
Chapter 37 2/2

Fey found herself in a vast rectangular hall inside the palace. The gold and painting trimmed ceiling was fifty foot above her head, and if she looked down the length of the hall she thought it must be at least one hundred and fifty foot long and eighty foot wide. 


Yes, it was indeed vast.


Yet the ground was completely unseen beneath a sea of ornate pillows which varied in size from normal to the size of small buildings, all of them masterfully crafted.


A group of human maids in black maid uniforms were tending her as she awkwardly stood amongst the pillows, two of them holding an open topped barrel which her still furiously spurting cock sprayed precum into, the drumming of fluid against wood quickly overtaken by the sound of fluid splashing against fluid. After a few minutes when the barrel was starting to fill a second pair of maids replaced the barrel with a fresh barrel. Any precum that was missed or splattered free was quickly cleaned up, the maids apparently employing some kind of enchanted glass bottles which sucked the fluid from the pillows when the opening was pressed against the fabric. When the bottles were filled they were carried off and replaced with fresh bottles, the process continuing.


“My my, such a productive little centaur you are,” said Lady Alexandria. She was lazing on one of the enormous pillows, dozens of black dressed maids tending her nine and a half foot body, furious buffing and polishing of her claws and scales even as they slowly removed the Dragonesses plate lorica armour. She’d already tossed aside the massive sword she wore on her back and it lay atop one of the larger pillows.


“Uhm, I, I’m worried about Ellaria!”


“Oh your Elf friend in the pretty Dress?”


Fey nodded meekly.


“Don’t worry yourself, I sent in my legions to break up the rioters. That elf doesn't realise what she has with those looks of hers.”


“She doesn't?”          


Lady Alexandria leaned forward, the maids polishing her black horns having to scramble to avoid being knocked over.


“No. I saw her without and with the dress, it doesn't take an arch-mage to see something is at play with the combination of herself and the dress. That elf has stumbled on a weapon.”


Fey stared blankly at her.

“Don't you see? Deploy her into a city state wearing that Dress and watch the city tear itself apart! That Dress on her is a weapon of incalculable destruction, as powerful as a battalion of mages!”


“O-ohh… I see?” said Fey, not seeing at all.


“Hmm, I doubt that, an untrained civvy knows nothing of the ways of war, the very concept of such tactical disruption and subversion. That elf isn't an elf, she is a siege machine, she is a trebuchet in elf form. Unleash her on a city and watch the walls fall.”


The last of the plate lorica came free as she spoke, the large pieces of metal clattering as they were taken away. The Lady’s fit and muscular underwear clad body was revealed bit by bit as this happened and Fey found it hard to look away. 


The dragoness wore only the thinnest of panties, a finger thin strip of white cloth that went from hip to hip and dove down below her muff, the silky soft roundness of her fat puffy muff escaping free at the top. 


Her chest was something else, strap after layered strap of dense white cloth tied her breasts to her chest in a way that looked almost painfully tight… which meant her massive chest wasn’t even her full true size, her breasts been restrained behind her armour the entire time.


The dragoness winked at Fey then hooked a claw over the white cloth. In one motion she slashed through the breast wrap and huge amounts of breast flesh spilled free, wobbling and rippling and sloshing as her expansive creamy breasts were revealed, bright pink mug sized nipples popping from innies to outies as the pressure was released, the air cooling their sweat slick surface. 


The dragoness let out a groan of relief and stretched her arms above her head, legs straightening and knocking aside maids as her toes splayed in a satisfying morning stretch.


“Ahhhhhh,” she sighed, “It feels good to be released from proper military attire.”


Fey bit her lip and the maids in front of her were sprayed down with pre as her cock suddenly stiffy jerked up. They let out cries of alarm. Which was a mistake, opening one’s mouth was often a mistake when Fey was releasing precum. They sputtered and gasped, the clothing soaked through. Still, showing their professionalism they swiftly put the bottles to work, vacuuming their clothing of precum in seconds. They couldn't vacuum away the new blush on their cheeks and their panted breathyness however.


