Capture Target

Chapter 90 — Y4: Unfortunately Unbreakable

A special thanks to all my subscribers, especially those at rank [A]!  User#f2d0baad, Nemesis01, Teacher, and Ilwan!

I’ve been good for days now!  Come oooon, just, just, fuck me already!

No!  Not like that, fuck me with sex magic!

Come ooooon, isn't it worth getting a little tired?  It's like a muscle!  Like exercising to get your stamina up!  

Except instead of being awful it's fun because it's sex!


Still no.


Fine, I see how it is.

Mmmm… no, no, I don’t think I will tell you.  You’ll have to fuck it out of me if you want to know.

Suit yourself~

Storytime, then?

So there’s this thing about having time stopped that I find -- rather infuriating about it, to be frank.

Yes I did say that time wasn’t technically stopped, and that remains true.  The pastmen were ‘merely’ moving at ridiculously fast speeds to the point where it was as if time stopped for them, and --


Can ‘magic’ be the answer?

Ugh!  Fine!

So I’m not going to bother explaining how I know all of this stuff.  I learned some of it later, some of it is our theories on their ability, and some of it is… well, bluntly, some of it is blatant guesswork.

So.  When the pastmen moved at 'technically not time stop' speed, they were very limited in what they could interact with.  Like, at all interact with.  

For example, they couldn’t even interact with the air around them.  They were all wearing these gasmasks with tubes connecting to air tank backpacks.  

This meant that, no.

They did not constantly break the sound barrier as they moved, stopped, and changed direction.

It also meant that, no.

Momentum was not a problem for them.




On top of that, what they could interact with, they couldn’t really -- push -- a lot of force into it.  Which was, uh, good.  Because energy equals mass times acceleration squared, and the acceleration of ‘faster than the eye can see’ is very fucking high.

It would mean that they would break anything that they just touched.  Heck, they’d probably break themselves if it wasn’t for this ‘softening’ effect.

In the end, what they could do is move around, take a look at the state of how things are, and pick up and move very specific things in a manner that will not harm them.

Not as powerful as it seems when put like that, is it?

Still absolutely bonkers, but not too much more-so than a whole lot of surveillance.

So.  Happy about why them even moving didn’t break everything around them?

Okay.  Good.

So -- uh -- where was I?  Right!  Right.

So.  The problem that I have with ‘stopped time’ kink is that only the person who’s stopped time gets to feel anything that happens!

Everything else happens too fast for somebody to realize what’s going on!

Now having people frozen is different.  Having them unable to move or notice you while you can still make them nice and wet is something completely different.

But having time stopped means that they can't feel or react to anything that happens to them!  

I much prefer the idea of somebody being selectively intangible.  Able to grope and tease somebody through their clothing, with nobody else being able to see or notice it, as they have to go about their day -- mmph!

It’s hot!

Now that said, there is a certain thrill to realizing that your body was, in essence, a frozen sextoy for a group of evil thugs that picked you up and just carried you to another location.

They carried me through walls!

I still couldn’t move, but it was like I had joined their ‘can’t interact with anything’ aura -- thing.

They communicated with each other using gestures and handsigns since they couldn’t talk to each other at the time.

Well, that, and with some kind of complicated language that I’m pretty sure used ‘groping the slut’ in place of sound for words.

The thing that pisses me off most about being kidnapped by these things?

I didn’t get to feel them groping me!

I had it all recorded!  Perfectly recorded, perfect memory!  But that record was all raw data!  It was like watching a movie!

Oh sure, I knew that my tits got groped five hundred twenty seven times, and that they slapped my ass a grand total of one hundred thirteen times, but the recording only has the knowledge of what they did and how they did it.  Not how it would have felt!

It’s so infuriating!

The vast majority of the information I managed to record was something that would have been hot if I could only have felt it!


And most of what was left was barely useful!

…Okay, that’s -- a bit of an exaggeration.

