Capture Target

Chapter 89 — Y4: Numbers Go Up

A special thanks to all my subscribers, especially those at rank [A]!  User#f2d0baad, Nemesis01, Teacher, and Ilwan!


…We didn’t do it last time, can we…

Oh come on!

It was the best sex I’ve had since I’ve returned to this prudish reality!

Erk!  Um, no, no, that’s not necessary, really.  I can be patient!

…Please don’t swear off sex magic!

I -- but --

…N-no, no complaints!  I’ll do it right now!


…Not that I’m.  Complaining.  Per say.

But just.  Let me know the moment you’re okay -- uh, the moment you want -- me to remove this… unflattering… massive… cloth sack I’m in.

No, no, really, it’s not a complaint!  Just a, uh, a comment, a comment, that’s all!

…W-why don’t we move on to storytime now?  Yeah!  Yeah, that sounds great!


So so so so so so so!

Let’s go over the shiny fun upgrades my friends and I got before moving on to what happened after the whole -- ‘strapped to a table and tortured with pleasure’... thing.

Starting from the least impactful and going up…

Sumiko, as I mentioned last time, upgraded [Scientist - A] to [Scientist - S], which was just bonkers.

She also got, because she could manipulate her usage of her second elixir, [Sexual Stamina - C].

Because she’s a slut.

Yuki didn’t manage to upgrade her [Seer - S] talent, but she did get [Temporal Dodging - C].  This lets her dodge attacks before they happen, by, quite literally, dodging through time!

…Or to be more precise, dodging by using the incredibly advanced simulation capabilities of the world shard that runs the physics of reality.

Takeo managed to upgrade [Stamina Enhancement - S] to [Stamina Enhancement - SS], which is just bonkers.  And then, because apparently ‘protagonist talent’ wasn’t enough for him, he got [Defense Enhancement - B] and [Shield Use - C].

Because he’s Takeo, The Hero, and he’s fucking broken.

Shimizu managed to upgrade [Physical Enhancement] to A, [Swordmistress] to S, and got two new traits at C[Combat Instincts] and -- uh.


Okay she also got [Sex Slave Trainer], but I’m sure that’s just a coincidence -- sh-shut up!

As for me, I got some upgrades all across the board.

As a reminder, I had [Archery - C], [Endurance - C], [Mercantilism - C],  [Seduction - C], [Fire Magic - B] and [Elemental Magic (basic) - C].

I hadn’t managed to get a lot of upgrades over the three-and-some-odd years years of the Land Grab, so when I took my third elixir Sumiko had a lot of room to improve me~

[Archery] just went up to rank B, finally[Endurance] became [Sexual Endurance - B], because, why, yes.

I am a slut.

And proud of it!

[Mercantilism] got an evolution, and went up to rank B, too!

As for [Seduction] -- eh?

Oh, no, it was, uh.

It was a minor change, really.  Nothing important.

There’s no real reason to know what --


You’ll let me out of the sack?

…And won’t make me put it back on?


[Mercantilism - C] became [Prostitution - B].

…I can tell you want to laugh!  Hrmph.  

Whatever.  I’m going to get on something flattering while you let it out of your system.



Now, [Seduction - C] actually jumped way up to [Enhanced Seduction (Pheromones) - A], which was insane.

The name means that it was a form of the seduction talent that was ‘enhanced’.  In this case, enhanced with pleasant, lightly intoxicating, aphrodisiac pheromones.

That one was going to come in handy when I went after the blessing from the goddess of seduction.

[Fire Magic - B] and [Elemental Magic (basic) - C] got folded together into [Elemental Magic (basic) - B], which was a very solid boost.

I also got [Maximal Enhancement - C]!  I have no idea how Sumiko managed to finagle that; she herself once told me that it was a very near thing.  It alone managed to boost me to the point were I could fight -- uh --

…Okay, I very much couldn’t fight on the same level as the insanity that is Hayato or Kaiser.  Shimizu and Takeo were both far beyond me, as well.

But I was ahead of Yuki and Sumiko!

So.  Uh.  Y-yeah!


Then there’s the cybernetic implant that -

You’re getting too good at reading me.

Yes, fine, there was one more talent that I got.

I got [Sex Master Trainer - C].

-- Yeah yeah, laugh it up…

So, with those out of the way, time for my new cybernetic implant!

Sumiko was very clever with it.  See, it seemed to just be a straight upgrade to my slit and womb.  A kind of -- lining, of sorts, that enhanced sensations from them and my control over them.

This was actually, and I kid you not, very useful for combat, as I could turn the sensations my slit was sending me down to almost nothing.

And in MISSY, being able to turn off pleasure from a primary sexual characteristic is very useful, when most enemies have some kind of lust or pleasure based attack!  

That said, that was only part of what it was designed to do.

