Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Ultimatum

Poll Winner

Themes: Self-Hypnosis, Master/Slave, Slutty Sex

Summary: They were childhood friends, but as happens sometimes, you grow up and grow apart. Ultimately she opened her own magic shop while he continued adventuring. Until one day, he received a letter detailing just what she'd done to herself. If he didn't act fast, the next man who she met would claim her. In the end, he had a choice. Either become her Master, or let someone else have the job. 


“Katie! Damn it all… Katherine, where are you?!”

He’d rushed here as soon as he could. It’d only been hours since he got her letter, but Michael hadn’t wasted even a single moment. He’d called in every favor he had to get access to the teleportation network, flinging himself across time and space to return to their old home town where Katherine had set up shop so many years ago.

It was clear to him now that he never should have left her. She’d always been more codependent than he was, but Michael had assumed they both grew out of that around the same time. Certainly, she’d never seemed to make too big of a deal about his adventuring causing their visits to be further and further apart. Obviously, she’d been bottling it all up inside. Until finally, she could do so no longer.


As he races through her magic shop and up the stairs, Michael hears a response… the sound of lewd, wanton moaning coming from a woman’s lips. As well as the sound of fingers shlicking in and out of a sopping wet sex.

When he finally bursts into her study, there she is waiting for him. Not as he expected her to be, but perhaps as he SHOULD have anticipated all the same. She’s not wearing her official wizard robes like the last time he’d seen her, but a sluttified mockery of them instead. Her large purple brimmed hat is on the desk behind her head as she lays there on the floor, panting and moaning needily.

Her large breasts are barely contained in a purple scoop bikini top, and her pussy… well, it would be covered up by a thin slip of purple cloth connected to a golden ring normally, but by the time he arrives, she’s flipped it aside and began masturbating helplessly, her tongue sticking out under the see-through purple veil she’s wearing over her face.

Katherine looks more like the property of a brothel then the accomplished and genius wizard she’s supposed to be. But then, Michael supposes that’s the point.

“Oh Katherine… what have you done to yourself?”

He knew already, of course. She’d explained everything in her letter. How she couldn’t do it anymore. How she could no longer continue pretending she wanted to be a strong, independent woman. She wanted to be owned. She wanted to be used. She had a fetish for hypnosis a mile long that she’d never indulged in but could no longer contain.

Her letter had made it abundantly clear that he had a choice. Either Michael returned and used the key she’d given him long ago to get to her… or someone else would eventually notice her absence and go looking for her. Either way, the result would be inevitable because Katherine had assured him her magic was sound. She WOULD immediately latch onto the next man she saw as her eternal master.

Indeed, in this moment Katherine doesn’t answer his question. Instead, her eyes, currently filled with heart-shaped pupils, light up at the sight of him as she lets out a particularly wanton moan and bucks her hips, squirting all over the floor of her study.

“M-Master! Master is here! Master came for Kitty! Hehe, yaaaay Master!”

Michael goes still as Katherine flops over onto her hands and knees and begins to crawl towards him in her whorish attire that leaves absolutely nothing to the imagination. Her full ass swings from side to side as she pants noisily beneath her veil, her blonde locks dangling along her shoulders and her full tits swaying back and forth.

In his indecision, she reaches him and draws up onto her knees, grabbing hold of his crotch and beginning to fiddle with his trousers. Swallowing thickly, Michael just stares at her. Katherine didn’t think this was what he wanted from her, did she? Surely not?

… No, they were childhood friends. They knew each other better than that. Or at least, Michael had thought as much. He was beginning to realize now that he’d not tried to get to know Katherine nearly as well as he should have. He could only hope that she hadn’t failed in the same way.


Giggling at him and licking her lips, Katherine’s heart-shaped eyes dance with delight.

“Silly Master! My name is Kittie now and-eep!”

Reaching out, he grabs hold of her hair firmly.

“I am your Master now, aren’t I? Your name is whatever I say it is.”

