Capture Target

Chapter 83 — Y4: Training Montage

A special thanks to all my subscribers, especially those at rank [A]!  User#f2d0baad, User#6c53ee46,  Nemesis01, Teacher, and Ilwan!

Onii-san~  Onii-san~  Don’t you want to fuck your adorable little sister~?

I’m far too developed for my age, wear clothing that my parents should absolutely ban me from touching, and have a complicated and unhealthy obsession with you, Onii-san!  That makes me cute, vulnerable and hot!

And as an added bonus, due to my obsession with you, not fucking me makes you feel bad!

So you have to fuck me, onii-san~!

My onii-san is the best onii-san in the whole wide world!

-- ack hey hey no not the spray bottle - !



I might be on an incest kick.  And have been ever since telling you about that 'first kiss with your sibling' angelic curse.

But in my defense, I -- I --


It's really hot…?

…Okay I kinda don’t have a good excuse.  I was bored and horny thought ‘what’s the harm?’, studied all the family pictures around the house, and, uh.

Thought up and shapeshifted into a theoretical super hot jailbait little sister.

I even have brainwashing things ready, either just for me or for both of us!  To make it more real!  One for fake memories, one for rapid emotional development, and if you want to opt-in on the really kinky options, there’s – wait --

-- fuck.

This is the first time I've brought this up, isn't it?

…Yeah.  I’m sorry.  This is absolutely on me; I should've remembered to talk to you about this first, to ask if you're okay with this.  

…Yeah.  I promise.


So.  As part of my apology, why don't we do storytime early today?

Things both… changed, and didn’t change, after I broke down Takeo’s walls and insisted he fuck me whenever he wanted to.

They changed because I was spending a lot more time with Takeo.

They didn’t change because my schedule was still mostly the same?

Around thirty percent sex, twenty percent planning and/or scheming, fifteen percent socializing, and a whopping thirty five percent of sheer, unadulterated panic.

I had a letter from a goddess I was still ignoring, I had blessings I had to get, we had barely made any progress on the fourth landmass, and Takeo hadn’t given me a wedding proposal yet!

Right.  The brainwashing.  Y-yeah, no, that wasn't intentional, I'll keep a lid on it.


Jessica and I had already spoken with the two kings and everyone else.  We informed and insisted that as an Unreality Hive, the angels and demons were threats to the world just as much as the Evil God of Chastity and Virtue was.  

The kings spent a while talking with Takeo and helping him go through all his loop cycle knowledge of the fourth landmass, recontextualizing it all with how they were reality bugs and not people.  It didn't take long before Takeo agreed that the angels and demons were basically impossible to safely interact with, much less coexist and cooperate with, for anyone that lacked my perfect knowledge of Alchemical Corruption Twelve.

Meaning literally everyone but me.

After that, it was unanimous that there was nothing for it.  We needed to get rid of them.  

It was giving up on gaining the demons and angels as allies for the final battle against the Evil God of Chastity and Virtue, of course, but by this point, we were going further and further off-script every month.  

Big Bull was negotiating vassalage agreement for the Farmlands joining the Kingdom, offering to pay taxes and train his army in preparation for the final battle in exchange for the Farmlands being granted all the teachings the Kingdom had on alchemy.  It was only getting delayed as much as it was because he was juggling negotiating forming a new government with some of the less jerk-inclined Wildlands tribes at the same time.

Countess Callisto successfully pissed off Jessica the first time they met when Callisto told her 'you should thank me for improving that homely princess of yours', which started an argument that ended in a love beam exorcism.  With Callisto fully dead, there was nobody to govern and impose agreements on Ghost Town, so getting their help in the final battle was probably a lost cause now.  On the upside, as the one and only possession-immune person on the continent, Jessica was more than able to terrorize the troublemakers into line.  She even strong-armed things so the Kingdom could take over the Spectral Silver mine and run it like a normal mine, instead of it staying a creepy haunted mine dungeon whose ghostly overseer forced everyone who wanted to go in to pay a hot girl blowjob toll or get possessed.

