Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Sin Air (Original Modern)

Themes: Public Sex, Prostitution, Rough Sex

Summary: Inspired by the saucy airline advertisements from the 1950s-1980s. In which Sin Air never 'grew out' of that phase and remains the only Airline in the world where you can ride the Mile High Club legally... for the right price.


For the last eighty years, Sin Air has done what no other airline will… provide a consistent and comfortable flight to everyone who’s willing to pay for it. Sin Air, where you can always expect lots of tender love and care.
Take, for instance, these two gentlemen. Ron and Steven. Ron and Steven don’t work for the same company, but they are contemporaries. They’re both up and coming businessmen just trying to make their mark on the world. Both are angling for promotions through lots of effort and a singularly impressive work ethic. And both are smart enough to fly with Sin Air.
“Now boarding! Now boarding!”
Ron wipes the sweat from his brow as he and Steven rise from their seats at the same time. The two men might work for competitors, but they were both sent flying around the world on such a consistent basis that they couldn’t help running into each other constantly. And in the end, rather than becoming bitter enemies who couldn’t stand the sight of one another, they’d chosen to become somewhat amicable friends instead.
Obviously, they had to be careful about what they said around one another. They couldn’t go sharing company secrets or anything like that. But fortunately they had enough in common that they could make casual and friendly small talk while waiting in the terminal before flights like this.
Though admittedly, there had never been any flights like this before… at least for them anyways. Despite being frequent flyers, neither Ron nor Steven had ever gotten to fly with the prestigious and overwhelmingly beloved Sin Air before now. It was something only the cream of the crop at their two companies could possibly get expensed. And finally… by some strange coincidence, they’d both managed to prove worthy of it at the same time!
From everything Ron had heard about Sin Air, this was going to be a flight to remember, that was for sure. However, as he and Steven are boarding together and he finds himself looking for a seat in economy, Ron is surprised to realize that Steven isn’t looking around… in fact, he’s not stopping at all.
“Steven? Don’t tell me your company paid for you to fly First Class!”
Looking back, the other businessman blinks and then laughs sheepishly.
“Aha! Sorry Ron, I guess it slipped my mind. No, they didn’t pay for me to fly First Class…”
Ron feels a surge of relief, right up until Steven finishes his sentence.
“However, my boss recommended I make the upgrade on my own dime and said I wouldn’t regret it, so I went ahead and splurged a little! You didn’t? Well, I guess I’ll see you after the flight…”
And with that, Steven vanishes as Ron sits down in an economy seat, feeling a little… defeated. As a matter of fact, Ron’s boss HAD recommended that he upgrade to First Class on his own dime as well. However, Ron had always been a fairly frugal man. Plus, he’d heard that when it came to Sin Air, the sort of ‘services’ provided in Economy compared to First Class weren’t THAT different. So… it’d probably be fine, right?
Indeed, as the flight gets situated and the Air Stewardesses make their first appearance, Ron’s worry is washed away. It’s just as he’d heard… Sin Air was really a cut above the rest. Every woman that begins strutting up and down the aisles is dressed in the skimpiest attendant uniforms one can imagine, with bodies that are hugged tightly by said uniforms and just won’t quit!
They’re also all wearing high heels, giving their already perfect asses even more lift and drawing attention to their long naked legs and mostly exposed thighs. Indeed, on some of them their ‘skirts’ might as well be nothing more than especially thick belts given the way their asses are all but spilling out of them.
They each have a different look to them as well, and the one who eventually makes her way over to Ron is sporting a raven-black pixie cut along with dark eyeshadow and black lipstick as she noisily chews some bubble gum.
“Hey there, honey, the name’s Angie and I’ll be your Stewardess for this flight. What can I do for you today?”
Flushing, Ron hesitates for a moment… before blurting out his answer.
“A-a handjob?”
Loudly chewing her bubble gum, Angie the Goth Stewardess looks at him for a moment before smirking a little bit.
“First time, hun?”
Blushing a fair bit, Ron grumbles.
“That obvious?”
Laughing lightly, Angie comes in closer and sits on the arm of Ron’s chair, facing outward away from him as she reaches back and deftly unbuckles his belt with one gloved hand.
