Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

To the Victor, the Spoils (Avatar: The Last Airbender)

Poll Winner

Themes: Foursome, Big Dick, Rough Sex

Summary: When he'd heard that Princess Azula and her friends were on Ember Island, he'd made the conscious decision to stay well away from all of them. But that only works when you know what the Princess and her friends even look like and much to his chagrin, he'd never actually seen any of them in person before. One thing leads to another and a studly young man finds himself being 'invited' to a night-time rendezvous as a result of his thoughtless actions. 


Stopping in front of a door, a young man in nothing but a pair of swim trunks lifts his hand to knock. Before his fist can make contact with the wood however, a female voice from within calls out.


Freezing in place, Taiko stands still for all of a moment… before pushing the door open and stepping inside.

“Close the door behind you.”

When Princess Azula of all people gives you an order, you follow it. Still, Taiko can’t help but stare wide-eyed at the scene awaiting him even as he pushes the door closed behind him. On the bed in the small room, three of the Fire Nation’s most beautiful women can be seen together. Everyone knew who they were, of course. Princess Azula and her friends, Ty Lee and Mai.

The three are dressed in their bikinis from earlier on the beach. Technically it was nothing Taiko hadn’t seen before, but at the same time it was so undeniably different, it wasn’t even funny. They were all looking at him with differing expressions… but it was the Princess who was eyeing him like a piece of meat, making it clear he wasn’t going to make it out of here alive unless he treaded carefully.

Honestly, he still couldn’t believe he’d gotten himself into this mess. When he’d heard from his friends that Princess Azula and her group had arrived on Ember Island for a vacation, Taiko had immediately swore up and down that he would avoid them at all costs. Everyone else was talking about how it would be such a boon if they made friends with them, if they could get in close with the Princess or Prince.

Taiko knew better. His father was a minor official in the Fire Lord’s Court… and had stayed that way on purpose, keeping his head down and avoiding any sort of attention, both positive and negative. He did his job well and never shirked his duties, but he also never tried to reach above his station. His father was a cog in the Fire Nation’s governing apparatus… a useful cog at that.

He had been raised on the value of going undetected by those at the top. If you stood out too much, if you were too ambitious, you were as likely to be stomped flat into the dirt as you were to be lifted up. The brightest flames burnt out the fastest. Better to be a nice, cozy flame among thousands of others then to try and stand up over all the rest.

So yes, it had always been Taiko’s intention to avoid the Princess’ party at all costs. So then, why the fuck had he let himself get roped into a game of volleyball against them? Well, there was one minor problem with being the son of a no-name official who kept his head down. Taiko had never actually been to court before. He’d never laid eyes on the Princess or Prince or either of their friends… until today.

“You know why you’re here; I presume.”

Taiko swallows thickly, and slowly nods. Azula’s lips quirk into a small smile, even as her eyes blaze with more of that damnable hunger. The Princess wants to swallow him right up. He definitely has her attention.

“Ty Lee. Attend to our… victor.”

He holds back a wince at that descriptor, even as Ty Lee, the acrobat that she is, does a cartwheel off the bed, pushing off with her hands and whipping through the air. Taiko very nearly backs up, but he manages to stand his ground… even as she drops into a crouch in front of him with a grin, reaching for his trunks.

Taiko doesn’t dare to meet any of their eyes as Ty Lee pulls his cock out of its confines and all three young women react to his size. The one right in front of him coos, the noblewoman Mai inhales sharply and Azula… Azula has the most pronounced reaction of all.

“Are they supposed to be that large? Zuko’s not that big!”

Taiko very decidedly does not react to that statement. Luckily, Mai and Ty Lee do it for him, both stopping to give their Princess a distinct… look.

“What?! I don’t fuck my brother, if that’s what you’re thinking. He’s my brother! I just saw him changing earlier. And he is NOT that big.”

“… No, he is not.”

Mai’s confirmation makes Taiko’s ears burn, even as Ty Lee giggles and turns her attention back to his cock. Before Taiko can say or do anything, the acrobat suddenly has her lips around his bulbous cockhead… and is doing her level best to inhale his entire shaft down her throat. Apparently, her esophagus is just as flexible as the rest of her body, because she’s soon over halfway along his massive length.

“Look at her go…”

Azula’s surprise is palpable, even though Taiko still doesn’t dare meet the Princess’ eye. All of this… this whole situation was because she and her friends had been so damn competitive in beach volleyball. They’d been challenging all comers and Taiko… well, Taiko had his own pride, for all that he preferred to keep his head down.

