Campfire Shelter

Chapter 564 Official Assessment

"Mr. Colin, we will arrive at the assessment location in about one hour and forty-six minutes. Your resume is clean and there are no problems."

"There will be some inquiries then. This is the procedure, but you can answer them casually."

"After the process is completed, you will be asked to enter a room, or stay where you are. By then you should feel a strong feeling of being peeped by something. Don't resist too much. It won't take long before your consciousness will sink somewhere”

In the car that was almost full, Dou Jin sat aside and explained to Colin the process of leaving.

If it weren't for Colin's special situation and the assessment was just for other things, then there would be no need for any assessment at all if someone like him was comparable in strength, no, he was stronger than most ninth-level personnel.

Just write down a piece of paper and sit at home without moving, and you can be promoted and enjoy the top treatment.

And compared with the ordinary official level, the other party's status within the company will also be fed back here——

Those F-level personnel who join the company enjoy detached treatment. They are escorted by level seven or even level eight personnel when they first join, let alone Colin's situation.

Of course, apart from Mr. Wu, there is currently no one to protect him.

After listening to Duo Jin's words, Colin nodded and asked curiously:

"Do you know where it sank?"

Duo Jin thought for a while, shook his head slightly and said: "I'm not particularly sure. In my impression, it's a dark area that connects everyone's 'Line of Destiny'. Generally, it's over with just one look, but your goal is obviously not to take one look." ."

"That's right." Colin nodded.

"Actually, normally speaking, it would be best for Mr. Wu to take you now. But unfortunately, he still has some more important tasks to perform, so I have to come here."

"What's up?"

"Take care of some S-class disaster situations and ensure that these things will not explode while he is alive," Duojin sighed.

Hearing this, Colin was silent for a while. Mr. Wu's deadline was not long.

But only he knows the specific time.

Colin remembered that based on his own information, there seemed to be two triggers for the great turmoil in the world. One was his investigation of the "Book of Numerology" when he was promoted to level 6.

One is when Mr. Wu is on his deathbed.

But now it seems that the company, or Ms. Rabbit, plans to take advantage of Mr. Wu still having some time.

By investigating the "book of numerology" in advance, he took the initiative to kick off this incident.

Colin sighed slightly and said no more. Instead, he looked outside through the car window. At this time, a large number of camouflage-colored transport trucks continued to go to and from the main road amid the sound of prevention and control sirens.

People screamed and fled from the buildings. It seemed chaotic, but in fact everything was going on steadily.

Due to the long-standing registration, the transfer work was generally smooth.

"The 'Fate Pusher' is really far superior to other extraordinary people in terms of its ability to operate on ordinary people."

Colin's eyes swept over some of the "fate pushers".

The ultra-large-scale urban population transfer did not cause any serious pushing or trampling, nor did anything like mutiny occur. It basically relied on the guidance of the "fate pushers".

Without them, Colin didn't know what the chaos would be like.

These guys may not have the same level of combat effectiveness, but they are indeed powerful in guiding a certain "general trend".

"For such a large-scale event, in fact, a long time ago, when Mr. Wu was promoted to level nine and predicted that a big event would happen after his death, he has been making relevant plans, both at home and abroad, and has been preparing for many years."

"If it takes so long to prepare and it still looks messy, that's a big problem."

After Duo Jin heard Colin's emotionless words, he briefly explained the situation. However, as he spoke, he didn't know what he thought of. He paused for a moment, and then suddenly said with a strange expression:

"But one thing is thanks to the black box from another world you brought and your identity."

"Oh?" Colin raised his eyebrows, not knowing what he meant.

"As for what will happen to human society in a doomsday event, some of the information in that black box provides a very important reference sample, allowing us to make up our minds to implement evacuation with more in-depth control. After all, before a major disaster, we believe that humans will be polite. It’s simply impossible.”