The biggest feature of this enhancement, and one that she managed to hide from the gods, was a form of mental reinforcement and data backlog.

More specifically?

It made my memory tamper-proof.

Everything I experienced and remembered would be recorded, and in the event of any kind of divine fuckery, it would ensure I would not forget a thing.

Now, how a metallic-looking egg-like thing that was shoved into my snatch did all of that?

I have no fucking clue.

But Sumiko is smarter than me, had the [Scientist - A] talent while designing it and the [Scientist - S] talent while finalizing it, and she had a divine shard that she could use on things that she touched… so long as she was very, very careful while doing so.

So I’m going to assume until proven otherwise that she, somehow, cheated.

Don’t get me wrong, I was and I am intensely grateful for it!  It’s stupidly useful!

Just, uh, you know.

…Trying to figure out how it works gives me a headache.

Hm?  Oh, Sumiko called it a ‘Pussy Brain’.

Wha - no!

No I do not think more with my pussy than my brain!

I only remember more -- aaargh!  Stop it!

Moving on.

With my fifth cybernetic implant, I finally got the [Technosymbiosis] blessing!

[Requirements:  Have five or more cybernetic implants installed into your body that would cause complications to remove, and have them all be present and active at the same time.]
[Effects:  Cybernetic implants can now merge with your biological systems instead of merely interfacing with them, allowing your implants to heal organically.  You have increased control over your cybernetic implants, and their powers and capabilities are enhanced.]

This blessing actually helped me gain the [Maximal Enhancement - C] talent.  My cybernetic implants were widely spread across my body.  They connected to the three most important organs of the body -- brain, heart, pussy -- and more!  And with my new blessing, they were fully integrated into my body, to the point that drinking alchemical healing potions and medicines would directly heal them to mint condition.

That kind of spread-out, comprehensive and holistic improvement is exactly the kind of thing you need for [Maximal Enhancement].

But!  That’s not all!

I actually managed to get a completely different blessing, one that I was not expecting!  One from Daria, Goddess of Dominance!  The paired, matching blessing to the one I'd gotten from Leola, Goddess of Submission, years ago.  

[Dom’s Desire]
[Requirements:  Do not have the Sub’s Desire blessing.  Have shown your dedication to doms and their ever-increasing power over you in an irrefutable manner.]
[Effects:  Instinctive knowledge of who, and what, would be a good dominant for you.  Increased desirability as a submissive for all those with the Dom’s Fun or Sub’s Desire blessings.  Doms will instinctively know your weak points -- physical and mental.]

Yeah I was, to be frank, not expecting that.

But, uh, hey.

Apparently [Sex Master Trainer] is useful for something, right?

It took me maybe ten minutes to adjust to all of the changes I went through due to my third and last potential-freeing elixir.  Every talent gaining a grade, most of them evolving in some way, two new talents, and two blessings?

Coming to me while I was recovering from one of the most intense orgasms I could even imagine?

Yeah, it took me a bit.

Fortunately Sumiko was… well, either she was being nice, or she was giving me pity.

Frankly I didn’t care which, I was just glad she was dusting the powdered counter-agent to the aphrodisiac gel all over my body.  I really needed that.

Apparently Sumiko just keeps some of that applied to her nipples when she’s going to get milked.

Just -- regularly!

I’m a subby subby slut slut, yes.

But that sounds insane.

The gel was made using some of the tentacle goo that Yuki’s roper exudes, except, ah.  Both concentrated and with a few added ingredients that made it even more potent.

Tentacle goo is already one of the most intense naturally occurring aphrodisiacs in MISSY, making it stronger is just…  


Hot, but horrifying.

Sumiko spent the rest of the day showing off some of her more… creative… inventions to me, while I recovered from the experience.

Seriously, an orgasm that lasts over half an hour… just remembering it is making parts of my body sore…

Not much happened after that.  Nothing interesting, anyway, not for a few months.

Calamitus was born as another healthy male tree-wolf, and Brutus did a lovely job raising and protecting him.

Our enhanced powers from the Potential-Freeing Elixirs gave us a healthy boost in our general competence when exploring the fourth land mass.  We had just about obtained everything that we wanted to -- the rare resources, the oddly convenient arms and armor that they can produce, things like that -- and it was nearing time to start experimenting.

We knew that the demons and angels were reality bugs.  We knew the entire fourth landmass was a reality hive of terrifying proportions.

We also knew that any normal method of killing the demons and angels resulted in… uh… nothing permanent.

…We would rather they be dead than rely on them for the final fight against the Evil God of Chastity and Purity.

Thus, our focus shifted.  We had already grabbed most everything we wanted, and it was time to really focus on what I like to call:  ‘Poking it with a Stick’.

…What?  Poking things with sticks is a time-honored, and time-tested, scientific procedure!

The first several ‘poke-with-stick’ experiments ended up doing… nothing interesting, really.

