Captain wakes up 100,000 year later

Chapter 145

40. Planet Conquest 2

On the bridge, 20 operators salute the captain standing in front of the captain.

Lamia, the leader of the Middle Legion, approached the captain and swore an oath. She’s standing! When I raised my hands, all 25,000 students who were looking at the screen raised their hands at the same time.

Then Lamia said to the captain,

“We are the District Troop of the District of Illuvelas. I pledge allegiance to the cause of the Earth’s Union on behalf of the Academy. Ramia Rilke. ”

“I definitely got it. ”

The captain nods, and Lamia salutes and turns back to her seat.

The academy was excited about the bridge coming up on the screen. As the nanogram disappears, and the captain on the bridge turns his head and looks straight at the school district, cheers and applause erupt from the school district.

“You’ve heard of it. Our war is the Liberation War. Life on this entire planet cannot be powered by enemies. Jim will demand integration in all countries, and all the capital cities of countries that do not accept integration will be destroyed. ”

Representatives of the academy sat in their seats in Colossus and began to synchronize their minds.

Instead of a helmet covering the head, the device that gently wrapped around the neck and connected the nerves looked like it was wrapped around a silk scarf.

“Academy. This will be your place soon, and you will be able to fly bigger battleships and fight your enemies. ”


The whole school cheered. They tried not to leave any footage behind.

A large fleet of escorts floating on top of the Imperial Imperial Imperial Archipelago appeared all over Illuvelas.

Shenzhen’s expert anchor Magnet once again appeared on the screen, enthusiastically declaring the party and the reason for the war and said the War of Liberation had begun.

“Indeed! Will the people of this planet accept your teachings, Captain?” ”

* * *

A huge escort ship was traveling over the Imperial saints, causing a commotion in the late night.

The imperial Great Library and the imperial palace, which had been lit late, gathered all their forces to find out what the great fortress that was in the sky was.

“Eeee! What do you mean! ”

The Grand Duke Katanas vowed back to the gatekeeper with the documents.

Katanas’ fury doesn’t seem to bother his minions, though they have been crushed by the energy.

“It’s not a month or two! Do you have any idea how much time and resources I’ve put into your spies to deal with these damn Black Wizards? But what? I don’t even know what’s floating in the sky! ”

“Th-that’s it! It doesn’t work. It doesn’t know anything. Other than flying! ”

“What the hell!”


Katanas throws the error in a bunch of papers. You fly like a lump of heavy stone and bump into the chest of the concubines.

They holler, but Katanas slaps down his desk as if he can’t unravel.

“Calm down, Grand Duke. Rather, read the flyers they spray. ”

The emperor was still sleeping drunk in the Governor’s Forest today, so Severus was in charge of the bureau.

He gave Kattanas the parchment with the seal of the Comunidad Illuvelas.

“Commander, what is this? ”

“I wrote down and sprinkled what he was saying. ”

“Him? ’

Kattanas glances at the sentence, curiously. The seals depicting Tyrant, which looked like arrowheads, were endless arrowheads in their eyes.

But at the same time, Katanas realizes that this arrowhead-like fortress is floating in the sky.

I immediately opened the window of the Oval Office and looked up.

The colossal fleet of floating escorts lit up alone in the night sky looked almost like this arrowhead.

“Oh, my God. Are those Illuvelas? ”

“We still haven’t signed a truce on a regular basis. I tried to retaliate against those who absorbed the Lion Army, but it was hard enough dealing with the subordinates of the Black Wizards from all over the Empire. ”

“Are you telling me they’re in league with the Black Wizard? ”

“I don’t know about that. I heard all the remaining wizards were absorbed into Illuvelas after the complete collapse of the Horse Tower, but I have little knowledge of the northern region since the complete collapse of our intelligence organization. I deployed the Southern troops in a circular manner as soon as I could, but all the resources are gone. ”

Severus shakes his head with his hands on his forehead.

Even during this conversation, I felt very proud that the search light shining from a giant battleship in the sky was shining the eclipse.

“Let’s hear what they have to say. It’s very short, so you’ll understand in no time. ”

The parchment said:

For the liberation of mankind, I, the king of the autonomous order and heir of the Earth’s Union, declare myself the sole heir and ruler of this planet. I am the originator of this planet, the creator of the land on which you live. I want to liberate you by making this decision because I can no longer tolerate this moment in which your soul and existence are being reared like cattle.

Those who call themselves masters. Give control to Jim’s lion. If you do not choose by midnight tomorrow, your entire palace will be burned. If you don’t want to fight me, leave the city immediately. If not, · · · · · · · · · · ·.

Katanas shredded his parchment. Severus said.

“If you want to read the back, take a look in the yard. ”

Like he said, there were enormous amounts of splinters scattered throughout the city.

There was an enormous amount of flyers scattered almost like snow, and a lot of people were lurking around to pick up those luxurious-looking coatings.

The guards tried to stop those who were trying to pick up paper from the streets, but it was not enough to stop all the paper falling from the streets as well as from countless houses.

Moreover, the people were shocked by the fact that there was no imperial march fortress to respond to even though the huge air fortress was in the Imperium.

Katanas looked around the city through the high office windows, and the procession fled into the darkness for a long time.

