Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Bonds of Protection (Original Supernatural)


Themes: Angel/Demon Sex, Dom/Sub, Rough Sex

Summary: In which a young man is suddenly visited by an angel and demon. But they aren't there to fight over him, surprisingly enough. Far from it in fact.


It happens with little forewarning or fanfare. Adam is sitting at his computer, staring at the screen and wondering if he really just put over ten days of playtime into yet another version of World of Warcraft in under a month. A whole third of the last month of his life down the drain yet again. Just when he thought he was out, they pulled him back in. He hadn’t even found a guild worth playing with either. Every day for the past month he’d tell himself he would look for one, but he just hadn’t really bothered…
In hindsight, it must happen while he’s sitting there torn between unsubscribing and uninstalling the game on the spot… or once more hitting that ‘Play’ button and booting it up. But he doesn’t hear it happen. In fact, Adam has no idea that he’s no longer alone in his bedroom until a delicate cough from just behind him alerts him to that fact.
Whipping his headphones off and spinning around with wide eyes, Adam opens his mouth to shout… only to choke on his own spit as he stares at the pair of impossibilities standing before him. It should be said that his room is a pretty cramped space. His desk and computer on one side, his bed on the other, and only a few feet between them.
On the one hand, this allows Adam to literally roll out of bed in the morning, take two steps, turn on his computer, and be online in less than a minute. On the other hand, it doesn’t exactly leave much room for company. Anything more than two people is cramped. And there aren’t just two more people in his bedroom either. No, apparently there’s now an Angel and a Devil standing before him.
… How does he know they’re of Heaven and Hell? Well, they’re honestly the most stereotypical representations of their kind that he’s ever seen. The Devil is all red skin, curved horns, spade tail, and toothy grin. She’s got just the right mixture of muscles and curves too, reminding him a little bit of Karlach from the recently played Baldur’s Gate Three. Karlach was more muscular than this Devil is, but Adam still didn’t doubt that the Devil could quite literally break him over her knee if she wanted to all the same.
Meanwhile, the Angel is all blonde hair, blue eyes, and voluptuous curves barely hidden under a flowing white dress. She doesn’t have the same amount of muscle that the Devil has, nor does she radiate the same intense grin. Instead, hers is a more serene smile, her hands clasped in front of her in a way that Adam isn’t sure she realizes very much accentuates her sizable bust.
Ah, but while it’s obvious the Devil isn’t human, one might ask why it’s so obvious the Angel isn’t human. After all, what he just described, save for her somehow appearing in his bedroom next to the Devil, certainly sounded human in appearance. And it was… if one ignored the massive, pure-white, feathery angel wings that is. Oh and the Devil has a pair of massive leathery-looking bat wings as well to boot.
Yeah, unless he’s being massively punked somehow, and by two strangers who somehow broke into his house without him knowing it, Adam is facing down a pair of Supernatural creatures… who have still broken into his house of course, but probably through mystical and magical means instead of through one of the doors or windows.
Finally, the Angel breaks the silence, her serene smile remaining as she bows low at the waist.
“Greetings, Adam. I am Eve and this is Lilith. We have much to discuss with you.”
When she straightens back up again, it’s obvious she’s expecting him to immediately jump to questions. But instead, Adam finds himself making an incredulous noise in the back of his throat.
“… Seriously?”
The Devil, Lilith he supposes, lets out a bark of laughter at that.
“Hah! Church Boy, are ya?”
Not really. He hadn’t been to Church in over a decade at this point, not since his parents had divorced and it had just… fallen to the wayside. He hadn’t made an effort to keep going, nobody had forced him to go, and suddenly it was ten plus years. Still… he rolls his eyes in Lilith’s direction, responding rather dryly.
“More like a voracious consumer of modern media. If it wasn’t the Supernatural TV show, it would have been any of the other number of properties strewn across television, movies, books, and games. There are plenty of options to choose from, and honestly you aren’t even really in the bible or acknowledged by most versions of Christianity anyways, Lilith.”
