Cell Repair

Chapter 1

Chapter 1: ; The beginning of the journey

Huaxia Country, the second ring road of Kyoto City, on the edge of Tianhe Square stands an 88-story prosperous office building.

is prosperous because it belongs to the second ring of Kyoto.

You should know that let alone the second ring road, it is a large toilet area on the third ring road. You can easily buy a two-bedroom and one-living house in other cities.

Not to mention such an office building on the Second Ring Road, you can imagine the value of this place.

Although it is a bit expensive, China has never lacked rich people since ancient times, not to mention the talented city of Kyoto.

In addition, to the south of the office building is the famous Tianhe Antique Market in the country, and to the north is a well-known flower and bird market, which creates a large number of people coming and going here every day.

Tianhe office building, a room by the window on the eighth floor, a young boy about twenty years old who looks very delicate is looking at a leather scroll in his hand and muttering to himself.

“Oh! I don’t know if it will work!”

While watching, the boy frowned.

“No matter what, the materials are ready anyway, let’s try it! There shouldn’t be any danger!”

After thinking for a while, the boy seemed to have finally made up his mind.

Then, he took out the materials he had prepared from the cabinet on one side.

A piece of black dog’s blood, a brush made of wolf hairs, which is said to be more than a hundred years old, and a piece of fine yellow paper of approximately normal size, and a set of standard Taoist painting amulet equipment.

After the things were ready, the boy took out an old leather roll from the safe on one side.

looked at the leather roll in his hand, the boy scratched his head and was worried again.

There are three patterns on the scroll, which are criss-crossed and out of order. All of them look extremely complicated, and I don’t know where to start.

“Forget it, let’s draw this!”

looked at it, the boy picked out one of the patterns that seemed a little simpler, looked at it carefully, and after confirming that he had remembered the direction of each pattern stroke in his heart, he picked up the wolf pen on one side.

Then, the boy soaked up the black dog blood in the bowl with the wolf howling pen.

looked at the pattern on the leather roll without worry, and focused his eyes on the painted yellow paper.

“Damn, how failed! I just prepared such a piece of yellow paper!”

Seeing that it was about to be completed, but found that the yellow paper was too small, the boy’s meal, the pattern was immediately messed up!

Looking at the messy yellow paper and blood stains on the table, the boy was depressed and wanted to scold his mother.

Wanting to return, the boy randomly crumpled the scrapped yellow paper into a ball and threw it into the garbage dump.

Then, I was going to go to the antique market to buy more yellow paper.

But when the teenager was about to go out, he suddenly thought of it when he looked at the white floor, playing with it.

Why should I waste time going out to find yellow paper? I originally wanted to try if this pattern is a legendary formation. Isn’t it the same? ”

“Furthermore, the paper in the store where the talisman paper is sold is so big that you can’t draw these patterns at all. I guess even if I went there, I couldn’t find a suitable yellow paper.”

“Hey, I’m so smart, just try drawing on the floor.”

Thinking about this, the boy slapped his head excitedly and exclaimed happily.

Just do as he thinks. The boy stopped thinking about going out and happily went to the floor in front of the desk.

With a bowl in one hand and a writing brush in the other, the young man squatted on the ground.

Closed his eyes and carefully recalled the pattern on the leather scroll in his heart. When he opened his eyes, he saw a flash of light inside.

Then I saw the brush that had been stained with black dog blood in the young man’s hand, drawing on the floor like lightning.

Brushing the dragon snake, with the boy’s hand, blood-red strokes appeared on the floor, and in a blink of an eye a pattern that looked very strange, but on the mysterious leather scroll, was exactly the same except for the size. .

said it was strange, it was because the pattern on the floor looked like a four-part pattern.

is not like a picture, not like a picture, not like a word, not like an object.

But if you look closely, it feels amazing!

“Wang Zhen, the leader is looking for you!”

Just when the boy had just finished the last stroke, before he came and took a closer look, suddenly a voice came out of the room.

“Wow, here comes it.”

“Leave Dabao, the team leader is looking for me.”

As the sound fell, there was a flash of silver light, and a silver-white mouse appeared on his shoulder.

When the young man heard that the group leader was looking for him, he quickly put down the pen and black dog blood in his hand, and walked towards the door without looking back.

Yes, Wang Zhen, this is the name of the boy.

Wang Zhen was an orphan since he was a child. He didn’t even know who his parents were.

