Capture Target

Chapter 88 — In Mad Science we Trust

And I'm back!

Sorry about that, everybody!  I got sick for around a week; that, combined with allergies, left my ADHD on overdrive with no method of focusing it at all.  But I'm back and ready to go!

And, as always, a special thanks to all my subscribers, especially those at rank [A]!  User#f2d0baad, User#6c53ee46,  Nemesis01, Teacher, and Ilwan!

Soooo… uh…

…Can we --

-- You don’t even know what I was going to ask!

…Okay, yes, I do want a repeat of last time.  But you didn’t know I was going to ask for – I am not that predictable!

…Shut up.

I know you’re not saying anything.  You don’t have to, not with those eyes.


So, uh.

…Are you certain we can’t have a --

Tch.  Fiiiine.

Storytime it is.



This is, I must admit, a fond memory of mine.

I was pregnant with Brutus’s kid, who would obviously be named Calamitus, when we reached halfway through the third month of the fourth year.

…Yes, I know we’ve been going slowly.  A lot was happening, okay?  The Unreality Hive meant we were all scrambling, and we couldn’t move forward until we at least had a plan for it.

Anyway, this was one of only two times during the Land Grab that we could acquire some of the legendary-tier ingredient item, the Yggdrasil Twig.  The second time would be exactly one full year from now -- again on the fifteenth day of the third month of the year.

This is the last item during the land grab that can be used to create a Potential-Freeing Elixir.

Getting the twigs was -- interesting.  The amount you can get is clearly influenced by how skilled of an alchemist you are, and the location that you can get them only lets in a single person.

I was the best alchemist of the group.

…And I was still pregnant.

Yeah, that was, uh -- that was some poor timing on my part, as you have to climb up a tree in order to get the best Yggdrasil Twigs…

…I, uh.

…Ended up cheating by bringing a slingshot instead.

I’m pretty sure the tree wasn’t happy with me shooting off the best twigs, but as it can’t say anything in its defense I’m going to claim it wasn’t a problem!

Immediately after getting the Yggdrasil Twigs, I sequestered myself in my room to make what would be the last Potential-Freeing Elixir that several of us would take.

By then, we had all sorts of rare ingredients to use.  Temporal Pebbles, Frozen Fire Fragments, Ancient Petrified Seeds, Desire Ashes…

…yes, Desire Ashes are an ingredient.  They’re formed, according to the game, when one is so consumed by their own desire that fire, quite literally, spontaneously combusts somewhere in the world.  When their desire dies down, the ashes left are ‘Desire Ashes’.

…I’m, uh, pretty sure that was just Dignity making stuff up for the description, since Desire Ashes only showed up on the reality-bug-infested fourth landmass.  Mostly entirely sure.

…Come to think of it, I have a lot of questions like that, about the Alchemical Corruption games.  Maybe I can ask about… hm.  Maybe.  Later.

Either way, they were rare, valuable, and very useful.

I only managed to grab a solid thirty six twigs, and I actually bungled two of the elixirs.  I wasn’t going to accept anything below an A grade at the lowest, so I was pouring valuable, and volatile, resources into my cauldron.

I ended up with a solid twenty two S rank elixirs.

Nine SS rank elixirs.

Two SSS rank elixir.

And one, incredibly valuable, impossibly precious, N/A rank elixir.

An elixir so perfect that ranking it was literally impossible.

I wanted to take the elixir then and there… but… I had other plans.

See, the third Potential-Freeing Elixir that you take is special.  It lets one cross a threshold of ability and growth.  In some games of the Alchemical Corruption Series, you literally get a third elixir before the final area leading up to the boss, to justify a massive growth in stats and abilities.

The elixirs are some of Argenta’s finest work.  They, somehow, take the desire of the soul, combine it with the strain on your body, and reify it.  Makes it real, makes it extant, gives a mortal a small taste of what a shard of divinity can do.

And the third elixir is when you cross over from ‘mortal potential’ into something -- more.

Not a god, not anywhere close to it.  But it’s the point where you can become a powerhouse.  Hayato and Kaiser are prime examples of what that looks like for warriors.  

