Capture Target

Chapter 24 — Introducing: Aphrodisiacs

Huge thanks to all my subscribers, especially Teacher, Yuria, Theslimeofyourdream, User#5c472977 and User#646966cb !

...If either of those latter two want me to put in a different name, please let me know and I shall do so post-haste!

Hm?  Ah, sorry, just a moment.  Almost done here.

…Aaaah, that’s a good book.

What?  What?!  A bimbo can’t like a good book?  It’s fascinating!  Political intrigue!  A national crisis of faith!  Even aliens!

Though the aliens do come out of nowhere, really, that should have been foreshadowed…

Ugh.  Look, if it isn’t obvious, as fun as the whole ‘empty brains big tits’ thing is, I like my brain.  I just also like turning it off from time to time.  Besides, assuming a hot woman isn’t smart is sexist, so you should only do that if you have their permission.

Yes I know getting permission ruins the assumption part of -- argh!  We’re getting boiled down with semantics.  How about we just move on?

Okay, good.  Thanks.

Where was I?


Brother fucking.

It is to my eternal shame that my loss of incest virginity isn’t something that I remember with great clarity.  I know it happened, and I know it felt good.  I know that he pounded me into the sofa in the living room.  I know that he teased me, though not the words he used.

I was, instead of enjoying the moment like I should have, freaking out over the implications of my brother's earlier words.

‘You really are just like mom’.

Those shook me more than I’m proud of, looking back.  Mom was… is… a complicated figure for my family.

I’m not going to bother beating around the bush; pops married her because she was hot and amazing in bed.  In exchange for marriage, and a wealthy lifestyle, he wouldn’t have to worry about the household and could fuck whoever he wanted on the side.  So long as he occasionally sated her, she’d ensure that there would be no nasty surprises at home.  …And if he was too busy to give her what she needed, well, she could just go and get some satisfaction elsewhere.

It’s not an uncommon arrangement in the world of Alchemical Corruption, and it’s not even one that I particularly minded.  It was an agreement between two adults with full knowledge of what they were agreeing to.  If either of them didn’t like that agreement, they shouldn’t have made it in the first place.  There was no coercion… well…

…Okay, ‘being poor’ can actually qualify as coercion.  Mom wasn’t, though, at least not poor enough to make her desperate.

This was just an… interesting… marital agreement.

I mean, I, personally, would have preferred that they loved each other.  That’s what it was for my first life.  But they both loved me and my siblings, and they didn’t argue or fight, so we had it a lot better than some.  Because it was all out in the open, we even got hilarious dinners where dad had guests that he wanted to shock, and introduced them to his children, his wife, his mistress, and his wife's latest paramour.

Those were hilarious.

But that said, we all knew dad married mom because of her looks.  It was just a fact, one that she wouldn’t even refute if we tried to call her on it.

She still loved us, though, and took care of us.

She was the one that ensured we had a proper education on sex, health, and boundaries.  Her advice was a bit… warped… at times, but never in a way that would have harmed us beyond embarrassment.  She helped all of us understand what a healthy relationship was.  And she was always there for a crisis, no matter how minor it might have seemed to others.

…But the fact remained that she made a living out of ‘being hot’ and ‘being good at sex’, and got a man that thought those were marriageable qualities.

So being told that I was just like her, by my brother of all people, rattled my mind rather fiercely.

That wasn’t the end of it, though.  No, of course it wasn’t the end; my life wasn’t that boring.  See, shortly after my brother was done using me -- and, so you’re aware, I was well trained by then to not stop somebody while they’re fucking me -- I went to take a shower to try to sort my head out.  And when I was finished, who should I see waiting for me right on my bed but my mother!

…Ah?  Oh, right, remember, it’s a mansion.  We all had our own bathrooms.   Perks of money.  Regardless.

She was smiling brightly and almost bouncing on the bed when I came out, and her first words were, “So, how was your brother’s cock~?”

I kid you not.  That was my mothers first question to me after being fucked by my ‘big bro’.

