Campfire Shelter

Chapter 563 Worldwide Disaster Broadcast Notice!

When he opened his eyes, Colin did not get up immediately, but looked at the familiar ceiling, recalling the exchange with "Ms. Rabbit" just now, and his head suddenly buzzed.

I thought that an inquiry could clear up some doubts.

As a result, not many doubts were solved, but many more questions were raised.

Of course, the main point of confusion is the "ultimate time". This thing is too abstract, and ordinary people's logic cannot be understood even if there is an interpretation.

But apart from that, some other things are pretty good.

Colin remembered that during the last stage of the conversation, when he asked about the Big Three, "Ms. Rabbit" said she couldn't remember much about who they were.

He just gave a vague explanation that "the person you are investigating should be one of them."

"I feel that it is most likely 'Boss Huang He', but why is she so unsure?"

Colin raised his eyebrows, but thinking about it, there should be results soon.

I didn't continue to waste my time on it.

"What should be sorted out has basically been sorted out. Now, I shouldn't have anything particularly big to regret."

Colin sat up and thought about the cause and effect of his body on the bed.

It seems that everything that needs to be fixed has been completed.

The rest should be the final arrangements before starting this event.

He took a deep breath and took out all his props from his pocket.

Count them one by one.

"Retrograde Revolver", "Time Reverse Flow", "Time Stagnation", "Force Repulsion", "Force Gravity", Bone Spur Enhanced Version, "Smiling Corpse Mountain" Enhanced Version, "False Strong" ”, “Fire Holder’s Goodwill Max (Haze Angel)”, “Shield of Fairness and Justice”, “Fire Holder’s Grease*1037.43L”, “Emblem of Humility”.

These are his current main fighting methods.

Among all the oranges, oranges, golds, and golds, the "false strong" purple one is a bit dazzling, as if it can't keep up with the quality.

But so far, this thing has had a lot of effect on him.

After all, its upper limit is to bring an employee's basic physical fitness to infinitely close to that of a C-level employee.

Colin is not sure which employee's C-level level this thing uses as a measure, but it can still play a big role in its current use.

"When we fight to the end, we can detonate it directly and use it overclocked. We should get more effects, but the side effects are a bit difficult to deal with."

Colin nodded and looked at some other props and items.

There are also some firewood burned from the bodies of various levels of containment. The various things inside are really going to be spread out and burned, enough to cover the third largest country in the world.

Of course, Colin couldn't do this, so he roughly inferred its effect.

In addition, there are two others: "The Widow Snow Girl" and "The Seal of the Fire Tree". The former is no longer used by Colin as a prop, but as a general equal dialogue.

As for the latter one, Colin is also not treated as an ordinary prop, but as a pet that can heal and listen to people.

Although "Fire Tree" is a little clever, he often secretly works hard without being whipped, and he doesn't know what he is planning.

But Colin could also feel that this kind of thinking was harmless to him, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

After all, if you think about it with your feet, you can guess that it is just trying to run.

In addition, there are a bunch of green props with low performance such as "analytical lenses" and even some purple props. In Colin's eyes, they are all "disposable props".

"Green equipment is okay. It will explode if you use Overclocking. However, as long as a 'purple equipment' appears now, even the worst one will start with a minimum of 12,300 points. It seems a bit luxurious to detonate it."

Colin looked at the twenty-odd pieces of green clothing in his hand, and the nine pieces of purple clothing obtained from official transactions with the company.

Especially the purple equipment, which alone is worth hundreds of thousands of points.

However, if there is a real crisis, Colin will not hesitate to detonate it directly to fend off the enemy. In this regard, hesitating for one second is disrespectful to his own life.

Almost an hour or so later.

Colin took out his cell phone and started to notify Mr. Wu.

Rather than passively letting the other party ask him, this time he chose to take the initiative to ask.

"Are you sure you are ready?"

Different from waiting for a message for a long time in the past, during this period, Mr. Wu seemed to be by his phone all the time. Colin just sent the message and immediately received a reply from the other party.

When asked, Colin gave an affirmative answer.

A few seconds later, the person on the other end of the phone seemed to be sure of something and replied:

"Okay, Duo Jin will pick you up later. Then, not long after that, there should be some major movements. You don't need to pay attention to it, just wait."