“You like what you see little centaur? Would you perhaps... want more of me?” said the Dragoness, looking over her maids with amusement.




Lady Alexandria eyed her from beneath hooded eyelids, the corner of her mouth curling in amusement.


“Yes, there is always more when it comes to dragons, always.”


She let out another groan and stretched her arms further above her head, back arching as she stretched herself... Sounds started emanating from her body, the groaning sound of something dense being taxed and strained…and the dragoness began to grow, clawed hands extending up the pillow as her feet came down onto the pillowed floor, pushing pillows aside as her body enlarged.


“Oh gods it feels sooo good to decompressss!” groaned the dragoness shaking her head side to side as the maids around her became frantic, overwhelmed by her mass, unable to keep up with her growth. She quickly passed ten foot tall, then eleven, then twelve, and then she began to slow at fourteen, her panties shredding apart as her flaring hips easily outgrew them.


A fourteen and a half foot tall dragoness lazed on a now more fitting pillow size, panicking maids falling between her thighs and across her toned muscular abdomen, small hands scrabbling desperately at her immensity. Lady Alexandria made a pleased sound and plucked a maid up who had fallen into her cleavage, skirt fallen over hips and panties exposed for all to see.


“Cat panties? Really?” said the Dragoness placing the maid to one side.


The maid blushed furiously as she straightened her rumpled skirts and dashed away,


Fey couldn't help it, her breath was coming in heavy pants, heart pounding like a blacksmith's hammer, the barrel the maids held being pushed backwards such was the power of the fire hose of precum being sprayed into it.


It was hard not to get hot under the collar seeing the dragoness grow, especially after being primed by Ellaria and her off the charts sex appeal.


She licked her lips.


“Y-you aren't normally in your true f-form?”


“Hmm, hardly. My kind find it convenient to compress our bipedal forms, it makes walking through cities so much more convenient. Of course not all dragons can do such a thing, the older dragons have bodies too dense to noticeably compress. I used to be able to get much smaller but these days I only manage a small amount. Too much exercise in the military I suppose.”


The dragoness suddenly leant forward and got to her feet, squawking maids thrown from her body and scattered to the pillow covered floor.


Lady Alexandria towered over Fey making her feel very small. Then she bent down and picked her up, with ease. Carrying her under arm she turned the nearest building sized pillow and placed Fey on her back on top it. Then she crawled up onto the pillow, torso sized clawed hands coming down either size of Fey’s head, enormous breasts dangling over her, huge pink nipples brushing against the fabric. 


Fey’s dick throbbed and the sound of masses of fluid splashing against the back of the dragonesses breasts filled the air, precum washing over Fey’s barrel and onto the pillow in waves.


Fey hated to admit it but she was incredibly turned on.


A dozen maids quickly swarmed the giant pillow and began a chain drawing the fluid free from the fabric in bottles and then passing it down where it was poured into barrels at the base. In this way they managed to keep up with her output. Just.


The dragoness paused.


“Such a small partner for a dragon is… awkward.” she shuffled and frowned, breasts pushing down Feys front legs.


“Hrmm. very well.”


The dragoness concentrated and began to shrink, her body compressing down into smaller frame, the strain of her body crushing inward just audible. It wasn't long before she was at her original size, then a little smaller, nine foot tall. 


“Ah, much better, perhaps this way I might actually feel something of your tool.”


She wiggled her hips, fat tail snaking around her thighs and then touching at Fey’s rigid length. Fey whimpered as the tail curled underneath her length and began to lift it, just as the dragoness adjusted her hips. 


It wasn't long before Fey felt something incredibly hot and soft brush against her cock head, the dragoness’s pussy, her incredibly dripping wet pussy, her pussy that drooled slightly sticky gel-like fluid down onto her. Of course, the dragonesses output was as nothing to Fey’s and a sudden powerful spray of precum hammered against her labia causing the dragoness to jump in surprise.


“Your size is unfortunately wanting but I dare say your output puts dragons to shame, to think this is only pre…” said the dragoness, her eyes alight with excitement.