I wasn’t having any of it.  I wish I did, I wish I was willing to talk about it, but I very much wasn’t.  My face was flaming as I all but shoved my mother out of my room, and repeated my prior Safety Tactic of ‘hiding under my blanket’.  At least until Shimizu showed up half an hour later and forced me to talk about my ‘feelings’.

Mind, my feelings at the time mostly consisted of, ‘AAAAAH HOW COULD I AAAAAAAH’, and various other shrieking forms of embarrassment, but Shimizu managed to calm that down.

…Well, I say ‘calm down’.  I mean more ‘shift focus’ to all of the other incredibly embarrassing, lewd and erotic things I had done.

Like how I could reach orgasm by giving her a blowjob.

This did not calm down my embarrassment, but it did let me put aside my panic, so I could actually give her the details of what happened.

After I finished giving her a quick summary, I asked her the one question that was really on my mind.  The one question that still remained, and that was, frankly, more important to me than the fact that I had irrevocably broken my incest taboo.  I wanted to know if Shimizu thought I was just like my mother.

She’d been spending a fair amount of time with her during that first week, after all.  Without Sumiko around, and only me, she didn’t have as many easy and willing holes to dump her cum into.  Sure she had that onahole Sumiko made, but while that worked, it didn’t really sate her.  …So she found an alternative solution in my mother, and, frankly, good for them.  Keep her distracted and stop her from congratulating me on fucking my brother.

And then after that, well, things got even hotter~

…Fuck.  I was hoping you’d miss that.

What?  Her answer was embarrassing!  Of course I don’t want to share it!  It’s not even the hot kind of embarrassing!

Aaaargh!  Fine.

Shimizu’s response was, “Of course you’re not like your mother.  When things matter to you, you’re very competent.”

What do you mean -- fine.  Fine!  I’ll explain why it flustered me if you really need to know.

Look.  In my first life, I was the kind of guy who spent so much time playing the twelfth iteration of a porn game made in another country that I had memorized the majority of the content.  I knew the rough probabilities for most of the events, I knew what needed to be done to obtain certain scenes, I had even theorycrafted how to reach an impossible ending!  I was just starting a fresh save to reach that ending when I died!

Does that sound like the kind of person who gets compliments on their competency?

Oh I got compliments on my intelligence, and on my understanding… but competency was something else.  It’s a more… holistic attribute.  It requires not just the ability to understand, but the ability to do, and to do so reliably regardless of what gets in your way.  Sure, my parents had complimented me for everything under the sun, but they were my parents; that was their job.  Teachers, friends…?  Not so much.

So, yeah.  I was flustered.  And my heart started beating a bit fast.  And other junk like that.

…And of course then Shimizu ruined it.

I asked her if she would help me get out of this situation I was in, where my brothers and mother thought I was open for sex with the family.

…I was ignoring my little sister, because I wanted to pretend my latest blessing wouldn’t affect her.


Shimizu’s response?

Her response was laughter.  Loud, full-belly laughter.

“If you didn’t want to get into this situation, you shouldn’t have been bragging about how blue you were making your brother's balls!”

Which, uh.


…Was fair.

I did bring this entirely on myself, despite all my protests to the contrary, so I couldn’t even be that upset at her.

That said, I refused to let my brothers win!

…I mean.  Of course they did win, in the end.

But I made them work for it!

My initial plan was simple:

Do not change my plan.

Just, you know, without melting in need due to a critical lack of Shimizu fucks.

And also without betting or daring them to actually touch me.

…What?  They were my brothers, and I was annoyed at them!  I figured it was harmless!  And, for the most part, it was.  For a good few days, I was traipsing around in shorts, bouncing along without bras, and lounging using pinup poses.  All of that and more, just to rile my brothers up.  And I didn’t let either of them get close at all~

…My conversations with my little sister was getting a bit weird, as she was getting really interested in my ‘fashion’ choices, but I, like a reasonable person, decided to ignore the implications and proceed as if everything was fine

That would come back to bite me in a year or two.

Anyway, things were great!  I was on top of my game, I was controlling the flow of conversations, and my brothers were incredibly aggravated at me.  Win win win~!

…Until my youngest brother thought it was a fine idea to drug me with an aphrodisiac.

