Capture Target

Chapter 18 — Suddenly, Minotaurs

Hehe, like my outfit~?  Playboy bunnies are fun outfits.  I’d say that they’re the first furries out there, but that’d ignore all the ones that came before them.

…Nooo, no, you don’t want to know about the first furries.  I’m going to move on, instead.

So.  The magic cauldron that can be used in the field.  It was held by --

Look, that doesn’t matter.

Held by a tribe of --

I’m serious, it was all fine!

By a tribe of minotaurs and --


We’ll delay the hot cow and bull people and talk about details of the yin-yang challenge, sheesh!  What, does all your porn require an in-depth and logical sequence of events with a world that has realistic consequences based on the rules that define it?!

…Oh.  Well.

Um.  Fair enough, I guess.

So, uh, let’s see… right.  About Shimizu switching the drinks.  See, Shimizu knew that I wouldn’t pass the Yang trial.  I was already too far gone on the ‘feminine’ spectrum to even have a chance at it… but what she told me at the time was that she just really wanted to experience the Yang trial for herself.  It was an impulse decision, and she felt very guilty afterwards.

I mentioned how she had spent most of her life caving to others, yes?  The Yang trial was a chance to experience the opposite, and while I would like to say that she came out of it like a bull going through a second puberty… hornier and even more aggressive than before… instead, she came out of it a lot more settled.

It was like she really felt comfortable in her own self.  That kind of unflappable confidence that is actually really hot.  I don’t know the details of what happened to her, but whatever ‘life’ she lived was certainly good for her mental state.  That’s why I never got too upset at her; it was clearly good for her.

…and, to be frank, I really enjoyed the Yin trial.  So.  That also helped my anger.

Does that answer your -- ugh, the age thing?  Really?  Fine.

Okay look.  Age in Alchemical Corruption is weird.  Remember how I mentioned time is weird, and there are ‘time slots’ instead of… you know… actual time?  Age is similar.  Age progresses like so:

  • No Sex -- Babies and/or toddlers
  • Might have heard about sex -- Children that can talk
  • Might know what sex is -- preteen
  • Might want sex -- teen, but not legal
  • Old Enough To Be Legal -- this is pretty much exactly what it says.  It covers older teens and young adults.
  • Has had sex -- legality of sexual intercourse is not a question with this person.
  • Experienced in sex -- This is when we get into the ‘old but still fuckable’ portion of the population.
  • Ew No -- And this is the elders.

As for the names of the categories…

…Haaah.  Blame the chief god.

See, age depends on a variety of things.  Actual number of years alive, level of maturity, level of knowledge, and position in life are the most important ones.  Once one transitions over to the next age, then over the course of a year their entire body changes.

From my inherited memories, I know that Elizabeth went from ‘puffy chest’ to ‘massive knockers’ when transitioning to ‘legal’ age.  She had to eat so much food, she thought she would never be full again.

I can assure you that anybody in the ‘legal’ category is… well, okay, they’re theoretically mature enough to handle sex, but that’s about the same as any minimum legal age for intercourse.  Theoretically mature, facts may vary.  That said, they are also guaranteed to have lived long enough to be legal in your country of origin and/or location, presuming that their age of legality is at most twenty one!

Look, it’s -- it’s a world based on a porn game, and yes, it works out that way, but it’s mostly because the head god is incredibly lazy, and because the game authors wanted to poke fun at ever-static character models.

It’s dumb, but that’s how it works out.  At the very least, it makes it very easy to tell when somebody is legal to have sex with.  No need to inspect their official ‘I am a person’ card!

Can we get to the hot stuff now?

Yes!  Finally!

So!  The cauldron I was after was owned by a tribe of minotaurs that existed on the new land mass added to the Kingdom.  Yes, the same land mass that we were all fighting over.  Yes, land masses can come with fully developed societies of their own, though if you look into the history it’s usually a bit… flat.

As in, they didn’t exist before this generation, but they still have a fully developed culture, flat.

I can see the question on your face, and the answer is ‘yes, the head god really adds these people to these islands just to make the land grabs more exciting and/or sexier’.

In this case, the flavor of the day was bovine.  The tribe full of minotaurs and humanoid cows existed on a stretch of plains that were protected by sheer cliffs.  You had to climb up to get to them, or find some way to glide down from higher up.  The topography of it didn’t make sense, it was like somebody took a roughly circular shape out of a plane and just lifted it up twenty meters, but it was what it was.  Normally to get to the top, you needed one of several particular items.