The red-skinned Devil rears back at that for a moment, seemingly surprised by his backtalking. Then, that big grin is right back on her face like it never left.
“Oooh… I like you.”
Adam isn’t so sure that’s a good thing. On the one hand, if she didn’t like him, she might have used those fangs or claws on him and he’d be dead. On the other hand, that same modern media he’d already mentioned made it abundantly clear that being ‘liked’ by a creature of Hell was barely ever better than being disliked by one. Still… there was an Angel here too. So maybe he didn’t have to freak out just yet.
As though reading his mind, Eve shakes her head with a soft little laugh.
“There’s nothing to worry about, Adam. You’re right to notice the connection though, of course. Many, many thousands of years ago, the original Adam was bonded to Lilith and I. He just wasn’t the first human being. Nor was I made from his rib.”
Well shit. A literal Angel telling him that the Church Doctrine… no, more than that, that the very Bible itself was wrong. He would have expected the Devil to say that much, but nope. Holy shit. Literally.
“It’s unfortunate that you humans live such short lives. While you try your best, the result of your short lifespans is that your histories tend to… degrade over time. The past is forgotten. Mistakes are repeated in the future.”
“Hah! You act like it can’t be helped, Eve. Rather than it often being the fault of humans themselves for rewriting their histories to make themselves look better until the truth is completely lost to time.”
Lilith’s comments draw a slightly pained smile from Eve, who shakes her head and continues on unabated.
“… But that is neither here nor there. We aren’t here to give you a history lesson, Adam.”
“True. We’re here to make you a deal, boy. I suggest you accept.”
“Lilith, please.”
Adam glances between the Angel and Devil and finds himself… more than a little confused. He’s not an idiot though and he can put context clues together with the best of them.
“You two… aren’t here to fight over me, are you? You said you both bonded with the original Adam. And you’re not nearly as much at each other’s throats as modern media would have me expect you to be.”
Eve and Lilith exchange a glance at that, followed by them both giving their own version of a warm smile in his direction. Adam flushes, especially as Lilith runs a long, forked tongue over her fangs in the process.
“Well deduced, Adam. You are correct. Lilith and I are a bonded pair. We are not enemies, nor have we ever been enemies.”
Lilith scoffs.
“Of course not. Why would we be? Hell was made to punish monsters. Your kind just hate the thought that they might actually be judged for your actions, so you’ve made us the bad guys. Well, that and your inability to accept that there are far worse things than us lurking out there hoping to prey upon Creation.”
Hmm, admittedly that wasn’t a concept he was entirely unfamiliar with. The idea that Hell and its denizens weren’t actually evil, but a functioning part of the Afterlife made to punish those who WERE evil… it wasn’t completely unheard of. But Lilith was right. Humans in general didn’t like the thought that they would be judged for their actions in life after they died. So Hell wasn’t just a scary place, it had to be vilified. It HAD to be filled with evil monsters that were so much worse than humans themselves.
Though… it’s the latter half of Lilith’s words that really catch Adam’s attention.
“Worse things?”
Grinning ferally now, Lilith nods.
“Oh yeah, baby boy. So much worse. There’s a lot of shit out there, Adam. You probably hope aliens will be hot sluts ready to trot like those blue chicks from Mass Effect.”
Lilith was aware of Mass Effect?!
“But nah. Think more like Cthulhu, my sweet summer child.”
Oh. The Eldritch. Right.
“My apologies for Lilith’s crassness but she is correct. The Eldritch, the Fae… even the Darkness itself wishes to invade any part of Creation that it can.”
Adam blinks.
“The Darkness?”
“Yeah. Your kind like to saddle us with that shit as well, but we’re fire and brimstone, baby. Ain’t no darkness down in Hell… we chase it all away with hellfire and burning magma. Still, back at the dawn of… all of this, the big guy up top banished the Darkness away so there could be Light. You don’t think it took that lying down, do you?”
No… no, he could see why it wouldn’t have. Fuck. And somehow, Adam just knew that the Darkness in this world wasn’t going to be a sexy woman played by Emily Swallow like it was in Supernatural. Double fuck.
