
Chapter 38 1/3


Previously on Centaurus: Ellaria acquires a dress that synergises with her own beauty in a sexual feedback loop. Magic Mog march off along with the Hammer Horns to receive their medals from Lady Alexandria. Ellaria, not quite realizing how powerful the combo of herself and the dress was, dons it when she steps up onto stage. Bedlam ensues and Lady Alexandria abducts Fey when she catches her scent, taking her to her palace to scratch a sexual itch. Not quite realising how powerful Fey was, the dragoness is forced into her true form and then overwhelmed.

Now, chapter 38:

Fey slowly returned to consciousness, although very reluctantly. Half heartedly trying to return to sleep she snuggled up against something hot, slippery, and throbbing, pressed against her face and mouth, an incredibly comfortable pillow. Comfortable, but unusual. 


She cracked an eye as she tried to vaguely understand what the large pink surface she was using as a pillow actually was. The thing was surprisingly rigid, like it was swollen, and a deep vibration would occasionally run through it, like that of a vast heart.


“Whu…” she murmured.


She placed her hands against it and lifted her head up, strands of clear fluid connecting her face and cheek to its surface, her blonde hair sticking to its surface before being peeled away.


Her pillow was a huge pink clitoris, the size of a melon, gently throbbing and pulsing.


Surprised, Fey jerked backwards, then had to grab hold of the clit to stop from falling as she realised that she was above the ground, far above the ground, and slumped over an enormous person sized pussy.


“L-Lady Alexandria?!?!”


She looked over her shoulder. Two building sized thighs led away either side, going through the walls of the hall and into some other room of the mansion, along with a huge tail, rubble and pillows filled the space between her thighs, along with lakes of clear fluid.


Fey reluctantly realised she was looking at lakes of the dragoness’s girl cum. That would also explain the thick heavy white fog that hung in the air, the hot fluid was steaming cheerfully.


In fact the fog was so thick that Fey could taste it on her tongue, a heated tangy hormonal mix that flushed her cheeks and caused her groin to stir. The air itself seemed to be screaming: ‘fucking breed meeee!’


She licked her lips and swallowed.


Maybe it would be a good idea if she were to get out of here, such an intense hormonal fog could only lead to bad things.


She glanced ahead and found a curved cream wall. Looking up she realised it wasn't a wall, but a vast dome of dragon tummy, a cum belly that blocked sight of the rest of the dragoness, and the rest of the hall for that matter.


Okay, maybe it would be an extremely good idea for her to get out of here. 


Being the target of a furious dragoness when she woke did not sound like the best of times in her honest opinion. A dragoness that was nine foot tall was one thing, a dragoness in her true form was entirely another. She could be crushed to death under one of Alexandria’s toes for gods sake!


She wiggled her hips and found she was able to pull back a little, the intense grip of the dragoness’s pussy loosening slightly in her unconscious state. Fey bit her lip, grabbed hold of the giant clit for leverage and slowly eased her hips back, hooves clutching at the soft giving puffiness of the giant muff around the immense labia.


Bit by bit her dick was freed to the air, inch by inch, until she was half way out, sloppy wet cock drying in the air.


She prepared to pull the last of it free in one go but then suddenly the dragoness’s pussy twitched, her clit jerking, and Fey found her grip slipping from the slippery thing, fingers desperately clawing at its slick surface to no avail.


She cried out as she fell, peeling away from the giant pussy top to bottom, first her upper body and breasts then horse chest, then back legs and hips. She fell away, limbs flailing, cock ripping out in one sudden rush and slapping against her barrel.


She landed with a crash on a cart sized pillow below, the breath knocked out of her from the Impact, mouth opening wide. Which was unfortunate, as a waterfall of her own cum abruptly poured from the twitching dragoness’s pussy and she was doused entirely in a solid column of thick heavy white.


She quickly found she couldn't breathe! 


Choking and flailing she struggled on the pillow. Everything was cum, everything, she was covered fully, and worse she could somehow feel it wriggling against her skin. It got everywhere, in her eyes, her mouth. She fought free as the deluge petered off, rolling onto her front and struggling to her feet.


She wiped cum away from her face and eyes, and drew in great desperate heaving breaths, both chests expanding and contracting.


She was standing on a giant cum covered pillow amongst a lake of cum dotted by islands of pillows. 


The cloudy feminine fluid between the dragoness’s thighs had been replaced with viscous horse cum.


Extremely… active horse cum.


