Capture Target

Chapter 23 — Y2: The Old Dynamic

Huge thanks to all my subscribers, especially Teacher, Yuria, Theslimeofyourdream, User#5c472977 and User#646966cb !

...If either of those latter two want me to put in a different name, please let me know and I shall do so post-haste!

Hm?  …What’s with the look?

What?  I didn’t feel like getting dressed today.

Obviously I took a shower and did my makeup.

What?  Heels aren’t clothes!

Oh you’re just being ridiculous.  I’m going to get back to my story now.


So, the next day, first thing in the morning -- well, second thing in the morning, first thing is the daily blowjob -- I asked Shimizu about why she was fucking my mom before even a single day had passed.

To her benefit, she had the grace to look embarrassed at being called out like that.

Not that I was actually upset, mind.  My views on sexuality were well beyond warped by now.  I had sex with more people than I could remember, and was so addicted to Shimizu’s cock and cum that I couldn’t even lie to myself about it.  My… uh… girlfriend slash fuckbuddy slash dom fucking my mom?  That wasn’t anything too extreme.  I knew how her cock gets when she gets worked up.

I knew how it got very well.

And my mother is very good at getting people worked up.

So if Shimizu wanted to fuck my mother, I wasn’t going to get too upset.  So long as she wasn’t fucking me at the same time.  …And left something in the bank for me after she was done, of course.

Honestly, the first day back home was primarily spent relaxing.  There wasn’t anything that needed to be done, and I had my family to catch up with and a futa to keep sated.  It wasn’t too stressful, though being pounded for half an hour into the ground via Shimizu’s massive dong would have exhausted me half a year prior.

I even got to spend time with my adorable little sister!  She was just reaching the ‘legal to fuck’ age, little Lady Jessica Ambrosia.  Well, I say ‘little’, but she was actually taller than me, much to my frustration.  She still acted like a kid, though, so that was nice.

Then there was my bratty younger brother.  Only a year younger than me, Lord "Jerk-face" Ryan Ambrosia was already snooping in my room when he thought I wasn’t paying attention.

My dad was busy, and would be for most of the month.

Now, I’m pretty sure I know what you’re thinking.

‘But when did the hot incest action happen?!’

Hehehe.  Well, it took a while to ramp up, but it started on just the third night back~

See, my mother, as I’m sure you know already, wasn’t exactly subtle.  Or understanding of social norms regarding sexuality. And now that the youngest of our family was in the ‘legal to fuck’ age range, my dearest mother felt like she was free to talk about all of the perverted things she wanted to.

The first night I was back she complained about how dad wasn’t free and she missed fucking him.

Which all of her children, myself included, agreed that we did not need to hear.

The shields of family over our individual perversions hadn’t been broken by the spear of incest yet!

Which leads to the third night.  When she started gushing about Shimizu.  And her cock.  And congratulating me on catching her.  And on being addicted to her cock.

Shimizu was torn between shocked embarrassment, choking laughter, and smug pride.

I was just trying to shut mom up.

My two brothers were blocking my attempts, and my sister was pretending to cover her ears while, in fact, listening with fascination.  You know, like covering your eyes with your hands, only to spread your fingers to get a good look?  That, except over her ears.

But that’s not what started it.

What started it was when my jerk little brother, Ryan, said, “There’s no way ‘Lizzy is hot enough to catch somebody like that, mom.”

And that, well.

That just would not stand.

I felt my left eye twitch, and asked him to explain himself.

…Which he did.

“Well, I mean, you’re… you.”

Not much of an explanation, but with his mocking look in my direction, it was enough of one.

And I found myself nearly steaming with frustration.

Mom, bless her, noticed what was going on and tried to stop us… but when my older brother came in to defend his same-gendered sibling, it was clear that it was a lost cause.

I was determined to show them just how ‘hot’ I was.  I had what I thought to be the perfect plan.  I knew exactly how to make it work.

Fortunately for me, I forgot about two key things that led to some rather unplanned for developments~

The first thing that I forgot was my newest trait, [Seduction C].  I mean, I knew I had it, but I didn’t exactly factor in how that would affect my plan.

