Captain wakes up 100,000 year later

Chapter 226

75. Identity of Dimensional Core 1

Identity of 224D Cores (1)

Twilight evening. When the head of the household prayed for a meal, it was time for the hard-working family to come together and talk to each other in a small house called Dorado.

But they all abandoned their small towns on the outskirts of the city and left for the Hive.

The abandoned villages were desolate. Drones have driven all the animals out, leaving only insects in this area.

However, it was widespread in the sky and received the sunset light. Only the glowing red aura and the flying air above it became friends with the lonely town.

“Burona Village. Check. Nothing but a bio-signal, less than three centimeters. ”

A small high-altitude drone passes over it. The sunset flight over the clouds belonged to this drone. The drone had a hundred overlapping eyes, two of which were mining lasers pouring out of a series of orbital circles into the alfazeta, while the remaining 98 eyes were used to check if there were any remaining inhabitants of the construction site.

If survivors or residents remain, construction will be disrupted. Once upon a time, drones would roam through the villages, sometimes because there were parents who abandoned their children.

“Seamina Town Check. Clear across the border with Aber Kingdom’s Eastern Construction. In this interval 2,300 km there are no manned and human biological signals. Only insects and untreated monsters did not run away. Trigonometric compartment with earth settling signal verified. ”

The operator raises the visor and says, The reason why the optic nerve was connected to multiple drones with a hundred overlapping eyes through the visor was that the muscles and blood vessels around the eyes were inflated.

In fact, the brain still uses the optic nervous system even if it is not seen through the eyes.

“You’re all set. Mr. Chairman, please give the order. ”

“Very good. Very good. ”

Sarah smiles brightly. She enjoyed tea time and prepared a flowered tea set on top of her office.

Agents entering the circulation from other facilities have a very peculiar view of this brightly unattached bridge.


Serra makes a good humming sound. Unlike other management systems that were cleaned with minerals and silences, this place was decorated with shabby silk and embellishments that were full of Serra’s taste.

But this clean, warm, feminine management room was, in fact, a merciless control room that manipulated the rays of planets into pieces.

“Very well. His Majesty has entrusted us with his trust. Let’s pull as much lead time as possible. Fourth thrusters firing! ”

“Acknowledging command. Eliminate the area. Beginning to sink the ground. Target geoid depth minus 100,000. Create corridors for nuclear extrusion and replacement. Laser fire.”

Up until this point, several lasers were cutting through the Alpha Zeta, and a fourth one finally spilled in three directions.

It was an axis that penetrated the Alpha Zeta.

The rays spilled from both directions divided the ground in a circle, creating a passageway through which the inner nucleus escaped.

Then, toward the rays that had been digging the ground from the beginning, Dyson Filler, which was divided into hundreds of pieces, poured down.

Kuku ku ku ku ku!

Construction was absurd from the perspective of Alphazeta.

In addition to this crazy procedure that penetrates mantle, outer core, and nucleus with a laser, the cereal circle is rebuilt into columns and pierces the planet in many directions like chopsticks on apples.

Not just one chopstick, but dozens of chopsticks on the planet at the same time.

It was possible because the basic shape of the cereal circle was a Dyson Swarm with a grid pattern that could be freely shaped.

Although the swarm developed almost as complex and thick as the sphere after 100,000 years, this initial design philosophy did.

Thus, the covering of the alfazeta is only a small part of the protective membrane, and the power part is connected to the inner nucleus of the planet. The alfazeta was being recreated in the form of apples with chopsticks in the universe.

“Planetary physics is beautiful. Isn’t that right?”

“Oh, yeah. ”

A member of the academy who heard Serra’s words nods. I didn’t have enough room to imagine the devastation in front of me.

“Insertion initiated. Commencing internal constituent ejection. ”

“It would be spectacular. ”

Serra raises her tea and says, The cereal circle began to stick inside. Turn the inner structure of the planet into metal and surround the core of the minister with Dyson as a source of energy. It was the final step to the fourth stage of terraforming.

The inner core of the planet’s boiling core and outer core are gradually pushing out.

In the world of the Alpha Zeta, you see a view of matter rising into space inside the planet that you never had a chance to see in your entire life and forever.


As the burning metals reverse flow and soar into the sky, the atmosphere rises red.

It is like the whole world will perish in an instant. However, atmospheric constituent stones are drawing a number of thick circles leading to rising nuclear-resistant materials.

Now there is a cloud of metallized fog rising from the surface into orbit. The orbital defense device in the Cereal Circle propelled the metals into magnetism, spilling them out into space, and intercepting the falling ones into the railguns.

All the operators have their tongues out as they dig through the planet like coconuts.

“Unbelievable. ”

There was no other way to actually accept it than to see if it was happening.

