Campione: Strongest Godslayer!

Chapter 32: A Humiliating Escape & Narrow Victory!

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The wolf's maw, reeking of a pungent, fishy odor, rapidly approached Haru's neck, its rows of sharp teeth growing larger and larger in his eyes.

the stench washed over him. He frantically squeezed every ounce of magical energy from his Golden Core, pouring it into his Authority.

The ferocious repulsive force slammed into Voban's wolf form, crushing his powerful, blue-furred muscles as if they were made of paper. The werewolf's flesh caved inwards, distorting grotesquely.

Thick veins bulged on Voban's powerful legs as he dug his claws into the ground. With a thunderous roar, he sank his lower legs deep into the earth, sending tremors through the ground.

Using his anchored legs as leverage, Voban forcefully resisted the repulsive force, inching his jaws closer to Haru's neck.

Haru's blood ran cold as he stared at the gaping maw inches from his face. His enhanced Godslayer body screamed with primal instinct, warning him of the deadly danger.

This bite, without a doubt, would be fatal.

Understanding this, Haru's mind raced, desperately searching for a way out.

In this life-or-death crisis, a sudden inspiration struck him. He redirected the terrifying repulsive force from Voban to the earth itself.

The immense force attempted to push the earth away, causing the ground beneath Okukozome to sink by twenty centimeters.

However, even with the power of his Authority, it was impossible to overcome the Earth's sheer mass. The repulsive force, unable to move the Earth, rebounded back onto Haru, amplifying the pressure on his body.

Feeling the crushing force, a sly smile spread across Haru's face.

His Steel Body, hardened to an incredible degree, resisted the crushing pressure. Harnessing the force of the rebound, Haru's feet left the ground. Like a rocket launching into the sky, he shot upwards, leaving a trail of dust and debris in his wake.

Freed from the repulsive force, Voban's wolf form surged forward, his jaws snapping shut where Haru had been just a moment ago.

But Haru, propelled by the rebound, rocketed skyward, his hardened shoulders colliding with Voban's sharp teeth. A horrifying crunch echoed through the air.


A thick stream of blood, over ten centimeters long, erupted from Voban's mouth.

"Aaaaarrrrggghhh!!!!" A bloodcurdling howl tore through the air.

Haru winced as he hung suspended in mid-air, staring at the massive tooth embedded in his shoulder. He yanked it free, tossing it aside, and looked down at Voban.

The colossal werewolf hunched over, clutching his bleeding jaw with his monstrous claws. Tears streamed down his face as he writhed in pain, his emerald eyes blazing with fury.

"Well done, kid!!!" he snarled through gritted teeth.

Haru grinned mischievously at the enraged werewolf. "Sorry about that, old man. First time as a dentist. Hope I didn't hurt you too much!"

"You little brat!!!"


Thunder roared in the stormy sky as if mirroring Voban's rage.

Voban pulled his claws away from his jaw, revealing the gruesome wound. He straightened up, his face contorted with fury. The concrete beneath his feet exploded, creating a crater several meters deep.

His once emerald eyes glowed crimson, and a dark green aura erupted from his body like a volcano.

Three imposing figures materialized behind Voban. They were the Three Gods of Disaster he had slain and enslaved in Korea: the Wind God, the Rain Master, and the Thunder Lord.

The entire sky above Okukozome, and even a portion of the East China Sea and the Pacific Ocean, was blanketed with thick, swirling clouds. This large-scale atmospheric manipulation was Voban's signature move, a terrifying power he had acquired after slaying the Three Gods of Disaster – Tempestuous Fury.

Voban raised his claw, and the wind howled, thunder roared, as if responding to his command. Then, with a swift downward motion, he unleashed his attack.

As if triggered by his signal, millions upon millions of razor-sharp wind blades and thunderbolts rained down from the sky, hurtling towards Haru with unstoppable force.

Haru paled at the sight of the wind and lightning infused with divine power. He hurriedly channeled his remaining magical energy into his Earth Authority.

The wind blades were deflected by the invisible repulsive force, scattering harmlessly. The energy-based lightning bolts were also disrupted, their trajectories skewed. However, the repulsive force couldn't completely negate the lightning, and a few bolts managed to penetrate his defenses, striking his body.

Haru, his internal organs protected by his Steel Body and its near-invulnerability, withstood the immense voltage of the lightning bolts.

"It's working! Then…" Voban, seeing the successful hits, grinned savagely. His wolf form glowed with a brilliant green light as he poured even more magical energy into his Tempestuous Fury Authority.

The number and intensity of the lightning bolts increased exponentially. Countless bolts streaked across the night sky, turning night into day.

