Celia: After Dying in the Apocalypse, I Live Once Again!

Volume 5. Chapter 6: Discussion Continued. (Chapter 407.)

Chapter 6: Discussion Continued.

(Celia’s POV)

Almost endlessly, I had to swear to Sava that I wouldn’t even attempt to spill the beans. Which is funny, but the woman made it clear how dangerous this silly and pretty, but oddly dangerous, halo actually is. Why me?…

Celia: “Sava… for the millionth time… I truly will not tell anyone about this.” I say with a pout.

Sava: “Good… Please don’t ever let it slip. Even just mentioning that you have a halo is more than enough to get the UPF to investigate you.” She said with a relieved expression.

Celia: “What happens if they investigate me?” I ask.

Sava: “Then they’ll easily find out about your halo.” She answered.

Celia: “And then what? It’s not like I gave myself a halo on purpose or intentionally…” I reply.

Sava: “Then it will be ruled as such. But Celia, UPF is slow as all hell, and you’ll easily spend a few thousand years in prison before you get a single court date. Let alone a ruling…” She explained.

Celia: “…”

Currently, I have one get out of Hell free card, but… does that include UniHell as well? Ah, I absolutely cannot afford to get caught by the UPF, even if this halo wasn’t really my doing. As such, I am sorry family, but I must keep this a secret…

Celia: “If I get caught, what kind of charges can I get?” I ask with a curious tone.

Since we had nothing better to do, as I must wait for a month or more, Sava had created a table and chairs. Tea and sweets were endlessly refreshed on the table, which was very nice. And, no. I cannot ignore how this table, and these chairs, are just floating above the water, as solid and stable as can be as well.

Sava: “As it was an accident, and not your intention, the sentence will be light.” She replied after taking a sip of her tea.

Celia: “How light, exactly?” I ask in reply.

Sava: “A few hundred years minimum, and possibly up to a few thousand years. Though, I don’t really know for sure. When you get this powerful, you get sent various information from groups such as the UPF. I only know what I’ve been given.” She explained with a thinking pose.

Celia: “How come I haven’t been told about them?” I say with a raised eyebrow.

Sava: “Haha, you aren’t powerful enough for something like that.” She said with a hearty laugh.

Celia: “…”

Sava: “Only outliers like me, Wills of a universe, and those that can travel to different universes, are considered to be worth contacting. Your halo is really the only reason that you’d meet such powers.” She clarified.

So I just ended up gaining a random bomb that is now forever on my person? Who knew that letting a random woman feel up your womb would lead to such a terrible thing happening? I certainly didn’t… Oh, new mother of mine. Why have you forsaken me like this? The power you promise better be worth it or… Well, I’ll be upset.

Celia: “It kinda pisses me off that there are actually beings higher than a will of a universe…” I say with a sigh, poutedly taking a bite of a tasty cookie.

Sava: “That’s life, dear. I was surprised as well, but you get used to it in time. Though they’re higher powers, they tend to not mess around with us lesser beings.” She replied.

Celia: “I’m sorry if I am asking you so many questions… but what are those in the UPF, or the other groups?” I ask with a curious tone.

Sava: “Oh, but sharing such information is very nice. Apart from me, there are very few outliers that know information like this. It is fun to speak of this to you, rest assured in that.” She said with a motherly tone.

Celia: “I see… That’s good.” I say with a smile.

Sava: “A very pretty smile… You’re almost like the perfect daughter!” She praised.

Celia: “…”

Sava: “As for your question… Those higher beings are ones that had advanced to being Wills, or even higher. Once they get past that point, they shuffle over to the main universe.” She finally explained.

Celia: “Main universe?” I repeat.

Sava: “The strongest beings live there, Celia. From what I’ve heard… the number of those living there doesn’t go past the millions. And that goes for it all, as, like with my universe, it is all combined into one dimension.” She added.

Celia: “What’s the point of living in such a place?” I ask with a head tilt.

Sava: “The point? It is the final destination, Celia. No struggles, no pain, only happiness. It is Heaven for those still living.” She answered.

Celia: “Heaven for the living?… Maybe I should take my family there one day…” I say with a thinking pose.

Sava: “A very lofty goal… Each of your family members would need to achieve the pinnacle of everything, not just you. Though, I get why you’d want such a thing. I have an invitation there if I get slightly stronger, but I am waiting to get my revenge first before I do any training.” She said with a warm tone.

Talking about it some more, Sava had told me pretty much everything about that universe. If you see life as a hotel… then 99% of it is the cheapest and most run down place in history. As for that universe, which is called, “Home”, it is a first-class, VIP, top of the line, all expenses paid, luxury resort hotel, that only the 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000001 percent can get into.

Sava: “I believe that you can achieve an invitation to Home, Celia. That is, either through power or by getting arrested.” She said with a laugh.

Celia: “>.<”

Thanks for the vote of confidence, I guess? Though, this isn’t something that I should be focusing on. Making it to Home will be a very drawn out endeavor. One that will probably take thousands, if not millions, of years to achieve. In truth, my mind should focus on getting stronger for my family’s safety. That is, once the waiting is over…

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