Above all, these ‘stringent’ people were too big to think. I have heard many stories called think big, but it was difficult to adapt to real life.

“Chairman, we are entering from His Majesty. I’m ordering you to prepare for warp immediately. ‘Enemies eliminated. We need to evacuate the Alpha Triul system as soon as possible.’. ”

“I’ll say yes. It’s a shame we’re leaving resources behind, but we need to move quickly. ”

“Dyson filler inserted successfully. Warp movement preparations will be completed in the next 70 minutes while maintaining planet geometry. ”

It did not take long because the filler was pushed in many directions.

The captain’s orders were clear. I didn’t know when my enemies would come back to explore the Alpha Triul system again. On one side, a metal Dyson swarm was digging into the planet, converting the heat and pressure generated by gravity inside the planet into energy, and faithfully preparing for warp.

When we’re ready, we get a call to the bridge with the captain.

“You’re all set. ”

“No red tape. The interrupted warp line is still silent. ”

The captain nods.

“Go to the nearest void. ”

So, the Alpha Zeta hid itself from the Alpha Triul star system, which has been around for billions of years since the original Big Bang.

* * *

“Ugh, this is good. ”

During the time of the warp, Francesco was looking around at the data cores the captain had brought with a shaky expression.

Since his body consisting of nanograms moved the material with quantum field pressure, no contaminant, even with his bare hands, was delivered.

Nevertheless, I was reluctant to touch a core full of strange green slime homogenates and mouldy water.

Francesco quickly sealed the core and inserted it into the data quarantine center in order to escape the sliding sensation and disgusting smell.

“This treasure vault is gradually filling with unknowns. ”

Francesco said as he watched the STB rotating beyond the screen.

Souls flock here, not to mention Alphazeta, because many people in the Colony had died nearby.

“How’s the team coming along? ”

[Looks like you’re just getting started. The captain is watching both locations simultaneously.]

“I see. Now let’s detect the data, too. ”

While Francesco and Tyrant were working on converting the data core into data by inserting it into a protein detector, Po was conducting a command interrogation with the spirits, including the guild leader Schleivich.

Three or four Triford men, known for their actions, including Schleivich, came to a place where they would never set foot and could not breathe properly.

“So many souls! ”

“Oh my God · · · Where has our paradise gone! Are all our souls mortgaged by the Emperor? ”

Triford has three faces, but only two or three can wear ten.

Moreover, they believe they have their own religion and a paradise only they can go to.

However, what they could see was the soul of anyone just wandering around SBT.

“Be quiet. ”

They were talking like this, but when Po showed up, everyone shut up at the shovel.

The trifords here found out that the young widow in the sleeveless dress ahead was a monstrosity that could not be hunted, Gnosis.

Po took an elongated wand that looked like a command rod and sprinkled nanopowder from his arms. The nano dust draws a magic circle on the floor according to the data interlocking beforehand.

“There are no specific scientific techniques for the soul yet. It’s just the technology of the Great Crystal. We have to do what we can. He’ll be all right. ”

“Let’s do it. ”

Po says so and asks the captain for his consent. The captain is sitting in a space in his office, looking down at Triford, unable to breathe properly in front of a giant sphere in which the green spirit rotates.

They are watching both locations at the same time.

Once the captain’s permission has been granted, Poga chants the incantation to summon the soul.

“Find the most noble and prestigious of them all. Triford, help me with my order. ”

Trifords were fed up with a rotating matrix of green souls in front of the giant metal sphere of the black SBT.

But what kind of safety do you deny Po’s orders?

As they gathered and recited the incantation, the power of the Great Crystal fluttered and they found the most prestigious of the souls from the Colony, among the souls hovering within the SBT.

“Found it.”

They were more than 30,000 souls, merely counting increasing soul objects. However, in most cases, they traveled around the universe for too long to see if the deterioration had occurred. Their expressions were firmly fixed, and it did not work on any stimuli, including magic.

However, there was one soul with a normal expression, some of which was fortunate.

[We can also test possession.]

Tyrant explains next. The captain and Tyrant were looking down on all these experiments in the virtual space. Soon the drone has taken possession of the object. As Po and Triford chant their spells, a single soul slowly flies into the stream of souls, as if the twinkling fingers were growing.

It took a lot of force to reverse flow. Rarely, a soul is torn apart and flown into the boulder.

“Captain, we’re done. My soul is in bad shape. I can’t stand it much longer. ”

Captain Nanogram reveals himself. The captain suddenly appears among them, and the Trifords are appalled that they didn’t notice any magical fluctuations. However, the captain did not give them any adjuncts, focusing on an unidentified soul inside a humanoid android.

If this soul were human, it would have been the first time encountering the Ancients in at least 100,000 years.

“· · · · · · What happened? ”

The captain asked quietly.


thitapel Co-man

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