She wiggled her enormous hips and then slowly eased herself down, her folds parting easily for Fey’s dick, a greedy pink ring of labia encircling the shaft and gripping down with so much strength that Fey cried out, the tap of precum that was her cock abruptly closed off and ended by the dragoness’s terrifyingly strong insides.


“T-too hard! you’re gripping too-too hard!”


She gasped in relief as she felt the dragoness ease off.


“Aww, you sound adorable. Perhaps I should lay with the little folk more often, your meekness has a charm all of its own, it makes me feel all warm inside... Well maybe that's just the need to fuck, but you get the idea.”


Fey gave the draconic head above her a disbelieving look, which only prompted Alexandria to smile, flashing a set of huge predatory dragon teeth, not a very comforting sight to see for a plains herbivore, aka a centaur.


The dragoness didn't wait for permission and slowly eased her hips down, her pussy engulfing more and more of Fey’s length then slowing as she noticed how easily she was taking it, even for a non-dragon, and then how it felt. She blinked.


“My god your scent has had more of an effect than I realised, I'm like a little teenage dragon eagerly awaiting her first good hard fucking, I don't recall being so sensitive or wet, well, ever!”


“M-maybe you are a little teenage dragon!” squeaked Fey


The dragoness stared at her then a laugh escaped her lips, then a full bellow of a laugh.


“You are too much. I will be looking into procuring you for my army, if only so that I can fuck you while on campaign, you do wonders for my morale.”


“I- d-do?”


“Yes, crushing the self esteem of those who think they know something of how dragons fuck is always amusing.”


Fey had only a moment for her eyes to open wide before the dragoness slammed her hips down, taking Fey to the base in one go and then dragging herself up, cock being freed to the air coated in dragoness juices before once more being wrapped in dragoness pussy as she slammed herself back down.


The feeling was unreal, the dragoness’s insides were a maze of powerful squeezing, a mix of tender softness and a unique harder compression that rolled down her length in clenching waves.


Fey could already feel herself starting to edge toward a peak, she was only slowed by how much backed up precum there was currently in her shaft, the fluid unable to escape into the insane pressure chamber of Alexandria’s cunt.


The dragoness’s hips continued to slam up and down relentlessly, her breath coming heavy, her eyes fluttering slightly, the dragoness using Fey’s dick to masturbate herself, a living dildo, pure and total domination.


There was something about that draconic domination that was causing a reaction in Fey. That primordial sexual beast deep within string to life, its endless expanse rumbling as it turned its planet sized focus toward the proud dragoness.


The dragoness thought she was one to dominate?


This wouldn't do.


Fey unthinkingly grabbed hold of her huge forearms either side of her and gripped as hard as she could, then she bucked up into her, driving her dick up into the dragoness as the dragoness bounced.


For a moment she thought she could take back control, the dragoness let out a long lush moooooan in response, her eyes rolling up under her half closed eyelids.


But then Alexandria’s tail whipped behind and dove below Fey’s vast balls, the tip instantly finding her sloppiong pussy and then quickly dipping inside forcing her clit to wink free as her labia was stretched around the tail’s girth.


Fey cried out, fingers clutching desperately at the dragonesses arms as her spine arched.


She found herself wanting to fall into the Dragoness’s rhythm, just letting her have her way with her, but the primal beast inside refused, and despite the furiously squirming tail ravaging her pussy she thrust up into the dragoness as hard as she could.


Surprisingly the dragoness was bounced back up by Feys hips, Fey’s strength somehow momentarily overcoming her.


Alexandria blinked.


“Filled with vim and vinegar this one, such spunk. Servants! Hand me my riding crop!”


The maids scrambled to act, a pair standing patiently at one end of the room pulled open a chest and removed what could be described as a riding crop used for disciplining a horse… except on a dragon's scale. The thing was over four foot long and made from heavy twined black leather, the base capped in silver. 