“A little… but there’s nothing wrong with it, darling.”
All around the cabin, Ron can see similar situations playing out as both new and old flyers with Sin Air all get their own experiences with the Air Stewardesses. However, not everyone is currently being tended to. While a Sin Air economy cabin isn’t quite as packed as any other airline’s economy cabin, there’s still about twenty men and only four stewardesses.
Ron considers himself lucky to have been taken care of ‘first’ as he feels some irritated looks directed his way by his fellow economy passengers. Deciding to ignore them, especially as Angie’s gloved hand wraps around his cock and begins to stroke up and down, Ron gives the bubblegum chewing beauty a broad smile.
“Thanks Angie. This is exactly what I needed.”
“Of course, hun. It’s what I’m here for~”
And indeed it is. That was the main sell of Sin Air. Not just service with a smile, but SEXUAL service with a smile. Ron groans as Angie deftly works his cock over with one gloved hand while sitting her fine ass on the arm of his seat. Humming to herself, the scantily clad stewardess works her way up and down his shaft, getting him fully erect in no time and bringing him closer and closer to the edge by the moment.
“Fuck… Angie… I’m getting close…”
“You’re fine to blow, hun. I’ve got you handled.”
Hearing that, Ron lets out a low groan and proceeds to cum. True to her word, Angie places her other hand over the top of his cock, making sure that all of his ensuing jizz load winds up on her gloved palms and nowhere else. Ron groans as he cums, experiencing what has to be one of the best orgasms of his life.
And then, a moment later it’s done and Angie is pulling off her cum-soaked gloves and disposing of them before pulling on a pair of new ones. The efficiency surprises him to be sure, but what really gets Ron to speak up is when she starts to move away. Now… obviously Ron knows that she has other passengers to take care of. However…
“W-Won’t you stay a little longer? I’d… I’d love to feel those lips of yours wrapped around my cock, Angie.”
It’s the kind of thing that would get him slapped if he were to say it to any other woman, even one he was on a date with. It wasn’t the ‘appropriate’ thing to say, no sir and no how. That didn’t mean Ron wasn’t constantly thinking it whenever he found himself around pretty women. And considering that all of these trips tended to result in business meetings where the gatekeepers were beautiful secretaries and receptionists that he had to sweet talk his way past… Ron thought about it a LOT.
Angie, meanwhile, doesn’t get angry, doesn’t slap him, and doesn’t even look remotely disgusted by his request. She’s a Sin Air Stewardess after all, and that means she’s more than used to hearing words like that out of men’s mouths. That said, she does let out a little laugh before knowingly licking her lips as she glances down at his twitching cock, which is already coming back to life under her gaze.
“Oh honey… I’m sorry, but I do have a lot of other passengers to take care of here. I’ll be back around to you eventually though, and we can have some more fun then. Unless…”
Ron latches onto that last bit, his business acumen immediately catching on to what Angie is proposing. Reaching for his nearby briefcase and pulling out his wallet, Ron quickly extracts a thousand dollars from his money clip and holds it out to the goth stewardess.
“I would never expect a moment more of your time without a large enough tip, of course.”
Angie pauses for only a beat longer before taking his money and tucking it into her cleavage with a much wider grin than before.
“I appreciate you upgrading to the Deluxe Package, hun. Now let’s take care of YOUR package, shall we?”
Ron beams as Angie saunters back over to him properly, sinking down to her knees between his legs. She pulls her gum out of her mouth and proceeds to stick it on the underside of the arm of his chair before wrapping her gloved hands around his cock. This time however, those beautiful black lips of hers ALSO wrap around his cock, and as she descends the length of his member, Ron groans in appreciation.
The glares from the other men in economy only intensify of course, as he fully monopolizes one of the four Stewardesses they have access to. But… heh, you snooze you lose in Ron’s humble opinion. If they wanted their own personal Stewardess, they could cough up the dough like he did. Or they should have upgraded to First Class in the first place.
