Captain wakes up 100,000 year later

Chapter 194

61. Concomitant 8 Penetrator (1)

Ghosts used to weep.

A massive entity that can be completely deformed and extinguished.

The captain folds his arms and looks at the dead android, crushed to pieces, unable to broadcast a video.

“I’ve checked enough. Get rid of the phantom ship.”

The phantom ship was not a real ship. It’s just a shadow of the past and a trap.

The operators under the Captain’s Destruction Order have been overwhelmed.

“Cereal One, fire! Target acquired!”




The rays emitted from the cereal circle turned Earth’s coalition spacecraft into ash in no time.

The captain captures the ship turning to ash in his eyes.

“I hope to get out of this strange place quickly. Tyrant, how far out are we on 8? ”

[You have 48 hours to reach the tollbooth.]

“You’ve broken this many traps · · · You’ve already recognized us, right? What do you think, Sylvester? ”

Sylvester’s face is pale, looking at the universe quietly below.

Even the ‘Great Ancients’ had monsters killed.

When I imagined such beings, the scale of my whole body shivered and hit me.

She slowly turns her gaze to the captain.

“Ah · · · Yes, Your Majesty. It’s very likely. But they’re defending themselves against the Rimbo attacks. It’s blocking all access to Rimbo by virtue of large-scale sequencing. ”

Sylvester thought, of course, that the cisterna magna would be used.

I never imagined I’d make a superspace leap like some of the Manchurian monsters.

“Maybe if we approach it the old way, we’ll end up in Limbo.”

The captain told Tyrant.

“Speed up your surveillance, Tyrant. ”

[Copy that, Captain.]

The captain arranges the documents on the table in one place, then wipes his hands with a hot towel from the coiled floating drone.

“Test the jamming. Warp strategy ready for nuclear warhead injection.”

The operators under the bridge have responded to the captain’s orders.

“Prepare to fire warp nukes. ”

“All ready for warp silos 1 through 177. ”

“How many shots would you like to shoot? ”

The captain thought for a moment and said,

“Fire 80 shots at 0.05 seconds apart, over the front of co-ordinate 8. ”

It was about blowing up warheads everywhere.

Eighty strategic nuclear missiles would be pretty devastating if they jumped into superspace.

However, even at this size, it is still just a power reconnaissance.

I wish I could burst one from above, but I was much more likely not to.

“Warp core activated. ”

“Authority command, standing by. ”

“Captain, we’re ready for you. ”

One of the operators stands in front of the captain and reports.


Launch superspace leap to silo 80! ”

Whoa, whoa, whoa.


The first rash sounded like a quiet drum.

Under the heavy gloves of the cereal circle, the missiles, in turn, warp from the warp silo.

With the missiles disappearing at 0.05 seconds interval, you hear a drummer drumming with all his might.


The dimensional quiver shook and the cereal circle appeared slightly in between. Soon, however, the veil again hid the cereal circle in the dark.

Operator reported.

“80 shots complete. Prepare to collect data. ”

“18 seconds left until the leap ends. A time error of 3.2 to +5.3 due to space-time distortion. ”

After a while, the operators posted an estimate on the screen.

“Six seconds to Warp Completion! ”

“6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ·. ”

“Plus 5.3 seconds count! 3, 2, 1 · ·! ”

The operators’ reports have been lost there. The captain crosses his arms and asks.

“Is it a forced warp close due to jamming? ”

One operator reported.

“No, Your Majesty. Warp signatures are still holding. The superspace leap is underway. ”

“Estimates have skyrocketed from plus 3.3 to infinity. Arrival time infinite. ”

“You cannot escape the leap of superspace. Warp power will be depleted shortly. ”

“Impossible to observe quantum catastrophe built into warp weapons. Power exhausted. Data transfer will be stopped. ”

“Warp communication out. No nuclear reaction observed. ”

The captain taps his arm with his finger.

“They’re definitely using warp jamming in a completely different form than ours. I’m not saying it was destroyed, I’m saying we lost enough power to make contact. ”

The warp consumes enormous amounts of energy.