The two maids cradled it between themselves and dashed toward the dragoness, scrambling from pillow to pillow before climbing atop the room-sized one Alexandria and Fey were rutting on. Together they knelt and held the crop up and Alexandria snatched it from their hands. 


A moment later Fey gasped aloud as she felt the sharp smack of a crop hitting her flank and then the tip was lifted and placed under her chin, lifting her head to look into lady Alexandria's eyes.


“A soldier does not disobey her Lady, A soldier is subservient and follows orders.”


Her words weren't helping assuage the beast in Fey, in fact they just seemed to be antagonising it, putting it in overdrive, Fey’s motions became harsher, more brutal, thrusting harder and harder.


“Did you not listen, did you not-! I am your commanding-!”


Fey bit the end of the riding crop off and spat it to the side, a fierce grin appearing on her face.


“No, actually, you’re mine. You belong to me, all of you.”


The dragonesses brow rose in surprise as Fey’s hands, front legs and back legs latched onto the dragoness’s entire body, grasping the dragoness with incredible force. Then she began to move her limbs, hauling her incredible weight up then slamming her down the length of her barrel.


“H-how dare y-you-! You- g-gaaawdddd!”


The dragoness struggled to regain control of the situation, trying to bat at fey with stunted riding crop and finding that the centaur barely noticed.


Tail lashing, wings outstretching from her back, the dragoness was coming to a peak despite herself, and her claws curled into the fabric of the pillow shredding it apart and sending clouds of white feathers fluttering into the air.




She groaned and keened, as Fey’s hips thrust up into her, her massive breasts rolling and wobbling over Fey’s sides.


The dragoness abruptly came, hard, and a wash of squirt sprayed between them in an explosion of clear fluid, the army of maids already diving in, sucking up her fluids and bottling them.


“Y-you made me cum before you-! That, that isn't allowed! This goes against my authority!”


“G-gunna cum now!” groaned Fey and the Dragoness’s eyes went wide.


The incredible tightness of Alexandria’s pussy had prevented the precum in Fey’s length from escaping, that precum was suddenly faced with a far stronger torrent of cum from the other direction, thick heavy cum that wouldn't be defied.


Fey exploded into her.


The dragoness looked down in shock as her belly surged outward, rapidly swelling until she looked six months pregnant.


“Wh-what?” said Lady Alexandria, sitting upright to look down at her growing tummy.


Fey gave the dragoness a fierce look, but then the dragoness expression moved from shock to pure contempt and it was Fey’s turn to be shocked as the dragoness flexed her muscular abdomen and her cum belly started to shrink down, the filling inside compressing beneath her staggering strength and in moments her midriff, which had been rapidly expanding, was returning toward being flat and toned.


The dragoness had taken Fey’s load like it was nothing, a smug look in her eye.


The only thing was.


Fey hadn't stopped cumming.


Another powerful spraying surge of horse cum was pumped into the dragoness’s womb and her belly slowly started to grow outward once more, despite the straining of her abdomen muscles trying to compress it down, she just kept being filled, inch by inch her belly slowly rose outwards until she looked six months pregnant again, a smooth arcing curve from her breasts down to her mons.


“You c-can't, you- can’t just keep- ah-”


Her belly continued to expand, Fey’s surging ejaculations only becoming more powerful and lady Alexandria slapped her clawed hands down onto her belly, muscles flexing furiously as she tried to contain Fey.


Her growth slowed slightly, but still came on, a dragon's strength no longer enough to hold Fey back. 


“GAHHH!” snarled the dragoness doubling down, her arms flexing and biceps bulging as she tried to squeeze back down her expanding cum belly.


Fey watched wide-eyed as the surface of her smoothly arcing creamy tummy began to tremble and shake, the ocean of cum being compressed down in her womb fighting to expand against its restraints.


Her cock strained harder, growing in girth as so much piled through, pumping rhythmically into the dragonesses womb, filling her with more and more and more.


It seemed the dark beast inside of Fey wanted to aggressively compete.


And it was winning, Alexandria’s pale creamy belly was still inching outward, faster now, her belly button suddenly becoming an outie with an audible pop! as the insane pressure behind her midriff built.


