Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Subjugating the Dragon (Game of Thrones)


Themes: Rough Sex, Gangbang, Mind Break

Summary: In which its Visenya Targaryen instead of Viserys Targaryen, though that doesn't stop her from selling Daenerys to Drogo or demanding her crown from him. Instead of receiving a golden crown however, Visenya received a pearl necklace... and a whole lot of dick.


Daenerys flinches as her older sister Visenya waves her sword around, sneering and snarling like… like a mad woman. She probably thinks she looks a lot like the ancestor she was named after in this moment, the more martial of Aegon the Conqueror’s sister wives. But the truth is, she’s far too drunk for that, and far too manic as well.
She’d come charging in here and made a fool of herself, only to then draw her sword on all of them. Her words about the Dothraki not being allowed to spill blood within Vaes Dothrak because its their sacred city don’t really sit well with Daenerys. She’s not entirely convinced that Visenya knows what she’s doing. But then, she hasn’t exactly been convinced that Visenya knows what she’s doing for some time now.
Ever since Visenya had married her off to Khal Drogo in exchange for his word that he would take his khalasar across the Narrow Sea and conquer the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros for her, Daenerys has had her eyes opened more and more to Visenya’s… flaws. She’s come to realize the many ways in which Visenya has turned out to be… lacking.
They called her the Beggar Queen. They called her Khaleesi Rhae Mhar or Khaleesi Rhaggat. Sorefoot Queen. Cart Queen. Daenerys knew these things got to her sister. She knew Visenya was coming unraveled. But what could Daenerys do? She was Khal Drogo’s now. Visenya had sold her to him and while Daenerys and Drogo had come to an understanding, that didn’t mean Daenerys could save Visenya.
… Truthfully, she wasn’t sure she even wanted to anymore. Visenya had rested the tip of her sword against Daenerys’ pregnant belly and forced her to sit back down early on in this particular tirade. The moment Visenya had threatened Daenerys’ child… she had stopped considering the other Targaryen to truly be her sister.
That’s why, when Khal Drogo finally rises to his feet, Daenerys doesn’t say anything, even as Visenya turns to him. The overwhelmingly tall man stomps up to her and bats the sword away with his bare arm when she tries to interpose it between the two of them. Visenya cries out as she’s subsequently disarmed in an instant, her sword thrown to the side.
Perhaps if Visenya had been a man, she would have received more martial training. But while she certainly liked to style herself as just as strong a warrior as her namesake, the truth was she’d never even been in a proper fight. The sword she wielded was little more than a prop at the end of the day.
Daenerys’ breath hitches as Drogo grabs Visenya by the throat and sneers at her, speaking in Dothraki. She bites her lower lip at what he says, even as Visenya scrambles against his ironclad grip.
“W-What… what’s he saying?!”
From behind her, Jorah Mormont has his hand on the hilt of his sword. Daenerys meets his eyes… and shakes her head. Jorah stays silent, and most importantly, he stays uninvolved, even taking a step back at Daenerys’ urging. In the end, it’s Daenerys who speaks up, translating her husband’s words.
“He says… he says that he sees no one worthy of a crown in front of him. He says he sees nothing but a Lyseni Whore.”
Visenya’s eyes widen at that, darting between Drogo and Daenerys in fresh outrage.
“I am Visenya Targaryen, Second of Her Name! I am Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men! I am Protector of the Realm, Queen of the Seven Kingdoms! Tell him to unhand me this moment, sister!”
But Daenerys does not. She stays quiet, which only serves to enrage Visenya further.
“You are provoking the blood of the dragon, Daenerys!”
And yet… Daenerys is unmoved. And completely unafraid. When Khal Drogo looks back to her, his gaze softening as it falls upon her, Daenerys just smiles softly and speaks in Dothraki.
“Do what you must with her, my Khal.”
There is a pause at that, and then a nod from her husband. Then, he barks out orders and proceeds to release Visenya from his grasp. The Beggar Queen doesn’t have much of a chance to take advantage of this however, as the other Dothraki Men in the room rush forward as one and grab her… or rather, begin pawing at her.
“What- let go of me- what are you-mmph!”