“I know this might all be a little overwhelming Adam, but it’s not all bad news. The world isn’t ending right this moment… and if we have anything to say about it, it won’t end at all.”
He knows Eve is trying to be comforting, but all the Angel’s words do is leave his mouth even dryer than it already was.
“What… what do you need me for?”
Lilith fields this way.
“The binding of course, silly. Eve already told you that she and I are a bonded pair. But while we make a fan-fucking-tastic team, we need a third in order to really shine. We need you.”
Him? Eve nods along, picking up where Lilith left off.
“Binding with you would allow us to use our powers to their full effects here on Earth, Adam. Which would in turn allow us to protect your Earth from everything and anything that is trying to prey upon it. You would not gain immortality. You would not live forever. But you would live comfortably for the rest of your days, experiencing neither sickness nor pain.”
“Also, you wouldn’t have to fight alongside us or anything either, if that’s got you worried. You can stay right here in this room, playing on your computer, and we’ll do all the heavy lifting. In fact, better you not go anywhere where a fight might break out. If you die and the binding snaps early, shit gets fucked. Big time.”
Well, as ominous as that last bit sounded… it all sounded almost too good to be true. Adam was an introvert anyways. He didn’t LIKE going outside if he could help it. Oh sure, he still caught some sunshine once in a while, and he still did things like dinner with his parents every couple weeks and holidays with the extended family. But he also worked from home and got a lot of food and other things delivered to his door. He didn’t enjoy large crowds and he preferred staycations over vacations. After all, why would he want to go to Disney Land when he could just stay home? Home was where all of his stuff was!
“What’s the catch, exactly?”
Eve’s smile becomes a little strained and it’s clear there IS a catch. But before she can find a way to properly frame things, Lilith just comes right out and says it.
“You’ve gotta fuck us.”
Looking at her in surprise, Adam gapes as she grins wickedly.
“And not just once. Not just once in a while either. You’ve gotta fuck us both a lot. Like daily. This binding we’re going into with you isn’t some sort of wham, bam, thank you ma’am thing. It’s not as permanent as your ‘modern media’ would have you believe. It has to be nurtured. It has to be cared for. Like… like a plant or something.”
Like a plant. So basically she was saying he had to… what… water them every day or something?
“I understand if this is a lot, Adam. You are still quite young. You have a long life ahead of you and if you choose to bind with us, you will never be able to live a normal, human life. You won’t be able to form a family, won’t be able to marry a human woman, won’t be able to produce human children. We would… be quite demanding of your time. And we would need to keep you safe so that our enemies could not seek out and destroy our anchor. That is, you.”
Eve sighs and lowers her eyes to the floor, looking somewhat downtrodden.
“We will understand if you say no, Adam…”
“Bah! Speak for yourself, Eve! Look, boy! Don’t think I haven’t seen you ogling us both since we first showed up. And don’t think I don’t know a total NEET when I see one. Might not be in Japan, but the point still stands! Eve here might be giving you the benefit of the doubt, but you and I know you were never slated for a normal human life anyways. So what do you say? Wanna get wild?”
Lilith’s grin is as wide as it’s ever been and her tongue rolls across her fangs again to punctuate her sentence. Eve, meanwhile, squawks indignantly.
“Lilith! Y-You go too fa-!”
Adam’s sudden response cuts Eve off, causing her to look at him in surprise even as Lilith gazes at him in smug satisfaction.
“I’m in.”
“Heh. Damn straight you are.”
Eve just blushes, but when Lilith moves towards him, she does the same… and soon Adam is blushing just as much as the Angel at what comes next.
Awakening with a groan, Adam could almost believe it to be a dream. If he wasn’t currently sore as all hell. Oh yeah, and there’s a pair of tits wrapped around his engorged morning wood, and a pair of lips suckling away at his throbbing cockhead.
