
Chapter 37 1/2

Previously on Centaurus: Flora loots a group of teenagers of their cum to their dismay, and causes the teenagers to make future plans. Ellaria acquires a Dress that is more beautiful than should be possible from Harry.

Now, Chapter 37:

Fey hadn't been having the best of times recently. First she had been chased around the city by a half mad loxodon who wanted to shatter her hips in the bedroom, then she had been accused of breaking a valuable magical lock (Totally not her fault! There were extenuating circumstances!), and then finally she had been washed through the city by a mysterious tidal wave that had left her bedraggled and gasping like a beached fish in a part of the city she didn’t know. All very bad and not nice things!


She had suffered a miserable and soggy trek back through the city and gotten very lost, her horse cock for once actually flaccid and in keeping with her mood. 


She had failed to find the artificers, and with it the rest of the band, but she had eventually stumbled on landmarks she recognised and made her way to Rina’s mansion under the assumption the others would eventually make their way there. She had spotted a huge bellied Flora along with several huge bellied teenagers as she had stumbled through the mansion so she supposed she was correct on that one.


Exhausted and filthy she had slipped into one of the mansion's enormous bathing pools. The room was filled with scented candles and the floor and water were scattered with fragrant petals. It had been exactly what she needed to soothe the bruises and aches from being bashed against various walls by the flood of water. She tried to recall what the hell had happened as she started to drift off in the deliciously warm bath. There had been a vast person washed away by the wave that she thought she had half hallucinated, a girl the size of buildings with fins and thick thighs the size of rooms.


Maybe she had hit her head harder than she thought. She hadn't seen a sign that the enormous person was still there after she had started walking around, surely there would have been some sign of that, if the giant girl had stood she would have been visible above rooftops! She could only assume they had vanished… or that she was crazy.


In any case, and more importantly, what had happened to Kayla? She hoped the otterkin was okay. She had searched for her, but with the chaos of the city it seemed a hopeless task. The wave of water had been like kicking a beehive, everything in turmoil and chaos and people everywhere.


The last thought she had before sleep took her away was that it was a bit of a strange coincidence that the wave had come just as the otterkin had run off to get a new class.




Fey awoke in the morning finding the bathing pool still quite comfortable and warm but the skin of her upper body now wrinkled with the wet.


With a groan she climbed free and gathered together all the towels left out and dumped them over herself, wrapping herself as best she could manage.


She trotted from the room to find a servant waiting patiently outside holding a tray with a huge steaming mug of hot coffee sitting on it. Fey took the drink with a murmured thank you, still not quite used to the sheer extravagance of Rina’s estate. The servant bowed politely.


“Your comrades in arms are awaiting you in lounge fifty three. If you would follow me.”


She wandered after the servant through the extensive mansion. Their destination was some distance away. The trip was quiet apart from at one point when a service trolley rounded the corner ahead. At first Fey thought the trolley was moving on its own as nobody was pushing the thing. But then her gaze was drawn down and she spotted the small herd of miniature stallions harnessed to it, a pair of miniature and adorable minotaurs sat on the cart's edge directing the herd of stallions with reins.


Fey’s mouth hung open as they passed by, the clatter of the stallions' tiny hooves on the marble like a spring rain before they disappeared around the next corner.




The servant glanced back at her then shrugged. “Understaffed. We’re taking any help we can get these days. That lot are rather, well, extremely simple minded and dim but a few dangled carrots and they got the idea.”


“...I ...See?” said Fey, not really seeing at all. Her attempted murderers had apparently gone from bloodthirsty grizzled assassins to happily working for the mansion as servants. She knew that the effect she had when touching males changed their demeanour rather a lot. Apparently the head housekeeper had seen an opportunity in that.


They continued on until she came to a large comfortable lounge and found the other members of Magic Mog draped across various pieces of furniture wearing dressing gowns and towels and likewise nursing coffees. 


Rina wasn't there or anywhere that she had seen, but that wasn't that surprising, the lamia did have a business to tend to after all.


Fey trotted over to a large chaise made for centaurs and gracefully flopped onto it.


“So uhm, you might be wondering why you were washed away in a tidal wave yesterday, Fey.”


Fey turned her head to see Lily. The otterkin was awkwardly leaning to her side, seemingly supported against thin air. Fey realised It must be Kayla that she was resting against. Lily was clearly extremely relieved that she was okay.


