Capture Target

Chapter 17 — A New Life

Hrm… no, that still doesn’t work… maybe if I swap…

…Better, but I think I need to get another pair to make the hue gradation smoother in the blue to green section…

ACK!  You’re late!

Hm?  Oh, just looking over my shoe collection.  I’ve set it up with appropriately dramatic lights so I can be certain to have the perfect pair for any occasion!

…Why would I want flats?

Okay.  I don’t know why you’re laughing at me, but stop it!

Hmph.  Let’s just get things started.

Now, from where we left off… ah, yes.  The next interesting bit happened a few days after I realized that Takeo was slicing off an entire shore of the land grab.  I had spent those days working hard and theorycrafting ways to get around it, and I did actually come up with a solution!  …But I decided that it wouldn’t be worth it to explore.

I was explaining why to Shimizu and Sumiko about a week before the sixth month started.  …Well, I was explaining to Shimizu, at least.  Sumiko was there, but her mouth was full of herm-cock.

I had my share first, so I wasn’t too bothered by this.  Though I did tell her to keep the slurping down a few times.

Anyway, I was explaining to Shimizu what we could do on the ‘first’ land mass that would let us shore up our foundations, instead of panicking about getting to the second land mass the moment it showed up.  I’m not sure what I said that caught Sumiko’s ears, but it was something along the lines of, “...And we don’t even know if Takeo is going to take the entire coast; who knows how intentional this is.”

I mean.  It was blatantly obvious that this move was entirely intentional.

But at the time, my silly desire to ‘not become a blatant slut’ was overriding my much more proper and important desire to ‘crush all competition beneath my feet until they toss me down and fuck me into a horny mess’.  That way I win and get fucked!

Either way, mentioning Takeo’s name caused Sumiko to start slightly from Shimizu's raging rod of cum production.  She actually took a break from worshiping it to tell us that it was Takeo that gave her the idea of the hormone blocker that let her hold back her ‘blessed’ masochistic desires for so long.

…And that, that got me thinking.

Because if Sumiko hadn’t held back her masochistic desires, then we would have managed to get some actual work out of her far quicker.  As it was, once Shimizu started fucking obedience into her, she managed to solve her consistent hard-on problem in just two days.

The solution was a massive, custom-made, magically enchanted onahole.

No, I’m not kidding.  It’s silly, but it works.

That aside, the fact that it was produced so quickly, and how our working speed increased by around a third after Shimizu got used to it, shows that slowing down Sumiko’s acceptance of her slutdom slowed my progress down.  It wasn’t an obvious thing.  The logic loops were a bit… loopy.  But at the time, I didn’t care.  I was already wary of Takeo and his ‘trust me and be seduced by me’ protagonist-aura.  I was intentionally focusing on my suspicion of him to counteract its effects.

And as I thought it through, my blood started boiling.  This was intentional.  I mean, at the time I couldn’t be sure, but I also happened to be right:  This was absolutely an attempt to block me off from the second land mass.  And after all the work I’ve already done, to protect this world from the evil god of chastity and purity?

I.  Was.  Pissed.

I immediately changed tracks, and started laying out, in no uncertain terms, what we would need and what would be needed for us to have a chance of snaking around Takeo’s blockade.  We couldn’t just ‘go faster’ -- I did the math; it wouldn’t work.  Takeo himself, on his own, went at about the same speed as the three of us working together did.  Even if we doubled our speed, we wouldn’t be able to get around him in time.  Protagonist powers are bullshit.

No.  We needed to do something drastic, and I had just the exploit in mind for it.

The main problem was that we didn’t have everything we needed in order to pull it off.

We needed three things:  A drastically better pair of shoes than what we had, a cauldron that allowed for a limited number of field-productions per area you visit, and access to the late game yin-yang potions and bombs.  Fortunately, the shoes would be easy.  They’d just come with a side effect that I’ll get into later.  The cauldron would be a bit harder, and I’d only be able to do it after gaining access to the yin-yang items.  Said items required a weird alignment of energies that was basically a ‘bullshit reason for another sex scene’ thing that could only be done on the holidays.

The holidays, of which there were precisely two a year:  For one week at the start of the sixth month, and for the entirety of the twelfth month.

No, I’m not skipping over anything, it’s -- haaaaaah.  Look.  The head god is a lazy perverted asshole, okay?  He decreed that he shall not bless any holidays for any nation that celebrates more than three holidays a year, or holidays that last in excess of five weeks total.  He can’t be bothered to remember them otherwise.

It’s really, really dumb.

Regardless, the sixth month was in only a week.  Then I could undergo the trial to obtain the required properties to craft the ‘Yin-Yang Creation-Destruction Bomb’ and the ‘Yang-Yin Destruction-Creation Potion’.

