Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The S*x Room – Highschool of the Dead

Poll Winner

Themes: Marathon Sex, Moresome, Breeding

Summary: During the Great Drought that is No-Nut November, mysterious forces from beyond bring characters from all over the multiverse to participate in a special event: The Sex Room. In the Sex Room, characters are saved from terrible fates, and pay off their debt in this Room until the conditions are met: "When all the Participants Cum a total of 1000 times". Today's participants are: Takashi, The Female Survivors, & Rika Minami. 


“-otal of a thousand times!”

As the voice echoes through the room, Takashi can’t help but bristle. Maybe it’s the adrenaline talking, maybe he just wants to get out in front of all of this because… well, he’s the only guy in the group. Either way, after what he just heard, it feels like there’s only one response he can possibly give.

“Like hell! We aren’t-mmph!”

And yet, just as he’s getting on his soapbox and preparing to reject the demands of those who had apparently transported them across space and time to bring them here, his mouth is suddenly covered up by the hand of one of his compatriots.

“What he means is we’ve got conditions!”

Wait, what? Takashi blinks owlishly as Saya Takagi pipes up. Except, it wasn’t she who covered his mouth. The pink-haired short stack would have had to literally leap up to reach his mouth and cover it or find a way to bring him down to her level. No, rather, it was Rika Minami, the prefectural police sniper, who had reached around and silenced him.

To Takashi’s abject surprise, all of the girls around him are nodding slowly. Did they not hear the same pitch he heard?! Whoever had brought them here had called this place ‘The Sex Room’! They’d then gone on to say that the price for saving their lives was for them to all cumulatively cum a THOUSAND times!

Takashi wasn’t the best at quick maths, but he was pretty sure that with six of them, that was around a hundred and fifty orgasms apiece. No small laughing matter… to say nothing of the humiliation inherent in having to do so for the amusement and entertainment of whoever the fuck these aliens were that had abducted them in the first place.

… At the same time, as the adrenaline fades, he realizes what the others seem to have already realized. They were all about to die. There was no margin of error on that statement. The last thing Takashi had seen before they were all here was the dead breaking into their latest hiding place. He’d seen the others fighting for their lives, but steadily being overrun. Hell, he’d even seen Saeko take a bite meant for Rei.

The swordswoman is currently rubbing her arm, but even as she looks down at it along with him and Rei… it’s blemish free. There’s no bite there. She’s not going to die and she’s not going to turn. All of them get to live… if they do as they’re told and don’t piss off whoever their saviors were.

When no response comes to Saya’s statement, the pink-haired short stack pushes her glasses up the bridge of her nose and forges ahead anyways.

“First of all, is there a time limit? Second of all, will we be provided food and water? Third of all, will there be assistance in the form of… d-drugs?”

… Saya had always been the strategist of the group, but wasn’t she taking this all a little too well? Weren’t they all taking this a little too well? Maybe it was egotistical of Takashi, but as the only man, wouldn’t he have to… engage with all of them? Sure, they could technically all get themselves off separately, but the place wasn’t called ‘The Masturbation Room’, it was called ‘The Sex Room’. It seemed pretty obvious they’d be in trouble if they tried to game the system.

In response to Saya’s list of demands… a hole in the wall of the room slides open and the voice from before echoes overhead once more.

“There is no time limit. Through that hallway, you will find an area to relieve yourselves, clean yourselves, eat, drink, and sleep. However, all orgasms must take place inside of this chamber for it to count. Drugs can be provided, so long as you all consent.”

There’s a beat as everyone digests this, and then…


Takashi jolts as Rei suddenly speaks up. He assumes she’s talking about first dibs on the bathroom or shower or whatever, especially with the annoyed looks the other women all give her. But then, why is she looking directly at him for some reason? Scowling, Saya pushes her glasses up her nose again.

“I consent.”

Following her, everyone else says the same thing, until Takashi is the last man standing so to speak. He looks around at all the expectant looks he’s being given and blinks once more before finally parroting their words.

“Uh… I consent?”

A moment later and the room begins to fill with a pink gas of sorts. Before that even happens however, before they even get a chance to inhale whatever the gas is, Rei is already positively skipping over to where Takashi is standing and dropping to her knees before him.