In the end, the binding ritual so to speak, wasn’t really much of a ritual. Instead, it was just sex. And yeah, Adam had been a virgin before last night. He was not a virgin anymore. He’d fucked both Lilith and Eve and the binding between the three of them was currently quite strong. He’d become the Human Component of the bonded supernatural pair’s existence on Earth, allowing them access to the total sum of their power and granting them the ability to exist on Earth indefinitely so long as he lived.
In return, Adam had gotten a couple of gifts himself. For Eve’s part of things, it was just like she’d said. Suddenly, he was at the peak of human fitness, and so long as they remained a bonded threesome, he would continue to be so. More than that, all of the aches and pains that he’d accumulated over his thirty-something odd years of life… were gone. Suddenly, he felt like he was in his twenties again.
No, more than that, he felt like he was in his twenties and had actually eaten the right foods and exercised enough to be a truly healthy twenty year old. Something that he’d sort of failed to do the first time around. But then considering how much of the country failed to do that right alongside him, he wasn’t about to beat himself up over it.
Of course, those were just Eve’s gifts. Lilith’s gifts were… well, more sexual in nature, as he could have guessed. His cock had definitely never been as big as it was right now, even when he was at full mast. Likewise, his balls had never been so large… nor had he ever been able to tell when they were full or not full before.
They’re definitely full right now. And the woman currently going to town on his dick is rapidly approaching the point of no return. Reaching down, Adam throws back the covers… only to blink in surprise at the sight of Eve working over his cockhead with her mouth and tongue and using her massive pale mammaries to slide along the rest of his slick, spit-polished mast.
Flushing a little bit at being caught out, Eve pulls off of the tip of his dick with a pop, gasping as she looks up at him a little flushed.
“A-Ah… apologies, but Lilith had to step out to deal with an encroachment really quick. It wasn’t anything too bad, so she went alone. I deemed it time to… w-wake you up.”
Adam just stares at Eve for a moment. Yesterday, once they really got going, both Eve and Lilith had sort of folded their wings into some sort of pocket space that was just to the left of reality or something like that. Their wings were still there to hear them say it, but no longer in the way. So while he KNOWS Eve is an Angel, right now it’s like he just has an incredibly gorgeous blonde bombshell of a woman down between his legs, apologizing for taking advantage of his morning wood.
Glancing at his cock again for a moment, Eve winces.
“I also apologize for my partner’s overexuberance in endowing you, Adam. If you wish it, I can… reduce Lilith’s blessing to a more manageable size.”
Funny. Despite making the offer unprompted, Eve almost seems reluctant to follow through. Like she’d rather not but felt obligated to do so if he desired it all the same. Adam considers just how big Lilith has made his cock. It’s not anything insane, to be fair. Just pornstar level stuff, really. And if they can live with it…
“I’ll be fine, Eve. Thank you though. If it really does become a problem, I’ll tell Lilith herself. But for now… it’s perfectly fine.”

Eve looks surprised for a moment, before smiling fondly and nodding. Then, she returns to her efforts without another word, sucking his cockhead back into her mouth and sliding her tits up and down the rest of his shaft. Adam is reminded of why he pulled back the covers in the first place as an involuntary groan rips its way out of his mouth.
“Fuuuck… h-heads up, Eve… I’m going to cum soon.”
Pulling back again for just a second, Eve give him a wide grin more at home on Lilith’s face, with a mischievous twinkle in her eye.
“That’s rather the point, Adam.”
And then she’s back to sucking him off, redoubling her pace as Adam groans all the more loudly. R-Right. This was… about nurturing and strengthening their bond. It was him watering his houseplants. He’d never been very good at that. Never been much of a green thumb. But as Eve finally tips him over the edge and he starts to cum, Adam lets out a low groan and thinks to himself that he probably won’t have such a hard time watering THESE houseplants.
After all… somehow he didn’t think Eve and Lilith would just sit still and be silent and wait for their bond with him to wither and die without taking drastic measures first.
As he cums and cums, Eve swallows every last drop. It doesn’t matter that Lilith has very obviously increased the size of his loads alongside the size of his cock and balls. It doesn’t matter that Eve is an Angel and thus ostensibly on the side of the ‘pure’ and ‘innocent’. She still drinks down his entire load, not even spilling a bit of it as she gulps and gulps and gulps until his newly enhanced ball sack has been drained dry.
