Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Unlikely Love (Mass Effect)


Themes: Loving Sex, Former Master/Slave, Alien Sex

Summary: In a future AU where the aftermath of the Reaper War leads to a Galactic Human Empire, a single Asari Slave has had a hard six centuries of life. But perhaps things are finally looking up for her...


Milanea was an Asari Slave, owned by a family of humans within the height of the Galactic Human Empire. She was also just old enough to remember it hadn’t always been this way. Humans hadn’t always ruled the galaxy. In fact, deep within her heart, the Asari still held on to the belief that the Shepard hadn’t intended for this to happen, regardless of what the Empire would have people believe.
And yet… intentions meant nothing at the end of the day. Even Shepard’s. It didn’t happen immediately or anything like that. When the Reaper War first came to a close, Milanea recalled being taught about how everyone came together, how the galaxy united as one to recover from the devastating near-extinction of their peoples.
Maybe it was luck that saw the humans ascendant in this time period. Maybe it was unconscious bias on the Shepard’s part. He WAS a human after all, that fact was indisputable. But Milanea also recalled being told that his crew was filled with aliens. That he himself was no racist. The Empire had erased much of that history, remaking Shepard’s crew into an all-human venture, but Milanea still remembered all these hundreds of years later. Not that it really mattered.
Facts were facts. The galaxy had needed leadership in the direct aftermath of the Reaper War and humankind had been the only ones in a position of strength. So of course they’d provided a guiding hand to the other races. And until the Shepard’s death, that was all it was. But once he was gone, once he and his generation of short-lived humans reached the end of their natural lifespans, the next generation was a bit more entitled and a bit more arrogant and a bit more domineering.
And the next after that was even worse. Soon enough, the other species of the galaxy were relegated to little more than client race status as humanity took one look at them and declared their ways ‘backwards’ and ‘in need of guidance’. Some saw the way things were going and tried to rise up. Some saw the way things were going and tried to flee altogether.
Milanea was born on an Asari Colony formed up of the latter type of people. The Galactic Human Empire was still in its infancy for her first fifty years of life. Dealing with the rebellions, with the alien terrorist groups who sought to topple human supremacy before it could spread across the stars. For a time, her colony life was peaceful. She was raised free and taught the true history of things.
… And then the humans came for them. The Empire did not forget those that fled. They were just busy dealing with those that rose up. Until they weren’t.
At fifty years old, Milanea and her entire colony had been captured and enslaved. It was apparently the way humanity worked now. All other aliens were lesser than them of course, but some were even lesser than others. Turians and Salarians for instance, were not enslaved. They had largely stayed true to the Human Empire and the side of Order and remained as Client Races for the humans to this day. But the Asari… the Asari had long memories. More than that though, they had aesthetically pleasing bodies that were entirely too compatible with the humans who lusted after them.
The entire Asari Race was declared only good for one thing and one thing only… serving human masters. And so even Milanea’s colony was scooped up to be sold at the auction houses that sprouted up all across the Empire seemingly overnight.
Some Asari got good masters. Not all humans were monsters, or so Milanea had always been told. But she… she hadn’t been so lucky. Her human masters in particular had been cruel to her. She, a youthful Asari Maiden barely facing her fifth decade of life, had found no kindness nor affection with her new masters. They had suppressed her biotics, beat her, violated her, and worst of all put a collar on her that made it impossible to meld with anyone.
And so Milanea had spent the last five and a half centuries like this, treated as a piece of furniture at time, office supplies at others, labor once in a while… and most commonly as a sex toy.
She had seen the worst of humanity in her long life. For the first two hundred or so years, she’d been passed around and eventually sold from family to family, each just as cruel as the last. Then, she’d been purchased by the Solando Family who owned a tech company that worked alongside the Galactic Human Empire on a number of defense contracts.