I was unable to contact them naturally when I ran out of energy.

Po runs through the data quickly and says:

“Captain, I’ve analyzed the time-space data from the last warp warhead in a non-warp state through the frame of Cereal One. ”

“Good. What’s that? ”

“I’m using magic that uses the paradox of Jenon. Inside there, the concept of time is erased. Is it that space after death doesn’t need time? ”

Paradox of discussion.

It was an illusion that things were moving.

With logic such that A had to pass B ’’ to reach C, B ’to reach B’ ‘again, B’ ‘to reach B’, absolute A could not reach C.

[Captain. With these kinds of connections in place, we can’t access them with simple space coordinates. The warp, of course, and the normal navigation, cannot be accessed with the accompanying eight. We need a different path.]

“I’m guessing Iriya didn’t give you the cosmic coordinates without expecting this. There will be retaliation. ”

An obscene stool that completely obliterates the time it takes to move objects.

However, if this universe was a strange world twisted by death, this paradox could have lived and moved.

“Definitely new. What an extraordinary Jaming. But no matter how strange it is, it’s enough to be locked in a station once. I have to find a way.”

The captain lowers hot coffee water from a coffee port on the table.

Po approaches and floats a large hologram on the desk while the pungent scent is tickling the tip of his nose.

Inside the hologram, a tombstone depicts a complex magic circle.

“Captain, this is a prediction of the magical effect. There’s no way you can hang a deadline in a living space. It’s probably just a massive barrier to space surrounding the accompanying eight. ”

“We’ll need an infiltration maneuver to break through the barrier. ”

As the captain folds his arms, Luna speaks quietly from behind.

“I have something to tell you. Captain.”


“Please let me go. ”

The captain had to feel strange about the offer.

“Some of the fairies on Lotus Island that you saw back then were on cereal circle with me. If I go with them, you’ll get a report from Companion 8. ”

Luna’s long ears twitch when she says that. The captain glances at Luna’s ear and says,

“It was a quantum transmitter that applied this ear, the Great Crystal Line. ”

Luna blushes slightly and touches her ears…

[Yes, sir. Luna’s ears will allow us to see the scene.]

“But you don’t have to make that sacrifice. Luna, what are you gonna do if it gets contaminated? ”

At one point, gnosis attacked Luna’s mind.

With the captain’s warmth, Luna blushed slightly. Nonetheless, Luna’s expression is truly bound.

“Insectivore can’t serve as coffee forever, Captain. Take a look.”

Luna places her hands on her chest. The core of your tunic shimmers blue.

“With the help of these reinforcements, you can also withstand mental contamination. My queen also sent me to help you. Please let me go for the honor of the Elves of the Sea. ”

“For honor? ’

The captain looks at the young sea elf girl who has just grown old and thinks for a moment about her vow to Magna Carta.

“ · · · · · ·. ”

But before the captain says anything, Krasus speaks from behind.

“Captain, are you really going to send that little girl to the front? Just let me go. I will take Sylvester to the front. ”

The captain turns around and finds Krasus leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.

Sylvester speaks next to you.

”We are the Knights of Order. in partnership with the Black Dragon King. We used to work in the context of mercenaries sometimes. If you approach it the same way again, the dragon-king will allow you to use portal contexts as a solution to your troubles. We’ll get as much information as we can. ”

The captain nods.

“Po, go ahead with them to find a route that could lead to a warp attack. I’ll put up ten Silver Whirls and Assault Boats. ”

As the captain gestures toward the deployment diagram of the fleet floating as a hologram, ten of the assailant ships turn into prisoners.

Ten assault vessels resembling bacterial phage flew up from the cereal circle and prepared to march around the Whirlwind.

“I understand, Captain. ”

“Copy that, Captain. Then let’s move out immediately. ”

“I won’t let you down. ”

Krasus and Sylvester fly away on a silver whirl, followed by Po and Luna on a stealth tugboat.

The captain blinks for a moment and says, watching them disappear.