But then to be fair, Adam already knew from the night before that Eve was far less innocent then she looked. And that applying terms like ‘pure’ and ‘corrupt’ or ‘good’ and ‘evil’ to her and Lilith just didn’t make sense. That said…
“Aw! You got him off without me~”
There was certainly still a difference between her and Lilith’s personalities. Case in point, Eve comes off of his cock not having spilled a drop, swallowing the last mouthful of his load without ever showing even a bit of it to him. So clean, so neat and tidy.
… And then there’s Lilith. Who looks to be covered in the literal blood of the void if the black ichor filled with glittering stars is any indication. Eve takes one look at her and then does a double take as she gapes before growling after a moment.
“You’re covered in Eldritch! Go take a shower you idiot, before you cause Adam’s brains to dribble out of his ears!”
Wait, was that a possibility? Judging by the way that even Lilith looks suddenly wide eyed and frightened before vanishing in a blur of speed… it certainly seems like it might be. Adam stares after her for a moment before looking down at Eve, who looks apologetic.
“Sorry about that… it would take a lot more exposure then that to harm you of course. But Eldritch Exposure is not temporary. It’s permanent. Think of it like this… you only gained zero point zero one percent of the amount of exposure you needed to be anywhere close to being driven insane. However, you’ll carry that zero point zero one percent for the rest of your life.”
Ah. That was… well, that sucked, but it seemed like an honest mistake on Lilith’s part, Adam supposed. He’s ready to just look past it, but Eve shakes her head at him.
“Don’t be so quick to forgive her, Adam. She wouldn’t want you to either. In fact… be ready when she comes back. Lilith has particular tastes that we might have just unlocked early.”
What did that mean? Eve won’t elaborate further, but she also continues to slide her tits up and down his meat pole, keeping him distracted and in a state of consistent arousal while they wait for Lilith’s return. She doesn’t just use his shower or anything… which makes sense. Wherever she goes, it takes her about an hour to get back. When she does… she’s stripped completely naked save for a thick leather dog collar around her neck and she crawls into the bedroom with her head down and her tail drooped and dragging across the floor.
Ah, so that’s what Eve meant.
“You’ve been a naughty bitch, Lilith.”
“Y-Yes Mistress.”
“You need to seek forgiveness, don’t you?”
“Yes Mistress!”
“But not from me…”
“… N-No, Mistress.”
Eve gives Adam a wicked sort of grin and Adam’s cock twitches, both at the roleplay and at the view Lilith is currently presenting. Her tail might be drooping, but her ass is high in the air and her back is arched, even as she crawls to the center of his room and finally raises her head.
“Please Master… this pathetic devil needs to be punished for failing you. Please use her to your heart’s content. Please discipline me.”
Eve takes him by the hand and draws him off of the bed and over to Lilith. Adam swallows thickly, even as his cock rages with arousal. He definitely didn’t expect this to be his morning. And all before breakfast as well. Though… he’s not really that hungry. Oh, he’s not full either… he could definitely eat. But his stomach isn’t growling or anything like that. As though he’ll never need food again but will still be able to enjoy it… and all without worrying about counting calories or clogging his arteries as well. Nice.
Focusing back on the matter at hand though, Adam lets himself be led around to Lilith’s backside. As he and Eve circle around the kneeling Devil, Lilith lowers her face to the ground and lifts her ass higher into the air. Her spade tail begins to swish a bit, finally rising from its drooping position as her anticipation builds. That is until-
Eve’s sudden violence takes Adam by surprise as the Angel brings her palm down hard enough on Lilith’s upturned ass to not just make the Devil’s red-skinned buttocks jiggle in spite of its muscular toned state, but also makes her squeal in an undignified, girlie manner.
“You’re not supposed to enjoy this, Lilith. This is punishment. Stop getting excited.”