Some of the giggling vanishes from her voice as she looks up at him. But her panting only gets noisier as she clearly gets immensely turned on by him using his new authority over her.

“Yes Master~”

Her throaty, sultry tone makes Michael swallow thickly, his crotch getting… tight at everything in front of him. As horrified as he was by all of this, no man could possibly ignore the show that Katherine was putting on. As she wiggles back and forth on her knees before him, she hesitates for a moment before returning to extracting his cock from its confines. He lets her, even as his mind works furiously.

She was always the genius. He was just a Fighter. And sure, he was one of the strongest Fighters in the whole damn Kingdom, an S-Class Adventurer who had millions of gold to his name at this point. But damn it all, he was still just a Fighter. And yet… and yet, he still had an idea.

“Katherine… I’m your Master now. You have to obey me. Is that right?”

Nuzzling his cock, Katherine moans and nods her head emphatically.

“Mm, yes Master!”

“Then… then I want you to act as much like your old self as possible. None of this stupid bimbo slut attitude. You’re still you, right? You still have that mind of yours in there. If… if I’m going to be your Master, you’re going to do as I say.”

A shudder goes through Katherine’s lewd, scantily clad body and when she looks up at him the heart-shaped pupils have cleared away and there’s an intelligence once more in her gaze. A sad smile crosses her face.

“… You were always smarter than you thought, Master.”

It’d worked. Michael outright collapses to his knees then and there and wraps Katherine in a huge hug, his cock falling free of her hands and slapping down upon her thighs instead as he holds her close.

“Oh thank fucking god. You crazy little bitch… do you know how much you scared me?”

“Mm. Apologies Master. I hope you’ll punish this lowly hypnotized slave for her impudence.”

… Right. They weren’t out of the woods yet, were they? Pulling back, Michael looks his childhood friend in the eye, another thought coming to mind.

“What can I not order you to do as your Master, Katherine?”

Her sad smile becomes slightly wicked at that, her eyes twinkling with impish delight.

“You cannot order me to call you anything but Master, Master. And you cannot order me to reverse the hypnosis spells I’ve used on myself. Anything else is fair game.”

Yeah, that sounded about right. Michael shakes his head, unable to help the rueful smile that forms on his face at how far Katherine has gone for this.

“I would also advise you to not try and ask any other wizard for assistance in this matter either, Master. You see, I recently let it slip that my research into the Elixir of Life has taken a turn for the better. I am only a few short years away from solving that particular mystery and being able to produce said Elixir. If you allowed any of my colleagues to know about my new condition in the hopes that they could reverse it, I can assure you they would very eagerly take advantage of my vulnerability.”

Michael’s mouth opens and closes wordlessly at that a few times. The Elixir of Life. Seriously, Katherine?! Part of him wants to scream. Another part of him can’t help but admire the sheer audacity on display from his childhood friend. His childhood friend who has grown to be a truly beautiful, voluptuous woman. A beautiful, voluptuous woman that has her hands wrapped around his cock again and is stroking him the rest of the way to full mast.

With a growl that’s part exasperation and part lust, Michael pushes Katherine onto her back, pinning her hands above her head as his cock rubs against the purple loincloth she currently has draped over her crotch. She moans at his forcefulness, giving him a hooded, expectant look as she writhes underneath him.

“… So that’s it then. This is to be our new relationship, is it? What do you want from me, Katie? Tell me what you want. That’s an order from your Master.”

Shivering in excitement and pleasure, Katherine licks her lips and answers truthfully. She can do nothing less, having hypnotized herself like this.

“I want you to own me, Master. I want you to make use of me and my talents in any way you see fit. My magic shop is yours. The Legendary Items I’ve crafted are yours to hand out to your Adventuring Party or to use for yourself. As for me… you can keep me to yourself or hand me out as well. Pass me around if you like, so long as all know that I belong to you, first and foremost. I am your property, Master. From now on I-!”

