Capture Target

Chapter 87 — Y4: I’m Special!

A special thanks to all my subscribers, especially those at rank [A]!  User#f2d0baad, User#6c53ee46,  Nemesis01, Teacher, and Ilwan!

Okay, okay, I think you have it.  Now, remember, this runs off of my shards -- we could technically say that I’m the one casting the spells, and you need to keep that in mind.



Good.  Good.

And -- a-aah~!

Haa… haaa… haaaaa… okay, okay, that was -- f-fuck, that was good, but I’m exhausted now.

Just give me a bit to rest and ooooh fuck!

Haa… haa… haa…



I can’t -- c-can’t move, right now.

B-but that was so hot!

Just -- just need some… some time to… e-eh?!  Ah!


Bwuh -- I’m up!  I’m up!  I’m -- f-fuck, you made my tits massive!  I'm sitting up straight and my tits are resting in my lap!  

And my tongue is so sensitive!  Just b-breathing is -- the air on my tongue feels like -- and my desire to serve you as my owner is --

-- eh?

Nooo, no, come on!

You lasted so long!

Just another day?

Or ten?


That’s -- ugh!  Fine.  I guess.


Just… yeah.  Just turn me back, and give me some time to recover, and we can get to storytime.

…No, no, I’m just disappointed because it was so fun.

…We can do more later, right?



Return me to normal, I’ll get clean, and we can do some storytime!

Now!  When last we left off, I was about to get raped by my pet monster slash child, Brutus!

And I was going to go into details about what my body was going through~

I had spent over three years getting fucked, groped, molested, brainwashed, and just generally trained to be a sex toy trophy bimbo slave pet thing.  And that’s not exactly something that somebody can go through and come out the other end untouched.  Most people would probably have gone through some rather -- unpleasant emotions due to it.  Even most MISSY sluts.

Thankfully, I’m not most sluts!

So I just found it fucking hot.

And my body agreed.

Now -- remember.  MISSY is set up so that ‘sluts’ operate under different rules.  Both legally, yes, as telling a MISSY slut that they need to put on more clothes is an exercise in futility, but also physically.  

That includes the obvious things like the boobsockification of clothes and getting bigger boobs and everything, sure, but it's not limited to that.  The hotter a woman is, and the more ‘slutty traits’ they have, the more the world around them almost -- bends, to coerce them into increasingly sexual situations.

There is eventually a cap that’s reached, but, eh, that’s boring.

What’s interesting is that, at more extreme levels of corruption, the way it affects an individual becomes… broader.  It covers things that wouldn’t normally be touched.

For example, how ‘luck’ gets affected.

MISSY isn’t a reality that’s run based on random chance; that’s not to say that everything is deterministic, but things generally happen because of a reason, and ‘whatever was most likely in a truly fair universe’ is pretty much never it.

So a low-level slut might just find themselves getting discounts for body enhancement measures, or a slightly increased rate of sex monsters while roaming around.

A mid-level slut would start to have difficulty finding clothes that could hide their body.  They would need to be strong enough, or have a decent guard, whenever roaming an area with a risk of attacks.  Their chance of pregnancy would either be ramped up or cut down, depending on the slut in question.

A high-level slut would win random lotteries for a sex vacation.  Mad wizards would capture them for lewd experiments, and they would spend more days having sex than not even if they tried to avoid it.

Now, that broadening of powers works on every aspect that a slut is affected by the physical laws of MISSY.

In my particular case, how my body can be trained.

Again.  I had spent over three years being constantly sexually used and, in some cases, abused.  I had sex two or three times a day and that was only sometimes enough to sate my appetites.  I was being treated as if I was a ‘stress relief toy’, and I actively encouraged it.

Even here in Radianta, you can train the body to do a lot of truly wonderful, miraculous things.  We can treat a vehicle that we’re in control of as if it’s our own body.  We can train reactions and responses that move faster than we could think, predicated on outside stimuli.  We can even learn new ways to live in the world if we lose a limb.  It’s amazing!

And my body?

My body was trained to be fucked.

Every time I let somebody grope me as they tugged me over for a quick fuck session.  Every time I heard somebody make that particular growling noise that indicated they were ready to take me and promptly did so.  Every time I was pushed from zero to wetter than the ocean in a matter of moments.

