Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Beauty of Ugliness (Persona 4)


Themes: Ugly Bastard, Master/Slave, Rough Sex

Summary: In which Kinshiro Morooka is King of Inaba and no one can stop him. No one wants to.


Most would say ugliness was a curse. But Kinshiro Morooka disagreed. Sure, when he’d been younger he’d been bullied mercilessly for how ugly he was. He’d let other people tell him that his ugliness was more than skin deep, that it was innate and a part of his very sense of self. He’d internalized their disgust and dislike of him and let them tell him what to think about himself.
That had all changed when he’d grown up and become a teacher. Suddenly, he had all the power. Suddenly, he realized something incredibly valuable… ugliness WAS a state of being. And if he was willing to truly be as ugly on the inside as he was on the outside… Kinshiro Morooka could have whatever the fuck he wanted. Whoever the fuck he wanted.
Case in point, it’s early in the morning and school hasn’t even started. And yet, who is he currently fucking on top of a desk in his classroom? Rise Kujikawa of all people! As he fucks her hard, pounding her pussy into the shape of his thick, veiny, ugly cock, Morooka grabs her by the jaw and silences her for a moment with kisses, his tongue wildly slobbering all over her face. And yet, Rise loves it. She loves being treated so roughly, so disgustingly, so… despicably.
This was the true nature of Kinshiro Morooka. Once he fully embraced his ugliness both inside and out, it was like a light switch had been flipped on. It was as though he exuded a presence that allowed him to get away with whatever he wanted and fuck whoever he wanted as well. His ugliness had become a blessing instead of a curse and soon enough he’d become the Master of Inaba. His students, their mothers, even his fellow female teachers… none were safe from him.
Better yet, none of them WANTED to be safe from him. Once they slipped into his pace, once they fell under his sway, it was like a switch was flipped for them as well. They loved him. They wanted him. They wanted him to want them.
Even an incredibly popular idol like Rise couldn’t stay immune to his ugliness forever. When she’d first arrived at Inaba to take a yearlong break from her admittedly impressive career and catch up on her schooling, Morooka hadn’t been sure he’d be able to nab her. Her first reaction to him had reminded him of the bullies from his childhood, all disgust and dislike.
But now look at her… after a couple minutes of sloppily making out with the cute brunette idol and her being incredibly responsive in turn, Morooka pulls back for air only to pause at the words that immediately spill forth from the young bitch’s mouth.
“P-Please… please never stop fucking me. You can have all of my money if you want, s-sir. You can have everything I ever m-make! I’ll tour as little or as much as you want me to and I’ll give you a-all my earnings! Just please don’t throw me aside, Master!”
His cock throbs inside of Rise’s young cunt. She’d been a virgin until this morning, but now… well, Morooka grins wickedly as he goes right back to plowing her silly. This wasn’t that unusual. Women tended to reach this point with him eventually and because of that Morooka already had plenty of wealth. But a popular idol’s entire fortune would elevate him into a whole new level of wealth. With that in mind, Morooka begins to pick up the pace.
With that, he tips over the edge, causing her to climax alongside him. He pumps the cute idol full of his cum, leaving her dripping with his seed when he finally pulls out of her. Then, almost contemptuously, he grabs Rise by one of her pigtails and yanks her down off of the desk and onto her knees, forcing her to suck and clean his dick. She doesn’t hesitate to do so of course, her eyes shining with amorous lust as she gazes up at him while her cheeks hollow out all the while.
“Ehehe… what would your fans think if they saw you sucking my dick, huh?”
After a moment of hard suction, Rise pulls back and gives him a bright smile, batting her eyelashes at him.
“I don’t care, sir. They’re all losers compared to a real man like you~”
Before Morooka can answer that with more than a chuckle, however, they’re abruptly interrupted.
“What the hell?! What do you think you’re doing?!”
Both he and Rise look up to see Naoto Shirogane, the latest in a long line of famous detectives from the Shirogane Family, step into the classroom. The short-haired detective looks positively wrathful at Rise kneeling before Morooka with his seed seeping out of her pussy. Without any hesitation, Naoto rushes forward towards the two of them.
“… I can’t believe you started without me!”
Morooka just grins as Naoto throws her arms around his neck and gives him a big, wet kiss. She moans into his mouth for a moment before dropping down on her knees right next to Rise. Her jacket, her shirt and more importantly the bandages she uses to wrap her massive tits, all come off in record time so that she can use those fat fucking cow udders of hers to push Rise out of the way and muscle in on the idol’s territory.
This was a secret only a handful of people knew about, Morooka now counted among them. Naoto normally dressed as a boy, keeping her true gender hidden so that she would be taken seriously as a detective and not treated like some ‘girl’. The disguise was so impressive that Morooka hadn’t even known about her true nature… until spending so much time in his presence had driven her mad with lust and caused her to come to him of her own volition.