While the specifics of our fourth landmass plan were still undecided, by that point?  We were firmly set on planning to win the final battle not through Alchemical Corruption mechanics or special tricks, but by fielding as many super-well-equipped elite armies as we possibly could.

Which, honestly?  By the track record of the Alchemical Corruption series, 'dogpile the bad guy with armies until they die' is pretty consistently a winning plan.  

However, this still left us with the question of how best to deal with the fourth landmass.  And, fortunately, Alchemical Corruption Twelve was eerily accurate for how to safely interact with and manipulate the demons and angels, reality bugs or not.  Which meant I knew the golden route for getting the best stuff out of them.

Betray Mistress Alice in the past, obtain the Sacred Rites of Infernal Influence that she couldn’t destroy in the future, and use them to legitimize the actual wife, Anna, while giving the mistress to another mayor in the past.  After that, the future is in the right position to purchase as many sets of 'Angelic Host Armor' as you want.  It's the best non-unique armor in the game, and Hayato was eager to equip entire knight and soldier units with it. 

It was actually really -- reaffirming, to see how well my knowledge worked on the fourth landmass.  So long as I followed the script exactly, I could perfectly predict what would happen.

But there was no information about what happened when one went off-script.

There were a few basic pieces of information, sure, but nothing about what happened if you did something really crazy.  Like dumping cocktails of super awful alchemical poisons into all the water wells in the demon towns, or claiming the [sacred rites] for yourself, or just planting bombs everywhere and blowing it all up.

We actually tried that first one.  Jessica went around and spiked all the demon town water wells.  When we flipped the fourth landmass to the future, there was no angel city, just a bunch of ruins and demon skeletons where the towns were.  We gave it a quick exploration, but we couldn't find anything useful or interesting.  The problem was when we flipped the fourth landmass back to the present, the demon towns just reset straight back to normal, as if nothing had happened at all.

And we had no idea what was up with the pastmen.  Even Alchemical Corruption Twelve's lore on them was kind of vague.

It was clear that if we wanted a permanent solution for the fourth landmass Unreality Hive, one that couldn't be undone with a quick trip to the Hall of Mirrors, we needed more information.

So that was what Jessica was going to be busy with for the next few months.  Use her timeline curse immunity to poke the fourth landmass with sticks and experiment in the hopes of finding something useful for us.  Mini in particular seemed really confident that she had some ideas.  

Which left me with a sudden stretch of spare time.

Fortunately, while this was earlier than I'd planned for them, this actually gave me the perfect opportunity to knock out a bunch of easy-but-time-consuming things I'd been putting off.

It was time for a rapid-fire blessing training montage!

I've stated before that I wanted to obtain eight of the twelve remaining blessings during my fourth year.  The eight blessings that I decided to aim for were from the domains of:

Technology, exhibitionism, voyeurism, rape, bondage, seduction, humiliation and breeding.

Of those, I needed a new implant for technology, a specific setup for rape, the last potential-freeing elixir for seduction, and two separate demonic curses for humiliation and breeding.

That left bondage, exhibitionism, and voyeurism.

And with Takeo’s help, I could achieve all three at once.

[Blessed Bindings] required that I spend a solid twenty four time slots in a row with my ability to move restricted to, at minimum, a mere seventy five percent of my maximum.

[Eager Exhibitionist] required that I, six times, get off on being exposed to a group of six or more people, or get off on a serious risk of actual public exposure.  With the latter counting for two of the former.

[Vigorous Voyeurism] required that I, by merely watching, go from ‘dry’ to ‘fuck me now’ without touching any part of my body while those having sex are ignoring me.  Or, at most, putting on a show -- however, no direct interaction was allowed.  So no talking to me, or touching me, or anything like that.  This needed to happen at least five times.

The solution, then, was obvious.

Become a bondaged-up sexy statue decoration thing for Takeo and his small harem for four days straight!

Naturally the bondage portion would be satisfied.  As would the voyeurism -- I would be stuck staring at them, getting wet and flat-out unable to touch myself.  Exhibitionism could be satisfied by showing me off to friends or, if we decided it was worth the risk, the public.