As it turned out, it wasn’t the shower that she was calling dibs on… it was HIM! Takashi can only gape as the other women all look on with jealousy. Saya and Saeko don’t move a muscle, while Rika grabs Shizuka by her arm and drags her down the hallway away from the gas.

As Rei works open his pants, she’s the first to breathe in whatever the pink gas is. Her eyes widen and her pupils dilate as she begins to pant heavily.

“O-Oh… yeah, t-that’ll help.”

A low, wanton moan leaves the kneeling brunette’s lips, and she attacks his crotch with much greater ferocity. Before Takashi can even do anything, she has his dick out and in her mouth. His childhood friend is on her knees, bobbing up and down on his cock in an enthusiastic display of lustful, slobbery fellatio.

Wanton moans from the other two women in the room draw Takashi’s eyes to them. Saya and Saeko have both begun touching themselves while looking at him with lust-filled eyes. However, the pink gas hasn’t even reached them yet. Could it be… that they’ve always wanted this? Surely not, right? Surely he wasn’t some sort of harem protagonist!

But the proof was right in front of his eyes. Even as Rei begins to throat his member, gagging on his cock, Saya and Saeko are stripping themselves naked for him, exposing their beautiful busty bodies to his eyes. Meanwhile, the pink gas has finally reached Takashi’s nostrils. The young man lets out a gasp as he feels its effects begin to fill his body.

It’s a combination of an aphrodisiac and a pick-me-up if he had to describe it. Almost immediately, his cock is even harder in Rei’s mouth than it already was, and something tells him that his erection isn’t going to go away anytime soon. More than that though, he feels filled with energy, fit to burst really. His entire body thrums with a desire to move, to be active… to fuck away all of this life and stamina he suddenly has.

Well, if the girls were okay with it, then so was Takashi. In truth, his original rejection had been more about not coming across as a pervert to the women he’d been surviving with all this time. He was still a young man though, and he would be lying if he said that some part of him didn’t perk up at the thought of being in a ‘Sex Room’ where he and five absolutely gorgeous women had to have a thousand cumulative orgasms before they could leave.

If nothing else, he and the three girls who stayed behind are all well on their way to their firsts. Reaching down, he grabs hold of Rei by the hair, causing her to glance up at him. In her eyes, Takashi sees… acceptance. More than that, he sees wanton need. And so he begins to fuck her face, using her mouth as his own personal onahole.

“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”

Her hands fall away from his cock and down below her skirts and she’s soon noisily fingering herself to completion right alongside Saya and Saeko. With the other two eagerly watching and waiting their turn with him, it doesn’t take long for Takashi to let out a heartfelt groan and cum down Rei’s throat. She gurgles and cums right alongside him too, and with that they’ve got the first two out of a thousand down. Only nine hundred and ninety-eight to go.

As soon as he’s done cumming in Rei’s mouth, Saya leaps in, stepping between them and pushing her hips back against his cock, letting his member hot dog her ass cheeks.

“H-Hey! I called dibs!”

“Nngh, and you got dibs… you got Takashi’s first load. N-Not our fault you decided to use your mouth!”

Rei whines at that, only for Saya to reach out and grab the other girl by the jaw, pulling her into a deep kiss as she bends over at the waist. Apparently, it wasn’t going to be all him and each of the girls… apparently, the aphrodisiac was helping to lower inhibitions, and allowing them to all act like their true selves.

Grabbing Saya by the hips, Takashi drives into the pink-haired short stack’s cunt a moment later. He begins fucking her hard and fast from the very start, and from the very start, she cums for him. Probably because she was already primed from masturbating, but still, its kind of hot how she climaxes on the very first thrust and then just doesn’t stop.

It’s one long string of constant orgasms for the bespectacled strategist, with her eventually unable to keep dominating Rei’s mouth as her squealing climaxes make her lose control and temporarily mind break her. This in turn allows Rei to take over, though rather than pulling away she continues kissing Saya, moaning throatily and wantonly as well.

Takashi can’t quite say how long that lasts for, all he knows is that when he finally blows his load, he can’t help but do it inside. Maybe it’s the aphrodisiac, but he can’t fathom cumming anywhere BUT in the hole he’s already driving away at.