Fey blinked and held up her forearm. The cum looked just like normal horse cum. But now that it was on her skin she could feel it moving, wriggling on a tiny level, the blobs of viscousness trying to slowly crawl across her arm. Her blouse was plastered to her breasts and made semi transparent with cum, the colour of her skin and nipples visible through the soaked white fabric, blobs of cum oozing over the cotton, intrigued by her nipples.


A sensation on her rear made her blink and she realised with mounting dismay that the cum was actually looking for a womb, the very large problem with that was that SHE had a womb.


Her labia was tickled and then thrust against as the horse cum slathered on her rear started to part her puss, then accelerating spread her more and more as it slowly oozed inside. Filling the space with white and then schlucking deeper, aiming for her cervix.


All of the cum on her horse half was making its way toward her pussy now and Fey yelped in dismay and flapped her tail madly, swinging it back and forth and whipping it against her puss.


Fortunately, it seemed to work, the cum was flung away, splattering against the pools of horse cum around her and protecting her vulnerable flower from being penetrated by rudely aggressive horse cum.


But she couldn't get at the stuff already inside of herself and could only let out a little shivery keen as she felt the cum penetrate her cervix and enter her womb, a hot little spot in her belly.


“I- I can't impregnate myself, r-right?” she whispered in worry.


That was a troubling thought. Could she become her own brood mother?


But deciding that she couldn't do anything about it for the moment she dropped the thought and stepped down from the pillow. 


Time to escape.


The cum lake wasn't as deep as it appeared, only coming up to her knees. She looked down in dismay seeing the thick viscous white stuff latch onto her back legs and begin to slowly climb.


“G-get b-back, down! Bad spermies! I’m not meant for you!”


The sperm ignored her, and she was forced to swipe away any cum that approached her puss, her outsized strength allowing her to easily strike away the aggressive semen with great sweeps of her tail.


Tail flapping hard she began to make her way through the swamp of cum and fog and pillows.


She really needed to get out of here.


The fog limited how far she could see but eventually she came across an exit from the great hall. A wall partially destroyed by the dragoness’s leg, punching through into the rooms beyond. 


There she found a dining hall, one fitting in size for a palace.


Of course either end of the hall had been blocked by rubble, a massive purple scaled thigh visible through the hormonal fog at the end she had emerged into.


Moaning was coming from nearby and Fey stepped back so as not to be seen. 


The cum lake didn't hesitate though and oozed forward, spilling into the dining hall in a cummy wave.


A pair of human maids were flopped over a giant pillow, their maid uniforms hiked up and dishevelled, rising over their hips in a rumpled mess, their fingers plunging in and out of each other's snatches as they kissed and groped at each other in desperate desire.


Fey felt her length twitch and stir at the sight. The girls had clearly been affected by the disaster level sex she and Alexandria had engaged in and been put into a state of extreme arousal.


In fact she thought she recognised one of them, the maid that had fallen into lady Alexandria’s cleavage, a pair of cat panties around her ankles. This maid was blonde, like Fey, the other a redhead with sky blue eyes. Both were human.


She was about to step out and ask how the heck she could get out of the palace when she noticed that the slow ooze of horse cum had reached the girls and had started to climb the pillow. 


She watched with her brow raised, lips parted in concern as the cum rolled up, latching onto their spread thighs swallowing their skin and then heading inward, two fat rivulets of horse cum aiming for their muffs from the pool rapidly forming around the pillow below.


The girls didn't take notice at first, so engrossed in fingering each other, but then the cum slipped by their digits and pushed into their pussies and their frantic masturbation became decidedly more wet, each knuckle deep thrust producing splashes of cum and wet schlurking queefing sounds, the cum acting as a messy lubricant.


The two girls pulled away from kissing and looked down in surprise, seeing the stream of cum slowly penetrating them as they continued to masturbate each other.


They followed the white back, down from the pillow where it was pooling on the floor and back to the hole in the wall where Fey was peaking through. Fey bit her lip and raised a nervous hand.


“Uh-Uhm h-hi?”


“It's her!”


“No, really? How many centaurs with cocks and covered in cum have you seen before?”


“Hey no need to be such a bitch Nicole, I’m the one helping you get off you know. I could just stop.”


“Don't you dare, I feel like I'm going to die this need is so intolerable.” The red head called Nicole turned to Fey. “In fact I think this calls for desperate measures.”


“Hey- h-hey! You can't be saying what I think you're saying, she belongs to Lady Alexandria!”


