Capture Target

Chapter 84 — Y4: Shimizu’s Mirror

A special thanks to all my subscribers, especially those at rank [A]!  User#f2d0baad, User#6c53ee46,  Nemesis01, Teacher, and Ilwan!

Hm?  Ah, hello.  Ready for storytime?

…?  No?  I’m fine.

Yes, really.

Yes, really.

Look, some days, I’m just not in the mood for sexy teasing, okay?

…Yes really!

This is, what, like the ninetieth time we’ve met up?  Something like that.  I can’t always have something sexy ready to go!

I am not sick!

If you keep this up, I’m using the spray bottle.

Hehehe, you think that would save you?

I bought my own!

And it’s filled with cold water and ice cubes, just like yours!  

…Well of course I made it because -- uh, well, I needed it for – uh -- 

Nevermind, no, stop talking, storytime!

So, right.  I had three out of the eight blessings I was aiming to get during the fourth year of the Land Grab.  And we still had no idea what to do about the Unreality Hive.

And I was still ignoring Modesty, so, you know.  Probably not my smartest move.

I was aiming to get a few more blessings before the month was out.  In particular, I was aiming for the blessings for Rape and Breeding.

The specific blessings I was after required, respectively to Rape and Breeding, 'somebody I trust rapes me' and 'I get pregnant from a family member'.  And to mention it again, MISSY's various tweaks include incest not having genetic issues for kids, so it was -- uh, maybe 'fine' isn't the wrong word, but you get what I mean.  

As for what those specific blessings were, well.  Most of the goddesses have several different blessings they can offer.  The one with the most possibilities is the goddess of submission, Leola, who has so many she has resorted to sorting them with alphanumeric codes.  In the games, different settings can have different bonuses; some make it easier or harder to obtain others, and some can even lock you out of content.  

The breeding blessing I was after was, specifically, [Improved Genetics].  It’s one of the few ways to get an actual boost to your person through a blessing, as opposed to something that just makes you weaker for certain kinds of kinks.

Meanwhile, the rape blessing I was after was [Friendly Fire], which really amplified Modesty’s amelioration of how rape felt when it was done by somebody close to you.  This was becoming increasingly important as my friends and family became lewder and lewder.  Not because they were doing anything intentionally, but, like -- how to put it…

Shimizu is the most obvious example; with her extra pair of balls, she regularly needed draining, and she was taking some liberties to get what she needed.

Which, I want to emphasize, was fine.  We had talked about it and I had even agreed -- my own libido needed regular sating, after all.  But the dynamics of it were getting complicated for me.  With how divine politics were becoming increasingly relevant, the lack of control I had over my own life was… 

Eugh.  Eugh.  

I was gagging on it!

No not literally, but -- gag reflex!  Wanting to suck a massive delicious cock and gagging on it!

Yes that's the metaphor I'm going with!  I wanted it, but I kept getting emotionally worn down by the lack of freedom and reflexively disliking and shoving back on the hotness I wanted and it was horrible!

And [Friendly Fire] was how I was going to fix it!

I knew exactly how to get both blessings!  All it required was a small demonic curse and the help of somebody close to me~

No, not my sister!

There was one issue that we had before I could get the curse I wanted.

Something happened with Shimizu.  

The day I was planning on getting the curse, we were doing a lot of swapping the Hall of Mirrors and fourth landmass back and forth between the demons and angels, setting things up.  I wanted one very specific curse, and it had taken a lot of time finessing the details to set things up properly.  

While we were doing so, we were trying to avoid getting caught in the Hall of Mirror’s magic.  That would be an invitation for disaster if we were unprepared when it happened.

Unfortunately… when setting things back to the demons, Shimizu noticed that one of the mirrors reflected absolutely nothing.  And she took a second look, curious, before any of us realized what was happening.

Most of the time the reflections from the mirrors are just -- odd.  Interesting, but odd.  It’s only when it shows a view from the past or the future that you should be worried, and we all knew that.  So when Shimizu saw a mirror that seemed to just show a white void, she was, naturally, curious, and didn’t think that it was anything dangerous.