I thought that I was being particularly clever when I ignored the option of top-of-the-line rock-climbing gear, and instead just prepared a foldable ladder.

At least, I thought I was being clever.  Until the flora porcines that live up top knocked the ladder down.

No, not ‘fauna’, flora.  Floor - ah.  Plants.  Yes I meant plant pigs, what else could I have meant?!

Think -- take a cabbage.  Then make it mostly pig-shaped, just, you know, rounder.  No actual mouth or cavities, but creepy imitations.  Then make it evil, but not, like, evil evil.  Make it like school-yard bully evil.  Yeah!  Exactly like that - the kind of evil that would cower once you beat them, and then stab you in the back.

Perfect!  Yes.  Now make them the size of an adult man.

There you go!

Flora porcine.  Nasty things, they roam the planes of the minotaur tribe, and presumably exist solely so that they have something to hunt and eat.  Something that wasn’t meat.

They were not fond of my ladders.  Very much not fond of them.  I spent hours trying to figure out how to set it up before I figured it out.  I settled it so it didn’t quite reach the top -- so the plant-piggies couldn’t knock it down -- and then I’d chuck up one of my Ying-Yang Creation Destruction Bombs up there.

It was not enough to kill them.

But it was enough to scare them away!  Long enough for me and Sumiko to boost ourselves up and then panic run to the minotaur village in the center of the plane.

-- ugh, right, I forgot to mention.  Yes, I brought Sumiko along.  Why will become obvious shortly.  I got her to follow by begging Shimizu to give her an order to help me out.

She caved in under a minute, and whenever she got uppity, it only took a short bit of bullying and teasing to get her to obey again!

Fortunately, I didn’t need to bully her to panic run from the flora porcine, because that would have just been excessively dumb.  Who throws a fit when pig-shaped plants are trying to run you down?

We managed to reach close enough to the village for their minotaur plant-hunters to come out and chase away the monsters, which let both of us collapse and pant.  Panicked running takes a lot out of you, after all, and thankfully the tribe here had quite a lot of food that they were willing to share!

…Unfortunately, I couldn’t have any of it.

See, there’s a slight problem with eating food from the minotaurs:  It turns you into a cowgirl.  All of their food is designed to enhance either milk or cum production, and when taken by a human, well, it tends to enhance milk production… and everything related to it.  Which somehow includes cute little horns and a cow tail for reasons that escape even the game's descriptions.  It’s baffling!  The literal in-game description is, ‘for reasons entirely unknown, the transformation includes…’  Ugh.  It drives me nuts.

Either way, I couldn’t have any of it.  Which is why I brought Sumiko.

See, the cauldron that the minotaurs have, they have only one.  Only one group of students can get it, and it’s the first one that arrives and manages to not insult them.  Refusing food is insulting.  Eating their food shows gratitude!

In the game, this always meant turning one of your girls into a cowgirl, which reduces combat capability, in exchange for the cauldron.

I, at the outset, had no intention of becoming a cowgirl.  I wanted to toss Sumiko at them, take the cauldron, and then fuck off before something happened that I would regret.  However, I made a few miscalculations.

Well, only one miscalculation, really.

Minotaurs are hot as fuck.

I was already being trained into becoming a slave to herm-cock!  Shimizu was stronger than me, taller than me, had a thick and throbbing cock that smelt divine to me, and minotaurs pushed all that and more to eleven!  Their scent reminded me of my addiction, and made me crave some delicious cum.

And there were so many of them!

I didn’t realize what kind of trouble I was in until halfway through the first meal.  I was sneaking snacks from what I packed while gently sliding my portions over to Sumikoi, who was gobbling up the food at a rapid pace.  I knew from the game event that she wouldn’t ever get ‘full’ on it, due to the food's magic, and I could already tell that it was working on her.

Her catsuit was starting to get a bit tight around her top.

As I realized that, I had finally recovered enough of my breath to actually look around.  And I realized that I was surrounded by my new, personal, sexual fantasies.

Sure those fantasies didn’t use to include big horns and minotaur tribe-men… but that was fixed in very short order.

Around the table we were sitting at, let alone everywhere else nearby, there were three different minotaurs and a cowgirl.  Each of the minotaur easily reached six and a half feet, one of them nearing seven.  They looked to be made of raw muscle, and while, sure, they wore some cloth to cover their genitals, the flimsy fabric was not long enough.  You could always see at least the head of their cocks.  And glancing around showed some of them just walking with a raging hard-on as they went about their work.