…In theory, at least.  In practice, you need to roll triple sevens on six sided dice for luck to be born with Kaiser's level of raw potential, or to practically drown in potential-freeing elixirs while training like a madman like Hayato.

If a talent is going to be obtained or break through to the next tier, the best chance of it happening is when you take your third potential-freeing elixir.

So, naturally, there was one thing that I was planning on doing.

I was planning on cheating.

Remember how Sumiko was holding our secret divine shard?

Right, well, the only thing that she could really use it for, at least at the time, was to passively ‘read information’ on things and people around her.  She could do that goddess 'detect surface emotions' trick, for instance, and also analyze the composition of materials and objects. We were leery of risking her and her shard on scouting the fourth landmass, so for the most part, she continued staying on the backline.  She was, primarily, getting more practice with her shard.  Using it to scan things to help with alchemy and mad science, creating private simulations for her to run, things like that. 

She also used it on herself, her own body, slowly, and subtly.

…To make herself a better subby, milky cow.

Her body was subtly more durable.  It could heal a bit faster from being roughly groped or fucked.  Her tits were slightly more productive.

Nothing that couldn’t be excused as standard MISSY slut-affecting laws of reality, of course, but even so.

She can, and she did, use the shard in ways that couldn’t be detected.

And I wanted her to use it on me.

Specifically, while I drank my final Potential-Freeing Elixir.

I needed an excuse to be physically touching her while I drank it.  Otherwise, the shard would either need to send its energy through the world to me, or through the world shard to me, and both could be easily detected.  

Direct physical contact would let her use the shard to mess with me in a way that was entirely self-contained; so long as she didn’t leave any traces or do anything that would make it obvious something was wrong, which did limit her rather severely, she could do what she wanted with me.

Fortunately, there was a perfect ready-made excuse for her to be touching me while I drank the elixir.

She had finished the cybernetic augment she wanted to install in me, and it would be best installed when I was in a… malleable state.

Like while taking a potential-freeing elixir, for example.

I gave her three days after taking her own Potential-Freeing Elixir -- one of the SS rank ones; The SSS rank ones went to Takeo and Shimizu, as they were both some of our primarily combatants and were the only ones, besides me, that would have this be their third elixir.

Despite it being only her second, the elixir was enough to boost her [Scientist - A] talent up to [Scientist - S].

It was almost like she had a luck manipulator in the form of an overpowered shard of raw divinity hiding in her chest.

Either way, that was enough for her to improve the cybernetic implant she wanted to install in me, and that… well, uh.

That led to me being strapped onto a table.


Breasts with their own straps due to how big they were.

Sumiko looming above me.

Her grin was more than a touch worrying.

In one hand she held the N/A rank Elixir.

In her other she had what appeared to be a perfect sphere of shimmering silvery metal.

…It was around then that I realized that she'd never told me what the implant would do.

I trusted her, and she'd never brought it up!  

It was then that she told me, “You know, given how MISSY as a reality works… I’m confident that this elixir will be more effective if you absorb it while in the middle of an orgasm.”

…Now I don’t know about you, but I don’t think I can easily swallow liquid while in the middle of an orgasm.

I did try to explain this to her!

I did!

She didn’t seem interested in listening.  Said she ‘had a plan’.

She set the implant and the elixir to the side, and got out some kind of purple-ish gel she had prepared, and hidden from me, in advance.  It was held in a big bucket-like canister in one of her carts, the kind you heft up with your forearms to lift and carry.  She put on gloves and a face mask before even opening it, and I could tell why immediately.

The smell was kind of… like candy, but with some saltiness and a hint of spiciness.  It reminded me of roper goo, but the spicy tang wasn't quite right.  

And it immediately turned on my ‘slut’ mode.

I let loose a little gasp as my body, my still pregnant body, went from ‘zero’ to ‘fuck me’ in under a second.  That was bad enough.  It wasn’t enough to make me cum easily, but it was enough that a solid few thrusts and a tickle of my clit would have done it if done by a skilled partner.

But no, Sumiko had no interest in that.