Normally he had to push the issue in some way, or at least be cognizant of the woman’s presence in his life and desire to be with them. But he hadn’t even known that Naoto was a fat chested cow until she’d shown him and begged him to make her his woman.
Now though…
“Sorry Rise, but I suppose my tits are just better than yours~”
“W-What?! You- tch! It’s not about the size! It’s about how you use them!”
The two girls snipe back and forth at one another, with Rise clearly on the backfoot. But then to be fair, the idol was rather well-endowed herself, so it’s not like she was used to having another woman with bigger tits then her to compete with. Morooka doesn’t try to stop them from fighting though, because most importantly of all… they never stop pleasuring him.
Even as they argue back and forth, they’re both using their chests on his cock to great effect and in between sniping at each other they also make sure to use their mouths and tongues as well. In the end, Morooka groans his approval and cums once more in record time. His seed explodes all over the two girls, causing them to finally stop fighting as they moan and luxuriate in being coated in jizz.
Then, as if truly seeing each other for the first time, they come together in a loving and lurid embrace, kissing one another and sharing his cum as they rub their bodies together. Morooka lets them for a moment before snorting derisively and speaking up.
“You sluts. Class starts in fifteen minutes, so you’d better clean up before then.”
Coming apart without hesitation since it’s an order from him, Rise and Naoto nod sharply.
“Y-Yes Master!”
“Of course, s-sir!”
Morooka just smirks. Life… was good.
One might wonder, given all the power he has, why Morooka still teaches. Simple really… it provides him access. He hasn’t really bothered teaching anyone anything in a while. Most of his lessons are just him talking about his true views of the world. How ugliness is king. The male students tend to drown him out, but the female students hang on his every word, having been in his presence long enough at this point to fully succumb to his innate nature.
Its in these classes that Morooka decides who he’s going to have fun with next for the afternoon… or if none of his students pique his interest, he might go to another teacher or even call up one of the booty calls he has around town.
Today though… Rise and Naoto are staring at him with hearts in their eyes, hanging off his every word. And when he walks past Rise’s desk, he sees in her notebook that the idol has written out ‘Rise Morooka’ and surrounded it in girlish hearts, no doubt fantasizing about marrying him. Morooka barely contains his laughter, but in the end… how can he reject her love? She’s definitely still the new hotness for him at the moment, and so is Naoto. That said…
“Rise. Naoto. Stay after class.”
The two perk up at that, nodding eagerly while their fellow female students all slump down dejectedly in their seats. The lesson ends soon after and everyone except for his two newest conquests files out.
The moment that the door closes behind the last student, Morooka is there to lock it shut. Neither Rise nor Naoto mind being locked in with him though of course. In fact, they both immediately begin stripping naked, positively tearing their clothes off in order to be fucked by him again.
This time, Morooka takes a more active role in things. He goes for Naoto first, having only gotten her tits and mouth in the morning. Bending the genius detective over a desk, he slams into her from behind, taking her like the bitch she is.
Heh, the crossdressing young woman had originally come to Inaba to investigate the slew of murders they were currently dealing with. She still was of course, Morooka had no desire to let a killer continue to run amok in his own backyard either… but she’d also found something else that she didn’t expect to find in Inaba. Her true purpose in life.
Moaning at the top of her lungs, crying out and squealing like there’s no tomorrow, Naoto Shirogane shows her true nature as a bitch for ugliness as Morooka fucks his entire length into her. Pounding her pussy, plowing her raw, he doesn’t let up for even a second. The desk shakes under his relentless onslaught and Naoto’s cries are loud enough that half the school probably hears them.
Not that anyone is going to interrupt. No one in the entire school would dare to go against Morooka. They’ve all spent too much time in his presence for that.
No one is coming to save Naoto and Rise from this debauchery. Nor does either of the two young women want to be save. They understand the truth now. That the most beautiful thing in the world… is ugliness. And Morooka is the ugliest bastard around.
All they want is to be close to him. All they want is to be fucked by him. And so Morooka will give them what they want. Them and every other woman that he decides deserves a ride on his big, fat cock.
After finishing inside of Naoto, Morooka has Rise suck him clean again before he fucks her too. And as he pounds into the famous idol with all his might, enjoying the way her heart-shaped eyes roll back in her head in ecstasy, Morooka reflects that he’s really starting to move up in the world. With Rise, he can go anywhere and do anything. More than that, he can do anyone. The sky is the limit with the doors that this slutty idol bitch can open for him.
Morooka grins wickedly, already fantasizing about how he’s going to take the world by storm.


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