Captain wakes up 100,000 year later

Chapter 193

60. Floating Universe

The closer we got to the context, the more difficult things happened.

If you look back at the place that you just passed, some of the navigation devices suddenly become useless.

Moreover, the number of unhinged crew members has increased greatly, increasing the production and usage of stabilizers by Francesco.

“We need a countermeasure to the magical phenomenon. 1,345% increase in drug use. If anyone has anything to say about this, please say it honestly and openly. ”

Francesco speaks at the meeting, and everyone nods.

The universe they were flying in was different from the ordinary universe. Cereal One has been going through the blue fog for some time now.

Initially, we tried to analyze how there could be so much fog in the universe, but it was meaningless.

Only a slight trace of thin ionic energy was detected, but the unknown vapor disappeared as soon as it was harvested.

Such a strange thing was engulfing the universe.

The wizards are urgently dispatched to form a chain around the cannon.

“The analogy is that we’re going up the river of Stix. ”

Po said.

She has a slightly reddened nose, and it seems like she has a cold. She pulls out a paper towel, wipes off her red nose and goes on.

“Forgive me. I’m allergic to spirits because of magic experiments. Just the thought of having so many souls… ”

Po coughs on a handkerchief. She wipes her nose urgently with a paper towel.

“We’re still reviewing the magical effects of this allergy on nanograms. ”

Although she sneezed adorably, she had spent a long time as gnosis, and was one of the most faithful advisers in magic.

“This light is caused by the soul of the dead being dragged into Companion 8 like a river. The universe we’re sailing in right now is between the physical world and the mysterious world. It’s a multidimensional, multidimensional space. ”

“What if it’s a complex dimension? ”

“Black holes not only store the world’s information, but also designate absolute constants. Those who have the power to control their fantasies based on black hole weapons have the power to do exactly what exists in people’s imaginations. ”

The captain taps his finger on the desk and looks out the window.

The blue aura, which is scattered and cluttering like fog, is still flying around in the vacuum.

“Is that a soul? ”

“Well, more like ‘spiritual things.’ Maybe it’s in people’s minds, but something we can’t identify, a black hole weapon, has materialized. ”

Po explained calmly.

“The experiments at Alphazeta have come to a really ridiculous conclusion. Implementing what you imagine is almost the power to create, isn’t it? ”

Francesco says he politely folds his hands on the table.

But the eyes turned towards the hologram.

The hologram was illuminating a river of souls flowing into accompanying 8 scattered over tens of thousands of light years in diameter.

“I don’t know how the details work. Peridot crystals will tell us once we’ve taken control of the Great Crystal. ”

“Okay, keep explaining. ”

As Po makes a Demibeast, something like blue mist rises above the table. Samir frowns and takes a step back.

“Sa, it’s a commander’s spell! ”

“What is commandery? It’s just a trick. You’re nothing but a lowly shadow. Compared to the evil spirits that those wicked witches summoned from the ancient wars, they are no joke. ”

Krasus gives Samir a face, and Samir sits down when he growls and growls like a dried dog.

Krasus crosses his arms and stares at Po, not caring about Samir. His eyes were filled with vigilance.

It was hard to imagine barley in the conference room of Cereal One.

“Yes, Crassus. This is just a trick. Everything out there is a shadow, just like this. It’s like a miraculous shadow that illuminates every dimension that leads to Convergence 8 and the souls that flow through the gates of the world. Will you shut up while I’m talking, please? ”

Po opened his eyes and glanced at Krasus for a moment, explaining to the captain again politely.

“The shadows don’t actually do much harm. Ordinary people will be more anxious. You just have to think you’re in the world of fairies. ”


The captain grins.

“You wouldn’t consider it a fairy to let an ice cub dissect your body. I don’t know about chains.”

Po frowns. Changeling. It was a fairy who kidnapped a young child for fun.

Surely a fairy like that is far from a joke.

“Obviously, we don’t know what’s going on in the universe. Chaining can be a joke. ”

Po says with a creepy look.

Samir swallows his saliva. This man was secretly vulnerable to this story, made up of muscles that twisted his whole body.

“Oh, Your Majesty! I hope this is over soon. A sea of fairies and ghost ships and souls. ”

Samir gladly raises the weapons the captain gave him. You hear a clear sound when you tap your shield with your sword.

“But of course, Your Majesty! I would sacrifice myself for your glory! ”

“Thank you, Samir. Continue to familiarise yourself with the weapon system. ”

If one context uses a diverse world, how vast is the world of dragons?

“Concomitant” 8? Isn’t this saying that there are at least seven others, one through seven? ’

And what is the mystery that they use? Now it was a yard where we had to redraw the preaching of the universe.

Beep, beep.

The red back flashes in front of the captain, informing the operator of the report.

When the captain presses the button, the hologram appears on the wooden table, and the operator reports.

“Your Majesty, we have a distress call. Would you like to play the voice file? ”

“I don’t need it. All rescue requests in this area are ignored. ”

Francesco leans in toward the captain.