As one particularly vicious warrior grabs Visenya by her highborn cheeks and forces her into a kiss, her eyes seek Daenerys out, demanding answers. Daenerys just smiles placidly as Drogo retakes his seat next to her. She speaks the next few sentences in Valyrian for Visenya’s sake.
“You were right that the Dothraki cannot shed blood in their sacred city, Visenya. But to think that means they are helpless to commit violence was… ill-advised. Especially against a woman. My Khal has deemed you little more than a whore… and decided to set his men loose on you.”
Visenya’s eyes widen in horror.
“Mmph! MMPH!”
But there’s nothing she can do. Jorah will not come to her aid. Her sword has already been pilfered from the floor where it fell and will likely be sold before the sun rises in some marketplace by a particularly enterprising Dothraki. Meanwhile, all of the other Dothraki men in the tent that aren’t already occupied with a woman… well, they’re taking advantage.
Drogo is right, after all. Strip away the titles, strip away the attitude, strip away the rotten personality… and all you got was a beautiful Lyseni Whore. Sure, her sister and her were not actually from the city of Lys, but Daenerys had seen some women from Lys before and they could have been related for all the similarities they shared.
She watched, unconflicted as Visenya is stripped naked and forced to her knees. The silver-blonde Targaryen woman tries to fight back, even snapping her teeth at the first Dothraki men to bring their cocks to bear on her… but one just backhands her hard enough that she likely sees stars, before thrusting his massive, meaty rod into her mouth and down her throat before she can recover.
Even if she wanted to, she can’t bite down when such a thick, throbbing member is none-too-gently stretching her lips and jaw out and forcing its way down her throat to make her pale neck bulge.
The Dothraki form a circle around her and it almost becomes impossible to see her at first, as she’s face fucked over and over again. All Daenerys can hear at first are the noises, and those are easy enough to tune out. The party gets back into full swing, with the gangbang taking place in their midst becoming the centerpiece but not the entire event.
Daenerys eats alongside her Khal, and ultimately dismisses an uncomfortable-looking Jorah for the night. Part of her wonders if Jorah would have obeyed her if her sister was a man. If Visenya had a cock between her legs, would Jorah have stood beside her even as she threatened Daenerys’ unborn baby and made an enemy of Drogo?
In the end, it matters little. Visenya is a woman, and thus she will survive tonight… even if she probably won’t enjoy it very much.
Once Jorah is gone, things soon escalate further. The circle of Dothraki men around Daenerys’ older sister parts, revealing the state they’ve left her in. None of them have been particularly gentle. Visenya sways from side to side on her knees, her entire upper body covered in sticky, viscous fluids. White seed dribbles off of her chin as she blows cum bubbles from her lips. Her eyes already look vacant… right up until someone upends a bucket of water over her head.
The Beggar Queen squeals, shaking from the sudden deluge of well water. It washes away some of the mess, and the second bucket a moment later washes away the rest. She still looks rather fucked up, but the water brings some life back to her eyes, even as Visenya snarls.
“BARBARIANS! BRUTES! I WILL! Wait, s-stop, no-!”
All too late, Visenya realizes they aren’t done with her. Instead, the Dothraki have merely moved onto the next stage of the gangbang… that is, using her other holes. Daenerys watches as Visenya is rather unceremoniously dropped onto one of the throbbing Dothraki members that she just got done involuntarily spit polishing. She squeals and her legs kick a bit as she’s impaled deeper than she’s ever had before.
Oh, Daenerys is under no misconceptions over the status of her older sister’s virginity. As the ‘Queen of the Seven Kingdoms’, Visenya had never believed she needed to keep herself pure and virginal for a marriage alliance like she’d done with Daenerys. Drogo had been Daenerys’ first time, but this Dothraki Warrior was not Visenya’s.
Still, there was a difference between some pleasure slave back in Pentos and a Dothraki man. A difference that Visenya was now rapidly learning as she found herself unwillingly being bounced upon his cock.
Of course, no Dothraki would normally take a position under a woman. Daenerys had to literally teach Drogo the pleasures of allowing her to ride him instead of him riding her. But as it turned out, there was one case where the Dothraki would impale a woman upon his cock… to leave room for his battle brothers.
Visenya squawks and squeals and screams, but none of it stops the Dothraki around her from taking advantage of her body. Two more force her hands around their cocks, one plugs her throat with his dick again, and the fifth… the fifth kneels behind her. Daenerys doesn’t understand what he’s doing at first back there. Visenya is already being filled down below after all.
