Cell Repair

Chapter 2

Chapter 2: ;Monster Forest

Pluto Sea Star is a planet on the edge of the realm of cultivation. As for why it is called this name, it is no longer possible to verify it.

Because as early as ten thousand years ago, I don’t know what major changes have occurred. The interstellar teleportation array leading to the realm of cultivation was all destroyed. At the same time, a lot of materials about cultivation have been lost since then.

Many people have speculated that the name Hades is related to Hades, one of the three most dangerous places on the planet.

Four dangerous places in the Underworld, the underworld is the first, the monster forest is the second, and the Buddhist ruins are the third.

Outside the monster forest, the dark tide is raging at dusk.

This moment is a moment when herbivores take the opportunity to drink water and forage, and it is also a moment when some carnivorous monsters hunt.

Generally speaking, as long as the monsters in the monster forest pass the transformation period, they will transform into half-humans and half-beasts, and they have the right to enter the inner circle.

The inner circle is forbidden to tear and kill, so in the eyes of the monster, as long as it enters the inner circle, there is no need to worry about losing life at all times.

But there are also some monsters that are born with a trace of alien, fairy, or sacred beast blood. Although they have already passed the transformation period, they still cannot be transformed.

Moonlight Crocodile is one of them. It possesses a trace of alien beast blood. Although it has passed the transformation period and has condensed the demon pill, it is still on the periphery.

Actually, in general, its realm can completely enter the inner circle and enjoy the treatment of the core monster.

But, it dare not take risks!

The reason is that it has a baby in its body, and it is relying on it that in just a few decades, from a small crocodile that has just opened up, it becomes a big crocodile in the golden era.

Although it did not enter the inner circle, the moonlight crocodile was not bad at all. It occupies a large water pool on the outside. It does not have to worry about food at all. Every night, there will be a large number of herbivorous monsters that need to drink water. At that time, It’s a chance to hunt.

It is boring, and even gave this water pool a poetic name; “Yingyuetan”

Beside the Yingyue Lake, various herbivores are drinking water.

There are things that look like a deer or not a deer, and some that look like a sheep or a sheep, all kinds of strange shapes, animals that have never appeared on the earth, everything.

Not far behind them, a large number of carnivores are also looking for dinner tonight.

There is no simple monster that can live to the present. If you are not careful, you may capsize in the gutter.

So, finding a good goal is really important!

full moon

There was a sudden fluctuation in space over the silent Yingyue Lake.

See you, whether it is the monster beast still drinking water, or the monster beast about to hunt, they seem to feel the aura of danger and fled towards the distance one after another.

At this time, after the fluctuation was over, a burst of light flashed, and a person appeared above the water pool out of thin air.

After the King Formation accidentally stepped into the formation, there was no time to react. He only felt that his eyes were dark, and then there was a feeling of tearing in his body. If it was someone else, he might die before reacting.

But he, who has cell powers, felt that the cells were torn, and immediately used his powers subconsciously. In a blink of an eye, the torn wounds all over his body healed.

But before he could react, the feeling of tearing came over again.

There is no other way but to continue to use supernatural energy to help heal.





I don’t know how long it took, and the pain became more and more intense, just when the king formation felt that he was about to be unable to bear the pain of the tearing.

The treasure hunter on the side of    seems to be asleep, and there is nothing at all.

I only saw a series of space blades disappearing in its body as if it had not appeared after approaching the treasure hunter.

Persevere, continue to persevere, whenever the feeling of tearing comes, the king formation will grit his teeth and use his own power to heal the pain on his body.

Finally, after not knowing how long it took, just when the king formation felt that his power was about to run out, finally, after a burst of light flashed, the feeling of tearing disappeared.

It doesn’t know that he just escaped from the dead. The minimum standard for using the Interstellar Teleportation Array in the cultivation world is the Nascent Soul Stage. Generally, there are not many practitioners who are lower than the Nascent Soul Stage, except for some body refining. Dare to send it.

Not to mention ordinary people who have not yet cultivated. If it weren’t for his ability to be controlled by cells, it would have been cut into pieces by the space energy in the space channel.

However, he is also considered a blessing in disguise. When he uses cells to heal his body, a large amount of space energy also enters his cells along with his healing. He still does not know these.


After    was teleported, accompanied by a rat’s squeaking sound, Wang Zhen opened his closed eyes.

“Fuck, where is this?”

When he opened his eyes, Wang Zhen was silly, and all the big trees that couldn’t be seen were all that caught his eye.

How big is the tree, Wang Zhen really can’t see it. Just looking at the branches not far in front of you, you need three people to hug it so thick, then, what about the trunk of the tree?

“Hey, that’s not right! Why are the branches running to the sky, there is still wind below.”

Under this stunned, Wang Zhen suddenly found that the branches were running towards the sky, and there was another strong wind under him.

looked down, I’m going, there are trees running to the sky here and there! It was clear that he was falling under the tree.