“Belongs?” said Fey, “No, not exactly. I don't belong to anyone let alone that giant freaking military obsessed dragoness!”


The two maids blinked in surprise as more cum oozed into their pussies, filling their passages with horse cum. They didn't seem to mind.


“Still!” said the blonde.


“You have no idea how much I need a fat fucking cock right now Katty. I feel like my body is on fire and this cum is only making it worse, I can feel it freaking wriggling around inside of me!... I- I need dick, I need horse dick.”




“Don't even start! I know you’re as heated as I am, I can feel your insides squeezing down on my fingers every time I say the word horse… cock.”


The other maid let out a little sound and her thighs drew together slightly. The cum continued to ooze into her.




“Th-that's just a coincidence!”


“I can totally feel you trembling, look maybe we can just take a small little look, a taste of her?”


The red head called Nicole pulled her knuckle deep digits free from Katty with a spattering of cum and fem lube, Katty gave her an offended look, clearly unhappy to be empty.


Nicole tried to push away some of the cum oozing up her stockings, but after a moment she gave up and stood from the pillow, her frilly maid’s skirt falling to two thirds down her thighs.


Cum continued to ooze up her stockings.


Fey couldn't help herself, the sight was incredibly enticing. 


She took a step forward.


So did Nicole. 


They drew closer, desire thick in the air, or maybe that was the hormonal fog.


Their eyes locked together as Nicole approached then circled. Fey watched her as she stepped up to her side, up to her barrel, and then leaned down to see what was beneath. 


Her cock was waiting. A brutal slab of horse dick patterned with finger thick veins near the base and finer nearer the tip, a fat medial ring part way, the tip flat and nobbled, evolved to scrape and stimulate a mare's insides as much as possible, to drive her beyond wild.


Nicole’s hand hesitantly alighted on it and the massive length bucked, slamming up hard against Fey’s cum covered barrel. Horse cum splattered in every direction, droplets of white spraying up the maids front and over her face and hair. 


She laughed in delight.


“Uhm, if you don't mind me asking, why are you so, erm, productive?” said Katty. The maid had struggled up from the pillow and was busy pulling her cat panties up. She seated them in place and a gush of horse cum was pushed around the fabric to spatter to the puddled floor below while the remainder was sealed inside her puss.


“I- I’m not It’s just- It’s just-”


Images flicked across Fey's mind of the cause of her current excess of production.




Ellaria in the Dress.


Barefoot, light fabric flitting around her gorgeous thighs, nipples pressing against cloth, swooping cleavage that would make a goddess violently jealous.


The imagery hit her like a brick to the face and she gasped, desperately trying to repress the memory. But it was of course, too late, her cock became twice as rigid and slap-slap-slapped against her barrel, precum spraying from the tip in long powerful bursts of clear fluid. Her balls already swelling. They had shrunk a lot after filling the dragoness, reduced down to the size of watermelons each, now they were rapidly filling again, their surface becoming taut as they grew, creeping down her back legs as they put on more and more mass, inch after inch. 


Just imagining Ellaria in the Dress was now a dangerous prospect.


Poor Katty who was standing in front of her was front and centre for her production and she was instantly doused in buckets and buckets of cloudy slightly sticky precum, her dress quickly becoming soaked to the skin. She raised her arms to try keep the deluge back but it was too much, precum geysered around her hands and sprayed up into her face, only barely slowing it, masses of fluid going in her hair, her mouth.


Katty gasped aloud and stumbled aside, falling out of the line of fire and allowing precum to be sprayed across the dining room, up the wall, darkening the wallpaper, and spraying across the long dining table, knocking plates and cutlery and candelabras off the table to smash to the marble floor below.


Fey keened and mauled at her blouse covered breasts, trying to forget, trying to get Ellaria out of her head. 


It wasn't enough and her rear bucked and thrust into Nicole’s hands desperate for relief, desperate to be sunk into a needy sloppy pussy.


She turned on Katty who had stumbled away and was trying to wipe precum out of her eyes. 


The maid’s dress was nothing like Ellaria’s but the bouncy flitty thigh length skirt had the same look. She would do.


She took a step toward her. 


But then came a voice.


“Just what in the hell do you think you are doing? Do you think this is a time for leisure girls? The palace is in crisis!”


Fey turned to see a large breasted woman in high heels storming into the dining room. She wore a maids uniform like Katty and Nicole but the skirt on hers was much longer, reaching down to her ankles where a pair of six inch high heels could be seen. Interestingly she had a pair of nose plugs inserted into her nostrils, clearly suspicious of the fog that hung around the palace, perhaps wisely.