Now let me make something crystal clear here.

Drugging somebody without permission?  Without knowing exactly what you’re doing?

That is not okay.  You do not mess with mind altering substances in another's body.  Do not touch their medication, do not touch their beer, do not touch anything.  The most you can do is stage an intervention if you think they’re abusing something, but that’s it.

My ‘dearest’ younger brother decided that he was above that.  I realized what was going on about halfway through the dinner, when I was seriously considering the benefits and detriments of just outright masturbating there at the table.  My face was flushed; I was panting, with dilated pupils; and I was so wet my very thoughts felt like they were traversing through a swamp.  Every move and every word took on a sexual tone for me, and I just -- I just couldn’t -- I couldn’t take it -- I got up and all but ran back to my room.

I learned later that Shimizu was about to follow me, but my mom took off first, and she came in to find me furiously masturbating on my bed, writhing and whining with heat and need.  I jerked, staring at her with wide eyes when she opened the door, but I couldn’t bring myself to stop.  I came as she was looking at me, and still I continued… if anything, I picked up the pace!

She closed the door behind her and rushed to comfort me.  …Not with sex, which, yes, surprised me too, but with an offer of hypnosis.


…this made me wary.

In most realities, hypnosis doesn’t really do much harm.  It’s more a series of suggestions that the mind can choose to follow or ignore, as it pleases.

But this is Alchemical Corruption.

A game series where the head god has such a stupid name I’ve refused to mention it out of a desire to preserve what remains of my tattered dignity and pride.

Hypnosis is much more potent here.  Dangerously so, if the one doing it has a talent or blessing for it.

But I wasn’t exactly thinking straight at the moment.

My entire body was burning up with heat and lust, it felt like I was going to rub myself raw and then keep going.  Like I was going to rub my nub down to the bone.

Which at the time felt both hot and terrifying, and now, looking back… Okay, it’s still hot and terrifying, but the ratio leans further towards terrifying than hot.

So I agreed.

Anything to get the heat to stop.

Of course, my mother loved me, and was a massively slutty ditz.  She knew full well what kind of person I was and was becoming, just from spending time with Shimizu and her cock.  So she didn’t just leave it at helping me calm down until the drug left my system.  I learned later she also asked what behavior I would find ‘acceptable’ from my brothers, in their new quest to fuck me.

Now, I don’t know what, precisely, I told her, beyond telling her that blackmail, cheating in bets, manipulation, thefts, hypnosis and less potent drugs were fine.  But I’m pretty sure I said blackmail was fine.

…?  What?  No, that’s nonsense, I wouldn’t have agreed to all that.  I only agreed to blackmail, cheating in bets, manipulation, thefts, hypnosis and less potent drugs, and I’m pretty sure I said that blackmail was fine.  Maybe manipulation, too…?

Okay, now you’re acting weird.  No, there is no way I agreed to thefts, let alone hypnosis or any kind of drugs, less potent or not!  I only agreed to blackmail, cheating in bets, manipulation, thefts, hypnosis and less potent drugs!  Honestly, how many times do I have to say that I have no idea what I agreed to?  I don’t know a single one!  Besides blackmail, cheating in bets, manipulation, thefts, hypnosis and less potent drugs,

What.  What?!

Oh sure, it’s possible, but why would mom do that?

Ugh.  Fine.  It’s possible mom hypnotized me into admitting what I was willing to have my brothers do to me when asked.  Theoretically.  But I seriously don’t know why you’re even suggesting that.  The idea is ludicrous.

I don’t know what I agreed to, not a single clue, at all, no knowledge in my brain, except for blackmail, cheating in bets, manipulation, thefts, hypnosis and less potent drugs!

…Stop laughing at me!

Do Not mess with other peoples medication.  Ever.

Frankly this is one of the worst things that a 'would-be friendly dom' does to Elizabeth that I can think of off of the top of my head.  You need permission.

And sadly, in reality, permission gained from hypnotism doesn't count...

Also, I think I figured out the schedule publishing option!  Hopefully this chapter doesn't get released three and a half hours early, but we'll see!

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