Lily's breasts had grown again and they spilled over the edge of the couch being supported below by two dozen teddy bears, who had also taken the time to wrap them in towels hiding them mostly from sight… It required a lot of towels, and the shape of her nipples were very clearly outlined.


“I was swept away while- while having s-se- uhh, d-doing something, and, uhm, then I ended up lost for hours in this gigantic never ending city!  It was not a nice experience!”


There was a small whimper from the invisible Kayla, clearly she was feeling guilty.


“S-sorry! I- I didn't mean to, it’s just I didn't know what I was doing with my new Class and-”


“You have a new Class?” came Ellaria’s voice, suddenly very interested. The elf was wrapped in pink towels, even her hair, and had an extra large mug of coffee that she was closely nursing, the steam washing over her face.


“Ah- y-yes, when me and Fey ran away from that loxodon we ended up in a Class library and I happened to find a Class that fit my Affinity so I- uh, well, I took it, in the spur of the moment. I just couldn't leave it there! I simply couldn't keep going without one!”


“A Class you picked yourself on a whim? I fear for how useful this Class of yours will be Kayla. What did you pick? A berserker or something even less fitting? A harpoonist? Something else with terrible affinity?”


“Uhm, well I think I might have a really really good Affinity for it, I remember the Affinity crystal flashing bright then shattering to pieces!”


“Oh?” said Ellaria, leaning forward with interest.


“Yes! It’s, well, I’m a Summoner! I can summon things!”


There was a collective pause.


“That… could actually be quite useful...” murmured Ellaria.


“Your Class is like the stone, the one that summons insane humans from the other continent?” said Fey.


“S-sort of? I can only summon monsters like a regular normal Summoner. At least, I think.”


“Show us!” said Lily bouncing on the spot and sending the teddybears lifting her breasts reeling.


“W-well I think Summoners are supposed to do it through summoning stones and I made a mistake trying to do it without one, uhm, I should maybe wait… I didn't mean for the water to appear...”


“Hang on, you summoned all that water?” said Fey round eyed, “Aren't you only level one?!”


“Yes,” whispered Kayla faintly, “Maybe I’m not supposed to be able to do that until a higher level, that's why I couldn't control it, or something, I- I don't know... “


“That is not how I have heard the summoner Class works. It is summoning via a specially prepared stone or nothing,” said Ellaria tapping her mug with her index finger. “Curious. I suppose it would be best for you to leave it for now as you say, after this ceremony we will look into acquiring some blank summoning stones for you to practice on as is the norm for summoners. The sooner you can summon your first monster to fight for us the better.”


“Mhmm!” said Kayla more brightly than Fey had heard her in some time, real joy in her voice.


Lily hugged her invisible sister tight.


“You’re going to have competition soon Wummy,” murmured Vivi. The vulpine was ensconced in a marshmallow of cushions cradled in a giant chair built for Lamias. Dozens of glossy white tentacles flowed and snaked around the cushions and pillows, each of them holding up brushes and combs and scissors, working as one to trim and cut the vulpine’s fur into perfect neatness, catching the trimmings in a little bag as they worked. One tentacle held up a mug from which the vulpine lazily sipped before returning to her drawings. “You won't be the only monster in the band.”


Fey could just see what she was drawing from this angle and was puzzled as to why the vulpine was drawing what looked like variations of a horse penis along with noted prices for each one.


Ellaria gave Vivi a sour look. “The slime monster is not part of the band Vivi, she’s a damned monst-!”


Ding ding ding!


Ellaria paused as a ringing filled the room and a servant slipped inside.


“Miss Ellaria, it appears that the Band you had been expecting have arrived.”


“Ah, that would be the Hammer Horns. Magic Mog, get your shit together, we’ve got medals to collect! Try to look at least a little respectable.”


“And Flora?”


A distant cry of “MOAAARR!” echoed through the mansion, just reaching them, along with a chorus of teenage screams.


“...Flora will be sitting this one out.”


A little while later and Fey found herself leaving the estate’s front gates and entering the city. She tried her best to ignore skin coloured dome that could just be seen over the estate’s walls. Flora at that size was not suitable for medal ceremonies.


Fey had acquired new clothes, a large blouse, which she rather suspected had belonged to Rina judging by how well it fit her vast chest, as well as a wide brimmed summer hat.


Lily and Vivi had needed much more unique clothing considering their sizes, but having an army of servants meant that anything could be sown to fit with enough effort and light white cotton had been cut to cover their nakedness, huge swaths of tight fitting cotton cupping belly and chest, Vivi wearing a long summery dress that hid a writhing boiling mass of tentacles between her legs.