After the brief exchange, Colin sat quietly in the room, thinking again of the last words of "Ms. Rabbit" in his mind.

Think about the "mouse" that will most likely jump out first.

"According to Ms. Rabbit, he is good at using props. There is a high probability that he has a super powerful golden prop that is related to space. Secondly, this guy can avoid her and 'Numerology'. In addition to his own authority, he has There should be some secrets out there that need attention.”

Of course, although the opponent's combat power is not weak, its shortcomings are also obvious.

Its body is extremely weak, almost the same as ordinary people.

As long as you can get close, there is a high probability that as long as a aftermath spreads in, you can kill it directly.

In this regard, Colin feels that perhaps the "Shield of Fairness and Justice" can play a big role.

However, before Colin could continue to think about it, he suddenly felt something. He stepped to the window, raised his head and looked outside. As soon as he looked outside, he suddenly heard a huge air-raid siren "Woo~" The sound was raised

The moment it sounds, it quickly suppresses the noise of the city, making people involuntarily enter a state of tension and even fear!

"What's going on? Earthquake?" Someone stuck his head out with inexplicable fear and confusion.

However, when he looked outside, his pupils shrank, and he saw that the sound was coming from green trucks with sharp edges, and there were a large number of troops who could only be seen online, holding weapons and pouring into the city along with the trucks.

"Something happened! Something happened! Evacuate quickly! Go to the nearest air raid shelter."

"Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!"

"What's going on? What happened?!"

Some community residents were taking a shower. They didn't even have time to rinse their heads with foam, so they hurried out and looked at the green camouflage trucks parked on the street with confused expressions.

At the same time, in a house, a game character controlled by a young man flashed a taunt icon. After giving the opponent a severe psychological blow, he prepared to deliver the final blow to demolish the enemy's base camp.

However, at this moment, the scene suddenly changed.

"An emergency news is being inserted now! A strong earthquake wave has been detected and is coming. All residents are requested to immediately follow the drill and register for emergency evacuation!"

Seeing this scene, the young man looked devastated: "Damn it, it's time to practice. It's hard to beat Xiaodai's comeback against a big headwind. Please remove the crystal first!"

But after staying there for two seconds, he suddenly noticed the shrill "Woo-Woo" air-raid siren coming faintly through the window.

As soon as he lifted the curtains, his eyes were stung by the natural light at first, but then he noticed the large camouflage trucks outside. His pupils immediately shook, and he didn't care about overturning the situation. He packed up urgently and carried the The "emergency financial bag" required in the previous exercise was prepared, and I grabbed the only pet rat in the house and rushed out——

This time it’s not a drill!

Along the way, he saw that all the electronic equipment he had seen so far seemed to have been forcibly invaded and jumped to the "interruption".

"Holy shit, shit, shit, it's real, shit." Looking at the vehicles outside, there were only soldiers. Looking at the various vehicles that could only be seen in the team, he was shocked when he saw the people holding weapons.

"Stop the ink! Didn't you see the news before? Let's prepare. I heard that a huge earthquake is coming! We are moving and evacuating now!"

"Damn it, it's really coming, too bad my son hasn't pulled it out yet."


"There is still time. Don't be crowded or nervous. Please count the people in an orderly manner and get on the bus according to previous drill experience."

Hu Zheng, who has become a level 5 "fate pusher", regulates the "numerology thread" on the spot to ensure that there will be no large-scale stampede and so on.

However, he usually only secretly interferes with hundreds or thousands of people, but now he has to affect tens of thousands of people all of a sudden. He still feels very strenuous, and the sweat on the top of his head evaporates into smoke.

During the evacuation, a good-looking female volunteer carried an old man onto the big truck, but as soon as she got on, she looked a little confused and looked back at the community behind her:

"I feel like I have forgotten something? It seems that a patient I am responsible for has not been pushed out."

I vaguely remember that he was a frail young man sitting in a wheelchair, with unchanged limbs, very thin, but with inexplicably firm eyes. He was a bit worrying.

But, it seems like there isn’t?

The pictures in my memory began to become a little blurry.

"No, everything is already in place. Run quickly. If disaster strikes, you won't be able to escape."