All of that was training my body.  My mind, yes, but also my body.  

Before the first time I consciously recognized it happening to this degree, my body was already getting used to responding faster, and faster to others' hands and actions.  What would take ten minutes took five took one took thirty seconds took one second.

The right nose, the right physical stimulus, and I was realizing it was ‘time to get fucked’ faster and faster, on a deeper and more intrinsic level of myself.

Not ‘time to have sex’.

‘Time to get fucked.

Specifically that.  It was time for somebody else to fuck me.  Time for my body to prime itself to experience pleasure in response to another's actions.  Time for my ability to initiate and lead to take the backseat.

And I, in the early months of year four, had finally reached the tipping point.

When I was enough of a slut for long enough, while being trained enough, that my body just -- took over.

Brutus growled in my ear, and normally, I would need time to process that.  It had been a while since I heard a tree wolf’s mating growl, after all.  I would require time to recall it and understand why it was making me feel weird.  Then my brain and instincts would be polled to determine what my reaction was -- ‘hot’ or ‘hotter’ or, very rarely, ‘maybe another time’.  After that, my body would then examine the instinctive responses that my lizard brain would have stored, and then it would change how my body reacted.

All of that took time.

Time for the signals to fire, time for them to be interpreted, time for them to be understood.

Not anymore.

My body had, with the help of MISSY’s laws, went from that multi-step process to a much simpler one.

‘When signal for sex happens, prime body to be fucked’.

My brain was not required. 

It was a reaction as instinctive as jerking away from a glowing piece of metal, or gagging when one smells something truly disgusting.

My body didn’t need my mind to process things anymore.

It was hard coded.

My body had been trained and rewired.

When I heard Brutus growl, by the time I even processed and understood what I had heard, my pupils were already dilated.  My nipples were hard, my pussy was wet.  I was beginning to pant.

My heart actually hurt a bit for a moment, going from ‘calm’ to ‘sex’ at a moment's notice -- oh, don’t give me that look, it’s fine.  I got it looked after right after this, and because it was for sex and I was in MISSY, it was a quick fix.

But, yes.  My heart hurt for a moment as it immediately shifted from ‘calm’ to ‘sex’.  My lungs pressured me to gasp in lungfuls of air like I was running a marathon, and desire for pleasure started to overwhelm my priorities.

I had just understood that I had heard a mating cry from Brutus when I heard a little whine escape my mouth.  I knew that whine.  It was a whine of want and desire and heat and lust.  But I was still trying to process what my body was going through as Brutus carried me to one of the softer areas of his kennel, one of the many places he liked to rest when feeling lazy.

I had just barely managed to fully comprehend what my body was going through when I realized we had stopped moving.  My body, left without instructions from my brain, was moving in ways instinctual and lascivious both.

Two plus two was only slowly coming to equal ‘four’.  I was just barely at the tip of realizing what was going on, my mind lagging far behind my body.  I let loose a small gasp of surprise as I realized what was about to happen… which quickly became a hungry moan of pleasure, as Brutus fucked me through my panties~

He didn’t even care that they were there!  His cock just -- broke through the wet fabric, making his own entrance, as he proceeded to ram into me.

I was frazzled.  Trying to understand what was happening, and how it happened.  Mind grasping and reaching and trying to put the puzzle pieces together while the pleasure from my pets’ cock ceaselessly blew them away.

The only thing that made me realize what was happening was after Brutus came inside of me.

After I felt his cum flood into my womb, there was a moment of crystalline clarity.  It was like the world itself had decided to freeze, everything staying perfectly still, for a single moment… just so I could comprehend what was happening.

That the pet monster that I gave birth to had decided that I was excellent broodmare material, and was going to -- or already had -- fuck me pregnant.

It was around then that my human mind decided to give up.

It was too much.

I couldn’t keep up with everything that was going on.

The pleasure, the instincts, the realizations --

-- I just shut it all down.

So I could experience the pleasure without any distractions~

I got the Breeding blessing when I felt that impregnation heat pulse, and Modesty's blessing shortly after Brutus was done raping me.

Takeo, my rescuer, was just exasperated.

He said that, uh, this was the sixth time he’s seen this happen to me.