We went at it with a scientific mindset.

Of course, we had no idea what was going on -- literally no idea -- so by ‘scientific mindset’ I mean ‘did random shit until something strange happened’.

I mean -- okay, look, we had theories, but we had no evidence for any of them.  For example, we generally thought that the pastmen had something to do with what was going on due to how hard they are to reach and interact with, but that’s… uh…

…That’s like saying you think wood will sink because trees are heavy and hard to move.

It could be true, and it was definitely on our list of experiments to run, but the effort it would require meant we started with simpler, easier to complete experiments instead.  So we did random things to see what would happen.

Like real scientists!

Trying to blow up the hall of mirrors failed.  It could tank anything we did to it, and if we got really aggressive it started to reflect the attacks back at us.

So that was a no-go.

Destroying all of the demons in the past, and seeing what the angelic city in the future looks like?

Nothing interesting.

We tried poison, causing an inter-tribe war, and pointing Kaiser at the tribes and saying ‘have fun’.

In all cases, there were no more demons.  And going to the angelic city revealed ruins.  And going back to the demonic tribes revealed…


Demons back to normal as if nothing happened.

Kaiser was very much put out by that.

Dragging demons and angels through the hall of mirrors was -- well, it was amusing to hear their offended shrieking, but other than that it was a failure.

We couldn’t even drag them out of the fourth landmass!  They just -- got stuck on some kind of invisible barrier!

It wasn’t until I got an idea based on one of the odder things in Alchemical Corruption Twelve that something interesting happened.

There’s a particular curse that you can get the strongest demon to give you if you really insult him.

The curse is, ‘Within ten days from now, you shall be raped by me and my kin until you break’.

Now what ‘break’ means is actually rather variable, but that’s not important.  What’s important is the time limit.

Within ten days, the person who gets that curse will get raped by the demons of the fourth land mass until they break.

You can keep them away from the demonic tribes -- heck, you can even have the fourth landmass stuck on the angelic city instead -- but it doesn’t matter.

By the time the tenth day starts, you get a cutscene were the individual in question is ‘wondering the fourth landmass’, and they end up getting raped until they ‘break’.

Usually this means, you know, ‘begging for more’ or ‘saying they never want to leave’ or ‘admitting they deserve it’ or even just ‘reaching maximum corruption’, stuff like that.

But that time limit is the important part.  It’s the only demonic curse with one.  And I wasn’t just an NPC.  We could set things up to ensure that it wouldn’t happen, no matter what was tried.

Not that, you know, anybody would ask me to get raped by demons until I broke.  Not even in the name of science.

…So I volunteered!

And thus began ‘Committee Hell’.  I really miss treating everybody like tools sometimes… it was an exhausting three hours of people arguing back and forth over whether to let me risk myself with this experiment, or if we should just skip to poking the pastmen directly.

I admit to getting more and more annoyed as the debate went on.  Yes, I understand why people like Jessica were worried for me and didn’t want me to, but it honestly sounded fun to me.  And it’s not like we weren’t all taking risks.  This was what I was good at!

Getting fucked lots and recovering afterwards!

In the end I just pushed through everybody’s complaints and said that I was doing it anyway.  I was the one that would be in danger, this was an easy thing to attempt, and it would be an experiment that would either force a response or disprove an assumption.

And either of those would have helped push our understanding forward.

The preparation was fairly simple.

Have Kaiser and Jessica kill all the demons in the present era fourth landmass.  

Zaylee waits in hiding in the hall of mirrors as a lookout for anything weird.

Then stuff me in a glass box, and wait.

It was a straightforward plan.  And to be clear, it was a very nice glass box!  It was transparent, alchemically reinforced, holes for air, a lovely bed, all sorts of things!  It was only for the night of the tenth day after getting the curse, anyway.

Things were going great -- until the time limit was reached.

I could feel… something.  Something was giving me goosebumps.  A few machines that were around the room, outside of my nifty little glass box, started beeping at my watchers.  In an angry way.  You know what I mean, the ‘Listen Up Stupid Human, Shit’s Gone Bad’ way that only machines can manage.

What happened next, I didn’t experience.  Not really.  But I remember it, thanks to my new cybernetic implant from Sumiko.

To say that time froze would be inaccurate.  Everybody was experiencing things at the exact same rate of time as before.

But that didn’t mean that others couldn’t experience time at a much, much different pace than us.

And 'moving so fast it's almost like you froze time' is almost as good.

So that's why I'm the only one that has any memory of the Pastmen walking through the walls of the room, their leisurely pace making clear their complete and rightful confidence that they were untouchable.

I got it oooout!


Past few days have been -- interesting, to say the least.  Leaving me with my head in an odd space.

Good news, things should remain on schedule from here on out.  Bad news, I'm bad at schedules, so... eh?  At the very least things should remain mostly on schedule from here on out!

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