Ellaria however was wearing her normal adventuring gear, practical leathers and blouse. It still looked amazing on her.


Fey was finding movement a little awkward as the minotaur girls Astrid, Baerinda, and Chloe were sticking to her like glue. She hadn't seen them since the trip to kill the Kobogons and apparently they had missed her a great deal, rushing up to her as soon as they spotted her and running their hands all over her muscular stallion half, feeling her muscles and cooing approvingly.


“I’m a little mad at you three,” mumbled Fey, blushing under the attention. She hated to admit it but their affectionate touching was kind of nice.


“What why?” said Astrid as she pressed her breasts up against Fey’s front and looked up at her with big eyes.


“You told that newsletter everything that happened!” she lowered her voice, “What if your bandmates read it!”


“Oh, that,” grumbled Baerinda. “I got talked into giving away the story, not my fault. Don't have to worry about them reading it though, why would they? They aren't exactly the target audience...”


“Aha, that was probably mostly me,” said Chloe the water mage, “I couldn't stop thinking about how juicy a jilling material it was and how there would be so many who would never hear of the time the mighty Fey dominated a cute little water mage… also the money they offered was insane. But mostly I wanted to help horny women in need! Mostly!”


Fey could only sigh and shake her head as she followed after Ellaria.


She had to bat away a number of naked Baerinda illusions that only she could see as she went. The illusions were putting on a strip show, a very very lurid one. She somehow managed to avoid looking at the illusions, just, and she remained flaccid, much to the minotaurs girl’s audible disappointment.


Braddox and Ellaria led them, the two captains cutting through the streets like a knife through butter, people scrambling to get out of the way of the pair's striding path. That suited Fey just fine. The captains combined with her current rare flaccidness meant that there wasn't a crowd of random horny girls chasing her tail, not counting the three minotaur girls.


Their destination soon came into view, a huge public square that was… very crowded. Fey felt her stomachs turn as she realised just how many people there were in the crowd. Really, there were just so many people! Thousands! Everyone from the poorest to the noblest who stood in their own section of raised stands.


She found it hard to believe that this many people had turned out just for them, but then the reason as to why that might be stood on the stage at the end of the square.


Lady Alexandria loomed over all, her massive nine and a half foot of height boosted further by the stage making her presence unavoidable. She utterly dominated the square and made Fey all the more nervous.


The dragoness was wearing her usual partial plate lorica armour with carriage crushing sword slung behind her back. Didn't she have any non-military clothing? Despite it being armour it only seemed to emphasise the dragoness’s massive flaring hips and astonishingly large chest covered in cream white scales, cream white scales that covered her front to and were framed by her violet scaled back and sides. If that loxodon looked like she could break a person's hips then this dragoness looked like she could crater them into the earth’s mantel.


Alexandria raised her hand with a smirk and the crowd roared. 


“We’re supposed to go out in front of all those people?! With that crazy dragoness?!” whisper hissed Fey. The two bands had stopped short of the square and darted into an alley to prepare for their entrance.


“Yes Fey, this is a good opportunity for us, we can get our names out there, maybe acquire some decently paid jobs.”


“But there’s so many people! Wh-what if I freeze up?! I- I can't!”


“Relax, you’ve faced down terrifying monsters I’m sure, this is nothing,” said Astrid, “And anyway, you walk around all day with a massive throbbing erection in public! This is really is nothing!”


“That- That’s not the same! I’m a centaur, we’re allowed to be exposed on our horse halves! It’s normal for centaurs, natural, a-and within the law! No one even gives it a second look anyway!”


The others paused and stared at Fey. 


“I’m not sure that’s quite true in your particular case Fey… Kinda hard not to give it a second look… and a third… and a fourth… and a touch.” Baerinda licked her lips.


“N-nuu!” said Fey, backing away from the advancing minotaur.


“Baerinda. Professionalism.” growled Braddox using his captain’s voice, seemingly in an irritable mood.


The minotaur girl huffed, but backed off. 


Fey couldn't help but notice that Braddox was behaving a little strangely. She watched out of the corner of her eye as the minotaur lifted a metal ring from his pocket, turned it in his fingers a few times, then seemed to come to a reluctant decision. He turned to face the alley wall as the others chatted and his hand stealthily slipped down his shorts with the metal ring. When he pulled his hand free the ring was nowhere to be seen.