“This is-!”


The dragoness seemed on the verge of being overcome by the flood but then she herself began to grow. If she couldn't contain all of Fey at this size then she would simply become larger.


As she inched taller, passing nine and a half foot and then ten foot her belly once more began to recede, the compressed space inside of herself becoming larger, her belly button pulling inward and returning to being an innie as her stomach returned from nine months pregnant to merely a curve and then nearly flat as she reaching fourteen foot, huge as she straddled Fey’s body.


Panting and sweating the dragoness turned eyes on Fey, a conqueror upon the conquered.


“Your output is, remarkable, centaur, to think you would cause me this much trouble. And yet you fell like all before.”


“P-pre!” Fey managed to groan out, eyes closed tight.


“Hmm what was that?”


“Th-that was all j-just the backed up precum!”




A rumbling sound came from behind and the dragoness looked over her shoulder in alarm to find Fey’s massive balls growing a little larger, reaching a terrifying four foot across each, two pulsing, vascular, and terrifyingly dense orbs.


“H-hey h-hold on a second-”


A loud glrsshhh-ing! sound suddenly came from the dragoness’s abdomen and it surged out a full foot. Causing her to shriek in alarm. 


She slapped her hand down on her belly as it abruptly surged out a full foot more.




She flexed her muscles, insane strength brought to bear to contain Fey, bulging muscles outlined on her abdomen, biceps bulging, even her tail was ripped from Fey’s pussy in a spray of clear fluid and wrapped around her midriff, everything brought to bear to compress down Fey’s output.


She succeeded in slowing the expansion.


But the thing was, Fey had barely started.


The dragoness’s belly swelled with cum, her creamy belly spilling over her hands, between the loops of her tail, pushing them aside as she inevitably grew fecund with horse cum. Her belly button returning to being popped out where it belonged, a broodmare’s mark.


The dragoness was covered in sweat by this point, her face red with the strain as her breath came in puffed pants, her all focused on fighting down her cum belly.


Fey watched in shock as the trembling shaking pale surface slowly pushed aside the dragoness’s immense strength, growing well beyond nine months with quintuplets and spilling down over her horse belly. She could feel the insane amount of cum compressed behind Alexandria’s flesh, the heat alone nearly hurt to touch, the violent trembling of the incredible compression happening in her belly sending vibrations through her body.


The dragoness was openly keening now, arms grasping wildly at her expanding belly as her tail flailed, thighs coming together to try and push back the tide of cum. 


It didn't matter and soon there was a cum belly filling the space between Fey’s legs, long lines of white marking it as the dragoness’s claws scraped over her creamy expanse.


She was unable to stop herself from swelling larger and her womb grew fatter and fatter with horse cum.


“ENOUGH!” Alexandria roared in outrage and Fey felt her begin to change.


This time it was different from a simple decompression of her size; the dragoness wasn't just decompressing, she was changing, mass being created out of nothing as she grew larger, body morphing. 


She grew beyond her limit, fifteen foot, sixteen, her face changing and becoming more feral, more terrifying, muzzle longer, seventeen, nineteen, twenty foot tall, neck lengthening, wings going from petite to huge.


The dragoness’s belly was rapidly shrinking, the space in her womb multiplying as she grew, her thighs reaching down either side of the room sized pillow to the floor as it became more fitting for her size. The maids now tiny in comparison were sent running for their lives, or falling across her thighs.


Fey watched in disbelief as she was thrown into shadow and the immense pussy she was buried in grew larger and larger, fat and puffy and huge, her horse legs embracing it, hooves sinking into the soft flesh.


The dragoness groaned and growled as she expanded and a spray of girl cum, far larger than previous washed over Fey in a wave as the Dragoneess’s head reached the ceiling fifty feet in the air above, drenching the pillow.


Then, with a yelp, Fey found herself being pulled along as the massive dragoness fell backwards, her back coming down on the endless pillows filling the one hundred and fifty foot long hall with a crash, the entire building shaking.


