Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Year of the Dragon (Original Fantasy)


Themes: Dragon Sex, Dom/Sub, Threesome

Summary: In which Karvot the Obsidian Claw gazes out upon his hoard and harem and judges it to be good.


“P-Please… n-no… I must… guh… I m-must fight it…”
His name was Karvot the Obsidian Claw and he was a black dragon. Mortals liked to develop all of these ideas for what dragons were like. They liked to call certain types of dragons ‘good’ and certain types of dragons ‘bad’.
They were all idiots of course. There was no reasonable way to apply mortal morality to dragons. Dragons were so far above the mortal ants that scurried across the face of this world that they were indecipherable to their meager minds. But that didn’t stop mortals from trying. That didn’t stop them from attempting to claim some of his kin were ‘good, lawful’ dragons while he was a ‘bad, evil’ dragon simply for demanding his fair tribute.
Pah! As though his so-called ‘good’ kin didn’t take their own tribute in their own way. Really, Karvot was just more honest about it. Even those dragons that the mortals had deemed ‘protectors’ and ‘guardians’ had their own hoards. They were simply cunning and conniving enough to let the mortals think they were ‘paying’ them instead.
Karvot could have done the same he supposed, but where would the fun in that be? Besides… he was quite happy with the hoard he’d developed over the years. As well as the harem.
Lounging back in the main cavern of his layer, Karvot scratches his head against the rock wall behind him, humming in pleasure at the feel of his massive rack of horns rubbing against the surface. Then, he looks forward and gazes out upon his hoard and harem, taking stock.
The gold and jewels and treasures he lounges both on top of and that surround him are innumerable. Well, to a mortal anyways. For him, keeping count isn’t just easy, it’s his entire purpose. His hoard is truly massive, but the sheer quality of it is where it really shines. Even the vast majority of the gold coins are more valuable than they would otherwise be, since they come from kingdoms that have fallen, either to war or to time… or to him.
The treasures, meanwhile, are all magical artifacts of course. None are below Rare in quality. Many are Divine Artifacts. Even the gods and goddesses of this world do not stand against the might of a dragon forever and Karvot has had his fair share of tussles with the divine… and come away with his fair share of spoils for his troubles.
And the jewels… ah, the gemstones and jewels. They glitter oh so satisfyingly in the torchlight of his lair. They speckle throughout the mountains of gold, giving a sort of… spice to the otherwise golden ocean. They are the flavoring in an otherwise already fantastic dish, really.
But the hoard would not be a hoard without the harem. Both as witnesses of his glory, to admire him and his hoard… and as companions. Karvot has long had a large stable of valuable mortal women in his lair. Some, he took. Some sacrificed themselves to save their people. Some even volunteered out of sheer fascination with his majestic self. Kinky little bitches.
All are of no small pedigree, of course. A dragon did not simply grab just any mortal woman for a harem. There were no peasants, no barmaids, no craftswomen. No, Karvot’s harem was one of pure quality and value, just like his hoard. There were dozens of princesses. A queen or two here and there. A handful of lady knights. A few elven priestesses too. As his gaze sweeps across his domain, a couple of choice women catch his eye and Karvot finds himself reminiscing on their stories, enjoying the fact that they all end in the same way… with him.
There’s the Princess Geniveve. Her father failed to pay him tribute. Now, normally Karvot would have burned the Kingdom to the ground and taken her as tribute instead. But there were a dozen princesses in his harem like that. What made Princess Geniveve special was that he’d decided to go another route. Instead of doing the work himself, Karvot had turned the King’s Royal Advisor against him, planting seeds of envy, jealousy, and ultimately hatred in the man’s heart. He’d also put a desire for the Princess within the Royal Advisor so that he would foolishly ask the King for her hand in marriage only to be rejected, obviously.
This all had led to a coup and a civil war that had… you guessed it, torn the Kingdom apart. Conveniently, Karvot was close by when this happened. And wouldn’t you know it, Princess Geniveve even managed to escape the Royal Advisor’s clutches unscathed, running off into the night. Perhaps in another world, in another version of this tale, the Princess would have gone on to live as a servant or peasant for a few years before finding her way back to her Kingdom and inciting a righteous rebellion that would end with the despicable and evil Royal Advisor’s head on a platter.