According to the cruel reality, that winter, he was just born not long at all. If it hadn’t been for a scavenger who happened to hear his cry, he would have died that night.

The days that followed, he had already forgotten.

He only knew that he grew up in an orphanage, and his name was also taken with the help of the old man who kindly sent him to the orphanage.

Until he was eleven years old, if he hadn’t awakened his abilities accidentally, maybe he was just a member of the outside struggling to make a living!

After awakening the ability, because he was in the capital, he was quickly discovered by the dragon group.

So, soon the king formation was secretly adopted by the dragon group.

The Tianhe office building where Wang Zhen is now located is the headquarters of the most mysterious Dragon Group in Kyoto!

After entering the Dragon Group, it was not as comfortable as Wang Zhen thought.

The ability players who just entered have to go through multiple trainings before they can become important members of the dragon group.

The level of abilities is ranked in alphabetical order, from the lowest F, to E, D, C, B, A, S, SS and the highest sss.

The abilities that have just awakened are generally the lowest level of F. A few people with good talents are ED or C when they first awaken, and some super geniuses are B or A when they first awaken.

For example, the leader of the dragon group, I heard that he was A-level when he first awakened the ability, and now he has broken through the A-level, entered the S-level, and became the top-named ability master in the world.

Generally speaking, the level of the person at the time of awakening determines the future potential of the person. These are the theories obtained by the seniors of the dragon group through experiments.

Then, the resources used for promotion are divided according to the level of the ability at the beginning of the awakening. In other words, the higher the level at the beginning of the awakening, the more resources can be used.

However, these can only be used for general and common abilities, but for some special abilities, special treatment is required.

For example, space abilities, time abilities, and other abilities that are rarely seen. Even though the level of awakening of these abilities is very low, no one dares to underestimate them.

In the dragon group, the treatment of the special ability level is the same as the AB level ability level genius.

And the king formation, he is a person with special abilities.

“Cell Control”-this is the power of the king formation.

Although it was just a common F grade at the beginning of awakening, after entering the dragon group, the treatment of the king formation is still the same as those genius awakeners.

However, these benefits disappeared two years ago.

Because, after a long period of training and inspection, the people in the dragon group discovered that the power of the king formation has only increased by one level, that is, E,

You need to know that even those with supernatural powers who came in the same year as the king formation, even if they were F when they first awakened, after a long period of resource support and high-intensity training, the lowest-level one is now D-level.

While the resources used by the king formation are still ten times that of others, it is still E, which makes those in the dragon group very disappointed with the king formation.

If it weren’t for the later discovery that the “Cell Control” ability of the King Formation could not fight, but it could help the abilities to heal the wounds, it is estimated that the treatment would be worse.

So, Wang Zhen soon won the title of “Dairy Cow”.

“What is a cow?”

People who often play online games know that the cow refers to the priest in some games, who specializes in treating people’s illnesses and injuries as logistics.

This makes the king formation very helpless, but after a long time, the king formation doesn’t care!

“Who tells you that you can’t improve your level!” This is the thought in the heart of Wang Zhen.

However, all of this was resolved after encountering the treasure hunter Dabao two years ago.

The current Wang Zhen’s ability has already reached the C level, but no one knows it yet!

Speaking of Dabao, I have to talk about it two years ago.

Because the power cannot be improved, and the power of the king formation is not the ability to fight, so in the third year of entering the dragon group, the treatment of the king formation becomes the same as that of ordinary dragon group members.

can’t fight, and the dragon group has very few missions, so the king formation becomes very idle.

So, the antique market and the flower and bird market nearest to Tianhe Square became the best place for him to spend his time.

And the treasure hunting mouse big treasure is Wang Zhen accidentally encountered in the flower and bird market.

After dinner, Wang Zhen went to the flower and bird market as usual.

Who knew that when he was passing by a stall selling small pets, a touch of silver suddenly came into his eyes.

Wang Zhen looked at it, and it turned out to be a silver mouse.

The mouse is not big, about the size of a child’s palm, with silver hair all over it, shining with charming brilliance, and his two eyes are gazing at the pedestrians.

While Wang Zhen was looking at it, the mouse also looked at him with wide eyes, and he was not afraid of life at all.

“Boss? You mouse is dyed? I have never heard of silver mice?”

Wang Zhen carefully observed the mouse and asked with interest.

“I don’t know, this mouse was caught on the mouse trap at home yesterday.”