Her black hair was done up in a bun and tied with a black bow. The woman exuded authority and severity which was only emphasised by her great height, easily over seven foot tall with the heels. Despite being over a foot taller Fey somehow felt like she was beneath the woman, imperious was an understatement.


Behind her came a meek looking group of regular maids, their shoulders hunched, trying not to attract attention.


The imperious woman adjusted her red framed glasses. She had a small beauty mark on her cheekbone.


“What do you expect us to do? This place looks like a battlefield!” said Katty, waving her arms around as if to gesture at the mess.


“I expect you.” said the head maid taking a step, her heels clicking against the marble. “To. Do. Your. Job. That means cleaning the palace top to bottom before Lady Alexandria awakens. Do you want to face her wrath when she finds out that her expensive and well paid labour force has left her property a dump?”


“Not that well paid,” muttered Katty.


What was that?” came the head maid's whip crack voice.






The head maid had a bag on her hip, one themed in black and white to match her dress, the opening sewn with frilly lace.


She dipped a hand inside and pulled free a large thick glass bottle, about two thirds of a gallon if filled. It was a vacuum bottle, like that had been used to clean up Fey’s precum earlier. The bag it came from was far smaller than the bottle, a clear indication that the bag was dimensional. She shoved the glass bottle into Katty’s hands, and then pulled a second free and gave it to Nicole, and then another and gave it to a maid in her meek entourage, and so on, until all the maids were armed for war and ready to do battle.


“Here, you can start by cleaning up the prodigious amounts of our Lady’s fluids. I doubt she would want that falling into more unscrupulous hands. You know how mages are about anything that is taken from a dragon's body. Despicable what they will do to possess dragon material. You can collect the… other stuff at the same time.”


“Uhm, yes ma’am!”


Katty turned and looked down at the cum oozing its way across the dining room floor. She was supposed to collect all of that in such a small bottle?


The other maids provided a solution however, dragging a barrel into the room to empty the glass vacuum bottles into once full.


The maids started to work.


The head maid however only stared at Fey in a decidedly unimpressed way. Her eyes moved from her cum drenched hair, down to her cum drenched semi transparent blouse, then down to her horse half and her cock which throbbed and sprayed a good few buckets of precum across the dining hall yet again, splashing across furniture and cushions.


“It would seem rather impossible to properly clean the palace whilst you are producing more of a mess with every passing second,” she sniffed.


“S-sorry about that! I Just thought of Ella and- and-”


“I do not care. If the Lady didn't have a personal interest in you I would have you thrown in the dungeon for destruction of property.”


“That wasn't my fault! She grew really really big on her own!”


“Are you saying that she destroyed her own palace accidentally? The accusation of incompetence is an offence in of itself, I should have you tied up and whipped bloody for saying such slander of our Lady Alexandria! Outrageous!”


Fey opened her mouth to deny it but suddenly had the feeling it didn't matter what she said, this head maid seemed determined to be angry with her. 

She slowly let her mouth close.


A spray of precum passed by the head maid’s skirt in the awkward pause.


“Hmph. As it is I shall have to deal with you in a more even handed manner since you belong to our Lady.”


She put her hand in the dimensional bag once more and fished around. After a moment she removed a circlet of gold, a thick solid gold collar, one carved with intricate angular runes and embedded with jewels.


“This,” she said, “Is used to imprison some of the strongest prisoners of war that our Lady heroically captures. It snaps around a neck and is impossible to remove no matter how strong or leveled the prisoner is.” She eyed Fey’s neck high above. Her eyes then drifted downward. “But since I do not think the Lady would appreciate having her toy imprisoned I shall be using it for a more… practical purpose.”


Fey’s eyes widened as the head maid took a shockingly swift step forward, high heels clicking as her hand darting beneath her barrel.


It only took a moment. The gold collar opened seamlessly, yawning wide of its own volition, and then snapping tight around the base of Fey’s cock, which was thicker than most necks. Not that the thickness stopped the collar, the gold and jewels seemed to morph and expand to engulf her, a band of metal drawing tight against her flesh, squeezing in uncomfortably.


“Wh-what are you doing! What did you just put on meee!” said Fey trotting backwards in alarm, cock waving wildly.


“I have simply turned the tap off. You are a faucet overflowing a sink. The kitchen cannot be cleaned until the source has been shut down. That is what I have done, no longer will you overflow.”