Fey furrowed her brow, puzzled.


With encouragement the two bands at last pushed out into the square and the massive crowd parted as they quickly became aware of them, allowing a straight path to the stage.


Fey approached, wiping her sweaty palms against her blouse, the fur on her lower back standing on end, practically hyperventilating, this was all almost too much to handle with so many eyes on them.


She thanked her lucky stars she was currently flaccid, because of that it seemed almost all of the attention was being placed on Lily and Vivi as the two who were enormously pregnant, and Ellaria too, or at least that would have been the case if the elf was actually there. Fey blinked in surprise as she realised that her captain had ducked out and disappeared leaving them to face the crowd alone, Braddox the sole captain remaining.


She nearly panicked then and there, having to physically restrain herself from turning around and fleeing back the way she had come. As it was she barely made it up onto the stage, shaky hooves clattering on the wooden stairs as she ascended and looked back down on a sea of eyes.


She felt woozy and swayed slightly. 


Fey decided she wasn't a huge crowd kind of person, so much attention on her was just too much. She tried to keep nearer the side and to the back of the group of adventures, Vivi and Lily taking the attention, especially Lily who had a small army of teddy bears lifting a small couch which she sat upon, and a pair of litters ahead of her cupping her breasts.


Lady Alexandria turned her wide dragonic smile on them.


“Adventurers! Such troublesome little things you are, like mice who’ve gotten into the sugar. Still, a mouse who faces down the kitchen cat should be praised for their bravery, especially when it is such rotted evil as a hive of Kobogons, and more, you rescued some of my villagers and saved me the inconvenience of glassing the entire area flat with dragon fire, commendable indeed!”


She turned to the crowd, “You hear that my city? These adventurers saved the lives of innocents from monsters most foul!”


The crowd roared their approval back at her, a deafening wall of sound that Fey couldn't hear herself think over, thousands of voices combined into one joyous cry.


“Yes, yes, it’s all rather quite good isn't it? I suppose some civilian honours and medallions and whatnot are in order, not quite on the level of the military but as best a civvy can hope for I imagine.”


She leaned down, her thick tail coiling around her legs, and picked up an enormous black iron chest which she thudded down on the stages podium, crushing its raised rim flat. The entire stage shook.


She grabbed hold of the huge black iron padlock in one set of claws and ripped it off in a spray of metal shrapnel that clattered against her scales. Then lifting the lid she darted her claws inside and grabbed a fist full of medals on silk lengths each decorated with a dragon’s head. 


She turned and looked between the adventurers, eyebrow raising as she looked at Vivi and Lily before alighting on Baddox the largest and most muscular and serious looking of the group.

“Ah, your body is wasted on adventuring,” she said, taking a step forward. “You could do much much better in my army, instead of battling frivolous monsters you could go to WAR like a real Minotaur.”


“Thank you for the invitation Lady Alexandria but I'm afraid I’ll have to decline.” said Braddox stiffly, looking straight ahead.


“Hmm... Pity.”


She lifted her claw and shoved the dozens of medals into Braddox’s hands, the minotaur reeling a bit under the force of her arm and struggling to keep all of the medals from falling, nearly dropping half of them.


“I hereby give you and your Band Bine’s highest civilian awards. You are now honoured.”


“Psst,” whispered Lilly, “what about us?! Where's our medals?!”


“Uhm, I don't think the Lady realises we are two separate bands “whispered back Fey.


“Bu-but I want a medal!”


“It’s okay Lily, I uhm think we can split them later, m-maybe not right now in front of everyone, there’s j-just so many people, uhm…”


“Now,-” a heavy claw came down on Braddox’s shoulder. He nearly buckled and collapsed under the force of it, and his face went a little pale under the strain, a few medals slipping between his arms and clattering to the stage. “-My little adventurer. How about you give a nice rousing speech for my people. They came to see the hero after all and what is a hero without a heroic speech hmm?”


Her tail whipped behind her and the massive black iron chest was smashed off the podium to go crashing and rolling across the stage, the black iron stoved in from the impact of her tail.


She smiled flashing him endless dragon fangs and forcibly guided the increasingly concerned minotaur to the damaged podium.


Then she patted him on the shoulder and stepped back.


Braddox stared out over the crowd. 


The crowd stared back.


He coughed politely and adjusted his shorts. He spent rather a while adjusting them before he was ready. Then, he spoke.