Milanea had spent three hundred years with that family, used and abused from generation to generation. She had tried to escape, of course. Fifty years might not be long in an Asari’s lifespan, but it was long enough that she had still yearned for freedom. She’d met Asari born into captivity. They couldn’t even fathom it. But Milanea could. She remembered, even to this day, even through all of the abuse.
Unfortunately, every escape attempt had been met with failure. A couple even as a result of foolishly trusting the aforementioned Asari born into slavery. Milanea had learned her lesson and learned it well… escape was impossible and no one could be trusted. Now, at nearly six hundred years of age and reaching the end of the long forgotten Matron stage of an Asari’s life cycle, Milanea was resigned to her fate. She would serve until they let her die and that would be that.
… Or perhaps not?
As Milanea makes her way down a hallway, all of these thoughts of the past running through her head, the gorgeous Asari Slave bites her lower lip in thought, bringing a dark blue hand up to her admittedly massive bosom and trying to calm her racing heart. On top of her sizable bust, Milanea also had a rather big derriere, boasting a perfect hourglass figure created from hundreds of years being kept in shape by her masters. She had a body perfectly designed for sex.
… She couldn’t allow herself to feel hope. Even now. It would hurt too much if it all turned out to be a lie. And yet…
Milanea had served the Solando Family for generations, each worse than the last. This generation in particular had been extremely bad, with Milanea convinced at times that they would be the death of her… and not in a positive or even accidental way either. One of them had even gone so far as to burn her, having a taste for scarring beautiful things. Only the fact that his kin did not agree had seen her healed, the marring completely reversed by modern medicine as he’d been moved to another planet entirely so he couldn’t do it again.
And yet, even this small kindness had only been for the sake of having their most beautiful toy to continue to play with. She was nothing more than the family’s communal sex pet, and her treatment remained just as cruel, callous, and unthinking even after the burning and subsequent healing. At least by most.
Unfortunately for the Solando Family, cruelty bred pettiness and pettiness bred stupidity. Even as the family had become worse and worse as the generations went on, they also became stupider and stupider. Milanea wasn’t completely ignorant to this fact. Having watched them for three whole centuries, she could tell that the general intelligence of the family had been in the decline for a long time.
Their ruthlessness in business remained the same, but their business sense suffered as a result of their increasing stupidity. As a result, the Solando Family had been on a downturn for the past few generations… and from the look of things, this generation in particular might be the last. Even the Galactic Human Empire, who espoused Human Supremacy and condoned alien slavery, had its limitations and laws. Only, the Solando Family had been on top of the galaxy for so long that they believed they were above such laws. And once upon a time, Milanea could confirm they had been. But not anymore.
She’d watched from the sidelines as more and more of the last few generations had been arrested and locked away for their vile actions. She’d watched as this generation in particular had the most undeserved pride and least connections and wealth of any of the previous. Some even tried to blame the family’s decline on her instead of on themselves. That was how deluded they’d become.
For a long time, it had seemed likely that the Solando Family would fall into ruin and Milanea would be sold off with the rest of the family’s property to the highest bidder. It wasn’t anything new to the Asari Slave. In fact, it was how she’d been purchased by the Solando Family three hundred years ago in the first place. She had belonged to their rivals before they’d torn said rivals to shreds and snatched her up amidst the flaming wreckage they left behind.
And yet… things had perhaps changed. Either that or this was the last gasp of the Solando Family before they vanished from the face of the galaxy entirely.
His name was Jonathan Solando. The youngest member of the family, the last son from the third wife of the current family head. He was unlike any other Solando that Milanea had seen in the past three hundred years. Perhaps because his mother had not been an entirely willing wife to his father. That was just one of the many crimes laid at the man’s feet when he’d finally been arrested a year back, leading to the current power struggle between all of his children.
Unlike every other Solando, Jonathan was raised to be kind and considerate. He was raised by just his mother, separate from the rest of the family. Even still, he and his mother had access to Milanea, as did all of the Solando Family. She had been shocked when she was first sent to watch over him as a boy because he’d actually spoken to her like a person and not a thing. They were close, even more so when his mother had died of illness.