She’s cut off mid-sentence as he sweeps the loincloth away and slams into her right then and there, driving the breath from her lungs. Michael growls as he leans over her, running his free hand through her hair and looking into her eyes.

“Oh… shut up, Katie.”

Pushing her veil to the side as well, he kisses her long and hard, something she happily returns with a moan and plenty of tongue as he fucks her then and there on the floor of her study. He tries to hold back some, tries not to be too rough, but his anger does bleed through a fair bit. He can’t exactly make love to her right now. Not when she’s his hypnotized sex slave. He’s not nearly as gentle nor as tender as he would have preferred, but that could wait for later when he’d calmed down some.

Not that Katherine minded the rough treatment all that much. No, she was moaning up a storm into his mouth, and cumming buckets upon his cock. As he pistons in and out of her with great force, her eyes flutter and roll back in her head, her tongue growing wild and uncontrolled as she swaps spit with him.

Only when he finally breaks the lip lock do her eyes immediately snap forward again, looking up at him expectantly as he pulls his mouth away from hers. Reaching down, Michael yanks her top to the side, letting her breasts spill free. Grabbing them both, he gives them a hard squeeze as he snarls.

“I’m not sharing you with anyone, Katie. You got that? I’m never going to let another man touch you. Not ever.”

Katherine’s cunt flexes around his cock at that, and she cums on the spot even as she nods frantically in response, moaning up a storm.

“If you’re going to belong to me, then you’ll be mine and mine alone. My woman, my wizard, my… slave.”

He’d never wanted a slave, even if it wasn’t technically outlawed anywhere he operated. He’d always found the practice distasteful. But he supposed if he WAS going to have a slave, one who had willingly enslaved herself to him was the best option he could hope for. And if nothing else… Katherine was very tight and getting tighter at the same time she was getting wetter as he fucked her there on the floor of her study.

Still, the place isn’t the best for consummating their relationship, is it? The floor is dusty and dirty, and while he knows she’s only been like this for a day or so given when he received the letter, Michael can’t imagine she’s been doing very well, cooped up in this place, finalizing the details of her plan to force him to take ownership of her.

Sliding his hands under her, Michael stands with a grunt, his Fighter Strength allowing him to rise to his feet even with an ample armful of beautiful blonde wizard in his grasp. Katherine squeaks and then hurriedly wraps her limbs around him, moaning as she sinks down onto his cock while holding onto him for dear life.

Turning, Michael begins to walk her out of the study and down the hall to where he remembered the Master Bedroom being last. As he does so, Katherine buries her face in the crook of his neck, continuing to moan up a storm all the while, her cunt also continuing to gush down his length again and again. When they finally reach the Master Bedroom, Michael lays her back on the bed and strips the rest of her slutty, scanty garments off of her. Its telling that he can remove all of it without having to remove his cock from her clenching twat.

Climbing onto the bed after her, pulling off his shirt and kicking off his trousers, the Fighter reveals a chiseled body, one with scars from all of his adventures and muscles galore from his constant hard work. He’s not huge or hulking or anything like that… but he IS incredibly well built, and even hypnotized, Katherine feasts her eyes on his naked form, cooing happily.

Chuckling at the delirious look of pleasure on his childhood friend’s flushed face, Michael just shakes his head as he settles in to begin fucking her once more, this time with slower but also deeper thrusts, penetrating further into her than possibly any man before him as he takes her wholly and utterly. His cock thrusts in and out of her and his hands wander her body.

He draws orgasm after orgasm out from Katherine’s shuddering figure, and watches her face contort into ecstasy and pleasure before always reverting back to staring at him with nothing but adoration and devotion. As he does so, he brushes a lock of sweaty blonde hair out of her face and sighs.

“Oh Katherine. What am I going to do with you?”

Looking up into his eyes, Katherine grins a wicked, lust, sultry grin.

“Whatever you damn well please, Master. Whatever you damn well please.”

He supposed she was right about that. Whatever he damn well pleased indeed...


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