Captain wakes up 100,000 year later

Chapter 144

40. Planet Conquest 1

The day after I met Genorim.

The captain had to stay up all night with his eyes open. After reviewing the plan and rethinking it, there was only one conclusion. I couldn’t raise people like livestock anymore.

[Good morning, Captain. Today is the inauguration ceremony for the school district.]


Tyrant sends his morning greetings. The captain nods and drinks the cold mineral water next to the bed. The cold, endless water of Illuvelas was good. I looked out the window, and it was snowing.

[This is the coldest I’ve ever seen in the world. Are you all right, sir?]

“It feels good to see snow. Tyrant, don’t all of this mean nature is alive? ”

The snow on the planet was harder than a hole-in-the-wall.

Water varied from various temperatures to various forms, as well as the natural conditions that allowed the eye to become the eye were a combination of very complex conditions. On some planets hail, and on others plastic windows rain.

So the fact that the snow was falling meant that all of these environments were very precise and specially tuned. After all this, the work of the Catarian series is alive and moving.

And the efforts of Ur, a non-existent air management system.

“Let’s get ready and get moving. We need to talk about something important at the opening ceremony today. ”

The captain makes his way to the convention hall in Metropolis, dressed in washsuits.

The convention hall was a huge building that could hold up to 25,000 people. It was one of the largest buildings in the great metropolis, and an important ritual could be performed within it.

The high ceilings had shiny circular tiles, and the walls of the high hall were surrounded by a solemn atmosphere without any decoration. Up to 25,000 people were all sitting in their seats waiting for the ceremony to take place.

“Did you hear the news? ”

“What news? ”

“I heard the king is attending the inauguration ceremony in person today. ”


I heard students struggling everywhere. Their origins were very varied.

From the farmer’s children to the nobleman’s infancy.

Furthermore, there were princes and princesses who were no longer able to rise in the country.

There were successors of important people in the tower, there were children of mercenaries, there were orphans of the angels, and there were from the savanna that had been sold as slaves.

However, they were still unable to pay for uniforms worn by most students.

“I’ve never seen you before. My heart is pounding. ”

“What can you tell me? ”

Francesco brought together all the students who were able to study in the school district among the students who had completed basic education in Illuvelas.

Among nearly 100,000 students, being able to join the academy meant that they were all exceptional elites.

Students heard from the instructors how important today’s mouthwash is and how powerful their enemies are to deal with.

To tell this story, the knights who went down with the captain into the world yesterday gave a special speech in the Great Hall.

Francesco wanted to tell the story of the monster of the world before the opening ceremony.

“Students, guests, The inauguration of the first semester school district is about to begin. Door will be locked in three minutes. Please take your seats. ”

A message came out and stopped the students from struggling.

The interior lights are all extinguished and a spotlight appears on the stage in the middle of the convention hall. A hologram screen appeared in the spotlight.

It was a beautiful star, Earth.

The hologram showed much without a voice, just music and video.

Leaving Earth, the pioneering among the stars, the beautifully piled civilizations, and the destruction of our enemies, and the beginning of a new era.

What happened on the surface of this Alphazeta was magnificent, and many students shed tears.

They didn’t have any tolerance for this kind of video. Soon after the music goes out and the lights are completely extinguished, the whole hall is lit again.

There is a statue on the stage and a captain standing in front of it. I looked down at the 25,000 students the captain had plucked.

In the eyes of the students I met, there was light.

It was passionate, intense desire. Indeed, many students gathered here have many meanings.

Some may be aiming for a rising identity dream, some may have just come because they have nothing to eat, and some may have been drawn to the fact that they have to fight cosmic monsters.

The captain stares at the students without saying anything.

The longer the silence in the speech, the more anxious it is. The students could not help but feel the silence of the speaker because they thought they were in front of the king.

As the breathtaking silence lasts for about a decade, the captain raises his hand on the map.

It was Alfazeta.

“I don’t know where you’re from, I don’t know everything. I don’t know what kind of dream you got into this correction with. I only know two things. One is that no matter where we came from, we’re all heading in the same direction, and the other is that the name of where we’re going to arrive is the muzzle of destruction. ”

A purple cloud rises from the hologram and catches footage of people dying as the planet burns.

The realistic video surprised the students and grabbed the hand of the friend sitting next to him. The captain nods as he looks at it.