And then there was the cowgirl.

She had two massive tits, larger than mine by far, each of which was covered by some cloth that was already wet with leaked milk.  Her entire body was soft curves and fat in all the right places, and she was in the middle of panting and moaning as one of the bulls fucked her.  Right there, at the table.  He was lifting her up and down as he sat, easily moving the mass of weight that she had on her chest, and it was leaving her a horny mess.  I could tell that she wasn’t even aware of what was happening.

All she had in her mind were thoughts of pleasure and milk.

It made me wet.

One of the other minotaurs coughed slightly, to get my attention back to the conversation we were having -- I was explaining about the land grab, as they didn’t know about the Kingdom -- and I rapidly tried to refocus on the topic.

It even worked!


The scent of sex permeated the entire tribe, and Sumiko was starting to go a bit native.  Her catsuit was clearly almost at the point of tearing, as she has gone from ‘mostly flat’ to ‘nicely curved’ already.  Not nearly as nicely curved as I was, but there is still only so far that a catsuit can stretch, and as I watched I heard it tear.

Sumiko didn’t seem to even notice as a tear formed right where her tits were.  A horizontal line, from nipple to nipple.  I could already see some milk starting to bead on them, as Sumiko chatted with one of the cowgirls about… cocks, I think?  I was having a hard time focusing at that point.

I had to be drawn back to the conversation again.  And the minotaur, seeming amused, asked if needed to fuck to calm down.

He asked if I needed to fuck a part-animal with a monster horse-cock in order to be able to think straight.

And I realized that I did.

But I lied, and said I didn’t.

He knew I lied.

I knew he knew I lied.

But he let it stand with a raised eyebrow that made me feel like I was being a fool, making me flush, as I tried to continue the conversation… only to get distracted by another ripping sound.

This time from Sumiko’s rear.  Another horizontal tear, this one starting right above her rump, letting a small, burgeoning tail peak out.  I swallowed dry air, my eyes wide, as I squirmed -- my damn thigh gap preventing me from getting any real friction!

The minotaur I was talking to coughed, and I jerked my head back to him.  He seemed both bemused and resigned, and said, and I remember this quote perfectly, “I suppose I shouldn’t have expected human women to be any different from our own.  Let me get you one to talk with, instead.”

I wanted to protest what he was saying.  I really did!

But then I heard Sumiko moo.  I heard her give a short, lowing moo from her mouth as one of the cowgirls groped her tits from outside her catsuit.

My mouth snapped shut to catch the whine of desire that wanted to escape my throat.  It closed just in time… if barely.

By the time I looked back to the minotaur I was having the conversation with, it was just another cowgirl, instead.  I realized, suddenly, that the two of us were surrounded by busty, lactating, ditzy, horny cowgirl cattle.  The minotaurs were nearby, certainly, but the most that they did was occasionally grab a girl to fuck them and relieve their boners.

The one I was ‘talking’ to was one of the rare cows with a full four tits, each jiggling and dripping with their stored milk.  She tried to draw me into conversation, and… despite myself, I found it easy to fall into it.  Far too easy.

I didn’t realize it at the time, but it was a combination of the pheromones in the air and just raw social pressure.  Surrounded by cheerful cowgirls, it was hard to keep myself tense and worried.  And… well, we would both get distracted by Sumiko at the same moments, for around the same amount of time.  So our conversational flows matched, despite the occasional interruptions.

Most recently, for example, we were distracted by one of the younger cows squealing as they saw tiny horns start to bump out of Sumiko’s skull.  I swallowed as I saw a playful grope from another cow cause a spray of milk to escape the scientists left tit… she didn’t even seem to notice as she drank the water it fell into.

She even said it was tastier than usual, and asked what the change was.

Everybody around her giggled and didn’t bother answering.

I was flushed, face red, as I turned back to my conversational partner, and I just -- answered everything she asked.  I could either focus on keeping my sanity, or I could focus on my words and language.  I chose the former.

So she managed to drag out everything.

About Shimizu.  About her cock.  About the yin-yang trial.  About Sumiko.  About what I was after.

The only thing she didn’t manage to drag out was about my whole ‘transmigrated from another world’ deal.  That I was keeping very secret.

