment and-
But before Roxie can fully pass out, the Gargarean growls again and grabs her by the hips, lifting her up and flipping her over. Suddenly, Roxie is fully aware again as she lands on her hands and knees, only to be taken from behind a moment later.
“H-Hey! Give a g-girl some warning you… you big hunky b-brute! Oh god… oh fuck, you’re so BIG!”
As he fucks her doggystyle, Roxie can’t do much beyond squeal and shake in surprise, her body bouncing back and forth, quaking from the force of the Gargarean’s pounding blows. His cock goes even faster inside of her in this new position, both on account of the better angle and because she’s been creampied once already. And all Roxie can do… is squeal up a storm and take it like the bitch she is in that moment.
Thankfully, hours later the Gargarean finally passes out on top of her. Roxie does as well, but she wakes up before him, regaining consciousness and quickly retrieving her things before leaping back up into the ventilation shaft. She considers killing the Veiled Gargarean with her katana while she has him at her mercy… but just can’t bring herself to do it. It wouldn’t be honorable.
Instead she leaves him alive and quickly makes her way back to base, thankfully managing to escape the Gargarean Ship without being caught… again. Unfortunately, she doesn’t have her clothes anymore. Which means when she reports to Commander Kajira and Baron La Croix in the Briefing Hall, she does so entirely naked.
… It probably says something about her that this isn’t actually an uncommon occurrence though.
“Commander, ma’am! Baron, sir! I presume you got my transmission through the recorder earlier? I’m reporting for duty and ready to help with whatever plans we have to stop the upcoming invasion tomorrow!”
The Commander and her second-in-command stare at Roxie for a long moment, long enough that Roxie begins to squirm. Yes she’s still covered in alien jizz. And leaking it. It wasn’t like she had time to take a shower!
“… Today is tomorrow, Roxie. You sent the data regarding the Gargarean Invasion last night.”
Roxie’s eyes widen at that, only for Commander Kajira to give her a wicked smile as she flicks her hand out to the side, manifesting her signature whip out of seemingly nowhere. As the whip cracks through the air, Dominique begins to stride forward towards Roxie.
“The defense of the city and the destruction of the Gargarean Ship will be handled by a team lead by the Baron. Baron La Croix, you can head out now.”
“Yes ma’am.”
As he leaves, Dominique towers over Roxie, causing the naked brunette to tremble under her superior’s gaze.
“As for you, Roxie… we need to have a long talk about what is and is not appropriate to record and transmit back to base when you’re on a mission. For instance… transmitting plans of an alien attack and giving us time we needed to plan our counter-offensive… that was a very good use of the recorder.”
Roxie smiles hesitantly, feeling a swell of pride as Dominique’s praise. That said, she was sensing a serious ‘but’ coming.
“… However, recording and transmitting hours upon hours of you being fucked senseless by a Gargarean Soldier is NOT a very good use of the recorder.”
Roxie squeaks, going wide eyed at the reveal. Something must have happened… she must have accidentally landed on the recorder and turned it on, or maybe said something that accidentally voice-activated it?! Either way… it’s not like she can really deny what happened.
“A-Apologies Commander! I didn’t-!”
The whip slices through the air right next to Roxie, making her whimper in both fear… and arousal.
“Oh, I know you didn’t seek out a Gargarean to fuck. The recorder captured the moment of your… capture quite well. But that doesn’t change the fact that you need to be punished, Roxie. Wouldn’t you agree?”
Eyes wide, Roxie hurriedly nods her head.
“Y-Yes ma’am! I’ve been very naughty and I definitely deserve to be punished, Commander!”
“Mm… that’s what I like to hear.”
Almost all the way down the hallway outside of the Briefing Hall, Baron La Croix hears the distinctive sounds of Dominique’s whip striking flesh and Roxie’s cries of pleasure and pain. Snorting derisively to himself, the Baron just shakes his head and goes to gather up the rest of his team for the oncoming battle. With advance knowledge and only one ship… they actually had a decent chance of winning.
But it wasn’t good enough just to win. They needed to destroy them so they couldn’t report back. La Croix would make sure of it. For his Commander, for the Babydolls… and for humanity.


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