-- ah, right, my plan.  Well.  It was pretty simple.

I’d play that annoyingly hot sister in every piece of lewd incest media ever that walks around wearing annoyingly sexy and tight clothing!

After all, I was at home, right?  With just my family, right?  Being lazy and showing skin would be fine, riiiight~?

…I mean, Shimizu was there too, but frankly she spent most of her time in the yard working on her swordsmanship with our guards.

So I made a point of, every day, wearing the sluttiest clothing that I could get away with… so long as I could excuse it with ‘being lazy’.  I wouldn’t go topless, or with only a bra, but a simple white crop top with a black lacy bra that can be seen beneath it?

That was more than fair game.

Short shorts that looked more like bikini bottoms than actual clothing?

Just a towel when going from the shower to my room?

Going braless in a shirt tight enough to outline my nipples?

All of that and more was done in the span of under a week.  Prancing around in my high heels, making sure to pose in just the right way to get my ‘dearest brothers’ Jonathan and Ryan riled up.

And I could tell that it was working before the first day was out~

See, with my [Seduction] trait, I was, quite literally, preternaturally talented at seducing others.  Preternatural:  As in, beyond natural; between the mundane and the miraculous; beyond what is normal, but before what is unnatural.

In other words, seducing family?

That was easyEspecially in eroge-land.

It wasn’t long before both of my brothers were having trouble with their wandering eyes, and walking around with twin hard-ons due to my body.

I felt an odd thrill at that.  This was the first time I was seducing somebody else just to tease them, really tease them, and I felt a rush of control at the realization that not only could I manage it?  It was easy.  It was so easy!  Just a slight change in what I wear, a bit more bouncing, a few poses I had down pat, and suddenly I could shut up my annoying brothers with little more than a flirtatious glance.

It was fantastic.

At least, until I teased my younger brother a… bit… too much.

Okay, sure.  So I was leaning over him, showing off my braless cleavage as my tits swayed in my shirt.

And yes, I had backed him to the edge of the couch, with a sly grin.

And, sure, I did dare him to actually touch me.

But I didn’t think he actually would!

How was I supposed to know he would crack when I mocked him about his lack of courage?!

[Favored by the Gods] was an odd trait.  Obtained from the ceremony at the start of the game, only one girl would obtain it, and that girl would find it easier to obtain blessings from any avenue.

For example, the goddess of monsters, Raleine, had a requirement of breeding ten monsters in order to obtain her ‘broodmother’ blessing.  If a girl was [Favored by the Gods], however, they only needed to breed four.

…Which was something I should have been paying attention to, considering I was already bred by one on the first day, but regardless.

Now, the goddess of incest --

…Okay, no, she isn’t technically the goddess of incest. She’s the goddess of family.  Family and bonds of love and the like.  But come on.  Eroge land.  She’s the goddess of incest.

Wanda is her name, and she’s normally one of the saner goddesses… unless it’s about her kink.  And no, you don’t get any points for guessing her kink, it’s obvious.

My brother groping my tits combined with [Favored by the Gods] to result in:

[Blessing:  Family Funtime]

  • Have 2 or more family members orgasm while thinking of you a minimum of 30 times.
  • Intentionally tease a family member to the point of causing an orgasm.
  • Be touched sexually by a family member with your explicit permission.
  • Cause 3 or more wet dreams in your family. ]

[Effects:  The bonds of incest have been broken.  Your family will no longer find the fact that you are related to them as a mark against you -- instead, it will only fuel their lust.]

At the time, I had one thought.

‘This is bad’.

Especially because Ryan was getting rather squeeze-happy with my tits!  Instead of one, quick touch, which is what I expected, he’s started to really get into it, and it was actually making me flustered.  My slutty body was always eager for sex, and getting it primed was child's play.

So I did the only rational thing I could at the time.

I fled to my room and hid under the blanket.

Naturally, this worked perfectly, until I had to leave its aegis of protection.

There are only a few things that a childhood blanket can not protect you from.  The need to eat, the need to bathe, and the need to fuck are some of the more common ones.  Sadly, I had trouble with all three.