But then, Ron wasn’t too stressed about his decision to stick with Economy. Even though he’d paid Angie an extra thousand to stick with him and wrap those lips of hers around his dick, the First Class Upgrade would have cost TWO thousand dollars. Once again, Ron’s frugal nature had won out and he was the one coming out ahead.
After all, there was no way Steven was having a better time in First Class than he was currently having in Economy, right?
As you can see, even those men who purchase one of Sin Air’s humble Economy Tickets are taken care of to the best of our Stewardesses’ considerable abilities. However, where Ron is getting head, Steven has an opportunity to get ahead! Let’s check in on him now!
Steven groans, even as he rests a hand on the head of the beautiful blonde Air Stewardess currently fellating him. With gorgeous curls and ruby red lips, Stacey the Stewardess had wasted no time. She’d introduced herself to him, escorted him to his seat in First Class, and then promptly dropped to her knees between his legs and began taking him into her mouth right then and there.
In stark contrast to Economy, not that Steven knew enough to compare the two experiences, the First Class cabin on Sin Air had a disparity in numbers that went the opposite direction. Meaning, there were only four passengers in First Class… and SIX Stewardesses dedicated to their every need. As such, the First Class Cabin is filled with the sounds of masculine pleasure as four overly affectionate and incredibly enthusiastic women blow their respective passengers while the remaining two Stewardesses move around the cabin, taking drink and meal orders and making sure all of their platonic needs are met.
Having just given his order to a beautiful red head named Tammy, Steven leans back in the incredibly comfortable cushioned First Class seat and lets out a contented sigh as Stacey continues to go to town on his cock. Only to find himself pulled out of his own personal world by a chuckle and a knowing voice from across the aisle.
“First time, young man?”
Blinking, Steven looks over to see a distinguished grey-haired gentleman sitting in his own First Class chair, his own cock being tended to by a cute little brunette. Uncaring of the woman sucking his dick, the gentleman reaches out across the aisle with a hand for Steven to shake. Feeling a little bit out of his depth but willing to dive in deeper all the same, Steven reaches out and shakes it.
“Err… yessir! That obvious, eh? I’m Steven, with Baromotors!”
The older gentleman’s eyes light up.
“Ah! Baromotors! I’ve heard good things about you lot. I’m August Constantine.”
He doesn’t announce his business… but then, he doesn’t have to. As the older man lets go of Steven’s hand, the younger businessman sinks back down into his chair, gaping at August in disbelief and awe. After all… everyone knew about Constantine Corporation. It was only one of the biggest global conglomerates in the world these days!
“M-Mister Constantine sir… I’m sorry I didn’t recognize you!”
Waving him off, August just chuckles and shakes his head.
“No need to apologize young man, I’ve made a point of keeping my face out of the news and what not, so it’s not too surprising when I’m not recognized on sight. I prefer a low profile… ah, that’s a good girl, Betty. Keep it up now, sweetie.”
Down between his legs, the now named Betty continues to fellate August Constantine like there’s no tomorrow. What surprises Steven the most is that… Stacey is going to town on HIS cock with just as much fervor and vigor. There really is no difference whatsoever in the two Stewardesses’ technique. Though, he does notice that the CEO of Constantine Corp is glancing down at Stacey every once in a while, his eyes lingering on her blonde curls as they bounce with every bob of her head.
An idea begins to take root in Steven’s head, even as his lower head rebels at the thought initially. He really doesn’t want to lose Stacey. But at the same time…
“Well… it’s still a pleasure to meet you, sir! If there’s anything I can do for you, you just let me know!”
To his credit, despite being one of if not the most powerful man in the world, August does actually hesitate for a moment. Surprising to see a person that rich with a shred of basic human decency to him. But in the end, Steven DID offer.
“Well, young man… now that you mention it, would you mind switching Stewardesses once these lovely young ladies are done fellating us? I found myself staring at young Stacey’s ass as we were being seated… and nothing against the lovely Betty here, but I’m quite intrigued to see how it feels to be ball’s deep in her buttocks.”
Grinning, Steven nods along.
“Of course sir! Think nothing of it!”