“I realise that many of you have mixed feelings when it comes to adventurers. We are known to be a… brutish lot, who perhaps aren't as careful as we should be.” Braddox took hold of the podium, fingers gripping the rim, starting to get into it, “But know this! We are people too! And when we see those in need when up against the ravening hordes of monsters that circle our walled cities and towns we step forth and we fight! We kill more monsters than any other force in this world, if we did not exist the oceans of monsters would breed and multiply until they spilled over the walls of this very city of yours and all would be lost! We fight like anyone of you, to defend you, like any soldier, like any noble or pauper. In the war to survive against monsters it is all to fight, to Fight! never to Despair! and to forever Rage! In this it matters not what you are! A coward, a traitor, a slave! Look past our reputation and find what we have in common, what matters. We are people, we are civilisation, like you we will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight! We are adventurers and WE! KILL! MONSTERS!”


The crowd roared their agreement, fists thrust into the air, adventures were great! They killed monsters! Fuck Yeah! Obviously this was something they could all get on board with.


A heavily breathing Braddox backed away from the podium, shooting a satisfied glance Alexandria’s way who simply looked amused.


The dragoness stepped forward as the crowd's cheers slowly quieted.


“Wonderful what a rousing speech I must say. If I don't get that one as a soldier I could certainly use him just as a moral booster for the troops. Now that we are done with this little ceremony-”


“We are not done.” came a commanding voice from behind amongst the clanking of metal and gears.


The dragoness blinked and turned as a door opened on the stage floor and light spilled forth, light that illuminated the adventurers and the dragoness as the figure it was emanating from rose up onto the stage on a stage lift. It was as if she was simply floating up.


Ellaria arose, and all eyes were drawn to her, an elf of absolute bodily perfection wearing an unearthly beautiful Dress that accentuated and amplified her beauty in the same way that her beauty accentuated and amplified the Dress.


The elf had been made into a positive feedback loop of beauty that literally grew more beautiful and sexually attractive the longer she was stared at, elevating her perfection into a realm beyond perfection into something else entirely, super perfection. 


It was like a goddess of blinding sexual beauty had alighted on the stage. 


Thousands of breaths were held.


Ellaria smiled and thousands of hearts momentarily skipped a beat.


“Who are you,” growled Lady Alexandria, narrowing her eyes at the elf, the only one there not to be stunned senseless by her.


“I.” said Ellaria, “Am the other captain. What, did you think that this many adventurers belong to one band? No, that is not the case I’m afraid.”


She stepped forward toward the podium, bare feet pressing against the stage as she passed the glowering dragoness, elegant elvish fingers alighting on the wooden planks.


She gripped the podium.


“Good people of Bine, I am Ellaria De’loquint the Third of House Starry Oak.”


Her words addressed to all of them seemed to break the spell and a lot of things happened at once.


First behind her the male minotaurs of the Hammer Horns groaned and bent over, the tents in their shorts sputtering and spraying white through the fabric as they came, with the exception of Braddox who’s shorts remained flat as he curled, although he still groaned and shuddered.


Beside them Fey let out a shriek as she became near instantly erect and spray after solid spray of cloudy clear precum surged from her stiff barrel slapping cock, flying between her front legs and raining down on the crowd. It was all she could do to prevent herself from cumming on the spot, slapping her hands over her eyes as soon as she realised what was happening and only just saving herself from truly ejaculating.


The males in the crowd weren't doing as well and the sound of masculine groans filled the airs as thousands of forms bent over clothed tents and hips thrust mindlessly, hands diving below hems and frantically masturbating as they came and came and came, unable to remove their eyes from the black hole of sexuality that was Ellaria. She held all attention.


What would the elf say? Would she give an even more rousing and inspirational speech than the heroic minotaur? Surely the words of this goddess would shake the world to its very core.


“And I am here today to tell you about the wonderful business opportunity you have a chance to be a part of. My Band Magic Mog will do whatever job you require for a perfectly reasonable price, as you have seen we get things done quickly and at a high speed, we have a consistent four star- ah, that’s not quite true any more, but we still have a three star average rating at the guild! And that's actually a really good rating for adventurers!”


Fey tried to block out the elf’s apparent sales pitch as she desperately focused on trying to slow the constant sprays of precum hosing from her dick as it bounced and twitched stiffer than it had ever been, screaming to breeeeed. Hundreds of women in the crowd were being driven into maddening heat as the fluid splashed over their faces and open mouths and soaked their clothing, the men alongside them barely noticing as they stared at Ellaria and jerked themselves off, the cum that bubbled through their tented clothing being washed away by Fey’s precum as soon as it appeared. 


