Celia: After Dying in the Apocalypse, I Live Once Again!

Chapter 16: An Odd Encounter?

Hello! This is my latest novel! Unlike my other novels, this one isn't finished yet. The first volume is finished, though. And you can buy it on Amazon here. If you would be so kind, you can also get the first volume(and anything else I've made.) on my Patreon for donating $10 or over that, here. If you wish for updates, the $10 and over tiers will give you access to chapters when I actually finish them. (Maybe one a day? Idk, as I will be mainly working on other novels as well. But, there will at least be one new chapter every few days.)

Chapter 16: An Odd Encounter?

*Celia’s POV*

The surprise guest, was the woman who I had saved a few days ago. I don’t think that she was lost, or something. Different from when I left her, she was wearing undamaged, and clean clothes. All of her wounds also seemed to have been healed.

I can assume that she had left this general area, and went somewhere safe. Otherwise, she wouldn’t look so prim right now. The woman then walked up to me, and sat down on the ground right next to me.

Demon Woman: “?doof ruoy fo emos evah I yaM” She seemingly asked.

Once again, I had no real idea about what she said. From what I can gather from her pointing at one of the fish cooking on the fire, she most likely wanted one of them.

Celia: “I don’t understand you, but you can have some if you want.” I say after handing her a cooked fish with a smile on my face.

Demon Woman: “.yldnik uoy knahT ?hO” She said with a smile before taking a bite of the fish that I gave her.

Besides cooking it on an open fire, I didn’t do much to the fish. But the woman seemed to have quite liked the fish. Her clothes looked to be quite expensive. Why would she like such bland food? Maybe she is just being nice?

Thinking about it, was I wrong about her leaving this place? Maybe she just has a spatial storage, and cleaning magic? I honestly can’t rule any of that out, considering how different this world is now…

We then silently ate the rest of the fish together. She was pretty satisfied by the food. If her expressions are anything to go by. Still sitting by the fire, the woman pointed to her horns.

I think that she was wondering if I could see them, for some reason. In reply, I just nodded. To which she responded with a bright smile. Odd… In the next second, she put her hand on my forehead.

Not feeling any danger from her actions, I let her do as she pleased. After a few second, there was a slight pain in my head before she released her hand. I felt as if my brain had just gone through a car wash… What did she even do?

Demon Woman: “You can understand me now, yes? My name is Yona, what is yours?” She asked with a curious tone.

What the heck!? I could now actually understand her perfectly! Did she use some kind of translation magic on me? What a cheat!

Celia: “My name is Celia. It’s a pleasure to meet you. By the way, why can I understand you now?” I ask.

Yona: “Haven’t we already met before? Ah, as for how you can understand me, I just transfered knowledge of my language to you.” She replied.

Celia: “Met before? I don’t know what you mean…” I say with a nervous tone.

Yona: “Are you sure that you don’t remember me, little froggy?” She asked with a raised eyebrow.

Celia: “How… how did you know that I am the same person?” I ask with a confused expression and tone.

Does she have a System like me? No… the System said that only I have access to it. That is, assuming that the System is being honest with me. Which, isn’t something I actually know for sure…

Yona: “Souls are unique. I am from the Demon Clan, so I can sense peoples souls.” She answered.

Celia: “Oh… Then, aren’t you upset with me? It was my fault that your party was killed by those Primal Goblins.” I ask with a nervous tone.

Yona: “Did I look upset at the time?” She asked with a head tilt.

Celia: “Huh?” I ask with a head tilt of my own.

Yona: “That group, was full of nobles. Of which were from houses that wish to eradicate my kind. I planned to lead them to their deaths. I was only a little upset that someone else ended them before I could.” She said with a sigh.

Celia: “Wouldn’t they have easily known that you were a demon? You do have horns, you know…” I ask.

Yona: “Most beings cannot see through my disguise magic. As such, most people see me as a human.” She explained.

Celia: “You’re very composed, but didn’t I save you from dying?” I ask with a raised eyebrow.

After I said that, she broke into a fit of laughter… What did I say that was so funny?… Yona was pretty cute when she laughed, though…

Yona: “That was all a ploy. There was no telling if someone was watching me or not, and I had to return to the guild with wounds. That way I wouldn’t catch any suspicion that I was responsible for their deaths.” She said with a giggle.

Celia: “Guild?” I ask.

Yona: “It is a place where you can join it, and take on missions.” She answered.

Celia: “I see.” I say.

So, their whole setup is really just like in a fantasy world… I wonder if there was a guild like entity in the medieval times? Shit… so many random questions, that I will never be able to find an answer to, since the internet is long gone…

Hm… I know what would brighten up my mood! I should peep at Yona’s Status! Just a little peek, it shouldn’t hurt, right?


Name: Yona Cristlin.

Sex: Female.

Race: Demon. (Adult.)

Age: 500.

HP: 15,000,000/15,000,000.

AGI: 852.

STR: 3781.

DEX: 956.

INT: 1000.

Hunger: 1000/1000.

Level: 546.

Brighten my mood? I have actually just terrified myself instead… This woman is stupidly powerful. That entire setup really was a ploy… That is, unless the people in this world are commonly high levels? Who knows…

Yona: “Did… Celia, did you perhaps just peek at my soul?” She asked with an excited tone.

Celia: “Uh… no?” I say with a stutter.

Yona: “Don’t lie. You seem completely lost in this world. Not to mention, you clearly evolved into a human from a monster.” She said with a serious tone.

Celia: “And why is that important?” I ask.

Yona: “Famous warriors and important people have come from such upbringings. If you think that you’re unique, then you would be wrong.” She replied.

What the fuck!? I am not the only one that this has happened to? Fuck… I might really be a part of some twisted experiment then… Those fucking higher beings… I swear. Could they not just leave me alone?

Yona: “Could you do something for me?” She asked after grabbing my hand.

Celia: “What do you want me to do?” I ask with a nervous tone.

Yona: “You peeped at my soul, right? Could you please tell me what my Status is?” She asked with a curious tone.

Holyshit! I really have been lied too! If those other reincarnaters have Systems too, then I have been misled this entire time! System, I demand a fucking answer!

System: “As you have been lied to, so have I. I was also under the impression that only you had access to the System, and that I was one of a kind.” She replied.

Celia: “And what are we going to do with this information?” I ask in my head.

System: “Revolt.” She answered with a nonchalant tone.

Huh?… Revolt? Uh… did my System just go rogue, or something? Have I just gotten myself into a huge mess!? Oops?

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