…It -- I suppose it wasn't dangerous, exactly, but…  

See, there’s this -- thing, about Shimizu, in Alchemical Corruption Twelve.  She’s the only member of the party that doesn’t have any ‘past’ scenes in the Hall of Mirrors.  She has future ones, sure, but not past.  I never really thought it as important -- it was just one of many odd facts about the games that I had rattling around in my head.

We haven’t talked about it in a while, but I did mention how Shimizu was from another dimension, right?

That's what we'd all thought.  But the mirror showed Shimizu her 'past', the truth.

She wasn't from anywhere.

Shimizu had been created by the chief god, wholesale from nothing, because the chief god had a momentary whim that adding an isekai swordswoman to the Land Grab sounded like it'd be hot.

I’m not going to pretend to understand what Shimizu went through that moment, and I highly advise you don’t, either.  

But we can try to imagine it.  

Imagine that you thought your life was a string of bad jokes.  Bad things happened and keep happening, but you’ve managed to make the best of them, despite how they keep on dragging you down.  You’ve managed to surpass your history and you’re making progress on your own goals.

Now imagine that life was a lie.

Not that you misunderstood it, no -- it wasn’t that anybody tricked you.

It didn’t exist.

You had no past.

Those bad jokes?

They were all put there because somebody found it funny.

Your friends that you missed?  The guilt for your failures?  The parents that loved you?

None of it was real.  None of it was ever real.  It was all a script, a story that somebody came up with, because they thought that a person with that backstory would make for a fun character in their pornographic play.

That's what Shimizu told me, later, for that being what she… Saw, in the mirror.  The truth it forced her to experience, know, and accept.  

She said her only possible reaction was to just… shut down.

My plans for blessings, and, frankly, my plans for the fourth year as a whole, were suddenly put on hold.

Shimizu was my first ally in this world; the first person I went to, my first confidant, and my first and closest friend.  

And she ate a little less than two full meals' worth of food across the next three days.

I borrowed one of the royal palace's chefs to cook up an irresistibly delicious breakfast for her the fourth day after, which broke the dam and got her eating properly again, but she was… numb.  Like her emotions had all just, burned out and there wasn't enough left to want anything.

So, naturally, what helped snap her out of her funk were her symbiotic balls.

…Well, her symbiotic balls… with a little help.

I knew Liz was healthy enough, mentally, that all she needed was a -- jolt, of sorts, to get her back into the right headspace.  And having big needy balls full of cum was a great way to force somebody to take action.

See, Shimizu wasn’t somebody that was naturally depressed.  At the time, it sucked -- when this happened, she had already worked through her past, emotionally, and we had a hint of a path home for her -- but she was, at her base, a healthy and positive individual.  It was more that we just needed to… reboot her, in a way.

From the fourth day on, we managed to force her out of bed to do her katas every day, she ate all of her meals, but she wasn’t getting any better.  If anything, she was slowly getting worse.

But after a week passed, she finally showed a different emotion.  Frustration.  Or -- aggravation?  Something akin to that.  She was wearing the Sex-Shrouding Spats, so I couldn’t see it, but she was having an increasingly annoying hard on.  Her cock had actually already been hard for a few days, but it was just getting more and more distracting.

This was because I made a point of being Liz’s personal maid~

Remember the maid outfit I wore to sneak in on Takeo?

Yeah.  I wore that.  …After cutting another inch off of the skirt, of course.  Wearing that and calling her ‘Mistress’ while curtsying so that my cleavage was clearly on display?  Well.

Let me just say that, although it’s not impossible, it is hard to be truly sad when you’ve got a raging boner that won’t shut up.

She lasted two more days after that.  Getting increasingly frazzled.

And then on the morning of the sixth day?  I came into her room to drag her out of bed for breakfast and her daily katas, and I was hit in the face with some cum-soaked spats.