…A-anyway!  As for what the blessings were…

[Blessing:  Friendly Fire -- Elizabeth Version]
[Requirements:  Get raped by an individual you truely trust will not rape you.  Have the name of ‘Elizabeth Ambrosia’.  No individual has ever obtained this blessing version in the history of MISSY.  Obtain approval for this blessing from the goddess Modesty herself.]


  • Enhanced mental stability with regards to all sexual actions.
    • This effect is enhanced the less say one had in undertaking the action in question.
    • This effect is enhanced the closer one is to the other individual partaking in this act.
  • Falsifies the returns to divine shard data queries to conceal nonstandard and modified blessings, either by concealing their existence entirely or providing false data portraying them as being standard blessings.  This effect can be modified if one meditates on the desired effects.
  • Grants a low-level foundational instinctual understanding of shardcraft, particularly with regard to any errors or bugs in reality.
  • Warns one when their world shard data was accessed by a nearby shard to craft a simulation, along with providing estimated details of how much simulation time was processed.



[Blessing: Improved Genetics]
[Requirements:  Get pregnant with the child of yourself and a direct family member.  Certain monster species are excluded.  For a full list, please pray to the temple of breeding and broodmothers.]
[Effects:  The bearer of this blessing has their genetics cleansed once a month to ensure that there will never be any issues for them, or their children, due to genetic issues.  This includes the effects of inbreeding and incestuous relationships.  This grants an overall bonus to one's capabilities.  The [Maximal Enhancement] talent can now be obtained.]


So so so so soooo.

There’s, uh.

A lot there to talk about.

I’m going to start with the second one, because Modesty’s blessing is -- hooo boy, that’s a doozy.  Nope, nope nope nope, let’s focus on pregnancy right now.

So, the [Maximal Enhancement] talent.  That’s a -- okay, so, it’s -- 

Okay, um.  You know how Shimizu has [Physical Enhancement] and [Mental Enhancement]?  Yeah, well, [Maximal Enhancement] isn’t the combination of those two.

It’s better.

It improves everything that can be improved, as much as it can improve them, for each rank of the talent.

That’s what ‘maximal’ means.  ‘As large as possible given set constraints’.

Naturally that talent is broken.  You only hear rumors about it in the Alchemical Corruption series of games, and I was not expecting to even get a chance to obtain it!

That was not in Alchemical Corruption Twelve.  I was only after the 'overall bonus to one's capabilities' part, which in the game is just a nice, big flat stat boost.  

So something weird was going on there.

And then there’s Modesty’s -- uh -- everything.

The mental stability effect is what I was after, and I was rather relieved to obtain it.

The ability to hide weird blessing effects from gods that would query for it was awesome!  It wasn’t one without flaws, a goddess could look at my blessings on a deeper level and realize something was wrong, but this would keep them from having a reason to in the first place.

An instinctual understanding of shardcraft -- that was going to be amazing, I already knew.  I would be proven right, later, as we investigated the fourth landmass more, and then the fifth -- it was a ‘goddess send’, heh.

But the best part of it was the last one.

The ability to tell how hard goddesses are trying to manipulate me.  

See, while simulations in general weren’t going to work, goddesses could, if they really wanted, still use them for smaller interactions.  Or at least try to.  The effect is less ‘can see the future’ and more ‘you know what obvious mistakes to avoid and did some practice sessions to not stutter delivering your lines’, but that's still pretty potent

The big thing?  It is very draining on your mental energy batteries, to put yourself through an hour of simulations for every minute of conversation. 

Meaning how much simulation time a goddess was putting into a conversation, and at what points, was a direct indicator of how much effort they were pouring into getting the conversation perfect.  

If they spent a few minutes workshopping before doing a pick-up line to seduce me?  …Well, actually, that would be flattering to know that they put some effort in, but still, whatever.

If they were racking up entire hours of simulation time while having 'idle' conversation with me about how weird the past couple years have been in the Kingdom?  Then I know they're only talking to me to find out what I know, not to be friends.

It felt like I was finally carving out a space for myself.

Like I was finally, finally, getting the room needed to move, and that my options were starting to open up.

And that did more for my mental stability than anything else.

And done!  Bluh... released a touch early because I might be coming down with something.  Good thing it's the weekend coming up!  Hopefully it'll be a one or two day thing, and I can get back to writing before it impacts the schedule.

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