Instead, she took this gel, and just started to -- gently -- rub it onto my body.  In a thin, even coat.

She started with my breasts, which had me moaning and trying to squirm, but the straps holding me to the table were tight and very well placed.

The cool liquid almost soothed my arousal as she placed it on my nipples, and made sure to get the space between my breasts, before she moved on to the rest of my body.

Over my belly, onto my arms, my neck, my face

She even folded away most of the table, right out from underneath me, so she could start putting gel on my back!  

The only parts she avoided were where my skin was touching the table or straps.  Places where my body could touch anything more than empty air.  She left a healthy gap between the gel and them.  

She eventually arrived to smearing the gel across my hips and ass, and it’s around then that I found out what the gel was doing.

By that point, it had been -- it was a combination of absorbed into my skin, and evaporated into the air, around where it was first placed.  Specifically, my nipples.

And I let loose a gasp as my nipples went from ‘hard as rock’ to ‘hard as fucking diamonds and also on fire’.

Suddenly my entire world narrowed down to those twin pinpricks of raw desire.  I needed to touch them.  I needed to tug them, to squeeze them, to lick them, to -- t-to anything to them!  They were so sensitive that I swear I could feel light itself bearing down on them!

But there was no friction!

I was tied as tight as I could be.  I couldn’t even wriggle, not really, and the parts that I could move were held down by the straps.

The same areas of my body Sumiko didn’t cover with the gel.

From my nipples, my entire breasts lit on fire next.

By then I wasn’t even paying attention to what Sumiko was doing.  She was touching areas of my body that felt dead to me when compared to the sheer sensitivity and desire of my tits and nipples.

I was moaning, maybe even crying in desperation as I strained against the straps holding me down, but I couldn’t move!

The flame of desire continued to spread, following the same path that Sumiko took as she covered me with that infernal gel.  Up my arms, over my back, my neck, my face, my legs --

-- and finally my slit and clit.

I screamed, then.

Not out of pleasure.

I still hadn’t cum.

There was still no friction to cum to.

I screamed out of want and need and desperation.

There was no room in my brain for anything but physical pleasure and seeking it.

My nippled were more sensitive than my clit normally was.

Hell, my skin was more sensitive than my clit normally was!

I was breathing heavily out of my nose so I could get some precious tingles from the scant wind I made on my chin out of a desperate desire to cum!

That was the closest I could get to getting any kind of friction!

I all but sobbed and begged Sumiko to let me cum.

And she just waited.  Watching.  As I melted into myself, as my brain all but devoured itself as it sought to even just process the signals it was receiving.  It felt like I spent years like that.

Sumiko would later reveal that it was only one minute and seventeen seconds after she finished applying the gel to when she let me orgasm.

And when she did…

…All she did was take a deep breath, and hold it.

Move her face down near my slit.

And then, with devious eyes, blew on my clit.

The pleasure broke me.

The relief broke me even more.

I couldn’t remain angry at her, all I could feel was gratitude for giving me the release I needed so badly!

With how sensitive my skin was, I just -- kept -- cumming.

As Sumiko gently pushed the round orb of metal against, and into, my slit.

And as she -- she actually injected the potential-freeing elixir into my veins, using a needle.  

…She had time to do so.

After all, I was stuck mid-orgasm for a straight seventy two minutes, with my heart thumping like a jackrabbit the entire time.

More than long enough for the elixir to suffuse my body and affect me.

And throughout the entire time, Sumiko had her bare hand on one of my wrists -- an area that was strapped down, and thus, gel-free -- to keep track of my heart rate.

…And to allow her to improve the effects of both the elixir and her implant using her divine shard.

…Though I’m still not sure it was worth the sheer torture that that gel caused me…

Never let it be said that there is no such thing as 'too much' of an orgasm.

Seventy two minutes straight... yeesh... fun as a fantasy, but thinking about actually going through that... the human body has limits!

Limits we would all rather not exist, but they yet remain!

One day, we shall improve our very species to the point where an orgasm that lasts over an hour does not cause me to wince.

...Sadly, today is not that day...

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