Seeing this, Wang Zhen was a little flustered. Even though he had abilities, he couldn’t escape from falling from such a high place.


At this moment, Dabao, who was standing on his shoulder, yelled at him, and then pointed under him.

“You said there is a puddle below, don’t worry.”

Hearing what Dabao said, Wang Zhen took a closer look. Because of the faint mist in the woods, a white spot could be seen vaguely beneath him.

As he descended, the white spots became larger and larger, and in a blink of an eye it became a pool of ten acres in size.

With a loud bang, the king formation fell into the water of Yingyuetan, arousing a monstrous wave.

After a while, a figure suddenly appeared on the surface of the water.

呸 呸 呸, vomiting continuously, spit out the water in his mouth, Wang Zhen used his hands and feet together to surface.


The Dabao standing on the shoulders of the king formation was unscathed. The hair on his body seemed to be sheltered from water, without a drop of water. It just came out of the water and suddenly called out to the king formation.

“Danger, run!”

Moonlight Crocodile was sleeping, and suddenly there was a loud noise, which shook its water mansion and woke it up.

“Who is it that dare to disturb my sleep!” The moonlight crocodile woke up furious.

It was used to dominate the outside world, and it was the first time I encountered it without fear of death.

said, the huge body shook, and it rushed towards the surface of the water.

At this time, the treasure hunter Dabao also felt dangerous.


The treasure hunter Dabao yelled at Wang Zhen. He understood the meaning of Dabao’s words, and immediately went to the shore.

“There is a huge danger in the water. Get ashore and hide.”

This is the meaning of Dabao’s squeak.

Although Wang Zhen doesn’t understand animal language, but I don’t know why, he can understand the meaning of Dabao’s squeaking every time.

The place where he just fell into the water was not far from the shore, so the king formation quickly went ashore, and then took Dabao towards a large tree with a diameter of 100 meters not far away.

When he came to the big tree, the king formation had no time to take a closer look. With a run-up and another kick, he grabbed the hovering vines on the tree and climbed up.

After a few breaths, he came to a branch of a tree 100 meters high. After that, he controlled his cells and put them in a static state, and then he looked towards Yingyue Lake not far under the tree.

This is a function he discovered accidentally. As long as he can control all the cells in his body, there will be a kind of restraining effect.

Sure enough, after a while, I saw a little blisters in the center of the water, and then gradually increased.

With a loud bang, a huge crocodile rushed out of the water.

The whole crocodile was silver-white, Wang Zhen looked at it visually, and it was at least a hundred meters long, like a thirty-story skyscraper.

After seeing the monster beast rushing out of the water, he looked around in anger, only to find that the surrounding area was empty and there was no trace of the monster’s provocation, and he was dumbfounded.

Wang Zhen was also taken aback when he saw it.

Such a big crocodile does not look like an earth creature.

is at least a hundred times more than the crocodile on the earth. Thinking of this, I was even more scared and motionless, carefully controlling the cells of the whole body, for fear of being discovered by that crocodile-like monster.

Once    is discovered, there is no doubt that he will die!

The crocodile monster searched carefully, and found that there was no enemy, and vented indiscriminately at the surface of the water, igniting a huge wave.

It may be that I didn’t want to destroy the surrounding environment, and the lake was big enough, and the huge waves did not wash onto the shore.

But, I saw the flowers and trees all over the lake as if being swept by a machine gun under the cover of splashes accidentally splashed by the huge waves. I can imagine how powerful it is.

After venting, maybe it’s time to practice.

Then, I saw that the giant crocodile was sitting on the water like a human being, swallowing a huge moon towards the sky.

I only saw one breath and breath, a faint brilliance separated from the moon and entered its mouth.

At this time, Wang Zhen was sure that he was definitely not on Earth.

I saw the moon above my head clearly visible, and its size was dozens of times larger than the earth’s moon.

After a while, it may be that it is not dangerous.

The crocodile carefully looked around, and then spit out a watermelon-sized golden bead from his mouth.

The bead exudes a dazzling light. Following the crocodile’s swallowing and vomiting, a stream of moonlight, like a real moon, was uploaded from the moon and was absorbed by the golden sphere.

Wang Zhen looked at him, dumbfounded, and he just thought that if he was still on the earth, there is nothing now.

“Isn’t this the monster in the novel?”

“Isn’t that the inner alchemy in the legend?”

“Could it be that I have passed through, this is not the earth.

looked at the surrounding forest, the thick tree body, and the crocodile still huffing not far away,

The King Formation, who had not had time to think just now, finally came to his senses.

was shocked, and subconsciously looked at Dabao next to him.

From this look, I found that Dabao didn’t even look scared at all. Instead, he was swallowing the inner alchemy of the crocodile-like monster beast, drooling.

“Hey, by the way, Dabao doesn’t seem to be an ordinary beast, but is it a kind of monster beast.”