Of course, the Imperial Army stepped forward and sealed the gates, but many were escaping via the underground canals with only a few jewels.

Their size was so large that they couldn’t hide it, but the city guards were worried about the riots and were letting them go almost deliberately.

“Don’t you dare! Who are you talking to? You think you’re afraid because you just magically floated a huge castle! Guard! Where is Fort Mado Movement? ”

Severus sighs deeply.

“With the tower completely destroyed, I was unable to use the magic grid. All of Mado Fortress is lying on the ground. ”

“Shouldn’t we summon the wizards and make some heavenly ladders? Griffin, let’s bring up the horsemen! ”

“Let’s do that. We can’t give up the Imperial Court without a fortress. Mobilize all Griffin Riders. If there are any Wizards who do not belong to the Horse Tower, be sure to prepare the heavenly ladder. ”

The Imperial Guard also has a panic attack. Just waiting for the order to drop, the pilots who were preparing in the Griffin Rider’s Waiting Room were asked to have a pipe cigarette.

The Griffin Keeper swings a red flag, and the riders rush up to Griffin in terror.

“What are your orders, commander?! ”

“Power reconnaissance order! Let’s go kick some ass. ”

The last two Griffin Riders who were flying in the wind covered their faces.

Corvette Colossus was able to intercept more than 20,000 hostiles at the same time.

Griffin’s forces, which were about to fly into the sky and around Colossus, exploded by a powerful magnetic field that passed through the air.

“Oh dear, you’ve slipped into the Forsfield range. ”

The captain chirps his tongue.

Since the Battleship was surrounded by a special energy field that disassembled the molecular linkage, anything not equipped with protective gear exploded into the incoming tribe.

How can you bear it now that you ran bare?

All of Griffin’s troops approaching the wealthy Colossus from above the Imperial Circle exploded into boiling blood, and feathers and flesh spilled over the city.

Even Severus had to close the window of the Oval Office because of the hot blood spilling all over the place.

“Damn it! You see that? Guard Commander!”

Katanas, full of blood, cries out.

I didn’t even know what was happening. The Griffin Rider fell to the ground in a flash of flame.

But orders are orders, and the Griffin Riders rise again. Katanas cries out as he runs into the open.

“All forces! Attack! ”

Immediately, massive siege weapons came out of the warehouse, and a magical cannonball flew through the sky. Stones and bombs pour down on the force field of a massive escort ship.

Each one of them was an imperial weapon powerful enough to bring the tide in this world, but it was a fragile attack to the Captain Colossus.

[Captain, it’s going as expected.]

“I gave you the end of the day, but you wouldn’t leave a battleship this close. Colossus 1. Prepare for second-degree combat. ”

[All crew members. Prepare for secondary combat. Prepare for secondary combat.]

The atmosphere of the whole ham changed. The bright search light turns off and the red combat controls flash.

The light of the bright imperial city pours into the window of the giant bridge. It was the most glittering city of the Emperor throughout Alpha Zeta.

The flying Griffin Riders are embarrassed to see all the lights of the giant battleship extinguished.

They became accustomed to the bright light and were thrown into the darkness at once, and Colossus could not even recognize their colleagues’ position.

However, as they staggered, the captain’s voice multiplied dozens of times, echoing the entire imperial family.

“Remember, I gave you a chance to surrender. From now on, we will burn the castle. Leave the Imperial Palace and go to Illuvelas! We will commence attack in exactly three minutes. ”

For three minutes, Griffins sprint forward and hurl their magic spears. However, there was no window within the range of the force field that could be tolerated.

Some of the windows are full of errors, but scratching only the outside of the barrier is useless.

“It’s been three minutes. Starting now, the firing begins until the sulfuric acid completely collapses. T.A.O. Lamia, proceed to tactical operations. ”

“Yes, sir! Prepare to fire number one, number two. Helmsman Toons. Move your battleship to get a clear shot. ”

According to Tactician Lamia’s orders, the Helmsman Toon turns the ship sideways and shouts for joy as he sees the youth of the Academy still gathering at the convention hall.

It was because Magnet, the propaganda anchor and AI, was showing Lamia and her helper toons with beautiful music.

“We are ready to attack. Captain.”

“Fire at will.”

“Number one, number two. Liquefied Plasma Fire! ”

Kuku Gugu Bow!

Kung, Kung! Kuang!

Hundreds of thunder strikes together.

At the T.A. ‘s command, foils 1 and 2 of the Colossus were opened, followed by a golden glowing liquefied plasma metal rail gun.

Only two rooms.

I was hit by only two cannons, and a huge hole was drilled into the castle of hundreds of thousands of square feet.

Not enough. The rail gun penetrates deep underground and explodes vastly beneath the surface. After that, the land turned upside down and the entire imperial family collapsed and the tidal wave collapsed as if it were happening.

[Destruction category. Approximately 15% of the Imperial Road. Civilians around the Imperial Court do not suffer much damage.]

Tyrant reports. The captain smiles and tells Lamia.

“Tactical center, how does your first shot feel? ”

She smiles coolly as she was from Illuvelas, persecuted by the deep bone empire.



With the sound of cheer coming together, Lamia was completely overwhelmed by the 25,000 pair of eyes staring at her across the screen.


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