We were regularly interrupted by Sumiko’s continuing transformation.  For a while, it seemed like her tits had stopped growing, though her ass certainly hadn’t.  …And then the second pair of tits started to push through her increasingly-torn catsuit.

I had to swallow my surprise at that as I stared, watching them slowly balloon out as she ate more salad, drank more milk, and just lost herself in a haze of pheromones and hormones that blocked her from really understanding what was happening to her.

Oh she knew that she was changing into a cowgirl.  But she didn’t realize what that meant.  Not with all of the magical food and happy cowgirl sluts around her.

I had to force my eyes back to my conversation partner as I was trying to explain that no, just because I was addicted to a massive herm-dong did not mean I wanted to try out mino-cock.

She, naturally, realized that I was lying.

And before I realized it, she had dragged me out from the herd of milk-girls and towards what she called her ‘favorite’ minotaur.

He was over seven feet tall.  Made of raw muscle.  A cock that I was certain wouldn’t be able to fit in me, let alone reaching the base of it.  I was babbling… something, I don’t remember what, but it was some nonsense about how I was fine, or didn’t want it, or other such crazy things.

After all, if I really didn’t want it, I wouldn’t be bracing myself against the wall of one of the primitive buildings after the cow removed my panties and skirt.

It was… different, being fucked by a horse-cock on a minotaur.  Almost more brutal, in a way, but it still felt so good!  It rammed in, at full length from the word ‘go’, and simply acted as a seal for its cum when he came.  I orgasmed -- uh -- at least three times, I think -- by the time he had cum once, and had three or four more shots left in the bank.

I was delirious by the time it was over.  Sore and exhausted, and walking funny, my vag having gone through a very rough trial.

And it felt so good!

My body, I knew then beyond a shadow of a doubt, was the body of a slut.  The more abuse I heaped on it, the better it felt.  The more often I abused it, the better it felt.  Actual pain remained pain, but being fucked by a seven-plus foot tall monster with a matching cock?

That was bliss.

I was walking a bit funny by the time I managed to return to Sumiko.  A time slot had passed before I realized it, and we needed to return to the school.  I got back to where I left her, and… well…

I wasn’t sure which was Sumiko.

She had removed her catsuit at some point, and the rest of her clothing was torn beyond recognition and shared between like five different cows.  Now, normally, that wouldn’t be that big of a problem.

The problem came when I had to identify the few remaining markers that made Sumiko, Sumiko in the middle of a bovine orgy.

Every cowgirl was either groping and making out with another cowgirl, or with at least two bulls.  My eyes scanned around, and I focused on what I knew of Sumiko.  She had four tits, given the state she was in when I saw her last.  She was smarter than she had any right to be, though that was unlikely to be noticeable at the moment.  And…

…she was a masochist.

The moment I remembered that, I felt like a moron, and dove right through a small crowd of bulls that were all taking turns fucking a cow that had already nearly passed out.  They had marked on her skin with some charcoal how many she had managed to take so far, and were making bets on when she’d finally collapse.

I really should have known.  I recognized her eyes right away, though that was… more or less the only thing I recognized.

Four tits, each of which was at least as big as mine and full of milk.  An ass to match with a long cow tail set up to whip flies or her own rump.  Her body was defined by curves and milk… and, uh, at that moment at least, cum.  Given how much of it she had on her everything.

There wasn’t even a spark of intelligence in the cowgirls eyes, but I still recognized the color as Sumiko’s.  At the time I just kind of groaned, rubbed my forehead, and let the ‘fuck the cow until she passes out competition’ continue on.

It wasn’t like I was willing to get in their way, after all.  That could have resulted in me taking her place!  Which while I can now admit would be super hot, back then, eh, it was more of a ‘fear’ than a ‘fantasy’ for some reason.  Silly, I know.

So I watched, and waited, and got uncomfortably horny, until Sumiko the cow-slut finally passed out.  I managed to collect her and… mostly drag her… towards a prepared space for bed.

Several time slots had passed, and it was time to sleep.

But on the bright side, right before I passed out… They handed me their legendary cauldron.

I was all ready to catch up to that punk of a main character.

The title is what it is because I realized while editing this chapter that the minotaurs and cowgirls come out of absolutely nowhere.  Um.  Oops?

Still, at least you get over 3.6k words of quality smut!

...Passable smut!

Smut I hope you enjoy reading!

As for Subscribstar, I'll post an extra chapter when it's ready, and it should be in a day or two!

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