Shimizu, when I told her of my plight, had no sympathy.  If anything, her opinion of me even went down a notch!  ‘You brought this on yourself’ and ‘what did you think would happen’ and ‘honestly, this is your own fault’ were some of the more common refrains from her when I whined.  Which, well, fair enough.  It was my fault.  But that didn’t mean she had to leave me without sex for three whole days!

Okay, yes, it was due to some… bureaucratic requirement for her paperwork.  Seems like admitting you’re from another world gets you access to a few scholarship funds.  I had no interest in said scholarships and I prefer my privacy, so I didn’t bother, but Shimizu wasn’t one to say ‘no’ to a practical benefit.

It’s just annoying that said practical benefit required her to go through a multi-day long examination when I was in the middle of an incest-related crisis!

The first day was fine.  I could just dart down, get food, and flee back to the protection of my blanket.  The second day I was starting to feel needy.  I hadn’t had any sex but masturbation since Shimizu left, and that combined poorly with the lack of herm-cum.

The third day I cracked.

I’m not sure if it was because I knew that Shimizu would return the next day, and thus I would lose my excuse, or if it was because I genuinely ran out of self-control… but ultimately it doesn’t matter.

That night for dinner, for the first time in three days, I actually came down and ate at the dinner table.

…Wearing my shortest skirt, my tightest top, and my highest heels.

I was just so wet!  I figured, at the time, that just one quickie would be fine, right?  Just one.  Then I could pretend it didn’t happen, and things would clearly go back to normal.

So I approached Johnathan, my older brother, after a full dinner of teasing him by jiggling my breasts and leaning to show off my cleavage.  And then I asked him, softly, in a whisper, if he really still agreed with Ryan that I ‘wasn’t hot’, and asked for a chance to prove otherwise to him.

My mother, who might be a golddigger but is still an amazing mother, recognized what was happening with surprising alacrity.  She quickly distracted Ryan with the offer of cookies, so that he wouldn’t interfere as I almost stalked my older brother to the point where his back was to the wall.

That kind of control, the ability to intimidate him, really is addicting.

…Unfortunately, there was a crucial thing that I forgot.

Even more so than my [Seduction C] trait.  Even beyond being [Favored by the Gods].  I forgot one, crucial, critical, absolutely essential fact that I never should have forgotten.

My body was slutty.

So when Johnathan worked up the courage to actually kiss me?

Pressing his lips to mine, my older brother, his hands coming around me to grope my ass as we made out?

That made me melt.

I couldn’t help it!  Sex was getting all -- confusing in my head, by then.  A lot of encounters were building up and bouncing off of each other.

The tentacles.  My ex-boyfriend Yuu.  All of Yuu’s ‘friends’ and ‘clients’.  Shimizu.  The minotaur.  All of that bubbled inside of me, rising up into a long, low, hungry moan.

I didn’t even realize what was happening until it was released from my mouth, as I almost pushed into him.  When I processed the sound that I heard, and realized it came from me, I squeaked and jerked a bit.  Looking up at Jonathan's with wide eyes.

It’s possible I could have regained control after that.  Not likely, but possible.

Until he said, “You really are just like mom, huh?”

Those words cut deep.  Because I knew there was more truth in them than I’d ever care to admit.  And so I went from trying to regain control, to trying to salvage my shredded pride.

And that was when I lost any chance of regaining the initiative with my family.

And I could tell, in the back of my panic, lust-addled mind, that Jonathan knew.

My time back home was about to take a lovely turn to the erotic~

And so our intrepid hero must leave the protection of the all-power 'blanket of childhood'!  And thus, she must be erotically abused by her own family for her and their own mutual pleasure!

Or something like that.

That's how epics go, right?

Also, I have learned my lesson from last chapter!  Asking for reviews and comments means you only get one comment and no review!

...I'd be annoyed but... frankly, I'd have reacted the same way.  I have reacted the same way in the past.  I'll come up with another way to beg for interaction, that's less 'Author is annoying in A/N' and more 'this is a fair trade of time'.

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