The names are mouthfuls, I know.  At least I already had the ingredients for them required, stuffed in two of the normally mutually-exclusive caves in the caverns.

So I had Shimizu bully Takagi into swearing fealty to me, which was easy and only took up a single time slot, and then had all three of us spend as much time gathering Yin Seeds and Yang Shards from the two secret caverns.  Getting as much as we could, reentering the area, and repeating until we had to go to sleep.

I needed a lot of them.

And before long, the sixth month had started -- and it was time for my first holiday in this world.

So:  Holidays.  Best thing about them is that you get free minigames!

Sadly, most of the minigames suck.  Fortunately, those that remain are all traps to turn girls into sluts!

Even better, I needed to go through one of these sluttification minigames!  The ‘Ying-Yang Partner Tent’.  After evading three fortune tellers, seven annoyingly hot hucksters, and a drop bear on a pear tree, I finally managed to get to the tent I was looking for with Shimizu.  Normally this tent requires a precise, almost hidden, click on the minimap… which is probably why it was so hard for us to find in person.

Shimizu and I sat down in front of an old man and women, and… well, I’ll spare you my ‘old sexist idiots’ impersonation and give you the highlights.  Long story short, if we passed a ‘test’ that proved we ‘truly understood our part in the relationship’, then we’d obtain a special ceremonial blessing from the gods themselves that would let us craft some potent items.

Specifically, the bomb and potion I needed.

The elderly couple placed a ‘yin’ and a ‘yang’ cup in front of us.  One of us had to drink the liquid in each, and they didn’t seem to care who drank which.  I had already informed Shimizu about this, and I was intending to drink the ‘yang’ cup -- because that was for the ‘male’ in the relationship.  So long as one ‘wore the pants’ in the relationship, so to speak, and the other… uh… ‘wore the dress’, we would pass the minigame.  And as the ex-male, I was under the impression that I would be the one in the pants.

Shimizu had other, hotter ideas.

As I was shifting the cups around, she suddenly cupped my cheek and kissed me.  Gently, and passionately.  With romance!

I was a bit too shocked to process it, and she kissed me long enough to leave me feeling a bit breathy and quite upset that we weren’t in a more private area.

I glared at Shimizu with a small pout, and downed the cup in front of me in a single gulp.

The cup that Shimizu had swapped while kissing me.

The ‘Yin’ cup -- the cup for females.

Now before I get started on what happened after I drank the cup, I should repeat that this eroge world was blatantly sexist.  It was designed to turn women into horny submissive sluts desperate for their man’s cock.  The writers aren’t.  They just find the kinks hot, like I do.  But the chief god is, and he blatantly weighted the scales when making this reality.

So as I go explain how this trial, which had an accelerated, dream-like ‘second life’ in it, don’t get mad at me for how it goes~

When I opened my eyes, I realized that I was a young girl.  And I do mean ‘young girl’ -- precise ages are weird in this world, I’ll explain it later.  I was somewhere between a toddler and a preteen.

I was rather surprised by this realization, because I was a young girl.  I then realized that I was a young girl.  Which rather surprised me, because I was a young girl..

…that thought went on loop until my ‘dream-mother’ interrupted me.  I don’t have any real details… it was as if it was a dream.  Some things were surprisingly vivid; other things were entirely unimportant.  My dream-mother, for example, was ‘my mother’, and that’s literally the entirety of what I know of her.  This is also why my thoughts were on an odd loop earlier; the point wasn’t having my thoughts move forward, the point was processing my emotions.

Anyway, my dream-mother was teaching me about the two ways a woman can get through life!  Either by depending on themselves, or by finding a good husband to protect them.

I, being a young girl… or more specifically, a young child… didn’t like the idea of ‘working hard’ so I told my mom that I wanted to find a good husband.

Well, I say ‘told’.  More ‘the impression of having told her’ passed through my mind as soon as I made my decision, which was rapidly followed by the impression of my dream-mother informing me that I had made a wonderful decision.

I spent the next… uh… some number of years… learning important things from my mother!

Like how to accessorize an outfit.

How to ensure my makeup was perfect.

How to keep a man's attention.

You know, ‘important’ things.  It was as if my entire role in that dream was merely to be some man's trophy, hanging off of their arm and smiling vapidly as they do the ‘important’ things.

I diligently learned it all!  …And then I thought something like, ‘you know, if I really wanted this, then wouldn’t I have done something more than just attend my lessons?’

And because I thought that, and this was a dream… that was suddenly the case.

I ‘realized’ or ‘remembered’ or ‘acted out’ how I regularly snuck into my mother’s room, when she was out.  I would find a small container of cream on her desk, and use it on my flat chest.

Because boys like big breasts, right?  And the cream is meant to enhance growth!