Then, he thrusts in and Visenya’s eyes widen as her muffled screams grow in volume. Only then does Daenerys understand that her sister has just taken it up the ass.
Daenerys bites her lower lip as she watches all of this. She knows she shouldn’t enjoy the view, but it’s a rather arousing sight. And things only get more and more arousing as Visenya’s defilement goes on. The Dothraki Warriors don’t seem to care one bit about her enjoyment or continued health, and they run a train on her while gangbanging her holes one after the other.
This was Daenerys’ older sister. She should have put a stop to it. And yet, Daenerys can still feel the point of Visenya’s blade against her pregnant belly. In the end… she doesn’t say a word. But she can’t help reacting. Her hands begin to wander and she starts to play with herself a bit as she watches Visenya get defiled in front of an audience.
“Moon of my Life?”
Daenerys blinks, looking to her side to see Drogo looking at her with curiosity. He barely spares a glance towards Visenya… all he has eyes for is her. Smiling softly, realizing she can teach Drogo something new, Daenerys reaches over and slides a hand through his, gently lifting his arm and bringing it over into her lap.
“Trust me, my sun-and-stars…”
Drogo tilts his head to the side but makes no move to stop her. Daenerys knows how big that is, truth be told. It was one thing to let her lead him while they were alone, but another entirely to potentially show weakness to his warriors in public like this. But with most people focused on Visenya and the gangbang she’s unwillingly being forced to take part in, Daenerys figures it’s fine. Besides, she’s only taking the lead for a moment.
Guiding Drogo’s hand down across her pregnant abdomen and to her pants, she helps him get under her leathers, to her hot wet crotch. She shows him how to push a finger up inside of her and helps him slide it in and out.
He quickly gets the idea, and his curiosity turns into interest as he watches her face color and her moans escape her lips as she bucks her hips into his questing digits. While he finger fucks her, Daenerys reaches up and removes her top, playing with her own breasts until Drogo brings up his free hand to do that as well.
His touch is rough but gentle. His callouses mark him as a true warrior, and he could have been brutal with her if he wanted… but instead, he plays with her carefully and slowly, easing into it as he explores her body. Daenerys moans and mewls beside her Khal, even as they both wind up eventually watching Visenya’s defilement.
Finally, Drogo tires of reaching over to her and just pulls her into his lap entirely. He doesn’t penetrate her though as most Dothraki would have. Instead, resting his head on her shoulder, he continues to toy with her nipples and soft titflesh. He also continues to drive his fingers in and out of her sex.
“What would you have me do with your sister, my moon and stars?”
Blinking, Daenerys looks to see Visenya is already on her last legs. The haughty attitude is gone and it doesn’t even look like the other Targaryen woman is capable of speaking anymore. For the first time, Daenerys feels some modicum of guilt worm its way into her heart. Not enough to wish she could take it back, mind you… but perhaps enough to spare her sister a terrible fate.
Moaning into Drogo’s ear, Daenerys answers him with a whisper.
“Once they’re done with her, once the night is over… allow me to take her as a servant, my Khal. So that she might serve us both with her body and mouth.”
Drogo hums at that, before nodding into her hair. Daenerys’ face splits into a massive smile. While she wouldn’t have been too upset if he had denied her request, it made her all the happier. Not because of Visenya in particular or anything, but because she loved it when he agreed to the things she asked of him.
Horny beyond belief now, Daenerys twists and then turns in Drogo’s lap, facing him and wrapping her arms around his neck.
“Take me to bed, my sun-and-stars. Leave my sister to learn her lesson. We will collect her in the morning.”
She’d still be alive by then; Daenerys was confident of that. Blood could not be shed while in Vaes Dothrak after all, so no matter how rough the Dothraki got, they would keep her alive until she could be retrieved. For now… Daenerys needs Drogo inside of her. She needs him to take her, to remind her that she is his woman.
Drogo needs it too; from the way he growls and rises to his feet while holding her light body in his powerful and strong arms. Giggling happily, Daenerys lets him carry her out of the tent… not even sparing one glance back for her older sister as Visenya is made airtight by Dothraki cock again and again and again.


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