“It’s a shame to show this to young people. I wanted to show you a sweet victory that required no sacrifice, no blood. Enemies who can easily fight like palms upside down. And our dazzling future to be stacked on top. ”

The captain shakes his head. The hologram fades away like a mist in time.

“No, it wasn’t. The destruction in front of us is like thick, deep glaciers. So all I ask of you is your blood and your bones. We cannot win without it. We can’t live without it. Can you agree with this statement? When I say I will take your blood and flesh. Will you still follow me, your king? ”

A round of applause poured out among the students, and a passionate applause immediately covered the president like thunder.

The clapping of 25,000 students together sounded like thunder.

The captain raises his hand and calms the sound of applause.

“You’re probably living a completely different life than before. The clothes you wear, the food you eat, and the place you can learn from each other. In here, you’re learning something different than any other value in the world. See if there’s any noble discrimination in this. Even if we were slaves yesterday, we are friends today, and even if we were princes yesterday, we are no exception today. because it is my country, and it is the municipality of the Earth’s Union. And because you’re the first citizen of the Earth Federation, as an academic community. ”

The captain did not accept everyone in Illuvelas as a citizen of the Earth’s Union. Citizens were the only ones who could handle the military.

Except for the White Knights who took a new body and pledged allegiance for a hundred years, they are now the only citizens of the United Nations.

They were supported by the supplies available to the people of the Earth’s Union.

Plenty of food, clean clothes. And a safe and pleasant residential environment. It was natural that many of the students chose to stay in the dormitory without returning home.

Students were exempt from household labor as long as they wanted and were able to study in school as much as they wanted.

Moreover, those with pre-existing identities were thoroughly punished or expelled.

Corona systems installed throughout the city have tracked all of their pupils and detected their conscious structure. The contempt for people from different nationalities could not be hidden, and they were immediately expelled if they met Francesco for counseling or their condition did not improve.

Moreover, the 25,000 gathered here were the most loyal of those students.

“I’ve shown you the impossible. And you will make peace with me for the impossible. Who are our enemies to fight? Is it a monster?”

You can see footage of five Colbats flying fast behind the captain and dropping bombs on the monster’s nest.

The bunker burst into the rocks below which electromagnetic waves are difficult to penetrate and exploded in a dazzling explosion.

The earth cracks open, and hot steam seeps out of the cracks. The screams of the monsters are heard, but soon they are silent.

Knights dragged a fully cooked monster corpse like the red skin of a hot crab.

The students cheered and applauded. Many students have seen their families lost or lost by Goblins and giant monsters working for them.

“No, no, no! ”

The captain’s shout stops the applause of the students. The captain shouted in a loud voice, completely different from his previous attitude.

“Your cheers! The joy of this victory! Are you proud of that? You should no longer get involved in these childish things! There are worse enemies than this! There’s a giant hiding behind here! ”

The captain walked out from the platform and looked straight at the students.

The captain shouts out loud in front of 25,000 students who are completely overwhelmed by the captain’s sudden shout.

“This is where the waves come from! What do you see in your eyes? ”

In the footage, you see the knights confronting the giant monsters guarding the giant facility.

Knights axed and killed giant zippers with multiple legs. It was a horrible scene, but everyone focused on watching the video.

After finally getting rid of all the monsters, there is a round circle inside, with a white membrane and monsters pouring out of it.

“Yes. The gate. They are those who have been raising you. I’m telling you, you’re all animals being raised! Those who seek to exploit your soul and use their power have opened these dimensional doors and sent the servants to devour you whenever necessary. What do you want me to do? Gentlemen, what do you think I should do as king? ”

The Nanogram Windbreakers shout out loud.

“Avenge me! Avenge me!”

“Kill the enemies! ”

“Kill all those who cast monsters! ”

At the fierce outcry of anger and curse, the students shouted from all sides. The relief was overwhelming, but quickly decreased to one relief.

“Revenge! Revenge! ”

The captain applauds.

“That wish will come true! Today I will put the whole world under my command for vengeance and survival. Since the Imperial saints have an army of burdens in the sky, I will receive a pledge of allegiance from the representatives of the Hague Legion. ”

Soon after the screen changed, I saw the members of the Empire and the fleet above the members of the Empire.

Several Colbats were flying around a convoy. A massive search light shines down on the Imperial Holy City from the front of the Corvette.


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