Seeing Dabao’s appearance, Wang Zhen thought of Dabao’s unusualness and couldn’t help but wonder.

“Hey, what is next to the inner alchemy”

Looking at it again, Wang Zhen suddenly discovered that a crescent-shaped silver object that was brighter than the inner alchemy suddenly appeared next to the inner alchemy of the monster beast.

With the demon beast’s throughput, it exudes a powerful force.

And Dabao beside him stared at the crescent-shaped object tightly, his eyes glowing with desire.

“Is that the magic weapon in the legend?”

Seeing Dabao’s appearance, and then thinking of the heaving golden core, Wang Zhen couldn’t help but guess in shock.

There are monsters, inner alchemy, and there are still few magic weapons.

Taking advantage of the time that the crocodile monster was vomiting, Wang Zhen analyzed it, and he definitely passed through.

Even if the earth has virgin forests, there is absolutely no such high tree, nor such an astonishing animal, let alone a monster with an inner alchemy.

You must know that when the king formation was on the earth, he was also a member of the kind who specializes in handling supernatural events, but, to be honest, I have never heard of anyone who has encountered a monster beast, let alone a monster that forms a pill.

There are some smarter animals, as well as larger ones, such as the Amazonian python, but compared with the crocodile in front of me, there are only differences between ants and elephants.

Thinking of this, Wang Zhen became more careful.

He didn’t want to, he was accidentally turned into the dinner of the demon crocodile, and the next day, it turned into feces and was pulled out.

After a while, the demon crocodile finished vomiting and scanned the surroundings carefully. After nothing was found, it gradually disappeared to the surface of the water.

Watching the demon crocodile disappear, Wang Zhen was worried. After waiting for an hour, he carefully got off the tree.

It’s just that when he got down the tree, Wang Zhen always felt like he had forgotten something.

Until I came under the tree and had no comment on the stick dangling in front of me, I realized that I didn’t wear anything on my body.

“I’ll go,” completely forgetting that he was no longer in the king’s formation on the earth, and subconsciously flashed to the tree next to him.

It turned out that when he was crossing, his clothes all over his body had been torn to pieces by the power of space.

When    first came here, because of successive dangers, he never noticed that he was not wearing clothes.

After this slackened, I found out.

Squeak, the treasure mouse standing on the shoulders of the king’s array snickered.

After a while, I saw a man with a skirt made of large leaves around his waist from the forest.

“Okay, Dabao, where we go, it’s up to you.” But it was the king formation.


Treasure Hunter Dabao called to Wang Zhen, and then pointed his finger to the east.

Wang Zhen looked at it and understood it carefully. He carefully controlled the aura of his whole body and walked in an unknown direction under the instructions of the treasure hunter Dabao.

It’s getting late, I don’t know the time, but under the moon’s light, the woods are still clearly visible.

In the tall woods, stepping on thick leaves, Wang Zhen must be very careful with every step.

Not long ago, under Dabao’s reminder, he escaped a poisonous insect attack. It was a centipede about three meters long.

And this kind of danger, in this short period of time, has occurred dozens of times.

There are centipedes, venomous snakes, and spiders. There are all kinds of people who know and don’t. They escaped under the instructions of the treasure hunter Dabao every time.

walked for a while, UU reading www.uukanshu. Under Dabao’s prompt, they came to a tall fruit tree.


Dabao climbed up the tree in three or two, and then threw down a jujube-shaped fruit.

Wang Zhen took it smoothly, and when he looked up, he saw that the treasure hunter Dabao had already held a fruit with two paws and started gnawing.

Wang Zhen looked down at the fruit in his hand, and saw the size of an egg, emerald green, like a jade carving, which made people unbearable.

With a click, Wang Zhen took a bite.

Before he had time to chew, he found that the fruit in his mouth was flowing toward the throat like liquid.

Then, I felt a cool sensation spread from my stomach to my whole body.

“Wow, this fruit actually contains aura.”

Feeling the cells on the body, like a fish seeing water, absorbing the energy from the fruit in the stomach, Wang Zhen couldn’t help but marvel.

You know, the same energy, the king formation has only been seen in the jade on the earth.

But, here, a fruit tree that I didn’t comment on actually contains that kind of energy.

This made Wang Zhen more certain that he must have crossed.

One bite wasn’t enough, and Wang Zhen ate the rest after three times and five divided by two.

Looking at the tree, the treasure hunter Dabao didn’t know how many he had eaten, and he was holding a jade jujube bigger than before.

Why is it called Yuzao? Sorry, just after eating, Wang Zhen brazenly named this unknown spirit fruit.

Wang Zhen saw that there was any danger there, and with two kicks, he climbed up the tree.

He decided that as soon as he was full, he would rest on this fruit tree with Dabao.

Wait for tomorrow morning, and then hurry up, hurry up at night, it’s really too dangerous!

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