"Oh, good"


And not just this one place.

The whole country, and even the world, all took action in a short time!

Various alarm broadcasts are forced to pop up from all kinds of electronic devices of everyone and sound alarms!

“Warning! The U.S. Government has declared all-out war on the Russian Government and plans to deploy to launch a full-scale nuclear strike.EVACUATE TO SHELTERS NOW!!!”

“Чрезвычайнаяситуация! ПравительствоСШАобъявилототальнуювойнуроссийскомуправительствуипланируетнанест "

"Emergency! Multiple volcanoes are activated and exploded in stages."

"Alle Bürgerinnen und Bürger werden dringend gebeten, sich so schnell wie mglich in Schutzrume zu begeben, da die extreme Klte einsetzt."


At the same time, in the internal communication channel of "Bonfire Company", employees who had been prepared a lot because of Colin's previous release of the news, although they were not panicked, were somewhat nervous.

“ @654321, what’s going on with Brother Shunzi? It seems like Yao Shijie’s end has suddenly come to an end. Come out and tell us!”

"Is that thing finally going to start? But I just learned about it. I should not say it. Every country has different disasters. If there is no disaster, just create an excuse. Especially the warnings of woolly bears and bald eagles. , it’s been so long and we still don’t forget to pinch each other, hahahaha”

"It should be right, such a big reaction, brother Meng, get ready to fight!"

"I have a strong feeling that a big one is really coming this time! Well, my ancestors, no, I still wish Brother Shunzi to bless me. My ancestors are not as reliable as Brother Shunzi now."


Colin glanced at the information on the parchment, edited some content, sent it out, and confirmed the employees' inquiries about him.

Then, standing by the window, Colin looked outside quietly.

During the official operation, people poured out of various buildings like ants, and then were guided onto large trucks and transported to shelters in various areas.

The people in his area will be lucky, and most of them will be transferred to Research Institute No. 5.

Colin looked at the people leaving, his thoughts a little divergent.

As the top shelter, most of the people here are not qualified to enter.

But as people who have come into contact with Colin, or indirectly come into contact with him, they must be handled properly to avoid some abnormal things from using them as a springboard to launch some kind of air attack on him.

In today's world, this kind of thing is completely possible.

"It's a pity that Research Institute No. 5 has been built for so many years and a lot of financial and material resources have been spent. It can only meet the survival needs of less than 10 to 20 million people."

Tens of millions of people sounds like a lot, but when it comes to multiple provinces, it's not that much.

Only less than one-tenth of the "lucky ones" have the opportunity to enter such a large, high-level shelter. As for other people, arrangements are made, but in the direction of "small worlds" with higher risk levels, etc.

Whether you can survive later or not is really up to chance.

"However, the most important thing is that as long as we can withstand the first wave of the most violent offensive and some of the 'Ms. Rabbit''s back-ups arrive, things should turn for the better."

Colin's first priority after completing his investigation is to lead the resistance against this or several waves of offensive.

Do whatever you can to save as many people as possible.

Of course, the most ideal situation is to drive out every enemy.

But the possibility is not very high.

"'Fire Bearer', ugh"

Colin shook his head. He felt that the thing was very close, but he couldn't really touch it.

Taking a deep breath, he looked up at the sky again.

He could feel that as the worldwide action began, the "world barrier" that suppressed anomalies at a macro level was shaken.

Although the magnitude is not yet large, the resulting impact is quickly producing adverse consequences.

However, some official personnel, company employees, and even some heretics who had been prepared were rushing to the scene quickly to deal with the problem at the risk of their lives.

And this is the price of acting early.

If you don't do this, but choose to keep the "world barrier" stable and let ordinary people be ignorant of the disaster, then society may be stable for a while, but this will also lead to things happening suddenly and unprepared. , the mortality rate will reach an extremely exaggerated level.

In comparison, the current price is still acceptable.

That is, when the evacuation work was in full swing, Colin saw a black car appear on the other side, and many golden figures stepped out of it.

"It's time to act."

Colin nodded to the other person, turned around and glanced at the room that he might never have the chance to come back to again, and then opened the door and left without much nostalgia.

Not long after.

He took this car to his destination and began to investigate the "Book of Numerology" incident.


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