Frankly the only halfway difficult part was organizing the four-day orgy.  Normally the hardest part is the sidequesting, expense, and delay necessary in the game for commissioning the bespoke bondage gear this requires, but with my royal backing, the palace seamstress got it all crafted up in less time than the orgy even lasted.  

Now, I could go into detail about the full four days that I went through… but really, most of it was an exercise in sexual tension.  Having myself wet and raring to go and not getting relief was almost agonizing.  By the end of the first day, it took me a solid thirty seconds to understand when somebody was asking me a question, and then another thirty seconds to process what the question actually was.

Being held in that height of sexual agony -- mmph!

Anyway, I could go into full detail, but frankly -- it was a lot of the same thing?  Don’t get me wrong, the memory of it is a fun one for me to masturbate to.  Just being stuck there, tied up in warps, ropes, chains, and some very fancy clothing, occasionally being used or posed to display for the world -- so fun!  So so so so fun!

But just saying how I was leaking like a faucet five dozen times in a row doesn’t really share the tension, you know?  A proper story needs ups and downs!  Peaks and valleys!  Orgasms and refractory periods!

…That last one was a joke.

Yes really!  I’m not -- argh!  Whatever.

The point is, being tied up in bondage like that is a lot of fun for me -- but explaining it all to you in a way that makes you really understand how hot it was?

That’s a different matter entirely.

So instead I’m just going to give you some details because I want to brag, and then I’ll tell you what the blessings do.

Obviously a good portion of this story is me bragging.

I have the best sex life in two worlds.

Why wouldn’t I brag?

So, the first thing to keep in mind is the outfit they put me in.  There was the corset, of course, which had optional attachments to some long gloves and long long stockings.  Heels that were locked on were obviously a must, and everything had all sorts of fun hoops all over them to allow for easily tying me up~

The second thing to keep in mind is the struggle.

They’d rarely make it so that I couldn’t move at all.  That wouldn’t be fun at all, would it?  No.  So they made it, instead, that I had some key portions of my body unable to move properly, or at all.  Say, making it so that I couldn’t bend my legs, or so that my hands were tied behind my back.  This made completing various goals and tasks a struggle.

An outright unfair one, which is the best kind!

I was given offers of rewards for success, and threats of punishment for failure.  The rewards were, usually, finally getting to cum good goddesses they made me need it so badly!

The punishments were usually…

…Well, frankly, they were usually making me wear more bondage.

And leaving me dripping wet fucking -

-- sorry.  Still have some strong memories about that time.

I talk shit about Takeo all the time, but do not underestimate his skills as a bondage dom.

In that, and that alone, I will never insult him.

…A-anyway.  Um.  R-right.

On top of that, they occasionally bound me so that I couldn’t move at all -- and then posed me like a statue and just left me someplace for people to see!

It was so hot!

Risky as fuck, don’t get me wrong.  Don’t do that.  I’m pretty sure it’s illegal everywhere that isn’t MISSY.

But it was so hot!

I was just there, feeling myself tremble, stewing in raw arousal as people came to look at this oddly organic looking slutty statue that had been put up and posed.  Occasionally one of them would give me a poke and realize they could grope me and that always blissed me out.

It was fun.

And sometimes they just tied me up, bound me to a wall, and just started fucking each other!  Leaving me to do nothing but watch!

F-fuck, I’m getting worked up just thinking about it all…

I can focus, I can do this…

…Fuck it.

Pants off, now!

I need a break!

Much better~  Aaaaah… thank you kindly~

So!  I think I just about covered the ‘tied up in bondage’ part, yeah?

Time for the bleeeeeessiiiiings~!

[Blessed Bindings]
[Requirements:  Spend 24 consecutive timeslots with a maximum of 50% of your normal mobility due to external bindings.]
[Effects:  Muscle cramps due to staying in one position are vastly reduced.  Problems due to restricted blood flow are vastly reduced.  Soreness due to uncomfortable positions and locations is vastly reduced.]