“It was like this when I caught it. I think it just got a little injury on its hind leg. Besides, it looks good. It doesn’t look like a mouse in the house. It may be a scarce species, so I just used it to see if anyone wanted it. Maybe, I can exchange two more money.”

“Know that there are so many people who like weird things in this world!”

The boss glanced at Wang Zhen, narrowed his eyes, and replied.

“So anyone buys it?”

Wang Zhen asked while reaching for the silver mouse in the cage.

“Hey, be careful, don’t…”

The boss was shocked when he saw Wang Zhen go to get the mouse.

However, seeing the mouse obediently staying in the palm of the king’s formation, he swallowed it back when he was worried.

“Some people buy it there! I have asked a lot, but I suspect it is dyed, so no one has bought it yet!”

“Why don’t I give you a cheaper price, can you take it?”

The boss saw that Wang Zhen was very interested in this mouse, and then his eyes flickered, and he happily promoted it; “You see it has a relationship with you, stay in your palm, don’t run or bite.”

“Why don’t you give me 100 yuan, you will take it away, absolutely pure natural silver, no dyeing and hot.”

It is strange to say that when Wang Zhen picked up the mouse, it did not run or make trouble, but looked at him with its innocent little eyes.

“Hey, this mouse is so strange, there is a kind of energy fluctuation in its body that is similar to that of a supernatural person.”

When    was holding the mouse, when his mental power swept over the body of the mouse in front of him unintentionally, Wang Zhen exclaimed psychologically.

“Could it be that animals can also have abilities!” Wang Zhen couldn’t help thinking.

“No matter what, let’s buy it first! The province is found and bought by others.”

Seeing the boss’s casual words, Wang Zhen didn’t even think about it. He paid 100 yuan and left with the mouse.

left the messy boss in the booth, and I have never seen such a bold customer.

And Dabao became the name of the mouse after paying the money!

No one knows that the famous treasure hunter in the cultivation world has just become the pet of the king formation.

Wang Zhen, who just bought the mouse, only raised Dabao as a pet.

Until one time, after Dabao recovered from his injury, Wang Zhen took it to the antique market.

Dabao suddenly pounced on a piece of jade in an antique stall, screaming and refused to leave.

When Wang Zhen looked at it, he suddenly remembered the energy of Dabao’s body. Only then did he remember that Dabao was not an ordinary mouse.

Seeing Dabao’s appearance, Wang Zhen picked up the piece of jade in Dabao’s hand.

squeak squeak…

Seeing Wang Zhen took the jade from his hand, Dabao pointed at the jade with his small paw, and pointed at himself, as if saying that it was mine.

“Oh, what a funny little mouse!”

“Brother, buy one! I have all the authentic ancient jade here. I can buy one for the town house, ward off evil spirits, and keep safe!” The boss on one side saw someone coming and showed his **** teeth.

exaggerated Dabao, and then boasted full of boasts.

“Hehe, um, let me read it later.” In the antique market all the year round, Wang Zhen also knows that the stall owner’s words are all fake, and they are not broken.

Then, he carefully picked up the ancient jade that Dabao had just held, and looked at it intently.

“Wow! What a pure energy!” While concentrating, Wang Zhen used his mental power without knowing it, but he did not expect to find a lot of gentle energy in this piece of jade.

“You must buy it!” This was Wang Zhen’s first thought.

“Boss, how do you sell this jade?” Wang Zhenzhuang asked for the price at will.

“This! This is an ancient jade from the Tang Dynasty.”

“Okay, boss, stop boasting! Also the ancient jade of the Tang Dynasty. I think this piece is not even a new jade. I have been here for a few years. Just buy it and use it as a decoration.” Seeing that the boss was going to talk about it again, Wang Zhen quickly interrupted.

“This!” The boss looked at Wang Zhen, and he didn’t look like a rich man.

So I was afraid that the high bid would scare him away, so I thought for a while and said; “Then, you can give one hundred, right to make friends!”

Okay, when Wang Zhen heard it, he happily took out the money, picked up the jade and left.

The boss looked dumbfounded.

I thought that Wang Zhen would continue to bargain, but he didn’t expect that he would pay for it so neatly, and angrily cursed himself for not wanting more!

After going back, Wang Zhen went through a trial.

unexpectedly discovered that the energy in jade could be absorbed by him. What surprised him more was that he discovered that after absorbing the energy in jade, his abilities also showed signs of improvement.