“S-Sorry, Mistress…”
As annoyed as Eve sounds, she also sounds fond in an exasperated sort of way. This is made even clearer when she gives Adam a smile and a shrug as if to say ‘what are you going to do’? Then, she hands him a leash. Wait, what?
Adam blinks as, between one moment and the next, there’s suddenly a golden glowing leash connected to Lilith’s collar. It slides into Adam’s palm without burning him, sort of reminding him of Wonder Woman’s Golden Lasso of Truth in its appearance.
Wrapping the leash around his hand until he can pull it taut, Adam finally kneels down behind Lilith’s lifted ass, his cock throbbing and ready for more action despite the titjob he just received from Eve. With a shuddering sigh, Adam guides his member up against Lilith’s warm, wet slit… and thrusts into her a moment later.
She’s just as hot and tight and drooling as she was last night, he reflects. But last night was more balanced. She hadn’t dominated him or anything, they seemed to know he wasn’t into that sort of loss of control. But she HAD ridden him cowgirl style, something Adam had greatly enjoyed after having Eve give him a perfectly healthy body with nearly inhuman physical strength.
He’d fucked Lilith from below with all his might and made her hold on like he was a bucking bronco. He’d even managed to make her cum a couple of times before she’d milked him of his release.
This time though… Adam tugs on the leash and fucks Lilith from a much more domineering position. And he can tell that in spite of Eve’s words, in spite of the compromising pose and in spite of this being meant to be a punishment… Lilith is loving this even more than she enjoyed the night before.
He’s liking it too, truth be told. Especially when Eve leans in from the side, pressing her massive milky tits to his body and kissing him on the neck and jaw before whispering into his ear.
“Don’t let up. And if you’d like to punish her yourself… I’ve given you the power. Look at your hands.”

Adam looks down at his hands and sees that both are glowing. This makes sense for the one holding the radiant leash, because the golden glowing leash is wrapped around his palm a few times. But his empty hand is ALSO glowing with radiant energy across the palm. Ah… he thinks he understands now. Rearing back his empty palm, he hesitates for only a second before delivering an open handed strike across Lilith’s beautiful red behind.
The contact is satisfying enough, but he also feels something transferred over, a burning of sort that leaves Lilith’s flesh sizzling and smoking just a bit. Of course, she’s not as weak as a human, so her body heals up in just a couple of seconds… allowing Adam to go ahead and do it again.
“Eeeek! Y-Yes Master! Ah! Punish this worthless devil, M-Master! H-Harder, Master!”
And so harder it is. He fucks Lilith, pulls on her leash, and spanks her ass. All while Eve hugs him from behind, whispering soft encouragement into his ears and moaning his name as she rubs her tits against his back all too eagerly.
This sort of pleasure… it felt positively sinful if he was being honest. And yet, he had an Angel egging him on and it was a Devil that he was not just fucking silly, but punishing for being a bad, bad girl.
In the end, Adam would just have to come to terms with the fact that ‘sin’ didn’t really apply to his life anymore. Nor did anything else he’d thought he knew about how the world worked. He was the human third of a three-way bond between an Angel and a Devil now. He was the glue holding them not just together, but also to Earth itself. Through him anchoring them to Creation, he was helping to keep the Darkness at bay. Literally, as it turned out.
So why not enjoy himself, right? Why not live a little? And why not fuck his Devil Lover silly while his Angel Lover urges him on from behind? Yeah, it might not have been what everyone always said the supernatural and Heaven and Hell were supposed to be like. But Adam couldn’t really bring himself to care.
With one final thrust and one final groan, Adam finishes inside of Lilith. But not before losing track of just how many times the masochistic Devil has cum all over his cock while he fucked and punished her in equal measure.
Pulling out of her, he looks down at her shuddering, quivering form and grins. Seeing the intense, aggressive female Devil brought low like this is pretty fucking hot, he has to admit. But even still…
“Let’s go get breakfast, yeah?”
“Of course, Adam~”
And if Lilith and Eve both wind up under the table using their tongues to duel over his cock, well… Adam wasn’t complaining. Not one bit.


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