She had actually found herself enjoying her time with him. She didn’t hope for anything, of course. She didn’t dare to dream of freedom after all these years. She’d given up on escaping over a century ago. But Jonathan… Jonathan was a bright spot in an otherwise horrible existence. Milanea had watched him grow from a boy into a man and even though she hated servicing his half-siblings and cousins, she’d actually been almost eager for him to call upon her when he became sexually active. She wouldn’t mind letting him use her body to slake his lusts, she’d told herself.
And yet… he never had. He’d never used her for sex even once. Instead, she’d found herself helping him with academics and other things, her long centuries of life giving her perspective despite her enslavement. He was like a light in the darkness, warm and comforting… and all the more terrifying for it.
What if something happened to him? What if he died? Milanea couldn’t bear to consider it, so she’d put it out of her mind and tried not to let herself enjoy his company too much. Even if he survived the family’s destruction, even if he survived their squabbles and downfall, he would still only live a century… and then she would be right back where she started, a slave to cruel, inhumane masters just like before.
Jonathan’s one saving grace was that he was considered too weak to be of notice by the rest of his family. Nothing was expected of him, so even after his father, the Solando Family Head, was arrested and the family tore itself apart from the infighting over who would inherit the company, Jonathan remained unscathed, floating under the radar.
This was good. Better than good in Milanea’s humble opinion. It meant he was safe. It meant he was free. It meant she could still visit him like she was doing right now, and they could grant one another succor through each other’s company.
Reaching the end of the hallway at long last, Milanea slips inside of the room beyond to find Jonathan waiting for her. They’re on the top floor of a high rise and Jonathan is standing at the window, looking out at the city below with a glass of liquor in his hand. When he hears her come in, he turns and graces her with a wide, toothy smile.
“Milanea. Wonderful. With your arrival it truly is done. Everything is… perfect.”
The Asari Slave smiles back, though she also tilts her head in confusion. Chuckling, Jonathan goes over to the table and pours another drink, surprising her when he holds it out to her.
“Please. There’s no need to abide by the old rules anymore, Milanea. You see… I am now the head of the Solando Family.”
Milanea’s eyes widen as her confusion turns into abject shock. In the end, Jonathan has to come up to her and push the glass into her dark blue hands. He then takes a meaningful sip of his own drink, forcing Milanea to mechanically follow suit for a moment before recovering from her stupor and shaking her head.
“I don’t… I don’t understand.”
Jonathan nods.
“I know, Milanea. I’m sorry I had to keep you in the dark as well. But then, you taught me that lesson, didn’t you? Trust no one.”
She hesitantly nods back. That was indeed a lesson she’d taught him.
“I didn’t want to apply it to you. I know you would never willingly betray me. But that’s the key word isn’t it? Willingly. While I was working on this, I uncovered old records of monthly visits to a lab you probably don’t remember. Where you were injected with drugs and forced to spill your inner thoughts and darkest secrets. The reports make it all pretty explicit… it’s how my forefathers discovered so many of your escape plans and laid them to ruin over a century ago.”
… What? A lab? Drugs?
“I couldn’t risk any of my competition finding those records and deciding to take you back to that place or have some of those drugs made again. It’s been a century since you were last taken there, but the chance wasn’t zero that it could happen. So… I had to make even you think that I wanted nothing to do with the Solando Family. I had to lie to you and convince you that we were both keeping our heads down, just in case.”
Milanea is left reeling by all of this. She hadn’t expected it. She didn’t think… and yet, he’s right. If what Jonathan is saying is true, then she was a liability. Anyone in the family could have pried his secrets out of her at any time… if she’d been confided in to begin with. Because she hadn’t been, he was safe and so was she.
“And now?”
Jonathan grins.
“Now, all of my competition is either dead or in prison, Milanea. Now, my half-siblings have all either killed each other or sent each other on the run. I was the last one left standing and I managed to convince the Board of Directors that I was their best bet at a more stable future for Solando Industries. More than that, I convinced the Empire itself that they needed me and Solando for at least a little while longer.”