The dragoness continued to grow, her now huge wings hiding the walls from sight either side as her back legs stretched upward, her feet touching the ceiling then moving along it as her legs lengthened more.


Fey found herself slumped on the dragoness’s body-sized pussy, her melon-sized clit right in her face, a pulsing fat pink thing poking from its scaled hood.


Fey peeked over it and looked up the vastness that was Lady Alexandria’s true natural form.


She was… very big.


Looking up her belly was like looking over an immense scaled plain which a few scattered maids were wandering around on in confusion. The end of the plain led up to a long neck where a startled Alexandria head looked down upon her.


The dragoness looked over her body, seemingly surprised by what she had done. But then she furrowed her brow, contempt returning.


“To think you forced me into my true form, I- wait, what are you doing?!”


Fey continued humping the giant pussy she was huggin, hands grabbing hold of the giant clit, hips pistoning in and out of the cunt.


“N- need to cum!”


For the first time a look of real concern appeared on Alexandria’s face and she lifted one enormous set of claws to remove Fey. But then Fey bit down on the clit in front of her and squeezed her hands together as hard she could, pulling and tugging.


A sharp gasp came from above, the dragoness trembling, her back arching as Fey continued to frantically masturbate her massive clit all while her hips slammed over and over into the person-sized pussy.


The dragoness squealed as Fey buried her face and rubbed it all over the clit, nibbling and licking at the thing her magic had made hypersensitive. Dust fell from the ceiling and the entire building rocked like in an earthquake as the dragoness thrashed.


With a crash one of her feet went through the ceiling, then the other as her legs extended, toes splaying.




Fluid exploded around Fey’s body, a wash of boiling hot girl cum entirely submerging her body below her shoulders as the dragoness squirted lakes.


Despite this Fey didn't stop humping, only urged on by the intense smell of the dragoness's body going wild, her pheromones causing her balls to swell even larger, hips pounding over and over and over into her pussy, more and more violently, the massive soft pussy rippling with each impact, the dragoness’s voice rising to such a pitch that all the windows in the hall shattered and exploded outward, only urging Fey on as she beat up the clit, her hips becoming arrhythmic they thrust so frantically.


And then Fey came.


The dragoness threw her head back in a scream, and her head went through the back wall as her pussy clamped down like a vice, locking onto Fey’s length, Fey’s four foot wide balls hiking up hard as they released into Fey’s length, compressed cum surged down her shaft and then spraying and slurrying into the dragoness’s womb where it was free to expand.


Fey howled, screaming into the dragoness’s clit as it felt like her balls drained as an ocean.


If she had been looking up she might have seen the vast plain of the dragoness’s belly slowly start to rise, immense dragon musculature clenching down, desperately trying to compress it and keep it back, but finding the sheer quantity just too much. The plain rose in a great arcing curve, a massing dome of pale belly each clench of her poweful abdomen only slowing it, pulling it back in slightly, before the next pump of cum sprayed into her and her belly rose feet further, visibly quaking and vibrating under the extreme pressure. The scattered maids cried out in alarm as the ground they stood on became a dome that they began to slide off.


The hall was starting to come apart now, the dragoness’s claws clutching at her growing belly as her body thrashed, back arching, wings extending through the walls as her feet kicked apart the back of the hall, a near constant spray of squirt forming a lake below her hips, the maids being washed away. 


Her belly grew uncontrollably, pushing apart her claws, everything she did to try stop it, it grew well past nine months pregnant with octuplets, a vast sphere that reached up and up until it touched the ceiling and the walls of the hall were being pushed out to either side, her full throated screaming silencing the entire city of Bine, her body a cathedral to horse cum and mind shattering pleasure.


It seemed like the hall was going to be destroyed entirely, but then with one final roaring surge and a soft squeak from Fey it came to an end, the centaur falling unconscious atop the dragoness’s massive clit, mouth parted, lips smeared across its pulsing throbbing surface.


Lady Alexandria let out a long exhausted groan and went limp.


The city of Bine panicked.



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