No sooner has he agreed, then both he and the older gentleman reach their respective orgasms. Not quite at the same time, but fairly close to one another. Of course, both Stacey and Betty eagerly swallow down their seed, draining their balls with all the same fervor and eagerness as they sucked their cocks. Their cute little throats convulse as they swallow and swallow, drinking until there’s nothing left.
Then, pulling back off of their cocks, the two beautiful young women rise from their knees and trade places without a word of complaint or confirmation. They’d heard the deal Steven and August had made and like the good little stewardesses they were, they went ahead and accommodated the two men.
Steven had to admit, there’s a bit of power to being able to just… order such beautiful women around. As Betty moves in front of him and smiles at him with her skirt flipped up, he smiles right back at her. Sure, Stacey was gorgeous… but then, Betty is plenty sexy as well, and Steven is quite sure he’ll have just as much fun with her as he would have had with Stacey. Hell, if all goes well, he might end up having fun with her, with Stacey, and even with Tammy before this flight ends.
For now though, Betty shows him her glistening pussy for a second and then turns around and shows him her perfectly round cheeks the next.
“Front or back, sir?”
Reminded of what August wanted to do with Stacey, Steven realizes that Betty is asking which hole he wants to fuck her in. In the end though… he’s just a bit too vanilla to be THAT adventurous.
“Front, please darling.”
“Of course, sir~”
Spinning back around, the gorgeous brunette stewardess wastes no time in climbing aboard and straddling him. His cock, already rock hard again, is guided into her slit, where she happily impales herself on his member. As she begins to bounce on his dick, her very full cleavage bounces and jiggles right in his face as well.
But as much as Steven enjoys Betty’s pussy, he can’t help but be drawn over to the high-pitched squealing from across the aisle as a certain blonde stewardess impales herself anally upon August Constantine’s cock and begins to butt-fuck herself on his member. Facing away from the rich CEO, Stacey rides him with squeals, squeaks, and moans as she reaches back behind herself to keep her cheeks nice and spread.
Catching Steven looking, August throws a grin in his direction.
“Thank you again, young man. I really do appreciate you being so accommodating.”
Steven just laughs, because he feels like he really didn’t lose anything at all.
“Of course, sir! It’s my pleasure.”
Eyes dancing with amusement, almost like he can read his mind, August Constantine grunts as Stacey hits a lower point on his cock than ever before.
“What was it you said your company was again? Baromotors, right? You know, I believe Constantine Corp already does business with Baromotors, doesn’t it?”
Constantine Corp did business with everyone. It came with them being such a huge global presence all around the world. Still, Steven just dutifully nods as Betty’s pussy wraps and squeezes and clenches around his dick.
“Yessir. That is indeed the case.”
Smirking now, August rears back a hand… and brings it down on Stacey’s bared ass right as she impales herself fully on his cock, taking the gorgeous blonde by surprise.
“Well… when it comes to business partners who have proven their loyalty… we can always do MORE business. Let’s talk, son. About Baromotor’s future… and yours as well.”
Steven’s eyes light up and he all but forgets about Betty and Stacey as he and August Constantine of all people begin discussing business. In the end, the Stewardesses are just the backdrop, really. Gorgeous set dressing to be sure… but what First Class on Sin Air is ALL about is what it’s always been about… making connections.
Sin Air prides itself on bringing people closer together by stripping away the boundaries commonly found down on the ground! And First Class Sin Air is the best place to do that, bar none! Obviously, both Ron and Steven will have had an amazing experience on our airline that they’ll never forget, but only Steven will truly come out ahead in life.
Look, here’s Steven now. And yes, you’re seeing that right. Steven went on to become CEO of Baromotors in just a few short years after Constantine Corp bought out the entire company and brought it under their umbrella. And there’s even some that say August Constantine is grooming Steven even now to become CEO of Constantine Corp when he passes!
As for Ron, well, he’s doing plenty fine for himself. Gotten a few promotions here and there. And he still flies with Sin Air exclusively to this day.
Of course, while our passengers are always Sin Air’s first priority, and thus the first priority of our Stewardesses, they are not the ONLY priority. After all, as much as Sin Air prides itself in having the best Air Stewardesses in the world… we couldn’t fly without our world-class pilots! And they deserve all the love and care in the world as well!