As he pulls out of Saya, she falls forward onto Rei without him holding onto her, and ultimately the two end up sixty-nining after Rei spins her around, the other girl seemingly intent on eating his cum out of her. Takashi doesn’t get long to admire the sight however, because Saeko is calling out to him.


The beautiful purple-haired swordswoman is on her back with her legs spread wide and her fingers splaying apart her pussy lips. Takashi barely spares a moment to admire what might just be the most beautiful sight he’s ever seen. He can’t hold himself back… he knows what he wants and in his current state, he’ll damn well get it.

With a growl, Takashi lunges forward and is inside of Saeko a moment later. The tallest of the female survivors cries out as he fills her, and she does so again when he latches onto one of her breasts with his mouth, biting and suckling and nibbling at her teat.

He fucks her like a fucking animal, pounding her into the Sex Room’s floor like there’s no tomorrow. But then to be fair, there hadn’t been just a little while ago. Not for any of them. Their story had been about to end. Saeko had even been bitten. And now… now they were saved. It wasn’t entirely the aphrodisiac that was driving them into this lustful rutting… but it certainly helped them overcome any final hang-ups they might have had.

Saeko’s arms and legs wrap around Takashi and she holds him close as he rails her to completion. Not before she’s cum at least a dozen times herself, however. Fucking her so hard and fast, Takashi isn’t surprised at how often she orgasms for him. This is, after all, the point of this place.

As he finally finishes inside of her as well, Takashi is almost reluctant to pull away. However, he hears something weird and can’t help looking over just in time to see Shizuka helping Rika pull a mattress down the hallway and into the Sex Room. Takashi blinks, even as they get it situated and then straighten up… both of them having already stripped naked by this point.

Shizuka’s body is soft and pillowy and to die for, an absolute hourglass figure to go with a beautiful blonde. Meanwhile, Rika is a lot slimmer, albeit with still quite the rack. She’s far more athletic however. They both have great bodies as far as Takashi is concerned, and that’s definitely not just the aphrodisiacs talking.

“Well damn, you youngin’s work fast. Hope you’ve got enough left in the tank for… ooooh, that’s the good stuff.”

Rika’s eyes half-roll back in her head as she finally breathes in enough of the aphrodisiac to get her engine revving. Shizuka just giggles, the blonde school nurse having been already rapidly inhaling since they entered the room. Both women are primed and ready… and with a bed to boot, or at least a mattress.

As Takashi moves towards them, they both get down on the mattress on all fours, offering themselves up to him at the same time… but also apart. Takashi finds he simply can’t decide. The physically fit sniper, or the voluptuous, pillowy school nurse? Why choose when he can have both at the same time?

With a lustful growl, he grabs Rika and flips her onto her back before she can so much as blink. As she squawks, he also grabs Shizuka… and promptly shifts her over on top of Rika, using her pillowy body to pin the sniper down. A moment later he has them right where he wants them… with their pussies together and his cock aimed directly at their combined sexes.

He thrusts into Shizuka first, and then pulls out to thrust into Rika. And with that, Takashi’s sex-fueled brilliance is rewarded as both older women moan up a storm, rubbing their very different bodies against one another and holding each other tightly as they get railed at the exact same time by Takashi’s cock. He fucks them in unison, one after the other without pause and without hesitation.

In doing so, he’s really killing two birds with one stone. Rather than them each only cumming half as much as say, Saya or Saeko… they both cum JUST as much as the other two girls. And so, in half the time Takashi is able to knock out another two dozen or so orgasms before his own release finally starts to take him.

With a hoarse groan, he pumps half his load into Shizuka and half his load into Rika. That’s what feels right… that’s what feels good.

Of course, that’s just the beginning. A thousand orgasms. That was how many they needed to cumulatively have before they could leave the Sex Room. And so far, they’d barely broken through fifty, with only four of those being Takashi’s. That just wouldn’t do. They needed more. They had to keep fucking.

And fuck they would. With some breaks here and there, with some food and drink, some showers and sleep… and plenty of orgasms that didn’t even take place in the Sex Room. By the end of it, Takashi was exactly the harem protagonist he’d thought it impossible for him to be. And none of the women he’d impregnated and knocked up over the course of the Thousand Climax Challenge were going to let him go without a fight.


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