This was not that tale. Instead, the Princess had met Karvot… and in her fear and grief, she had welcomed his assistance. He had taken her away from her Kingdom and brought her here. He had doted on her and spoiled her… and to this day, Geniveve thought neither of trying to return and free her people from the Royal Advisor’s tyranny, nor did she stop to wonder what had turned the man into such a vile monster in the first place. Even now, she was grateful to Karvot for taking her in. Amusing to say the least.
And then there was the Amazonian Queen, Brigitte. She was more of a typical conquest. Karvot had been flying overhead when her fiery red locks had caught his attention. The Warrior Queen had been in the middle of a pitched battle when she’d first caught his eye. Normally, women covered in mud and blood didn’t really draw Karvot’s attention, but Brigitte made it look good. Especially with how she was completely routing the enemy she was facing off against.
Of course, such things as mortal conflict do not matter to a dragon. Karvot had landed in the middle of the fighting without a worry and when both sides had attacked him in their confusion as to his presence, he’d decimated them. In the aftermath, Karvot could have just taken Brigitte. The Warrior Queen and her forces weren’t strong enough to stop him.
Instead, he’d taken on a more humanoid form, keeping his distinctive draconic features but nevertheless becoming two legged and two armed for a moment. Towering over the Warrior Queen by a head despite her own impressive height, Karvot had challenged her to a duel. The terms had been simple. If she won, he would serve her for the rest of her natural lifespan. If he won, she would be his.
There were myths among the Warrior Queen’s people of great leaders riding dragons into battle thousands of years ago. Myths that Karvot had put there, thousands of years before. He hadn’t even intended for it to play out the way it did, but serendipity was what it was. Ultimately, the Amazonian Queen’s greed had outweighed her good sense. She’d agreed to his terms and they had fought as mortals do… and he had won. Easily.
Now she was just another woman in his harem. Every so often, she challenged him to another duel with the same terms. He always agreed even though they both knew he didn’t have to. And she always lost, just as they both knew she always would.
Then, there was Elvina the Elven High Priestess. Yes, her name was that uninspired. No, Karvot didn’t have anything to do with it. Elves were just like that sometimes. For a long, long while, Karvot had a deal with the Forest Elves south of his lair. They would give him tribute and he would ‘bless’ their elven high priestesses. Of course, this was only because Karvot had the Elven Goddess Ilinia in his harem at the time. So long as she was under his control, he could ‘grant’ the Forest Elves the blessings they asked for through her.
But alas, about a hundred years ago, Karvot had lost Ilinia in a game of Dragon Poker. It was nothing like mortal poker to be clear. Not even worth trying to describe, in fact. The fact was though, he’d bet the Elven Goddess and lost her to one of his kin. He would eventually get her back, of course… but ‘eventually’ would probably be hundreds more years, if not thousands.
In the meantime, the Forest Elves expected the blessings to continue, but he couldn’t give them anymore. And so, the last time Karvot had stopped by for his tribute, he’d burnt their entire civilization to the ground, taking the gold they’d gathered for him… and High Priestess Elvina for good measure. The poor dear was still quite melancholic about the whole ordeal. Still upset even a hundred years later.
He figured he’d give it another fifty before he finally let her in on his scheme to retrieve her goddess from his kin. That would probably break her out of her funk… and if it didn’t, oh well. Karvot had all the time in the world.
Still, even as long-lived as he was, even as farsighted as he was… Karvot did enjoy living in the moment as well. And after assessing his hoard and harem and finding everything to be in order, he FINALLY turns to the current matter at hand… the poor Lady Knight impaled upon his massive, ridged draconic cock as he uses magic to hold her in place and slowly strip her of her armor piece by piece.
“N-No… y-you monster… I will… oh GODS!”
As the Lady Knight Katarina climaxes yet again upon his member, Karvot smiles a very wide, toothy draconic grin.
“You will… what, my dear? You will defeat me? You will save your Princess? Because let me tell you… it certainly doesn’t seem likely at this juncture.”
“Nnnngh… b-bastard!”
Lady Knights could be rarer than even princesses at times. So when he had an opportunity to capture one, Karvot usually took it. It was always a pleasure when a warrior that came to challenge him for his hoard turned out to be a beautiful woman as well.