“You’ve got a lot of traps. ”

Every time, the distress signal is heard in a different voice.

“The traps we’ve been through so far are probably actually traps that have attracted the souls of the dead while floating around the universe. And what they thought was a trap would have enchanted the souls to reproduce their deaths. ”

The urgent story was endless.

You want to go back to your family, or your lover is waiting, or you have important cargo, or you’re traveling with your aunt.

And inside, there was no life as promised.

And the possessed android was killed in a very different way. They take out their intestines, or they put a knife in the wall and they stab their heads to death.

“After all that’s happened, it must have been hard for hahn to leave. Oh, thank you. ”

Soon, Po’s cheeks flushed with hot Raw Sugar Tea brought by the Android acolyte.

Then Tyrant said,

[Captain, the distress signal is different. This is a standard distress call from the United States Space Force.]

“Excuse me?”

The captain responded in shock.

“Did you check IFF? ”

[That’s for sure. It’s an IFF search for the Ropier Planet Defense Force. A frontier on the front lines with the aliens.]

“Play the voice file. ”

The atmosphere of the meeting room became solemn in a flash.

The operator reported several times before the program containing the voice files was executed.

“We’ve set up 12 defenses, and we’ve set up a contamination prevention protocol. If you give me an order, I’ll open it.”

“I’ll get it.”

Giddy up!

You hear the tearing sound inside the file gradually. At last, you hear a voice that is overwhelming by pain.

“Space 877. This is Captain Jotilus of the Explorer Sylphide speaking. I feel like I’m the only one left. I’ve been on the run for two years since the end of the world, and I can’t die like this! ”

Afterwards, a terrible groan and shout rang out in my ears. The sound of groaning as if completely insane followed the voice of a man who was bored with horror.

“They’re on board! No! I can’t die! No! Are you there? If anyone is listening, please help me! Shit · · · What am I talking about. All communications from the Earth’s Union have been cut off. ”

As soon as the captain tries to tell you something, Khan says so.

“Your Majesty. An echo of an ancient soul. Ask questions carefully. If he realizes who he is, that he is already dead, his soul will collapse. Take care to find out more · · ·. ”

Khan shines his eyes.

My curious eyes flashed.

The captain picks up a glass of water next to him and opens his mouth.

“This is Tyrant, a battleship for the United Earth Space Force. Do you copy? State your position. ”

“Oh! No way!” Human voice! “A hypercharge? Are you a soldier? I thought we were done here! Hey, help! They’re on board! I can’t take it anymore! Send the escape pod!”

“Stay calm. Tell me about the numbers and weapons of your enemies.” ”

“Calm down! Damn it! Calm down! There they are! Them! How can I stay calm in front of them! Help me, please help me! ”

The excited man shuffles his half-talk, screaming and begging for whales.

“Aliens? I’m confident this is the one who’s good at killing them.” Identify the number of enemies. ”

“What? Aliens? When did they end? · · · ”

At that moment, communication was picked up and disconnected.



The operator reacted immediately.

It’s been a long time since we stopped the screaming of the contaminated soul called Hunting.

“There’s been a mix-up! ”

“Operating the barrier, preventing mental contamination. ”

“Generate and close self decoy. ”

“Complete operation up to sequence 33. The blocking rate was 99.98% off. ”

The captain said confidently about the disconnect.

“Somewhat certain. Earth wasn’t destroyed by the aliens. ”

Francesco nods.

“Captain, I think we need to know what the enemy is. ”

“You have no choice but to deliberately create the phenomenon of possession. ”

The captain replies, giving quick orders.

“Send two squads of drop ports. Let’s take possession of the androids and see their final death. ”

[Dispatch two squads of Android to drop pods. Self-destruct sequence, ready.]

Immediately, a drop port that was waiting in the leading Colossus was fired. The ports shoot out into a space full of blue souls and snap into the phantom ship.

[Rotate to internal improvements, screen.]


Unlike other ghost ships, the spacecraft belonging to the Earth Alliance appears to be very familiar with the Captain’s memories.

A white, clean passageway with more reinforced plastic than metal. Familiar English notations and subtle lights.

The android, which had broken through the passageway, walked around the facility pointing a thick gun at the room.

A quiet ship that seems to have no problems.

In addition to stimulating memories, there were no signs of life anywhere that wandered to the warm atmosphere.

“Captain, I’m picking up a hunt. ”

And soon, there was an anomaly in the android. It was so quiet and slow.

The androids suddenly crumble all around, bouncing back and forth.

It became longer, shorter, and then coalesced, and then warped, and then sharply lengthened, or rapidly changed into all kinds of shapes.

[Metallic properties are like liquids, or rather than liquids, like computer graphics breaking down. Unable to quantify.]

Then it explodes and disappears.

“· · Sure. It’s not what the Aliens can see. ”


thitapel Co-man

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