Campfire Shelter

Chapter 40 Children’s Rifles

A pile of long and short metal parts were quickly assembled in Li Ming's hands, turning into a black rifle that looked somewhat compact.

Then, Li Ming held the gun and said helplessly: "I brought some local specialties from America."

Good guy, while this teammate is stocking up on food, you are stocking up on guns, right?

Colin looked at the gun in his hand, and after a few seconds of silence, he handed over the extended version of the Snickers bar in his hand, and said quietly:

"If I remember correctly, you should have studied abroad at your own expense after college, right? What about civil engineering at Pineapple University in Bashi?"

Li Ming was not surprised that the captain knew his information, and continued: "Saint Polo University, something happened to me and I just came out."

Colin didn't know much about this university, but he had heard about some of the industries there, but he didn't think much about it and stretched out his hand:

"What kind of gun is this? Show it to me."

Li Ming nodded and handed over the firearm. He didn't think the captain would threaten him if he took away his weapon.

You know, before he lost his head, he saw his boss actually flashing back!

It even flashed twice!

That method is simply something that a legendary superpower can only possess. If he really has his own thoughts, he doesn't need a gun at all.

While Ke Lin was playing with it, Li Ming took the initiative to introduce the information of this weapon to the captain. The special AR15 version is about 78 centimeters in length and weighs only two kilograms. In addition, it has a famous name in the country of origin—— Children's assault rifles.

As he spoke, Li Ming pointed to the mark on the side of the gun, a cartoon pattern of a skull biting a pacifier, and an English phrase next to the pattern.

Translated, it probably means: shoot like mom and dad, making children more confident.

Seeing Colin, he lamented that the simple folk customs on the other side of the ocean were cultivated since childhood.

"Except for the gun, I only brought a dagger and all the other bullets, more than 200 rounds, so I didn't bring any food."

Li Ming scratched his head with his left hand and said awkwardly: "I thought there would be basic food here."


Colin held the gun and didn't know how to answer, but suddenly felt that his previous idea of ​​ranking Li Ming's moral value first was really a bit hasty.

He was holding the gun and couldn't help but ask: "You study civil engineering, how come you seem to be good with guns?"

The opponent's speed at assembling a bunch of parts into a firearm just now was not slow at all, and it didn't look like he could use it temporarily by hugging a corner.

"When we were in class, the instructor took us to the shooting range in the first week and told us that in this place, those who study civil engineering must know how to hit people before they go to the construction site to hit people. All the shovels will be robbed.”

Who the hell would snatch a shovel for dusting?

Ke Lin really wanted to complain about who would do such outrageous things with nothing to do, but after thinking about the geographical location of this subordinate, he suddenly felt that the outrageousness seemed to reveal some reasonableness.

Shaking his head, Colin didn't worry about it: "I didn't bring much food, so I saved the Snickers bar.

"Besides, until I come back, you stay here and don't walk around in the church.

"Especially at night, it's very dangerous here.

"A gun alone is of no use."

As he said that, Colin also remembered the time when he was walking at night on the first day he came here. At that time, he always felt that there was something dangerous in the dark.

But "luckily" he kept himself within the range of the flames that night, so he didn't encounter many dangers.

But now you may not be so lucky.

After briefly giving instructions and firing two more rounds to enjoy himself, Colin returned the gun to Li Ming, closed the church door, and started walking in the direction of the second employee.

If it wasn't for the limited physical strength of the employees and the fact that they could only feel the "bonfire sacrificial point" and couldn't determine the location of other people like him, Ke Lin felt that it might be better to send these employees there.

But now I have to do everything by myself.

An hour later, he walked out of the dead forest, and some more normal plants began to appear around him.

The atmosphere of death gradually faded.

During the march, although Colin did not see any large animals, he could occasionally see some birds flying low in the wilderness.

In addition, he also happened to catch some beetle-like insects and put them into his portable space while he was on his way.

Because through the "analytic lens", we can probably know that these bugs should be edible. If the heads are removed, the protein may be higher than beef.

Of course, he has to leave such a good thing to his employees.

Colin himself was reluctant to eat this stuff anyway.

"There are actually earthworms here? Is it such a big one?"

Ke Lin was surprised, then picked it up and put it in the portable space, and then see if he can get some wild vegetables or something to cook a pot of soup with the bugs, so as to avoid Li Ming looking for what he wants to eat next time.

After all, if he doesn't find additional food sources in the next seven days, he won't have much food left in his pocket.

While working hard to collect some food that should be edible, Colin hurried on. After walking for a few more hours, Colin paused.

"It's the stench of humanity."

After sniffing his nose, Colin squinted and looked forward. To be more precise, he smelled the smell of human excrement and some vague smell of blood.

Not far in front of him was a mountain forest with sparse trees.

"There seems to be a lot of people, at least hundreds of people. They must have been away for a long time, maybe a day and a half?"

Colin silently analyzed the smell in the air that ordinary people couldn't smell.

The second employee's signal went out around here.

"If you think about it better, maybe he just died."

Colin continued to follow the direction of these smells, and after walking into them, he saw more signs of human activity.

Such as footprints, blood stains, excrement, rags, bones, etc.

"It should be here soon."

Colin quickened his pace, and after another period of tracking, he saw a large group of refugees?

In the dead woods about a few hundred meters away from him, there was a group of skinny, naked people sitting or lying down.

After a rough scan, the number of people should be more than five hundred.

Except for the extras hired by the human suture monster, this was the first time for Colin to see so many living people in this world.

After thinking for a while, he continued to approach the refugees and walked into the refugee group.

The sour smell of sweat, fresh excrement, blood, and some glue all came together at this moment.

Colin's expression twisted.

The sensory enhancement brought about by "lycanthropy" is very useful.

But sometimes, the discomfort was really uncomfortable, and he couldn't take the initiative to reduce it.

As for Colin's arrival, these people didn't have any special reaction except for giving him a vigilant look. They were still lying everywhere, looking half-dead. A weak body of one rib.

But many of these thin bodies have a huge belly.

A friend shared something, but I forgot where it was, so I replaced it with Baxi.

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