The young man chuckles at that, running a hand through his short black hair as he shrugs his broad shoulders.
“We’re not out of the woods yet, of course. Still on very thin ice in fact. But we have a chance now. And with the Solando Family so aggressively pruned, I can make it all better. I can make the Solando Name something to be respected again, rather than reviled and hated.”
He looks out over the city once more at those final words. Milanea just watches him for a moment before doing the same. As she gazes down at the city below, the Asari Matron feels a warmth filling her chest. Pride. She’s proud of Jonathan. She’s happy for him, even. And perhaps living as his slave won’t be as bad as all of his forebearers. Only time will tell. He’s still treating her like a person for now at least, though how long that will last she doesn’t-
Milanea freezes in place as a seemingly innocuous sound fills her ears. Except there’s nothing innocuous about that click whatsoever. Because that click… that click is the sound of the collar she’s worn for five hundred and fifty years coming open as Jonathan pulls it off her neck.
She looks to him at that, baffled and confused as he looks down at the collar for a second… and then tosses it as far away from them both as he can possibly get it. Then, he smiles at her.
“You’re free, Milanea.”
What? But… that wasn’t possible.
“I’ve wanted to do this for a long, long time. And now I have. You. Are. Free.”
He means it. She can tell he’s not lying. And yet… Milanea smiles and steps up to the young human man, placing a hand on his cheek as she lets out a sigh and shakes her head.
“Jonathan… you can’t do this. The Empire will never let it happen. My entire species is kept enslaved by Imperial Edict. If you try to free me, not only will I just be recaptured and sold again, but you will be punished even more severely then all of your criminal family members have been.”
Jonathan doesn’t look surprised by this information. Instead, he just nods, swallowing thickly.
“I know. But I won’t change my mind. You ARE free now Milanea. And your next choice is your own.”
What could he possibly mean by-
“I love you, Milanea.”
Her eyes widen at that declaration, even as Jonathan places his hands on her hips, giving her a tender smile.
“I want you to stay by my side, not as a slave, but as my lover. Of course we would keep up appearances, we would have to… but you would be free. WE would both know you’re free at least.”

That… that was…
“But I want to be clear, this is a choice. The other option is that I assign you to the upkeep of one of my properties. An otherwise empty property that sees no traffic save for food deliveries. You would be the sole ‘staff’ on site, living there alone, keeping the house ‘updated’. You would have a monthly income in order to buy things that were necessary for such a thing, of course. Oh and if the data regarding both the house and your whereabouts was corrupted on the Solando Main Servers, well that would be too bad, wouldn’t it?”
He sounds almost business-like as he describes the second option, but Milanea isn’t an idiot. She can easily read between the lines. He’s effectively offering her retirement. And not the euphemistic kind where she’s ‘retired’ out to the ‘farm’ as so many of his family members have threatened to do to her over the centuries. No, he’s offering her the chance to get away from it all and live on her own in what is undoubtedly a fantastically expensive home. And with all of the amenities and resources she could ever need at her fingertips, paid for by him.
He’s offering her an escape. Freedom. He’s offering… to let her go. In spite of declaring his love for her, he’s giving her the choice.
“You don’t even have to decide now, Milanea. You can have a day or two to think about it if you-mmph!”
She doesn’t need the time. Milanea makes her choice and embraces the first human to show her kindness and affection in over five centuries. She hugs him close and kisses him deeply and after he gets over his shock, Jonathan is just as quick to kiss her back, turning the whole thing into an impromptu makeout session.
Did he really think, given the option, that she would ever choose anything but being with him? Perhaps she should have. Perhaps this was an unhealthy choice for both of them. Indeed, if she were given more time to think about it, she might have chosen the option that put them apart. It likely wasn’t healthy for her, a newly freed slave, to then jump right into bed with her former master no matter how kind and considerate he was.