If he had known who they were, he would never have stepped up and accepted the challenge. He should have guessed when his friends all gave him wide-eyed looks what was going on. But none of them had even tried to warn him, the damn traitors.

One thing had led to another… and Taiko’s team had beaten Azula’s. Specifically, Taiko himself had handed the Princess her ass. Now, he was certain in an actual fight, the Princess would kill him instantly. But in beach volleyball… well, apparently he was King. Or rather, the ‘victor’ as Azula had termed him.

And now here they were. Apparently, to the victor go the spoils.

“I can’t believe we’re doing this.”

Mai’s groaning voice finally forces Taiko to raise his head. His eyes go wide as he sees what’s happening on the bed while Ty Lee fellates his cock. Azula has turned on her noble friend and has Mai’s bikini top off. She’s groping the young woman’s smaller chest, even as she watches Ty Lee deep throat his cock, visibly fascinated.

For all that Mai sounds disinterested and apathetic to what’s happening however, the noblewoman’s eyes are also fixed on Ty Lee’s bobbing head and his crotch. More than that, her nipples are hard under Azula’s fingers, and her face is light red. When she realizes Taiko is watching them, she scowls and averts her gaze. Azula, on the other hand, has the opposite reaction.

“Like what you see, victor? You have defeated the Princess and her allies in honorable combat. Are you not going to claim your rewards?”

Taiko’s mouth opens and then closes. For a heartbeat he almost asks why the Prince isn’t here. Wasn’t Prince Zuko one of her ‘allies’? But no, he doesn’t say that. For one, Taiko doesn’t swing that way. For two, he’s not about to do ANYTHING to antagonize Princess Azula. Which means he needs to find a way to get over to her while Ty Lee deep-throats his cock.

Reaching down, Taiko grabs the brunette acrobat by her ponytail, firmly holding her to his dick as he begins walking forward. To her credit, Ty Lee doesn’t even hesitate to drop backwards as he goes, falling into a crab walk that she executes perfectly until they finally reach the edge of the bed. As her back hits the bed along with his legs, they stop. Only now its Taiko thrusting into Ty Lee’s throat as she just sits there and takes it.

“Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!”

Azula watches this display with eager eyes.

“… Fascinating.”

“… Azula…”

Mai’s voice, when it comes, is a whine. The Princess looks to her friend and scoffs before suddenly moving with lightning speed. For a moment, Taiko tenses up… only to realize the sudden burst of violence isn’t against him. Mai is abruptly on her back, pinned down by Azula as the Princess holds her in place.

“You’re mine, right Mai? All mine?”

The young noblewoman squirms for a moment before letting out an uncharacteristically emotional whimper.

“… Yes, Azula.”

“Good girl.”

Azula looks over her shoulder at him as she forces Mai’s legs apart and then reaches down to yank the noblewoman’s panties away. All of the sudden, Taiko is staring at a woman’s cunt for the first time in his life.

“Go on. You beat us fair and square. Claim your reward. Fuck her.”

Slowly, Taiko draws his cock out of a gasping Ty Lee’s throat and then mouth. His dick drops free of her lips with a pop as her chest heaves up and down. He crawls up onto the bed past her, and with Azula on all fours before him… angles his cock down to Mai’s naked, waiting cunt. His massive tip presses into her slit, causing the noblewoman to grunt. Then, as he pushes into her, she groans.


Azula’s eyes dance as the Princess watches him take her friend. Taiko tries to take his time and go slow, because even with how surprisingly wet Mai is and how much drool and slobber Ty Lee left on his dick, the noblewoman is incredibly tight. Still, he makes progress, inch by inch as Azula watches on with a visible hunger just like before.

“How does it feel, Mai? Is he good? Do you like him inside of you?”

“H-He’s… big…”

“Too big? Do you want him to stop?”

Azula doesn’t sound concerned for her friend. Rather, she sounds fascinated… and incredibly curious. Still, Taiko does pause at her question, not wanting Mai to be in pain. Which is why he’s just as surprised by Azula at the stoic noblewoman’s sudden outburst.

“No! F-Fuck!”

Azula’s eyes widen and she looks down at her friend.

“Oh? You want him to keep going?”

“… yes… I don’t know…”

Snickering, Azula looks back at him.

“Well, you heard her.”