Duo Jin explained the former one and then started talking about the latter: "As for your identity, well, you should also understand that within the officialdom, both at home and abroad, there are some 'senior' people who pursue 'human elitism' , these people are also human supremacists, but they do not regard ordinary people as the same kind. Even if they evacuate, they do not plan to take many people with them.

“Although this group of people is not large, they have a lot of resources.

"But because of the 'Bonfire Company', these people currently don't dare to oppose ordinary people so much, and they have spit out a lot of resources, especially many people who have donated to us.

"If this were not the case, the current situation may not be as simple as you think now."

After hearing Duo Jin's words, Colin first wondered what this had to do with him or the "company".

He did know about "human elitism". This group of people planned to only take a small number of selected "slaves" and leave with resources that are hundreds or even a thousand times more than ordinary people.

When he saw her before, he even thought about taking the initiative to talk to her.

But because there was a lot of money that was not used, I didn’t go. Unexpectedly, I had already vomited the resources out.

And this matter has something to do with the company?

It lasted for two seconds, and Colin understood the reason.

These guys should be showing goodwill to the "Bonfire Company". After all, their behavior of not treating ordinary people as human beings is contrary to the company's path.

After knowing enough about "Bonfire Company", they obviously knew that they might offend the company by siphoning off excess resources and ignoring ordinary people's attempts to escape.

Nowadays, as long as you can escape, it seems that it has something to do with the "Bonfire Company".

In addition, some of them are "extraordinary people" who are company employees.

If you really need the company's help one day, you may not be welcomed because of problems.

"It seems like they have to vomit something out of their stomachs whether they want to or not."

Colin was thinking about it while looking at the scene rapidly passing outside the window. After a few seconds, he said in a gentle tone:

"You still have some time. Let's look up the names of these forces and the lists of some of the people who are more at risk. I'll remember them for a while."

Of course, remembering these people is definitely not to repay a favor.

It's because these guys are more likely to rebel. If you encounter them at that time, you may get stabbed if you don't pay attention.

Duo Jin obviously understood what he meant: "I have already passed the relevant content to Ms. Yin next to you."

"Oh, that's okay too."

Colin nodded, and as his thoughts turned, he saw the little maid cooperating to transmit information to his retina through special means.

An hour later, in a relatively remote town, Colin saw an official place dedicated to interviews and assessments.

A public office park that can't be said to be very luxurious, but covers a fairly large area.

At the gate, the black official car stopped. After Colin got out of the car, the guard at the door immediately looked at him and raised his hand to signal to stop.

But soon, after Duo Jin, who got off the bus at the same time, took out his ID, the park gate opened.

"Next, let's walk there. There will be some observing eyes on the way. Don't mind it too much."

Generally speaking, this kind of observation is used to observe real "newcomers", but it is obvious that Colin is not a newcomer at all.

However, Mr. Wu said that all inspections can be perfunctory, but they cannot be omitted and they must be implemented.

Of course, many people also understand that this is a matter of contact with the "book of numerology" after all, and it is best to follow the process. No matter if it is just a show or something, the superficial skills must be in place anyway.

If you feel that you are too good, when you are promoted to level 6 or after skipping a level, you choose to be promoted directly without going through the "assessment", without passing the "book of numerology", and even perfunctoryly. This kind of example has not happened in the past.

As a result, the promoted person was unlucky for a long time and almost died suddenly several times.

It wasn't until he finished taking the assessment again that he recovered. As for why he knew so well, it was because he was the unlucky guy who was pushed out by Mr. Wu to do this experiment.

It was not clear why at first, but now, many Jin vaguely feel it.

The "Book of Numerology" that is highly bound to the official government is most likely planning something through them, so it forces people from the three major channels to go through its link.


Colin nodded when he heard this, and followed Duo Jin a half step slowly.

He did feel some sneaky glances along the way, but he sensed them all.

The difference in strength is big enough. Even without a bonfire, he can still use some basic passives of "lycanthropy" to lock the enemy's location, current status, etc. in his mind through his sense of smell and crisis perception.