In this case though, Katarina wasn’t here for the glory of fighting him, nor to steal his hoard. No, she was here for one reason and one reason only…
“Oh Katarina. I know love, it’s a lot… but just relax. You don’t have to fight so hard anymore. We’re already back together again. Just as it always should have been.”
Lounging on a pile of cushions atop the massive mound of gold right beside him is a princess… a freshly captured princess at that. Though in this case, Princess Lily wasn’t truly ‘captured’. No, rather… she’d invited him in and given herself up on purpose. See, Lily and Katarina came from a rather traditional kingdom. One where the women were expected to be homemakers and good wives and the men did all of the warring and fighting and ruling.
Katarina had hidden her true gender from the Kingdom she served for quite a few years, rising up through their knightly ranks all the while… until Princess Lily had discovered her true nature. At the same time, the Princess was being actively courted by all sorts of nobles both foreign and local. Of course, in this case, ‘courting’ meant that they were trying to make her father pick them for her betrothal, not actually taking any of Lily’s feelings into account.
What followed was a classic tale, at least in Karvot’s long and historied opinion. The Lady Knight Katarina and the Princess Lily, by sheer dint of having nobody else they could be themselves around, had become thick as thieves and ultimately fallen in love. Theirs was a forbidden love though. They could never be together. Unless…
Well, for the two of them, that word ‘unless’ had ended up being two very different things. For Katarina, ‘unless’ meant making a plan to steal Lily away in the middle of the night so that the two of them could flee their kingdom and elope elsewhere that would be more accepting of their love. But Lily was a bit more realistic and could tell that such a thing would never work out.
Instead, she’d turned to Karvot. How she’d gotten his ‘number’ so to speak, allowing her to magically contact him and beseech him for aid, he still hadn’t found out. But one thing led to another and suddenly it was he who stole Princess Lily away in the middle of the night.
“L-Lily? You can’t… y-you can’t be serious…”
Katarina had come running of course. She was a knight and so she did what all knights do and tried to fight him in order to save her princess. She’d failed. Spectacularly. In case the fact that she was currently impaled upon his cock and being fucked senseless didn’t make that obvious enough.
“I am, Katarina. I’ll admit, when I first decided to approach the Black Claw, I had hopes that you would come and save me from him. If it was you… if you saved me from a dragon just like in the tales, I’m sure father would have had no choice but to accept our love.”
Heh. There were those tales again. Mortals were so funny sometimes. They couldn’t fathom that dragons were so far above them they were impossible to kill. So they made up stories about how this or that legendary knight had slain a dragon. Even though it never happened. Even though the only time a dragon died was to another dragon.
“… But I see now that even that was foolish of me.”
Suddenly, Lily rises from her bed of cushions and crawls up the mountain of gold and onto his body.
“Shush, Katarina…”
Moving so that she’s straddling him right in front of her wonderful Lady Knight, Lily glances back over her shoulder at him meaningfully. With an amused snort, Karvot reaches out and pulls the rest of Katarina’s armor away, completely stripping her naked so Lily can embrace her and cuddle with her properly.
“This is for the best, Katarina. See? Like this, we can finally be together. As the Black Claw’s women, we will no longer be forced into roles that see us torn apart. The both of us are part of his harem now, Katarina.”
“B-But… but I was supposed to s-save you…”
Lily gives her beloved a sympathetic smile.
“You failed. Even before you arrived you failed. I don’t think I could live without Karvot’s cock now, I’m afraid. And neither can you.”
Katarina whimpers, but her lack of denial is answer enough. Karvot watches on in amusement and some pleasure as the Lady Knight finally begins to succumb. Between his ridged draconic member spreading her insides and filling her past the brim and Lily rubbing her own slick wet cunt against where their bodies are joined… Katarina surrenders.
“Maybe… maybe it wouldn’t be so bad… after all.”
“That’s right. We’re together, my love. And that’s all that matters.”
Amusing to say the least. He’s seen this tale play out a thousand times, but this is the first time Karvot has ever been used to help a pair of sapphic lovers escape the clutches of a traditional, chauvinistic society hellbent on forcing them to live lives they would hate. For that alone, Lily and Katarina would likely keep his interest for a long, long while…


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