At the same time, it probably also wasn’t very healthy for Jonathan, a young man of barely twenty-two years of life, to be so fixated and obsessed with an alien woman that was nearly six centuries his senior. He should be out there trying to find a human woman to love and share his big heart with. And she SHOULD have the decency to stand aside and let that happen even if it wasn’t what he claimed to want.
… But Milanea was not a good person. She had no decency left in her. After five and a half centuries as a slave, all she wanted was what she wanted. And what she wanted… was Jonathan.
Clothes go flying rather quickly. Her dress comes off, revealing her dark blue, hourglass figure to Jonathan’s eyes. In turn, his suit comes off as well and she finds herself staring in amazement at his massive size. That was something else Milanea had unfortunately been forced to notice over the past few generations… the size of the Solando Men had been going down dramatically. A short-sighted person might have assumed this was a good thing for Milanea… less girth to deal with.
However, what that person would fail to realize was that having smaller genitals only served to make the already-cruel Solando Men even crueler and pettier. The abuses she’d suffered at the hands of those with micro-penises were usually tenfold the ones she suffered from those with normal sized members.
Jonathan also stayed true to this trend by having a cock that was FAR from normal and truly, utterly ginormous. Now obviously Milanea knew deep down inside that there was no correlation between how good a person was and how big their dick was. But at the same time… she very much appreciated how good Jonathan was to her… and how good his big fat cock was going to feel as well.
Of course, before she can do anything else, Jonathan takes her in his arms and walks her over to the nearby bed. More than used to being manhandled, though never quite so gently as this, Milanea lets him push her back onto the bed. She expects him to climb on top of her and begin fucking her right then and there. In fact, she anticipates it.
But instead Jonathan manages to shock her again, this time by lowering his mouth to her cunt instead of his cock. The beautiful Asari’s eyes widen in shock as he begins eating her out, performing cunnilingus on her like it’s no big deal. But it’s quite the big deal when one considers that she hasn’t received oral sex from anyone in her entire life. Not a single human before Jonathan has ever deemed her worthy of this honor.
Shuddering, the beautiful dark blue Asari experiences true pleasure and happiness for the first time in five and a half centuries. Jonathan isn’t just eating her out, he’s doing so with a skill that takes her over the edge in no time at all. He’s so good that her hands come down upon his head, her fingers scraping against his scalp. She almost pulls them back a moment later in a panic… before remembering she’s no longer his slave. More than that, she can tell he doesn’t mind in the slightest.
Milanea’s eyes roll back in her head as she cums again and again for him. It’s so good… but she eventually has to rally herself because it’s not fair. She shouldn’t be the only one experiencing this pleasure.
Her biotics have been shackled for over five centuries. But Milanea is an Asari. Control over their biotics has always come naturally for their kind. Jonathan is suddenly picked up by her mind and spun around on the bed. His eyes widen in wonder but not fear, and he grins at her in surprise but also arousal. Milanea, meanwhile, only has eyes for one thing… his big fat cock.
Laying him back down again, this time he’s on top of her in a sixty-nine position. This too, Milanea has never gotten to experience before, but she’s heard about it and seen it performed by others over the centuries. Jonathan’s cock is so big that at first she just lays his length down between her breasts as he returns to eating out her cunt. His balls rest on her mouth and Milanea eagerly sucks at them even as she slides her massive dark blue mammaries up and down his shaft.
For the former slave, this right here is the most pleasurable sex of her life. She’s given plenty of blowjobs and titjobs before, but never by choice. Never willingly. Always, it has been decided for her. Always, she has been forced to obey. For the first time in her life, Milanea is choosing to have sex of her own volition, in her own way. That… that makes it better than she ever could have imagined.
Eventually she slides Jonathan’s cock out from between her tits and lowers it into her mouth. She has to tilt her head back in order to take all of them, but the Asari is nothing if not practiced in deep-throating dick. It’s still been quite a while since a Solando Man had a dick this big though, so she does choke a fair bit in the process.
“Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!”
She’s happy to gag and gurgle and slobber up and down Jonathan’s cock though. When he tries to pull back for fear of hurting her, she grabs him by the hips and forces him back down so she can keep slurping, sucking, and throating his entire fat dick. In response, Jonathan stops trying to pull away but also redoubles his efforts on her cunt, making Milanea cum for him all the more frequently.
She never knew she had such a hair trigger, but then to be fair she’s never had sex with someone actually worried about her enjoyment before. Jonathan is the first partner she’s ever had who truly cared about her pleasure and it shows as she goes wild from his tongue, gurgling along his cock.
Finally though, Jonathan tips over the edge. Here at least, Milanea manages to swallow every last drop. She doesn’t spill any, having recovered her skill of suppressing her gag reflex by this point. She gulps and gulps until Jonathan’s impressive balls are finally emptied.
Once she’s done drinking his seed, Jonathan pulls off of her and flips back around. Laid out on her back still, ample bosom heaving with her arousal, Milanea bites her lower lip and claws at the bedding above her head as she watches him line up his cock with her cunt and slowly ease into her. He’s gentle and tender and loving in a way that no man has ever, ever been with her before. She can’t get enough of it.
He’s ruining her. Truly he is. And he only has a natural human lifespan as well. Milanea can’t let herself forget that. She only has a handful of decades left with Jonathan before she loses him. Sure, he’ll likely come up with some solution to ensure her continued freedom once he’s gone… but he’ll still be gone. And she’ll be all alone. Unless…
Reaching up, wrapping her arms around his neck, Milanea looks into Jonathan’s eyes as he continues to fuck her.
“Jonathan… will you allow me to meld with you?”
He grins down at her.
“Of course.”
A shiver of anticipation runs down Milanea’s spine. Together, they fully embrace. And then…
“Embrace Eternity.”
The words slip from her lips as though they never left. As though all of Asari Culture hasn’t been reduced to enslavement for hundreds and hundreds of years. Together, she and Jonathan meld. After five and a half centuries, Milanea feels the touch of another mind again. More than that… she feels the truth of Jonathan’s love for her.
She already believed it, but believing and knowing are two very different things. She now KNOWS that Jonathan loves her with all his heart. She knows he meant every word of his desire to free her and was still willing to let her go and live on her own at that expensive house with all the money she could ever want if that was what she chose. Milanea can also see how that would break him. It’s not just a passing fancy, his love for her. He wouldn’t just move on if she left. He would wither away without her. He will never love a human woman. In fact, he holds a deep, deep hatred and loathing for most of his own kind.
In turn, Jonathan gets to see all of her as well. He sees that she loves him right back. But he also sees her centuries of abuse and the effect its had on her fractured psyche. And he sees her concern for his short lifespan and how she’s going to survive without him when he’s gone.

There’s no moment where they pull apart to try to reassure each other. No moment where they stop and talk about their flaws. They don’t have to. They simply accept one another, warts and all, and continue the embrace.
Jonathan cums inside of her during this moment, but that’s not the way Asari make children. Milanea isn’t surprised he didn’t know that until now. It’s somewhat forbidden knowledge and no Asari outside of the breeding farms is allowed to make new Asari. That’s how the Galactic Empire keeps its boot on her people’s neck, maintaining complete and total control over the entire Asari Race.
But in this moment, Jonathan sees her desire to create a child with him… an Asari child. He sees it, accepts it… and embraces the idea. Her desire becomes his desire. They become one in that moment and through the mind meld, they impregnate her with their idea of the ideal baby, with the concept of a family. A forbidden family of course, but Jonathan doesn’t care. And his desire to flaunt authority… it’s so very, very infectious.
Of course, once they’re done with the meld, they don’t stop there. Milanea soon finds herself riding him hard, bouncing up and down on his cock as he lays back under her. Until, reaching over to the nightstand, Jonathan pulls out a small box.