And these are Dabao’s credit, so that night, Dabao also added a meal, three sets of KFC family buckets.

It’s strange to say that Dabao doesn’t like to eat anything else, so he likes to eat KFC.

In the following days, after taking Dabao to the antique market several times, Wang Zhen also confirmed Dabao’s ability, that is, treasure hunting.

Cai is not exposed, let alone such a weird mouse.

Therefore, the other members of the dragon group knew that the king array raised a mouse, but they didn’t know that this mouse also had abilities.

With the mouse that can hunt for treasures, plus the ability to improve, the king’s battle over the past two years is a good wind.

And the picture scroll that I just took in the room is what Wang Zhen and Dabao gained in the antique market today.

After verification, the king formation suspected that the pattern on the scroll was the legendary formation method, which is why the king formation used black dog blood to paint.

Of course, the method of using black dog blood was not what Wang Zhen remembered, but he accidentally saw it in online movies!

Putting down the black dog blood and wolf howling pen in his hand, Wang Zhen shouted at the bed.

Dabao is gone, the team leader is looking for me!

Then, I saw a flash of silver light, and a silver-white mouse appeared on the shoulder of the king formation.

Squeak Squeak…

Dabao screamed at Wang Zhen, then pointed to his stomach. It seems to say: “I can go with you, but I am hungry and I want to eat KFC.”

“Okay! Foodie, I’ll buy you KFC family bucket later.”

Watching Dabao’s movements, Wang Zhen said silently.

I don’t know why, others can’t understand the meaning of Dabao’s squeak, but he can understand every time.

Dabao on his shoulder squeaked happily on his shoulder when he heard that Wang Zhen agreed.

Then, he climbed on top of his head and grabbed his hair, like a victorious general, and walked to the office of the leader of the dragon group with the king formation.

Wang Zhen didn’t know. Just when he left, the pattern painted with black dog blood on the floor began to light up slightly.

Then, I saw that the moonlight outside the window seemed to be attracted by the pattern, and it rushed toward the pattern at a speed that could be seen with the naked eye.

And that pattern, no, it should be said that it is the formation method, and it gradually becomes brighter.

And these, because of a coincidence, the king array didn’t even see it.

An hour later, Wang Zhen walked out of the team leader’s office happily.

“Haha, Dabao, I finally become a full member of the Dragon Team!”

just walked out of the office! Wang Zhen couldn’t help calling Dabao happily.

You must know that because the power level cannot be improved, the king formation has not only been unable to become an official member of the dragon team for so many years, but also has to bear the irony and sarcasm of those who are better than him.

If it were ordinary people, it would have been a long time ago!

But the king formation who grew up in the orphanage would not, because he knew from an early age that this world is a world where the weak can eat the strong.

If you are not strong enough, then you’d better have a super tolerant mentality.

This is his creed.

Squeaking…Dabao responded happily.

Although    can’t speak, but from its movements and eyes, UU reading www.uukanshu.com can see that it is also happy for itself!


Wang Zhen smirked and walked towards his room.

But at this moment, he didn’t know that the unknown formation in the room seemed to be full of energy and was in a state that could be activated at any time.

The office of the leader of the Dragon group was not far away. In a blink of an eye, Wang Zhen came to the door of his house.

Then, he opened the door and walked into the house.

squeak squeak…

As soon as he opened the door, the big treasure on the shoulder of Wang Zhen shouted.

“Danger, don’t.”

Wang Zhen turned his head to look at Dabao, but his feet stepped out subconsciously.

Then, he also had a sense of danger.

just about to go back, but it was too late.

In the blur, Wang Zhen only saw a familiar pattern covering him, and then fainted.

In other words, when the foot of the king formation stepped into the pattern of unknown formation,

That formation has also started! Afterwards, I saw a burst of light flashing, and the Dabao and King Formation that were enveloped by the formation method disappeared!

Only the bare floor and the black dog blood on one side were left, and the formation pattern on the floor seemed to have never existed.

In this way, Wang Formation and Dabao disappeared in the room, leaving only the leather scroll with three formations in the empty room.

And here, when the formation is moving.

The leader of the Dragon Group who was in the office suddenly felt a strong energy and was very close to him, and then he arrived at the king’s room with a teleport.

It’s a pity that he was still late, only to see a flash of light flashing, the king formation disappeared from the room!

And at this moment, he also looked at the skin scroll on one side!

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