I love this blessing, and not even because it makes staying in bondage for days at a time feasible.  I love it because it helps with exercise and training.  An unmentioned facet of this blessing is that it helps muscles recover faster in general!  Train until your legs are jelly, and you’re perfectly fine in a few hours with some food, instead of needing two days.

It’s great!  Just an overall boost to one's comfort in life, in a way that happens to really aid their bondage-related exploits.

Ten out of ten, would get blessed again.

[Eager Exhibitionist]
[Requirements:  Have an orgasm six times when exposed to a group of six people or more.  Or, have an orgasm three times while having a serious risk of complete public exposure.  The two methods can be mixed, with the latter counting for two of the former.]
[Effects:  Have a rough sense of how many people are observing you at any time.  Have an innate sense of all relevant public decency laws and how to get away with ignoring them.  The less skin your clothing covers, the more you are protected from injury and the environment.]  

This one was -- okay, so, I actually got this one much earlier than I thought I would.  Like, within a day of being tied up.  Turned out the orgy I took part in counted for this!  As did a few other times I was fucked, like getting defeated and raped by the Wildlands lizardmen!

So that was nice.

Now, this blessing has two annoying aspects, and two great aspects.  The annoying ones were the ‘observation sense’ and the ‘public decency laws’ sense.  The observation sense…

…Okay, it’s not bad per say.  It’s just, uh.  Embarrassing.  When you know you’re being observed by three or four people while having sex.

Hot embarrassing, b-but still embarrassing!

The decency laws sense, however, constantly interferes with my attempts to get dressed!

Every time I start putting an outfit together, I instinctively go, ‘Hm, you know, I could show a bit more skin if I fold it this way…’  And then, without even thinking about it, I fold the dress to show a bit more cleavage.


Every time!

I need to actively work to cover myself up more, and yes, before you say anything, usually that’s fine.  UsuallySometimes, however, I want to put together something more complicated, or something that works better by hiding more skin, and then this sense just gets in the way!


It’s frustrating!

The good parts of it, however, more than make up for it.

The protection?  Absolutely broken.  Claire, goddess of exhibition, is a former adventurer who hated needing to wear armor and cover up to be protected in fights, and so she tuned all her blessings so that people don't need to!  

This blessing has a particularly strong version.  The protection scales up to, if you're completely naked, having defense stats on par with endgame armor!  You can walk through blizzards, sandstorms, and near lava without even getting uncomfortable!  

Unfortunately… that requires me to be naked naked.

And clothes and high heels are way sexier than being naked.

So in practice I don't get the max benefit, but it’s still really nice!

But the best part of it all?

The ‘being watched’ sense applies to the gods.

It's not perfectly precise for the number, and it doesn't tell me who.  But if I'm alone in a room and sense somebody or a few somebodies are looking at me?  Yeah, then I know.

…It was a touch uncomfortable that I could tell, from that point on, that I always had at least one person paying attention to me except when I was alone and under Atlantean Alloy.  Uncomfortable, but a good warning. 

Now, the last blessing~!

[Vigorous Voyeurism]
[Requirements:  Get aroused from watching individuals have sex while they do not interact with you five times.]
[Effects:  Their pleasure is your pleasure!  Receive a small echo of the pleasurable sensations that others in the same sexual escapade experience.  You’re welcome~]

…I gotta admit that the varied ways in which the goddesses format their blessing effects tends to throw me.

Either way, this one is -- well, uh -- it’s pretty basic.  does exactly what it says on the tin.

It makes good sex even better!

It works best in an orgy, of course, but even with just one partner?  It’s amazing.  It also really helps you know how to give somebody a perfect blowjob, you know?

It was a fun four days getting a whole three new blessings.

As I was formatting this for Scribblehub, I caught sight of the line, 'I have the best sex life in two worlds!  Why wouldn't I brag?' and that just really tells it all, doesn't it?

It's starting to get a bit trippy writing A/N's for chapters that are twenty or so behind what's up on Scribblehub.  I'm going to have to figure something out about that for when I start my next project...

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