Captain wakes up 100,000 year later

Chapter 227

75. Identity of the Dimensional Core 2

Identity of 225D Cores (2)


You hear a small machine sound around you. While the captain was questioning the soul, Po and Triford continued to practice their spells.

Several souls have escaped the STB and entered the prepared Android.

When all five souls were harvested, Po breathed and woke up. Trifords fell down and chanted their spells.

[Target has not been activated yet. Captain.]

The captain nods and checks the watch. One second was like one minute.

You hear the machine spinning quietly. A multifaceted study device and suppression device were operating and were preparing for analogy.

“We’ve all had a lot of trouble. ”

Beep Beep

Po gestures. A small drone flickers and flashes a red and blue LED. It was a light that demanded the Trifords to leave this place. The Trifords were led out of the STB facility by drones with an uncanny eye.

[Initiating target.]

Tyrant says a lot of things. The metal joints of the entire body twitch, and the android finally raises its plastic eyelid. It took a little time for the artificial eye to focus.

Increasingly, other androids moved their bodies.

After a while, the conscious signal of the first android, which was shaking its eyes around like dizziness, became stronger.

[Target’s awareness signal is strong. The soul is bonded to the frontal lobe of the artificial brain. Now you can ask questions.]

“Can you hear me? ”

A blinking android begins to speak aloud at the captain’s words.

“It’s a white Waschute, blue Sapphire, but it’s the first time seeing the emblem.” ”

The android coughs violently.

As the captain watching, he coughed and felt anxious that his soul might escape.

[Check the continuity of memory from the target. Memory continuity has been confirmed by other Android. It’s an absurd discovery. How can their souls have memories? The memory wasn’t stored in the brain?]

Tyrant was eccentric. The captain wanted to answer those scientific questions, but that wasn’t the point. Higher quantum physicists trained by Francesco will find out when the time comes.

The captain told the android that he left his coughing android and looked down at his hand as if he could not believe it slowly, dreaming of his eyes beside him.

“Who are you? It’s now 100,000 years after space. I am the captain of the Earth Federation’s warship, awakened from Time Slip. I woke up trapped in a time warp, and now I’m investigating a completely annihilated world coalition. Why did our civilization disappear? ”

The five possessed androids who heard this question all groaned.

The drones carrying them are circling around the captain. Another android asked with a split voice.

“100,000 years · · · · · · · · · ·. What happened to our colony? ”

“Destroyed. You are the only survivors. ”

“(* Sobbing *). ”

I heard a woman crying. The captain turns around, and another android is drooling with his hands against his face.

A small sigh comes from everywhere.

“This is how it ends · · · · · Ultimately · · ·! ”

“It’s clear the election team didn’t do a good job at HED. ”

“Ah, I wish I hadn’t done that in the first place. ”

The angry voice echoes. However, no matter how angry they were, the captain could not have long listened to their complaints and sighs.

I have more important questions.

The captain asked as politely as he could, considering the condition of these souls.

“Please tell me. What happened? What is your last memory? How can the United Nations disappear in an instant? ”

A man with the oldest looking voice replied.

“May I ask at what point are you trapped in the time warp?” ”

“It’s about 998. ”

They loudly said for a moment.

“You couldn’t have found the Dimensional Core in our colony. Isn’t that right?”

“The devil’s stuff! That wicked thing! I should have burned it! Earlier!”

The old woman screams.

Suddenly, the soul of the oldest man’s voice raises his hand as a furious cry spreads from place to place.

“Enough! We don’t have time. I don’t know how, but this soldier wants information from us · · Keep quiet while I speak first. Save as much energy as you can · · · If I leave first, please go back and explain the situation. The order is from me to the right · · Yes, let’s do that ”

The old man organized the medical process to make sure it was the chairman of the committee.

The captain bows slightly in obedience to his duties even after he dies.

“I am Congressman Colony Aos, the Archbishop of the Divine Sector. Let me quickly explain who we are. Our committee represents the five districts of Colony Aos, and we have regular meetings with the Operations Committee. We were a colony based on AI purchased by CRISPR Corporation. Each of us has left Earth to find a life fit for our sectors. Our colony wanted to live a new life in space around the five boroughs of godliness, research, tradition, wildlife and art. ”

“This colony was a space monastery. ”

Captain says.

You blew up the Space Monastery with a gravity kick planet. I felt a little guilty. But after noticing how precious it was for a minute, Aos tried to say more.

