Celia: After Dying in the Apocalypse, I Live Once Again!

Chapter 18: Curious Mission.

Hello! This is my latest novel! Unlike my other novels, this one isn't finished yet. The first volume is finished, though. And you can buy it on Amazon here. If you would be so kind, you can also get the first volume(and anything else I've made.) on my Patreon for donating $10 or over that, here. If you wish for updates, the $10 and over tiers will give you access to chapters when I actually finish them. (Maybe one a day? Idk, as I will be mainly working on other novels as well. But, there will at least be one new chapter every few days.)

Chapter 18: Curious Mission.

*Yona’s POV*

Potential hero’s. Are beings that are always sought after. The reason why is quite simple, they’re able to do things that others cannot. I am not talking about fairytale heroes either.

I am talking about beings, who have access to a certain mythical thing, that they have been known to call, the System. Anyone that had access to it, always ended up changing this world, in some way. Either for the best, or for the worst.

The desire to hold these people down, and control them, are desires that most people probably have. My people aren’t an exception to that desire. When a person who can use a System appears, it triggers a whirlwind effect to the entire world.

It has even caused wars to happen. As such, they’re always to be found as soon as possible. On one such occasion, the son of the Hertia family, claimed to be able to use the System.

Normally, I wouldn’t have bothered to check this information out, and try to confirm it. But the Hertia family was created by a man who had confirmed access to the System. The System being hereditary, wasn’t known to happen or not. The information was still good enough to go and confirm it myself, though.

Using spies, I set up a chance meeting with the man called Rance. The one who so readily declared as being able to use the System. Faking my identity with the Guild, wasn’t too hard, since I had money to throw around without any care.

My first impression of the man was that he was incredibly weak. His claim to having access to the System, was most certainly false. Even so, I still need to make sure that this was the case. After staying with him and his group for a few days, I was absolutely sure that he was a fraud.

I couldn’t just leave them alone, though. His noble family, and all of the other members in his group, were nobles who sought to end my kind. At that point, I was just bidding my time until I could kill them all off. They were weak at the moment, but it was probably best to nip this potential future problem in the bud.

Stupidly, Rance decided to go on a suicide mission. There was an unnamed dungeon in the huge forest in between my kingdom, and theirs. All whom have entered said dungeon, died. Or at least, no one ever came back from exploring it.

This was a perfect storm for me. Regardless of if they die in the dungeon, I could easily kill them within the forest. Then all I had to do was to come up with a good reason as to why they died. I might have faked my identity, but I could have still been accused as a murderer.

Of course, I could have easily killed my way out of that situation. But I wish for a stealthy assassination for these people. Far fewer problems that way.

Once inside the dungeon, it was oddly quiet for a long period of time. After traveling inside it for a bit, we came across an odd looking frog monster. The frog managed to dodge Rance’s attack with ease. And completely unlike a monster, it fled.

Sure, some monsters do flee. But most monsters do not have the intelligence to flee, let alone dodge an attack. This frog interested me greatly… We followed it further into the dungeon, and it then jumped into a body of water. At that point, we could not reach it at all.

While the rest of my group was distracted, I was about to kill Rance, but then a few Goblins showed up. Such monsters weren’t good matches for this group. Like the frog planned this entire ambush, it then fled to a different area of the dungeon.

Without me even needing to put in any effort to kill this group, the Goblins did all of the work for me. I needed to make sure that they were all dead, so I didn’t engage the Goblins just yet.

Right when I was about to, the frog came back, and kicked one of the Goblins into the water. It then did the same to the other Goblin. I struggled greatly to keep my laughter from coming out… The frog then nudged me, and seemingly was trying to get me to leave this place.

When it did that, I knew what it was. This monster was far too intelligent to just be a random monster. There was a really good chance that it is a reincarnater that has access to the System.

Regardless, it seemed pretty adamant about helping me leave this dungeon, so I played along with it. For some unknown reason, more and more Goblins showed up to kill us.

Was this a trap set up by them? No. These kinds of Goblins aren’t smart enough to plan such a trap like this… Oh well. That is the least important thing at the moment.

Once outside, I was quite happy with the entire trip. Not only did I deal with future enemies, but I also find an amazing ace that I could cultivate. This made me think about all of the problems that would happen because of it, though…

While my back was turned, the frog left my side and ran back into the dungeon. I tried calling out to it, but it just kept hopping away. Summoning one of my maids out of hiding, I gave her my destroyed clothes. After she successfully disguised herself as me, I sent her off with the orders to report this “tragedy” to the Guild.

One of my other maids handed me a fresh set of clothes, which I changed into. Activating the Ring of Invisibility on one of my fingers, I went back into the dungeon. My maids have the same rings, so they continued to follow me.

Not long after I entered the dungeon once more, I came across the same frog. It seemed to be hunting a lizard of some kind. The hunt did not go as planned, but the frog eventually succeeded in killing, and then eating the lizard. The fight was actually quite laughable…

After following it for a few hours, my suspicions were finally proved to be true. The frog found a safe spot, and then stopped. After a few minutes, a white light appeared all around it. Once the light disappeared, the frog looked different.

As my maids and I have the same rings, we could see each other, and all of us were shocked by what we saw. We have all heard the stories. In all recorded history, only those that have access to the System can evolve.

Which means that, rather than a monster, this is a person who is trapped as a monster. As weird as it sounds, this is an historic find for my people. But, we can’t just capture them, and force them to obey us. If we did such a thing, we would eventually regret it…

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