“Milanea… I know we can never make it official, but I don’t care. I’ve wanted you for so long… and now that I have you, I want it to be official. Please… be more than my lover. Be my wife.”
Through the meld, Milanea had felt this desire of Jonathan’s as well. She just hadn’t realized he was going to actually pop the question. He was right that it wasn’t possible for them to be publicly man and wife… but in private… Milanea beams as she nods happily, taking the understated but beautiful wedding ring he’s gotten for her out of the box and placing it on her dark blue finger.
“T-Thank you… thank you, Jonathan.”
They fuck like animals after that. Her bouncing upon his cock, him thrusting up into her with all his might from below. Milanea’s eyes roll up in her head and her tongue lolls out of her mouth from the sheer pleasure. It continues to be the best sex of her life of course. Not only is Jonathan’s big fat cock digging into depths within her that haven’t been touched by a Solando Man in decades on account of their shrinking genitals, but also he’s just so GOOD to her.
When he finishes inside of her again, Milanea knows what she wants. Pulling off of his cock, the Asari Matron gets on all fours and reaches back, spreading her ass cheeks wide to reveal the cleansing butt plug always stuffed up her backdoor to make sure she was always clean and available for any Solando Man who might want anal sex with her.
“Oh right! Sorry, let me get that out of you Milanea…”
At first, Jonathan misunderstands her, quickly reaching up and pulling the butt plug free and tossing it across the room just like her collar. But Milanea doesn’t move, moaning and wiggling her ass back and forth in open invitation.
“P-Please… please have me here as well. Take me in every hole, Jonathan. Erase any trace of the men who came before you. I want to be yours… and only yours from now on~”
She’s never voiced her desires this openly before. Never made her wanton lust so clear. To be fair, she’s never FELT this way before either. As Jonathan grabs her by her hips and lines up with her anus, Milanea can only moan in abject desire while he pushes into her ass and then begins to butt fuck her silly.
“Milanea… Milanea!”
He calls her name as he does so, almost treating it like a battle cry while groaning loudly. Milanea moans up a storm in response, cumming more times than she would have thought possible. The ecstasy and bliss of the moment has almost nothing to do with the physical pleasure though. Sure, it feels good to have him in her ass, but it feels even better to be free and his wife. To at long last be free to make her own choices. To be his woman.
“I want… I want to bear your child, Jonathan! I want to be your perfect wife! Please, let me make your life the happiest it can be! Yes! H-Harder!”
Growling, Jonathan leans forward, kissing her cheek from the side and then sliding down her jawline and neck with his lips.
“You silly woman. You already are the perfect wife. And you already make me as happy as I could possibly be. As for a child… let’s not lower our expectations so much, shall we? You’ll bear my children, darling. For as long as you want, for as many as you desire, I’ll keep knocking you up.”
Milanea’s eyes widen at that and she convulses in orgasmic pleasure. Having one Asari daughter with Jonathan would be one thing. A child to raise and to cherish, to have at her side once he was gone at the end of his natural lifespan. But of course, Jonathan wasn’t going to stop there. He wanted to give her more. She could only ever make more Asari, and yet Jonathan wanted to make as many Asari with her as possible. Damn the rules. Damn the laws.
They both cum together as he fills her ass, before also both falling onto the bed, laid out and fucked silly and now happily married. There would be no engagement and likely no ceremony either. In a way, this was their ceremony. There was no freeing her in the eyes of the rest of the galaxy…
But the rest of the galaxy didn’t matter. Not to Jonathan and certainly not to Milanea. All that mattered to the Asari Matron at this point was her beloved husband. She wasn’t a slave anymore; she was Jonathan’s wife now.
No matter what happened next, Milanea swore she would not leave Jonathan’s side. Even if they were caught… she would make sure they died together. She wouldn’t let them enslave her again or sell her off to new masters. She wouldn’t let them do it to her daughters either.
But that was all in the future. For now… for now their love was still young and Milanea would cherish every last second she had with Jonathan, no matter what.


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