I did learn some useful pieces of information.

Just, you know.

It’s so frustrating!

So.  Here are the main things that I learned:

  • The pastmen were as evil and crude as Alchemical Corruption Twelve represented them as.  They created the demons using what we presumed, and later confirmed to be, their own energy.  That’s why they always ‘respawned’.  The entire demon-angel time split was a giant game they set up to amuse themselves with.  Laughing at the predictable conflict the demons and angels did to themselves, and at how they dragged other people into their fights, all the while being safe from any consequences.

    Sound familiar?

  • They also kidnapped my maid, Zaylee.  They didn't hold her long enough to do anything, but it still wound up making things more complicated.  We'll get to her later. 

    Presumably, they’d kidnap anybody who was on the fourth landmass during a reset -- it wasn’t something I was aware of, as that was never an option in Alchemical Corruption Twelve.

  • They had a secret method of interacting with the hall of mirrors, that let them skip the twenty seven step setup that was normally required if you wanted to get to the pastmen’s time.

To explain a bit more about that last point…

I’ve mentioned before how pastmen looked like humans.  They moved like humans, they talked like humans, but they were completely and utterly amoral.  Any attempt at pretending otherwise was just that -- pretend.

They can not and did not have any form of redeeming qualities.

…Well, they were kinda hot, but sadly ‘hotness’ has no relationship to ‘morality’.

Which is a real shame…

Ah, anyway… Even while they were setting up the demonic tribes, they were constantly swiping at each other in ‘playful’ attempts to literally kill each other.

They seemed to have something that was keeping them from making their attempts more serious… but from the lack of anything but amusement when one pushed another off a tall cliff to splatter on the ground far below?

They clearly had no sense of empathy, even with each other.

It was honestly kind of disturbing, so I’m going to skip to something better for my soul.

Me getting gang raped by demons!


This was a great time!

It was absolutely and utterly fantastic and amazing and I only wish it could have lasted longer!

Sadly, it wasn’t actually that -- you know.


I mean, I’m sure they thought it would be.  That was surely their intent.  I mean, from my perspective, one moment I was in my glass box, and the next I was naked in a pillory surrounded by demon cocks.

And don’t get me wrong, it was great!

They fucked my pussy, my tail, my mouth, my tits… they groped my breasts and butt until one could almost see their handprints on them… they didn’t even let me take a break as orgasm after orgasm wracked through my body…

…But, uh.

See, it’s -- uh -- how to put it…

…The curse was ‘be raped by me and my kin until you break’.  Yeah?

I had taken the curse despite others telling me to not, because I was very confident that I could take it.  I knew I could.  I’d been through a lot of sexual torture by that point.

And the demons raping me was just --

-- well.

It was physically pleasurable.

Physically exhausting, too, but mostly pleasurable.

But -- mentally?  Emotionally?

Sure sex makes your brain go weird with emotions, but I knew that the demons weren’t people.  They didn’t have proper emotions or reactions.  They were real life living NPC’s, unable to learn or even adapt to new situations.

So there was no real -- uh -- emotional heat behind it, for me?

They could have raped me until they broke me physically, but the chief god doesn’t actually like blood when it comes to sex.

So they, you know.


And they could have broken me mentally by just ‘not letting me sleep’, but that would have -- well, it wouldn’t have really fulfilled the curse?  Sure, technically it would have, but it would be breaking me by physical torture instead of rape.

So they didn’t do that, either.

Which left trying to break me with pleasure, and, uh.






No, that…

…They couldn’t do that.

They weren’t skilled enough.

I had gotten past the point where ‘physical skill’ was enough to make me cum my brains out.  I needed something more to really enjoy it.  Some kind of aphrodisiac potion or an emotional connection to what was going on was required for true heights of pleasure.

And sure, they, you know.

They did try some aphrodisiacs, but…

…Well, none of it was even a fraction as potent as Sumiko’s enhanced tentacle goo.

