Campfire Shelter

Chapter 41 Sour-smelling bread

"Abdominal bloating and abdominal fluid caused by eating indigestible food?"

Colin saw a child with slender limbs chewing on a piece of wood, chewing it into pieces, and then swallowing it carefully.

He is less than 1.2 meters tall but has a belly bigger than a basketball and a bulging belly button.

Colin had only seen the appearance of these people in some pictures about hunger in Africa.

"Is there a famine nearby, or something happened?"

Colin walked among the victims and looked around thoughtfully. He found that the bark of many trees along the way had been stripped off, and there were many potholes on the ground. Not even the grass roots could be seen.

Everything edible within sight has been eaten up by the refugees.

What is even more uncomfortable is that some refugees whose limbs are still intact look at the injured and dying people like vultures from time to time, as if they are waiting for something.

The atmosphere in this area is depressing and terrifying.

However, at this moment, Colin suddenly froze and felt a few unkind glances in the crowd, directed at him from all directions.

Someone is after him!

Almost at the same time, Colin also discovered the reason why he was being targeted. The refugees present were all in groups, dozens and dozens of them, and he was the only one left alone.

The isolated self is obviously the best target!

Without thinking much, there was a rustling sound, and some people were approaching him.

There were not many people, only five or six, like hyenas, surrounding them.

These people were also dressed as refugees, but they didn't feel like they were starved to the point of weakness. Instead, they were very energetic and in good spirits.

At this time, as the encirclement narrowed, these people no longer deliberately concealed themselves.

One of the men, with a dark face and full of wrinkles, noticed Colin's gaze and grinned, his eyes full of undisguised greed.

Already treating him like a piece of fat to the mouth——

Literally fat!

"You really know how to choose your target."

Looking at the guys gradually surrounding him, Colin didn't panic, and even wanted to laugh a little.

Although there is something wrong with these people,

But generally speaking, they are just a group of ordinary people, not like the warden who suddenly turned into a strong two-meter tall guy.

Taking "Retrograde" is enough to easily deal with it.

"You are the one who brought your own death."

Colin put his hand into his waist pocket. This move made the people surrounding him pause for a moment, worried that the prey might have some unknown means.

But after finally catching a lone fat man, they didn't want to disperse.

"There doesn't seem to be any danger around here. If there is, it's probably this group of people."

As Colin's thoughts turned around, he had some guesses about what happened to the employees who lost contact here.

If nothing else, he probably fell into the hands of these people for the first time.

It would probably be an uncomfortable way to die.


After the two sides faced off for more than ten seconds, the group of hyena-like carnivores began to move their legs again and surrounded them.

The nearest one was less than ten meters away from Colin.

But just when Colin was about to draw his gun, a bell suddenly sounded in the distance, causing the group of carnivores to stop.

Then, a noise came from deep within the refugee group, breaking the confrontation here.

"It's food! That noble man came yesterday to deliver food again!"

Someone shouted something, and immediately after, the originally oppressive atmosphere in the area boiled. Even the weakest people were struggling to get up at this moment, rushing towards a certain direction like a group of monkeys fighting for food.

Even the few people who regarded Colin as food also disappeared into the crowd after hearing the bell and retreating.

Before leaving, he saw the person looking at him say "good luck to you".

‘Do you want to capture them all now? ’

Colin squinted his eyes. After activating the two characteristics of the Retrograde, he could hit the target he wanted to hit in an instant.

But after thinking about it, he decided to wait and see first.

He has locked all these people

If you do it rashly, you are likely to alert the snake. It is better to keep it and follow them later to see if you can find any information about the employee.

Then, looking at the direction in which the crowd was rushing away, Colin no longer stood still and walked over with them, planning to see what was going on.

After all, he still has a mission [Event 5: Carrying "Token-13" to "World Number-13" to investigate all abnormal events that may be related to "hunger\

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