'In the entire assessment site, the strongest ones are only two seventh-level personnel, plus some mediocre props. This level means that when I first joined the company at level F, I could peek and peep. But after I reached level E, anyone in front of me would It's almost like running naked'

Colin's expression remained unchanged, and he couldn't help but think about it.

Everything in the assessment location is basically within his perception. Compared with these people, Colin is more curious about some related matters in the "book of numerology".

Unfortunately, I don’t seem to feel it.

At this time, Duo Jin continued to explain the next process while moving forward:

"Sometimes there are spies inside the officialdom. These people may not even know that they are spies, but when they pass the assessment and are looked at by the 'book of numerology', they will go crazy. In order to minimize the risk they will cause after exposing themselves. There were riots, so the assessment location was set up in a relatively remote location.”

"That's it." Colin nodded, put his hands behind his hands and walked slowly away.

Elsewhere, a group of "observation" personnel watched as Colin put his hands behind his back and stepped out of the leader's manner. On the contrary, Duo Jin, who was supposed to be a "master", had a "flattery" expression on his face. , I was a little speechless for a moment.

If they hadn't known Duo Jin's identity, they would have doubted that the young man was the real leader.

At the same time, everyone began to wonder, what is the origin of this young man, and he can actually make such a gesture of gold?

After thinking about it, both of them had a common guess: This young man might be the illegitimate son of Mr. Wu?

Otherwise, it really wouldn’t be possible.

However, they also learned in advance that the assessment task this time was special, and all they needed to do was to give as many "favorable comments" as possible on a special piece of paper, good enough to attract the attention of something.

That is to say, when they saw Colin and the two walking into a building, the observers withdrew their gaze.

"Being neither humble nor arrogant in the face of elders is extremely outstanding and is rare in a thousand years."

"Beautiful and flawless, he is extremely talented. He is one of the most talented people in the world and will not be seen for thousands of years."

"Damn, this young man is really awesome."


Several personnel, with complex mentality and unconscionable intentions, wrote their evaluations of the strange young man on special paper.

At the same time, inside the building, Duo Jin took Colin to the door of an assessment office. He patted Colin on the shoulder, turned around and prepared to leave without saying anything more.

But before I took a few steps, I felt that my "luck" suddenly became very good for no reason.

When I was confused, I suddenly heard Colin's voice coming from behind: "Wait a minute."

"Huh?" Duo Jin stood still, half-turned around and looked at Colin.

I saw that the other party casually took it out of his pocket and threw something golden and shiny from a distance of five or six meters.

"This is for you."

"Fuck." Duo Jin was startled when he saw the golden mark thrown in the air, and then he quickly reached out to catch it regardless of his face.

"What should I do if such a precious thing breaks on the ground? Gold is still very soft."

Many Jin held the palm-sized object in his arms, feeling the energy contained in it, and could clearly realize what a top-notch item it was!

There are no major side effects, and it can also provide super bursts and so on.

Relying on these alone, many Jin even feel confident that they can go head-to-head with some "god-fighting" ninth-level personnel.

"Haha, if you smash your head to pieces, it won't break, let alone fall to the ground."

Colin smiled. This was a relatively special gold mark. It was not only made of solid materials, but also the hard work of him and Shana. It also had the characteristics of "light" and "fire", and it was a high-quality new item.

During the last period of time, in addition to the entire "Light" sect being brought over to serve as "assembly line employees," Colin and Shana's "shipments" decreased, and they mainly began to create some high-quality products to give to others.

After understanding the horror of this disaster, he didn't want to see people around him die easily.

At the very least, he hopes that when he is cornered by these friends, he can still have some "backup hidden energy" or "small universe" to explode and fight for the last chance.

Then, Colin shook his head slightly, stopped thinking, then waved his hand, turned around, and walked towards the "interview office".

Seeing his figure disappearing into it, Duo Jin had a strong feeling that everything might be separated from him.

He took a deep breath, turned around and left, carrying the golden mark in his hand, and also walked towards his own fighting place.

One more chapter!

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