“We’re turning right at 85% of the speed of the first fleet.”

After a short while, the Whirlwind makes its way to the nearest Great Crystal Passage.

Like a hole through which water is sucked, a whirlpool turns clockwise and floats in space.

The whirl was thin and wide, so it was almost invisible when viewed from the side. The space in the universe was like a thin puddle floated by someone.

“We’re here, Crassus. What are you going to do?”

“I must introduce you, Sylvester. Po is in charge of this operation. The Spirit King. He’s been a monster for 100,000 years. ”

“100,000 years?”

Po approaches, smiling brightly. Challenge suggests a handshake, sweeping his wavy black hair gently.

“Nice to meet you, Sylvester. This is the first time we’ve had this conversation, right? Krasus and I fought on the battlefield for a long time. Mostly I beat him and Krasus was on the run! ”

“Hmph, it won’t be as comforting as before, witch. ”

Po shrugs without answering.

“Sylvester, you’re going to have a hard time. You’re going to have to deal with this little dragon, the shaft. ”

Sylvester said calmly.

“If it’s my duty, I won’t refuse. Volunteering is my destiny as a knight in order. ”

“Well, yes. I’m not so sure about that kind of obligation. Can I go out like this, by the way? If you’re a knight captain, don’t you think you’re busy taking care of your own affairs? ”

Sylvester smiles slightly.

“The elders are trying to manage it in their own way. Anyway, now we have an agreement that Midnight Soul Trading requires a conviction. So don’t worry about knight loyalty. ”

Sylvester says he saw through Po’s intentions. Po does not answer, but looks at the whirlpool of space.

“We need to get into the White Hole. Krasus. It’s a one-way street that doesn’t usually just come out, but with the application of Strom, you can get in. You have the codes, don’t you? ”

The last question was for Sylvester. Sylvester nods.

“The roots of the Great Crystal are nearby. I’ll get in there and summon Strom. And then we go straight to Companion 8. If we surround it with support, it will work. ”

“Oh my, you’re flexible. Is it okay for the Knights of Order to lie? ”

“I won’t tell lies. ”

It means I will publicly tell the white lie of Hermes. Po grins.

“Let’s go, then! ”

The mild cold surrounds the Whirlwind and creates a blue, sparkling 10,000 year glacier.

The glacier clumps like cracks, creating a giant magical door.

It was the entrance to the Strom.

Soon after, the Whirlpool disappeared into it.

The inside of the strom shimmers silver, like in a shell of clams. They navigate a narrow, crooked path like a tube.

And shortly after, an empty void appeared.

Hundreds of paths and doors were cut out, and in the middle was a terribly large face.

The face burning with lightning and blood looks solemn and looks straight down at the Silver Whirlpool.

“I’ve never seen soybeans like that before. ”

While Po looks out the window curiously, Sylvester picks up the magical coffin and says,

“We are the Knights of Order. The underlings of the Silver Dragon King. I need to stop by with 8 and use the portal. Allow me to be good. ”

“Companion 8 is at war. There is no guarantee that you will be able to use the road safely. If we go a little further, there is accompanying 6. ”

“I know that. But I can’t wait because it’s urgent. And if there is a fight and it is difficult to defend the road, wouldn’t it be better for us to be harsh? Trust the power of the Knights of Order. ”

The gatekeeper takes a few moments and opens his big mouth.

“Strange thing · · · permission came out. Go inside! The Black Dragon King wants to borrow a cat’s hand now. Next pass with a formal statement. ”

“Got it. Appreciate the favor. ”

As soon as they entered their mouths, the world turned upside down in an instant.

“This is accompanied by 8. It’s called soul-gathering. You should have seen this. · ·”

A giant spire was sprawling across the planet, like a giant sea urchin, not a planet.

A star the size of Jupiter is full of these pointed towers, and a huge fortress made of them.

A wind and cloud shaped similar to the Jupiter hostile point was blown over the hydrogen metallic earth that lay drastically underneath the tower.

“They’ll be here soon enough.”

Sylvester said.


thitapel Co-man

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