And so Taiko finds himself fucking Mai right there on the bed, even as Azula holds her friend down. The Princess watches him thrust his overly large cock in and out of the beautiful young noblewoman over and over again, letting out moans of her own as though she was experiencing his dick herself. Mai, meanwhile, seems to lose more and more of her stoic façade. She’s soon crying out as the pleasure overwhelms her and her pussy clenches around his cock in an obvious orgasm.

“Shit… I’m getting close…”

Taiko doesn’t know what to do. His balls are churning and beginning to clench up, but he can’t cum inside of Mai. She’s so high above him in status that it isn’t even funny. But at the same time, he doesn’t dare pull out without the Princess’ approval. Luckily…

“Don’t cum inside. Ty Lee will handle your seed.”

Taiko feels both relief and trepidation at those words. He very quickly pulls out of Mai’s cunt but doesn’t quite know what Azula means for him to do with Ty Lee. She’d be more acceptable for someone of his standing to knock up, but he still doesn’t want to be a father.

Luckily, Ty Lee latches those lips of hers around his cock again and Taiko groans as he’s unloading down her throat a few moments later. He throws his head back with a groan as the acrobat sucks down his seed like it’s nothing, draining his balls in what feels like moments.

Then, he falls back onto the bed, recovering. Of course, he doesn’t get to recover for long, as he feels a weight settle on top of him, a pair of hips straddling his own.

Eyes snapping open, Taiko looks up into the crazed gaze of Princess Azula as she pulls aside the slip she’s been using as her bottoms… and promptly impales herself upon his cock. Taiko gasps as he takes the Princess’ virginity, having never in a million years thought he would be doing so. It’s in that moment that he decides his life is forfeit… for the Fire Lord will never forgive him for this.


Azula’s eyes have rolled back in her head as she’s dropped herself down onto his large member, and it’s clear she’s… adjusting to his size. That said, when he speaks up, her eyes roll forward again and she looks down at him with a wide, wicked grin.

“You’ve deflowered the Princess of the Fire Nation now, victor. How does it feel?”

… Well, if he’s already dead, he might as well be honest with her, right? He might as well stop being such a fucking pussy. Reaching up, Taiko grabs Azula by her hips, causing her to tense in surprise at his audacity. Then, he gives her a crooked grin.

“Fucking amazing.”

For a moment, Azula just stares at him bewildered. Then, she tosses her head back and lets out a mad-sounding cackle. THEN, before he can fully process that, she’s suddenly lunged forward and captured his lips with hers. As he finds his mouth being positively devoured by the Fire Nation Princess, Taiko thinks he detects a note of desperation to Azula’s actions. He wonders at that, but he’s in too deep to pause and contemplate this stuff for now.

Instead, holding tightly onto her hips, he begins to thrust up from below. Azula yelps into his mouth for a moment… before returning his thrusts in kind. She keeps kissing him, her hands kneading at his chest as she bounces up and down on his cock. Her insides clench and squeeze along his length, and her moans captured by his lips give away just how much the Princess enjoys being impaled on a member of his size.

Princess Azula… is a Size Queen. Taiko would never have guessed, not in a million years. Truth be told, given the things he’d heard about her, he would have assumed the Princess to be more of a sadist, the kind to torture and toy with her men. Instead, she’s riding him on their second meeting, riding him to mutual satisfaction.

Taiko feels himself getting close again in what feels like no time at all. But some time must have passed, because Azula has climaxed at least half a dozen times by the point where he warns her upon them breaking apart for breath.

“Princess… I’m getting close again!”

For a moment, Azula looks mulish. She looks as though she wants to do something naughty. But then Mai’s tired voice pipes up from the side.

“Azula… you know you can’t. Not yet. Not until it’s all secured.”

Azula hesitates… before nodding and pulling off of his cock right there on the spot. Taiko gasps, only for Ty Lee’s mouth to once again cover his dick. For the second time, the acrobat swallows his load as he begins to cum a few moments later.

As the young man lays there, he finds himself staring into the eyes of Azula and Mai as they loom over him, with Ty Lee still down between his legs. For a brief moment, he wonders if this is how he’ll die. But rather than kill him, Azula runs a hand along his face and chin.

“This was fun. We’ll have to do it again some time. I trust you know better than to tell anyone that this happened, of course.”

Taiko nods his head in rapid agreement. Again?! Well, he wasn’t going to say no, now was he?

“Good. See you around, victor.”

Almost as quickly as it began, the three girls are gone and Taiko is left behind in the bedroom. Part of him almost wonders if it even happened… but no, his imagination isn’t that good. He’s not that creative. It happened… and he survived.

That’s about the best he could honestly ask for, in the end.


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