Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Highest Dragon (Dragon Age: Inquisition)


Themes: Dragon Sex, Mind Break, Dom/Sub

Summary: Post-game, the Inquisitor and some of her strongest allies decide to go on one last mission together after hearing about a High Dragon stirring on the Storm Coast. This proves to be their undoing.


Plap! Plap! Plap!
Moans fill the Dwarven Thaig. Flesh undulates and writhes. A belly bulges with the sheer size of the cock inside of it. There is no struggle. There is no fight. It is already done. The battle is already lost… and yet, the defeated do not rail against the injustice being done to them. They revel in it instead.
It was supposed to be one final mission. One last job. They were some of the most powerful women in the world, after all.
First, Cassandra Pentaghast, Seeker of the Chantry and Right Hand of the Divine. Some said she was supposed to become the next Divine Victoria.
Second, Vivienne de Fer, Orlesian Mage and personal enchanter and advisor to Empress Celene. They said she was supposed to become the next Grand Enchanter.
The third among their number was Sera, a simple elven archer. She had no titles, no claim to power or wealth or influence. And yet, she’d still fought alongside them time and time again, defeating foes that should have been far beyond their number.
Finally, last but not least… Herah Adaar, Female Qunari, Inquisitor and Herald of Andraste. Her work was done, the world saved by her doing. And yet, rather than take the deskbound retirement she’d been offered for her services, the Inquisitor had found herself drawn into this… one last mission.
Hearing tell of a strange new High Dragon awakening in the Storm Coast, camped out in an old Dwarven Thaig, the Inquisitor had gathered her companions together, bringing Cassandra, Vivienne, and Sera to her side for this final task. To be fair, who else would have stood a chance against a High Dragon but them? After all, they’d killed other dragons in the past together… even other High Dragons.
Common, prevailing knowledge was that High Dragons were fully mature adult female dragons, the rarest type of dragon that one could find these days. While they’d once been far more numerous, most people in Thedas believed them to be all but extinct now. Which was for the best, really, because many dragon cults still existed to this day and would gladly rise up around such powerful creatures.
That’s why it was Herah and her friends’ responsibility to find and kill this new High Dragon before it could find its footing or be approached by such a cult. Only… they’d miscalculated. Severely.
While true that they’d fought and killed High Dragons together before, they’d only ever fought and killed female High Dragons. As it turned out, there were in fact male versions… or at least, there was this one male version. And he was far more powerful than his female counterparts.
They were beaten. Soundly. The Inquisitor and her Companions laid low by a truly massive, utterly incomprehensible monster of a dragon. Worse still, he was not as savage or unintelligent as some of his fellows. He could think. More… he could show mercy. Mercy he had chosen to show all of them. Mercy that they had railed against at first, wailing and gnashing their teeth… before slowly succumbing.
Even now, deep in the Dwarven Thaig, they are being fucked by their new Master. Used and then set aside.
Cassandra lays there on a rock, her belly stuffed to the brim with cum. She scowls furiously, even as she runs her hands over her stretched abdomen. It looks like she’s pregnant, even though she’s not.
“That… beast. He has his way with us time and time again without so much as a b-by your leave. T-Tch…”
Even though her words make her sound like she’s angry about that fact, her actions speak louder. Her thighs clench together, her cunt walls squeezing down at the thought of having him inside of her again sooner rather than later. In truth, dragon hunting was in Cassandra’s blood. She’d heard more stories about dragons than almost any of them.
She’d even heard stories of lesser male dragons doing this on occasion. Once or twice, Cassandra had even laid in her bed at night and touched herself to the thought of being taken in such a way by a dragon. A great scaled beast holding her down and having his way with her… yes, that made her really moan.
Of course, Cassandra had never told anyone about her fantasies. Even now, she refused to speak of them out loud. She and her allies might have been defeated and turned into this High Dragon’s playthings, but she wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of seeing her break, this she swore to herself. In truth, she was simply in a state of denial.
Vivienne de Fer did not suffer from the same malady. Stripped naked as well, the powerful enchanter lies on her back on a different rock, her dark skin covered in ropes of dragon cum from the last time he came all over her. She lays there with a smile on her face, looking over at Cassandra with lazy, heavily lidded eyes.
“You know you loved it, Cass. Don’t act like you didn’t.”
Cassandra squawks, refusing to look Vivienne in the eye. Giggling, Vivienne reaches out and uses her magic to pinch and pull at Cassandra’s nipples. In truth… Vivienne is a broken woman. Desolated after her lover’s death, she hadn’t really made more than a token effort to interact with the world from that point on.
But then the Inquisitor had come for her, asking her to help with this one final mission… and Vivienne had agreed. Perhaps part of her had hoped she would be killed. Perhaps part of her had figured she might have an opportunity to heroically sacrifice herself to save one of her friends. That would be a good death, right?
Alas, that had not happened. Vivienne’s magic had no more effect on this male High Dragon than the weapons of her allies did. He had easily defeated them all without even killing them, and then he’d had his way with them. In response… Vivienne had succumbed the earliest of all of them. She hadn’t bothered fighting it. She’d welcomed it, even. Enjoyed it. She’d even used her magic to spice things up a bit here and there.
Glaring at her, Cassandra scoffs.
“T-Traitor. You bitch…”
But there’s no heat to the woman’s words. They both know that Cassandra’s body has betrayed her just like Vivienne’s did. And they also both knew that Cassandra, for all her words, was not fighting back nearly as much as she could have. After all… if she had fought back harder, she would have shared Sera’s fate.
On her hands and knees, moaning like a bitch stuck in heat, Sera the Elven Archer is the worst of them all. She had fought the hardest, and also proven the most defiant. She’d even gone so far as to spit in their new Master’s eye… which had prompted him to make an example of her.