So clearly, by the time I was a not-quite-legal teenager… again, ages are weird… I had the biggest tits in the entire school.  You know the one.  The school.  The one I was attending in this dream-sequence.  The one that had no name and had no people in it besides the vague thought that people should be there.

That school.

And I had the biggest tits in them!

I remember feeling stupidly proud over this for no good reason, having my grades get bumped up from ‘barely passing’ to ‘acceptable’ by virtue of my tits, and being the most successful flirt in school by a wide margin!

Sadly, no sexy stuff happened.  Not even kissing.  Just innocent flirting.

Because I was a ‘not-quite-legal’ teenager, see.  Instead of being ‘old enough to be legal in your country’.

…Which I got frustrated with very quickly, so suddenly I was a ‘legal to fuck’ individual!

Which may or may not have been a teenager, so the ‘school’ was suddenly a weird mish-mash of high school and a college.  All I knew was that I was ready to find myself a husband, I was definitely legal to fuck, and it was in a school setting for… some reason.

It was then that things got fun.

I should note that despite this entire sequence acting like a dream, it felt like reality.  It felt like I was living an entirely second life, and that feeling would stick with me after it ended -- albeit as a second life with shockingly sparse details.

So after this was over, I would remember how easy it was for any man to seduce me.  How eager I was to have a man use me.  How my grades dropped due to my new fascination, until they rose back up again thanks to fucking the teachers.

I still remember how, in that ‘life’, my entire existence slowly slid more and more into slutty subservience to any man who wanted me.  I remember how fun it was.  It was a simple pleasure, but there was a kind of bone-deep contentment within me, even as I was sucking off one cock with another two in my hands.  Worries about what I needed to do or what I was after simply didn’t exist in that state.

And then I met him.

I didn’t notice who he was until I first saw his cock.  That’s how I knew.

This man, the man with this cock, is the one that I was going to marry.

Because I was a woman, and it was my purpose to find a man to take care of me, and a man with a cock like that could certainly take care of me in all the ways that mattered.

That was the actual thought that went through my head.  It would take me months to recover from that memory~

I remember how desperate I was to please him.  My normal blowjobs weren’t enough to impress him, because he was a real man.  I remember vividly how I got soaking wet every time I even thought of him.  How I did everything I could to spend more time with him.  How I studied his preferences and changed my clothing and attire to get him to look at me more.

Which is a terrible thing to do in a normal relationship, but this was a porn relationship!  So it was less terrible, and more hot!

I gradually shifted my entire life until it all focused around him.

I didn’t even know his name, because in this dream, it wasn’t important.  What he represented was important.  The only body parts of his that I remember vividly are his firm abs, his strong arms, and his amazing cock.

That’s it.  That’s what my dream-self decided was important.  Abs, cock, and arms.  What I liked to grope, what I was obsessed with, and what liked to grope me.

I remember vividly the day that the dream ended.  I was dressing in little more than a microskirt, a bikini top, and high platform heels.  My tits were so big that they could be seen from behind me if one looked.  My pussy was drenched, absolutely soaked, and I was fingering myself as I was sucking off ‘my future husband’.  There were no thoughts in my head other than pleasing him… which granted me pleasure in turn.

My free hand was gently massaging the parts of his cock that I wasn’t sucking off, as I bobbed up and down, until I stilled when he pressed his hand against my hair.

I blinked and looked up, not daring to remove my lips from his cock.

He didn’t ‘say’ anything, because it was a dream, but I remember… vividly remember… the sensation of a deep, deep masculine voice.  One that seemed to reverberate through my very bones.  I had the sensation that he found my efforts… ‘satisfactory’, and that I was his now.  He claimed me.

I remember such a vivid sensation of relief, of satisfaction, of something similar to but not quite love, as I looked up at him and had my most powerful orgasm to date.

The complete and utter surrender of my very self to him, as was my place, granted me the most pleasure I had experienced to date.

And then… it was over.

For the rest of the day… even as I stumbled back to my room with Shimizu, who seemed to have taken that a lot better than I did… even as I crafted endless yin-yang bombs and yang-yin potions… even as I was going to sleep…

…I wanted to go back to that world.  That world that made me feel so good.

It was only a good night's sleep that cleared my head.

…But I was still tempted.

And I would remain tempted, until my life grew to grant me so much pleasure, that that ‘fake’ life was but a mere shadow of the depths of my future depravity~

The poll from last chapter shows a pretty definitive lack of interest for now, so I'll probably hold off on making a discord server for the time being.  Not quite sure I'm up for it.

As for this chapter, I'm quite fond of it, myself~  As for the whole 'swapping the cups' thing, that'll get more explanation next chapter.  I was in a strong enough flow that while I realized it was an issue, I didn't really... uh... remember it was an issue until I was done with the chapter.


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