Celia: After Dying in the Apocalypse, I Live Once Again!

Volume 5. Chapter 23: Leaving With Them. (Chapter 424.)

Chapter 23: Leaving With Them.

(Celia’s POV)

Once my Hunger Stat was fully maxed out, I soon left the little fortress with those two. They had a carriage prepared for us, so it was smooth sailing. Currently, I was just sitting down on a pretty comfy seat, opposite the two, struggling to stay awake.

Saren: “Celia, we won’t hurt you… Please just get some rest.” She said with a concerned tone.

Remi: “Yes. If her vision is anything to go by, you haven’t rested at all in pretty much over two days.” She added.

Celia: “I am not worried about that, you two.” I reply.

Saren: “Then why not sleep?” She asked again.

Celia: “Simply put, I am not used to it. Higher beings tend to not need sleep often. Though, when we do sleep, it is for a long time. Prior to the game, the last time that I slept was probably ten years ago…” I explain with an embarrassed tone.

Saren: “…”

Remi: “…”

Sure, I did sleep a few times, but anything less than a month isn’t considered sleeping for even just Gods and Goddesses. Let alone what race I was… Now, faced with a human body, I was uncomfortable in my own skin. Shit… I should have gotten used to a human body in general, rather than just in being used to fighting in such a weak body…

Saren: “The ride will be long, Celia. Even if we’re quick and face no delays, it will take a day or two to reach my family estate. Really, you should rest.” She suggested once more.

Celia: “…I’ll try.” I reply with a reluctant tone.

Closing my eyes, I focused on trying to get some sleep. After a while, I did eventually fall asleep. But it wasn’t a full sleep, mind you. I was still aware, and I could even react in seconds to anything that happens around me.

Celia: “…”

I didn’t expect that a human body was capable of doing such a thing… I guess that skilled assassins, even in a modern non fantasy world, can do this as well? Anyway, basically, parts of my brain are resting, and I am technically sleeping, yet I am awake at the same time.

For higher beings, this isn’t considered us sleeping. Rather, it is just us resting for a bit, or taking a break from our long existence. But for a human body, this little sleep is more than enough to rest my current body fully.

Remi: “She seems to be asleep, Saren.” She assumed.

Saren: “Thankfully, it seems so. This girl probably isn’t used to having a mortal body…” She said with a sigh.

Remi: “Hopefully, she can get a stronger one soon. Her current body must be a major downgrade.” She said with a sigh of her own.

Though I was sleeping, I could hear their conversation perfectly. My breathing was steady as can be, my movements will slow if any, and my eyes were firmly shut. This is an amazing skill, that I, for some reason, haven’t taken advantage of ever at all. Note to self: Don’t say secret things to sleeping people, as they might have this skill as well…

But this was a ruthlessly boring technique to do if you have no reason to do it. As such, I decided to just retreat back into my mind. Or rather, a mind palace? But not the thing that some smart people can do.

Instead, Sava had taught me, and the rest of my family, how to have your own realm within your soul. If you ever read Chinese cultivation novels, it is somewhat similar to that. Once inside, the world around me, in reality, faded, and was replaced by a beautiful and peaceful landscape.

Faith: “I’ve always been deeply jealous of your soul, Celia.” She said with a wistful tone.

Celia: “Why’s that?” I ask, sitting down next to her.

In this peaceful, forested, grassy world, surrounded by mountains, was Faith. She was sitting at a table, drinking some tea. All in all, it would seem that my soul was a very peaceful place. And I even had someone here to talk to!!!

Faith: “Can you not see this world, dear?” She replied.

Celia: “I see it… but is there anything special to it?” I reply with a head tilt.

Faith: “Even those in Home would fight for such a soul…” She lamented.

Celia: “Huh?” I say with a confused tone.

Faith: “Celia, besides your family, this soul of yours must be kept a secret.” She said with a stern tone.

Celia: “…”

How many more secrets will I acquire in this life of mine? Eh, at least I can tell this one to my family members. Your soul is private, not even your lover can access it. In that sense, Faith gets to experience my soul, while no one else can. Well, she is my sister, so I do not mind.

Faith: “Do you not understand? Ah, well, I shall explain.” She asked.

Celia: “Please do.” I plead.

Faith: “Most souls are either empty blackness or barren lands. Those living in Home don’t have souls this pure, Celia. Anyone, regardless of how moral… would have a challenge resisting the idea of consuming your soul.” She explained with a grim tone.

Celia: “Why is that, anyway? I don’t think that I am that special…” I reply with a thinking pose.

Faith: “You’re special, Celia. Most higher beings spent endless years to get to their positions, killing countless beings, gaining never-ending physical scars upon their souls, as well as mental scars.” She replied.

Celia: “…”

Faith: “But you are so very different. You got to your position with the lowest amount of murders in history, with the least scars, and with a low amount of effort. In your family, the only other one with such a soul… is probably Lia.” She added.

Celia: “Does that mean that Lia is also in danger?” I ask with a concerned tone.

Faith: “Unlikely. No one can look into someone’s soul without permission. Even in all the universes in existence, perhaps only fewer than ten people have such an ability. The threat is minimal. I just wished to warn you of it.” She denied.

Celia: “Good… Thanks for telling me this, Faith.” I say with a warm smile.

Faith: “Of course. As your sister, I must treat you well. Giving me such a warm place to live for so many years… I never thanked you for it, since it is hard to explain. Regardless, please rest here with me. I will highly like your company, Celia.” She said with a bright smile of her own.

With that, I started to relax with Faith, and I talked to her about things. Mainly, I asked her what she would want to do once she has her own body. For one, Faith said that she would find a wife to marry, as all the sex I have with my own had made her very jealous. What an overly complicated way to say that you were horny…

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