As the rest of them had been chained to the wall and left to watch, the male High Dragon had fucked Sera day and night on his cock, mind breaking her, stuffing her full of his cum over and over again… and even showing the depths of his true power by transforming her flesh into something overly sexualized and horrifying.
At least the rest of them still had their original forms. But Sera… Sera’s tits had been doubled in size, her lips becoming small pillows, her hips widening and her ass beggaring belief. She’d become this walking, talking caricature of an elf and a woman, looking more like some mage’s fantasized sex doll than an actual person.
Her mind had never recovered either. Even now she was on her hands and knees, licking and lapping from a large pool of their Master’s cum. She needed it now more than any of the rest of them did. She was addicted to dragon seed and even if they escaped this place, even if they got her back to civilization, she would need a steady diet of draconic cum to survive from this point on.
Not that it truly mattered. All of them knew they weren’t getting out of this. Even Cassandra, for all that she continued to make comments, had ultimately accepted that this was their fate. Four of the most powerful women in all of Thedas… reduced to a High Dragon’s playthings.
Last but not least among their number is the one currently entertaining their new Master right this moment. After gazing upon Sera for a long moment, both Vivienne and Cassandra quietly look over to the other end of the room, where a Qunari Female can be seen bouncing up and down on a massive draconic cock, moaning up a storm and shuddering in reluctant pleasure as claws hold her horns and force her to arch her back.
Herah Adaar, Inquisitor and Herald of Andraste, moans as she’s fucked upon the High Dragon’s cock. The Female Qunari knows better than most the impossibility of this creature’s existence. The Qunari have a long history with dragons, after all. For a long time, they even worshipped the dragons, before the Qun came and they changed their ways. These days, it was against the law to openly revere a dragon. That didn’t matter to her necessarily since she was a Visoth, but still…
And yet… High Dragons were called Ataashi, meaning ‘glorious one’ in Qunlat. And was there not something truly glorious about this great creature who had so easily defeated her and her strongest allies.
As his massive draconic member stretches out her insides and pushes deep into her womb, Herah whimpers and moans, the Inquisitor gurgling as she tries not to cum too fast or too often. It’s impossible for her not to climax at all though upon his thick, majestic cock… as he’s proven time and time again since he first decided to make them his women.
His voice, thick and deep, echoes through her mind as the Female Qunari struggles in his grasp. She can’t fight too hard, lest she inadvertently break her own horns off in the process. His grip on her horns is tight and ironclad, and she is completely at his mercy. Still, she’s the only one of the foursome who hasn’t broken or submitted yet and they both know it.
Oh sure, Cassandra makes a big show of not having submitted, but she also doesn’t fight back or resist in any way. She says one thing but her body does another, happily bouncing upon the High Dragon’s cock. Meanwhile, Vivienne has given in completely and wholeheartedly, and the Inquisitor can tell she’s happier like this, somehow. Happier than she’s been since her lover’s death.
Sera… the Qunari regrets not being able to save Sera from what the High Dragon did to her. If anything, it is Sera’s fate that has caused Herah to resist this long. Well, that and as a Qunari she knew dragons weren’t gods. She mustn’t revere dragons. She mustn’t enjoy this awe-inspiring creature and his big fat cock. She-
“Submit. Let go. You have fought for so long… and for what? Give in to me. Accept me as your Master, as your friends have. Be with me and be with them for the rest of your days.”
It’s not until that moment that Herah realizes how close she was to already giving in. A shudder runs through the Qunari’s body, a moan leaves her lips… and she relaxes as she finds herself letting go then and there. He’s right, after all. She and the others have been fighting for all this time, done all of the things they did… but in the end, it didn’t really feel like they got the happy ending they were owed.
Maybe this could be their happy ending. Maybe she didn’t have to fight so hard anymore. A slow smile spreads across the Qunari Inquisitor’s face as she moans and truly lets herself go. The sound of flesh slapping against scales fills the room, and she succumbs to the pleasure.
It’s telling that even though they’re watching this happen right before their eyes, none of her friends cry out or tell her to fight it. Not even Cassandra says she has to keep fighting. Instead, the human woman bites her lower lip, watching on as Herah gets pounded to kingdom come. Until finally, with a pleased groan, their Master cums inside of his final conquest as well, filling her with his seed.
“Good. Very good.”
They all feel a spark of something in their chests at his words. His approval resonates with them in a way none of them can explain. As Herah is pulled off of his cock and dropped to the floor, she wastes no time in turning around, kneeling before his majestic member. Seeing this, the other women begin to crawl over, Sera included.
One by one, they arrive. Cassandra, Vivienne, Sera, and Herah. Four of stalwart defenders of the world, reduced to this. And yet, none of them are particularly unhappy about it. Instead, they moan as they wrap their tits around different parts of his cock while lolling out their tongues to begin slurping at his massive draconic member.
Each of them has had him inside of them by this point. Each of them has been taken by their Master. His huge length should have killed them, but instead they all survived it thanks to his magic. Now, they worship him and his cock, rubbing against him, performing a quadruple blowjob-titjob combo for him.
This is where they belong now. This is the fate of four of the most instrumental women in all of Thedas. None will ever know what became of them. As far as the histories are concerned, they simply vanished. But that’s alright. Because they’re happy right where they are. No more responsibilities, no more having to worry about anything else.
Just each other, their Master, and mind-blowing sex.


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