Thousands upon thousands of blue lightning bolts, each capable of splitting mountains and shattering stone, crashed down on Haru, colliding with his Steel Body with thunderous booms.

Haru's face darkened as the relentless assault of billions of volts of electricity surged through his steel-hardened body. The searing heat, infused with divine power, raised his body temperature from 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit to over 5,400 degrees. Flames raged within him, scorching his insides.

Even with his internal organs reinforced by steel, the intense heat was excruciating. Haru decided to use his trump card. "Egg, annihilate!"

A pitch-black flame, composed of pure negative energy, erupted from Haru's mind, instantly consuming all foreign energy within his body. The raging inferno within him vanished.

The abyssal black flames engulfed Haru's body, clashing with the relentless onslaught of lightning bolts. The seemingly delicate flames, surprisingly resilient, neutralized the powerful attacks.

"Energy nullification?!" Voban snarled, his emerald eyes flashing.

He narrowed his gaze, watching Haru plummet several meters. A vicious grin spread across his wolfish face. "No, that's not right! The impact force is still there!"

The immense force of the lightning bolts relentlessly hammered Haru, driving him from the sky to the ground. He poured his dwindling magical energy into maintaining his Steel Immortal Body, protecting his internal organs from the crushing impact.

Voban, unable to move while maintaining the high-powered lightning storm, and Haru, pinned to the ground by the barrage, were once again locked in a stalemate.

"Hahaha, kid, after all those battles, how much magical energy do you have left? Ten percent? Twenty percent?" Voban taunted, his face contorted with a manic grin.

"Tsk!" Bathed in the blinding light of the lightning, Haru's face darkened. He glanced at Sora, her face pale with worry, and his bloodshot gray eyes were consumed by a chilling madness.

An invisible force emanated from Haru, spreading outwards, piercing through the atmosphere and reaching out into the vast emptiness of space.

"Hmm?!" Voban's laughter died in his throat as he witnessed this.

As a seasoned Devil King, having lived for hundreds of years and encountered every living Godslayer, Voban understood the true terror of these beings.

They were monsters who could seize victory from the jaws of defeat, slaying Heretic Gods against all odds. Unless absolutely necessary, Godslayers avoided fighting each other to the death.

These monsters possessed a plethora of deadly techniques. A fight to the death between them was a gamble, with the odds always at fifty-fifty.

In the end, it was just one stolen Heretic God. He wasn't about to risk his life just to taste Haru's ultimate move.

Thinking this, Voban subtly glanced at the Death Servant holding Sora hostage.

The withered corpse instantly released Sora and, under Voban's command, shot towards Haru with incredible speed.

Sora, watching the corpse retreat, realized its target and shouted urgently, "Haru, behind you!!"

"Hmm?!" Haru whirled around.

The corpse, having been discovered, lunged at Haru. A gust of wind swept through the air as it delivered a perfect groin kick.

"Hahahahaha, kid, we're even now!" Boom! The moment the corpse struck, Voban, fearing Haru's potential retaliation, transformed into a monstrous black dragon. His thirty-meter long body slithered like an eel, twisting and vanishing into the netherworld, fleeing the battlefield.

Sora stared, speechless.

"That idiot didn't even wait to see the outcome," Haru muttered, looking down at the withered leg trapped between his thighs.

Did he think that Haru, who grew up in a country where even elementary school kids knew how to deliver a groin kick, wouldn't have a countermeasure?

With a flick of his wrist, Haru severed the corpse's head with a swift chop. A cracking sound filled the air.


The corpse's remains and Haru, exhausted from the battle, collapsed to the ground.

Sora scrambled across the ravaged terrain, rushing to Haru's side. She helped him up, her voice filled with concern. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine. Luckily, I reacted quickly!" Haru said, forcing a casual smile despite his pale face.

Hearing this, Sora visibly relaxed, relief washing over her. Then, she lunged forward, burying her delicate, doll-like face in Haru's chest, her slender arms wrapping tightly around him.

Looking down at Sora, clinging to him with unwavering determination, Haru's expression softened. He gently stroked her head, his voice soothing. "I said I'm fine. Why are you holding on so tight?"

"I need to make sure," she mumbled against his chest.

Haru sighed, then wrapped his arms around her slender waist.

After a moment, having recovered somewhat, Haru smiled playfully.

"Our clothes are soaked. Let's go home and take a bath. We can leave these remains for the committee to deal with."

Sora slowly raised her head, her face flushed, and looked at Haru's teasing expression. Her misty grey eyes reflected his image as she whispered, "Together?"


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