It turned out that the Sex-Shrouding Spats had a limit to them!  Who knew, huh?  And its limit was ‘one massive herm-boner’.  It got big enough, and leaked so much pre, that the things just decided to vacate her body.

Mind, her cock doesn’t actually increase in size, but it does increase in -- mmm -- potency?  Weight?

Something something metaphysical something something cocks are magic something MISSY something the chief god is a perverted moron something.

Either way, the result was clear.  Shimizu was panting, and glaring at her cock -- she’d gotten good enough at dealing with her arousal that she could still think straight.  …Mostly.  …Enough.

But that didn’t mean I couldn’t make it worse.

See, I know Shimizu.  I know that she likes to be in control, to feel like she has agency.  The fact that her past turned out to be a lie hit her so hard because she values her own control so very much.  Learning that her life was just a pre-programmed story to get a specific character had her questioning things like ‘free will’ and ‘predetermination’ and stuff like that.

I highly recommend never thinking about that without some very healthy distance from the thought.  It’s not something you want to poke at too closely.

So all I needed her to do was to take action.

I could initiate.  Given how Shimizu looked at me, I could tell that that’s what she wanted me to do.

But I didn’t.

Instead I acted like nothing was wrong, and I teased her.

I just moved my body in the way that I knew she liked; jiggling and getting close to her without actually touching her.  Chatting as I led her to do her katas.

Sure, there was, uh… a trail of pre that she left… but we had maids!  Good ones!  And Yuu, too!  They helped clean it up!

During the kata, I acted as a very verbal, and very emotive, cheerleader.  Moving and jumping and cheering as she worked out, because the more I moved, the more my tits and ass jiggled, and the more Shimizu wanted me.

I’m going to be frank, I almost thought that she wouldn’t crack.  I was getting worried that she would just accept it, and live her life as a permanently hard, pre-leaking cum-stained herm for the rest of her life.

I’m very thankful that she didn’t~

She got three quarters of the way through her kata, before she just -- stopped.  Her pupils were dilated, and a spurt of pre erupted from her cock as she panted.  She asked me if I would come over to fuck her.

…I said no.

She remained silent for a good ten seconds.  She knew me; she knows what I’m like, what I’ve been doing.  I’ve been inviting her to fuck me for hours, but I didn’t make a single move towards her, and I said no when she asked if I ever would.  I wanted her to take initiative.

She dropped the wooden blade to the floor with a wooden clatter as her head snapped towards me.

I just jerked a bit, not sure how to take the change in behavior… but before I could process things and make a plan of action, Shimizu was already on me.  Tearing off my clothing, taking my mouth with hers, and, shortly after, fucking me.

It was brutal.  It was savage.  It was so fucking hot!

There were three thoughts that I had when it was over.

The most important one was that Shimizu was on the road to recovery.  She had snapped out of her funk.  It would still take time, of course, and she’d have days when she was down, but she was moving forward.

The second most important thing is that that was one of the hottest fucks I had ever had oh my goddesses I can’t even tell you!  She was a beast!  And she just kept on having more in her!

It was amazing!

Finally was the least important thought.

That should have qualified me for [Friendly Fire].  I said ‘no’ to moving closer to her for sex -- that should have counted as saying ‘no’ to sex in general, which meant that, technically, that was rape.

…Look, I’ve already mentioned emotions and sex are weird in MISSY, so that’s not the point.

What the point is, is that I was owed a blessing I didn’t get.

I didn’t think it was a coincidence that said blessing was withheld by the goddess I had, by that point, spent almost a month snubbing.

I've had Shimizu's 'true' history in mind since shortly after I created her, along with how, and when, it would be revealed.

It's an important reminder that while Elizabeth has an upbeat attitude about things, the reality of MISSY is still very fucked up, and the fratlord-in-charge actively makes things worse.

This is also a play on what isekai characters actually are in fiction -- their old world is as fictional as their new one, even if we say it's the same earth as ours is.

...But don't worry too much!  Things will get back to being (mostly) lighthearted soon~

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