Fey backed away unsteadily as she continued to spray barrels of precum, nearly tripping as she couldn't see with her hands over her eyes.


Unfortunately the dragoness happened to be caught by her bucking length as it waved around with her steps, clear fluid splashing up the dragonesses leg, droplets splashing the underside of her breasts, a fine mist of microdroplets rising higher still until it reached her face.


The dragoness inhaled long and full, her nostrils flaring wide.


She slowly turned to stare at Fey.


“I understand your ‘perfume’ now, Centaur.”


“You can't go wrong with Magic Mog, we are a band better than the rest!”


The crowd seemed to be struggling to understand Ellaria’s words and were much more interested in ogling her body and jerking themselves off, even many of the women were lost to the sight of Ellaria, hands pressed up hard against clothing and rubbing in frantic motions.


“No matter the monster-, well not every monster of course that would be too much, but most monsters! We are quite happy to, to… are you even listening to what I’m saying?”


The elf paused and seemed to realise that the crowd was quickly descending into chaos, the feedback loop of the Dress synergising with her body accelerating and making things worse by the moment.


One of the nobles struggled free from his seat and placed his foot on the row in front.


“My goddess, please! Will you listen to my plea-- g-get off of me Wife Can't you see I’m trying to propose marriage to this goddess?!”


His rotund noble wife stopped pulling on his clothing, pulled back a fist, then slugged him in the face.


The noble dropped like a sack of potatoes and the noble Lady nodded and then turned to Ellaria.


“Lady goddess, forget my husband, you should marry me!”


“No, me!




The noble stands erupted into violence as fists were slung and slaps were thrown.


The fighting rapidly spread across the crowd and a brawl of thousands broke out, black eyes spreading like a plague, tented clothing becoming a weak point that others exploited, fists thrown even as the other hand eagerly jerked themselves off, groans of pleasure and roars of fury as those at the front fought to crawl up onto the stage.


Ellaria pursed her lips.


“It’s just a Dress...”


Behind her Fey scrunched her eyes shut as hard as she could, hands tight over her face, murmuring the most boring things she could think of to herself.

“One plus seven is eight, eight times three is, uhm, twenty six, and uh, four times twenty six is a really big number and cold water all over me and paint dries really slow and, uhm, grass and hay is nice!”


Her efforts barely had an effect, a constant pulsing spray of precum continued coming from between her legs, covering the stage entirely in a wash of clear fluid and spraying far over the crowd, raining down on fighting or masturbating people.


Her back hooves came to the back of the stage, nearly slipping off, and Fey was forced to stop.


“And ice cubes and snow on my bits and oh no no no!”


The centaur fretted, shaking her hand covered head realising she was trapped in a crowd of thousands and ready to explode.


The pulsing spray of clear fluid was interrupted by a pair of massive purple and cream scaled thighs. A pair of massive purple thighs that stepped into the spray, huge clawed feet splashing in the precum puddling over the stage.


Fey heard the thud of steps coming closer, closer, then the sound of someone bending down, their heavy breathing nearing her head, her ear, her summer hat and hair fluttering under the huge exhalations. 


“Your scent is doing things to me, centaur.” growled a deep draconic voice.


Fey EEP’d! And tried to back away but finding the edge of the stage again realised she was trapped, one leg dangling off in thin air.


“Things I haven't felt since I was a young dragon many centuries ago. My body is tingling, and I feel this need settling deep within. I am... Restless.”


A huge clawed hand came down on Fey’s lower back and she gasped.


“Centaur. I am going to do things to you that you will remember for a lifetime.”


A second claw came down and Fey panicked, kicking madly as she was entirely lifted into the air by the dragoness and slung over her shoulder, her floppy summer hat still somehow remaining on.


“But not here, this isn't a sight for non-dragons, they do not merit the sight, it is beyond them.”


Fey heard the sound of a pair of wings flapping and yelped as gravity suddenly seemed to fall away beneath her. She managed to peek between her fingers and could only look on in horror as the ground dropped away below them at a terrifying rate, her stomachs going cold in sheer terror.


The full on riot that was taking place below was already disappearing from view and in moments they were flying over the city of Bine, flying, then coming down, down into the City’s great palace.


Fey had been kidnapped by Lady Alexandria.


She had to wonder if that was better than ejaculating on a crowd of thousands.


It was hard to say.

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