So that was… well, it made it more fun for me, but it wasn’t really… you know… going to break me.

It was more like… some tasty seasoning on a delicious meal, you know?  Something that adds to it, really elevates it, but doesn’t transmute it into something else.  It was just a tasty addition.

I didn’t know where I was while this was going on.  As far as I could tell, I was in a surprisingly well-lit underground cavern of sorts.  Demons surrounded me, making them suck them off, fucking me in any hole they could find, groping my tits and ass… using me, abusing me…

…and it was just.  Kinda.

…Like a relaxing spa day?

That -- I know that’s not the normal reaction, dammit!  You don’t need to look at me like that, I know it’s not normal!  Okay?!  I knew it then and I know it now!  

But that doesn’t change how I felt about it!

Their cocks weren’t even that great!

None of them were addictive like Shimizu’s, or had a mind of their own like Yuki’s tentacles, or were able to fuck me for hours without cumming like Takeo’s -- they were just big!  And veiny!  And bumpy and ridged!

And sure that felt great but it wasn’t enough!  Not to break me, not really!

I figured out rather quickly that that wasn’t going to be done any time soon, so I just -- you know -- relaxed into it.

Enjoyed it.

Occasionally making moans of pleasure or wriggling to invite more, but that was -- you know -- that was it.

The worst thing about it was that they didn’t let me eat anything other than cum.  Which was, you know, fine.  It was demon cum.  Enhanced with pleasure and aphrodisiacs, and enchanted to taste rather good.

But the texture was the same every time, and after a while I would have killed somebody for something crunchy.

Just some crackers!  A pretzel!  Anything that wasn’t soft or liquid!

I was later told I had spent a solid three days trapped in the pillory.

When this event was supposed to take a single time slot, everybody, quite naturally, got worried when I didn’t show up again.

So they went searching for me -- and with Sumiko’s help, they actually managed to find me.

There was, like, a false wall, a trapped door, a complicated maze with a secret exit… honestly sounded like a fun dungeon romp to me.  And apparently the demons were just using that en mass to rape me?

I noticed after a while that the number of demons surrounding me was slowly decreasing, as my friends were taking them out whenever they met them, as they trailed in and out of my little cave.  Not that I knew that at the time; I was just thinking that they were too exhausted to continue.

I had just finished sucking another demon off, as he fucked my face and my tits at the same time with his massive cock, when Jessica burst into the room.  Eyes burning with fury.

I -- y-yeah.  Yeah, I know.

I, uh.

…I ended up being so sexually depraved that three days straight of demonic gang-rape didn’t manage to even affect me.

Meaning I held out long enough for my sister and my friends to find and rescue me.

The demons failed to break me because they couldn’t do so.

That, uh.

…On the one hand, that kinda messes with me, when I think about it too much.

On the other hand?

It’s really fucking hot that I’m that much of a slut!

I.  Am.  Exausted.  Not due to this chapter, but due to what happened on Subscribestar.

For those that aren't subscribed (most of you), I just finished the rough draft of the final chapter on Subscribestar.  It'll be finalized by Monday, and put up then for $10 subscribers.

I'm going to put a post on Subscribestar after this, but as a summary, I'm going to be taking a break from posting after that.  Not writing, but posting.  I'll share more Monday, but suffice to say that I have several options that I'm thinking of, and when the time comes I'd like input from everybody willing!

...Also, as an aside... I suggest you think carefully before subscribing just to get access to the latest content.  No new content will be posted for a while, beyond maybe a postmortem and a character analysis or two.  Everything published, beyond what's already subscriber-only, will be released here on Scribblehub three days a week, as per normal, until the end.

There's twenty one chapters left -- which means you'll get everything in seven weeks.

Not that I'm telling you to not give me money if you want to!

Just, you know.  Letting you know.

I'll be making things more professional when it's time for whatever I write next, anyway.

Hope you all enjoyed the chapter, and see you next week!

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