“And with that… we’re in the air.”
“Well done, Captain.”
“Heh, nothing special Tim. Nothing special.”
Leaning back in his chair, Anthony looks down between his legs where a pair of bright blue eyes stares up at him as the woman between his knees dutifully bobs up and down on his cock.
“Besides, couldn’t have done it without Tiffany’s performance here. She always knows how to keep me relaxed.”
Indeed, Tiffany wasn’t overly enthusiastic or gorging herself on his cock like the vigorous girls in the First Class cabin. She was a properly trained Cockpit Stewardess for Sin Air, which meant she knew exactly how to handle the cockpit’s… cocks. Slowly sliding her lips up and down the Captain’s shaft, her blue eyes twinkle as she swirls her tongue expertly around his girth.
After a moment, Tiffany pulls back off of his cock with a pop and gives him a cheery grin as she strokes his length with one hand and expertly fondles his balls with the other.
“My pleasure, Captain. As always~”
Anthony just chuckles.
“Go ahead and pick up speed now, babe. Tim deserves his own turn after all.”
“Yes sir~”
Diving back down, now Tiffany does start to really suck his dick, going crazy with it and pulling out all the stops as Anthony’s copilot watches on from the side.
“Still can’t believe the sort of perks that come with this job if I’m being honest…”
Anthony snorts at that, glancing over at the younger man.
“That’s right. You were flying with Delta before this, weren’t you? Christ man, I’ve heard the horror stories. Glad you’re with us here on Sin Air now. Best airline in the world bar none.”
Tim laughs as Tiffany tosses out a thumbs up to show her agreement.
“You know, I always thought that was just marketing combined with really good PR. An airline like Sin Air being the best in the world? I thought it had to be a trick of some sort… but no, it really is the best airline in the world, isn’t it? For its passengers, but also for its pilots and stewardesses.”
Before Anthony can respond, he lets out a groan as Tiffany finally succeeds in sucking his first load out of his balls and down her pretty little throat. The Air Stewardess guzzles down his seed like the professional she is, drinking every last drop before pulling back and crawling out from between his legs. Then, she moves over to Tim, who blushes a little as she crawls in such a way that leaves her fat ass shimmying and wiggling all over the place until she’s finally in position.
Chuckling, the Captain watches as Tiffany takes Tim’s rock hard cock out and begins to fellate his copilot. Only once Tim is throwing his head back in enjoyment does the older pilot respond.
“Damn straight. Sin Air is where it’s at. No other airline does it better… no other airline knows how to mix business with pleasure.”
Captain Anthony’s words are punctuated by a heartfelt groan from his copilot. He just chuckles some more before turning his attention back to his job. Though admittedly, sometimes it doesn’t even feel like a job. Getting paid to not only fly through the air, but to do it in style with a beautiful cockpit babe eagerly sucking his dick and fucking him whenever he needed the release?
It was true what they say. Do what you love and you’ll feel like you’ve never worked a day in your life.
As the orientation video comes to an end, an older but still beautiful Tiffany steps out onto the stage in front of Sin Air’s latest class of Flight Attendants. With a broad smile on her face, she clasps her hands together in front of her, looking out upon a sea of pretty, gorgeous young women, all of whom are very eager to get ahead in the world by flying with the most prestigious airline possible.
“Captain Anthony was right, of course. Sin Air really does know how to best mix business with pleasure. I should know, seeing as I’ve been married to the man for half a decade now~”
She shows off her ring, causing the romantics in the audience to coo and aww over the reveal. Of course, while it’s true that plenty of Air Stewardesses in Sin Air wind up marrying passengers or pilots… its also true that lots of Sin Air’s Flight Attendants are only in it for the very lucrative compensation packages.
Eyes sliding over the audience in front of her, Tiffany can easily see the different groups of women. From those hoping to find love, to those who are just in it for the money. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with either type of woman, so long as they’re willing to work their asses off just like she and her generation did.
So long as that happens, Sin Air will continue to be the best Airline in the world… heh, bar none.


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