“Yes. That’s what they called me. I still wanted to have an old-fashioned body, and instead of some mysterious force like a dimensional core, I wanted to have a safe and mundane fusion generator. We didn’t want Martryoshka brain-level computational capabilities, so… cough, cough. ”

As cosmic forces began and explosive mechanical intelligence began, people were divided into two categories. One was the class that actively sought a new life by mechanizing or genetically enhancing their bodies like the captain, and the other was the group that wanted to live an existing life that they thought was valuable to the human body they inherited.

With the help of superintelligent machines, they wanted to pursue the extremes of what they were pursuing with the human body.

Religious attendance and performance without special brain procedures, the lives of ordinary farmers, or those who enjoy studying in collaboration with machines, and the pursuit of artistic novelties.

For example, these were people from the Mayflower, who had left for the New World.

“Khh · · · Yes, most of all, we need to talk about dimensional cores. If you were from the other side of the universe, a thousand years ago, you would have used your dimensional cores indiscriminately. Am I right? Does this facility have a dimensional core? ”

“I do.”

The captain’s words spread with awe and horror.

The town, and someone was screaming like a snake’s tongue. The captain looks back at him, but he looks at the Android and can’t tell who made that noise. The chairman breathed harshly.

“We need to seal that core up immediately. ”

“I’ve already sealed it. Don’t worry, the planet is powered by a Kinetic engine, a micro-black hole. ”

The chair nodded and breathed harshly. The android’s whole body trembles with his violent breathing, even though he doesn’t need to breathe.

“We were arrogant · · gained that power · and only knew that it was really anything · · by doing space engineering · · by shaking · the fundamental laws of the universe · · · and by obsessing over the unity of the human union · · to prevent the fragmentation of the whole universe · ·. ”

Because the universe is large, communication not only occurs if it is far away, but even time fails.

Not only did the United Nations use a technology called the Construction Hall, but even the fundamental time order of the universe was repaired through space engineering technology.

The warp line was also a unified rule that ensured universality that prevented time distortion while being a path to space.

“And here they come. I told him we needed to repay him for the blueprints he gave us. ”

“Wait, a blueprint. Sir, what are you talking about? Debt? Are you saying the aliens have something for us? ”

Colony’s enthusiastic members shout aloud at the captain’s ambiguous reaction.

“This soldier doesn’t know yet. ”

“Yes, he doesn’t understand the crimes HED has committed against humanity at all! ”

“The mistakes of those who enslave us · ·”

“Stop! It’s not his fault he doesn’t know. Calm down!”

Another young man’s voice calmed others down. The old captain, speaking with the captain, bows his head in gratitude and greets the member on the right.

And then he went on.

“The Aliens weren’t all that great. We’ve been fighting them for a very long time, for countless deaths, but they’re actually just tax collectors. such as a cosmic, legitimate thug, a tax-exempt owner. ”

The captain feels shocked as if someone hit him on the back of the head. Are you suggesting that the aliens are just another servant of someone?

“I beg your pardon?”

“At some point in the cosmos, they lured HED who wanted to move into a wider galaxy. I still don’t know why they made such a foolish choice, why would they use a blueprint from space? ”

Did you use the schematics from space exactly as they were?

The Dimensional Core wasn’t “accidental discovery,” was it an alien civilization’s technology that someone created and transmitted to Earth?

“I doubted it, but it can’t be · · ·. So, is the core technology of the dimension alien? ”

It was a compliment of my head. But the chairman shakes his head.

“Do you know Fermi’s Law? ”

The captain didn’t know Fermi’s law. Tyrant explains the captain’s silence on his behalf.

[An astronomer’s theory that was present at a time when the United Nations had not yet left Earth. “The universe is so massive, why haven’t aliens come to Earth?” Here’s the paradox. So they assumed that there was a huge Great filter in the universe to create a cosmic civilization. This filter was the theory that it was impossible to build a civilization on a cosmic scale, in front of or behind a civilization.]

“That’s an important paradox. If you were wise, you wouldn’t have received all the gifts from space because of greed. ”

The old man takes a deep breath and says,

“But the brilliant minds of the HED deliberately ignored Fermi’s paradox. There’s a huge filter in the universe, and I don’t understand why that filter would attack the United Nations. They built a dimensional core based on data from space. and concealed the identity of the contacts from all of us through that dimensional core. The aliens were merely servants to our true enemies, and while they were destroying us and our civilization, the HED proclaimed that we could defeat them, building huge weapons and resisting… but they destroyed us like that. ”


thitapel Co-man

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