Fey paused. It was true, her stiffly bobbing cock had stopped spraying precum entirely, even bringing Ellaria to mind made no difference to her production, she had been shut off, choked, stoppered, she was no longer able to cum, or produce precum.


Strangely it was almost a relief, she was such a productive centaur and on such a hair trigger that for a moment being completely cut off from that gave a certain freedom.


She imagined Ellaria in that dress.




She imagined Ellaria naked, draped across a bed, the glorious curves of her body presented to her, legs spreading wide in preparation to take her massive dick, eyes half lidded, giving her the ultimate ‘fuck me’ eyes.




Her balls let out a pained groan and inched larger. They had started as large as watermelons, sixteen inches across each, now they were passing the twenty two inch mark, two hyper dense spheres hanging heavy against the back of her legs, veins pulsing across their smooth dark surface. 


But she didn't spray precum! And that was the important bit!


As she played through mental images in her head, imagining Ellaria in various states of undress and doing lewd things, the maids had started to really get to work. Producing buckets and mops and brooms, and more barrels. The head maid pointed and commanded and the maids went to do as she said. After checking the maids were working the head maid stalked away, long legs eating up the ground as she disappeared into the palace to hunt down more slacking maids.


Rubble and broken furniture was collected into piles as maids swept the floor, some attacking the puddles of fluid.


The dragoness’s fem cum was somewhat easier to vacuum up into the bottles and deposit into the barrels as it was inert.


Fey’s horse cum however, fought back, slipping around the nozzles and latching on to fingers just as cum crept up their stockings in waves, fat rivulets forming that rolled upwards, aiming for their pussies, assaulting their panties, even with hands pushing the stuff away, it just kept coming on.


One of the maids held up a bottle of the thick white stuff and was dismayed to see it ooze out the opening and crawl onto her arm before she could pour it into one of the barrels. 


Things descended into a battle of attrition as the maids scooped up the misbehaving cum even as more flowed into the dining hall from the main hall.


Nicole and Katty hadn't joined the fight however.


Katty bit her lip as she hiked up her skirt and bent over an Alexandria sized foot stool, then pushed down her cat panties. Nicole produced her bottle and placed the opening against her pussy, pressing the neck into her labia.


“O-okay, d-do it!”


The suction was turned on and a cacophony of slurping filled the air, the cum in her pussy being slurped free in the wettest most messy way possible.


Katty squealed and bit her lip hard, fingernails clawing and tearing at the stool as her thighs shook like jelly.


Fey watched hypnotised. 


She was… cleaning? Removing her seed? And she could no longer produce more to replace it?


That was the absolute worst thing imaginable to her deep carnal need to breed, this could not be allowed to happen to one of her broodmares.


Her balls inched larger, passing the twenty four inch mark. A deep predatory growl came from within.


Not knowing what she was doing she approached the maid bent over the giant stool.


One moment Katty was clutching at the stool, a bottle neck inserted into her pussy, the next a shadow was falling over her. Her brow rose and she turned her head to find a very large centaur above her.


“S-sorry I just can't stop, you can’t be empty and I need- I need to be inside of someone or I’m going to go crazy!”


The maid blinked and then flinched as something broad prodded against her globular ass, smearing precum and horse cum across it and squishing it down before sliding off in a spatter of fluids.


“Wh-what are you, is that-? You want to do it, w-with me? Like, full penetration? But you’re lady Alexandria’s toy! Petting is one thing but-”


“I’m not her toy! She dragged me here against my own free will! Admittedly I did feel like a toy under her sheer size, b-but that's not the point! I’m my own centaur and that means I can do this!”


She thrust her hips and the maid yelped as she was roughly shoved over the stool, the cockhead glancing off her asscheeks, a spark of elastic magic taking effect at the touch.


“H-hold on! The bottle is still!”


Too late, Fey thrust again and this time the bottle was caught between her and the girl's pussy. In one brutal motion the bottle was pushed inside of her, her pussy lips stretching obscenely thin to engulf the clear glass, the neck of the bottle penetrating deep inside.


“Oh-! oh-! OH g-god! What's happened?- Wha- Nicole loook! Look tell me!”


Nicole snapped out of her state of shock and darted below Fey's barrel. There she found the bottle halfway inside of Katty’s puss, and because it was clear her pinks insides were entirely on display, pulsing and clutching at the glass as they were stretched around it.


“She uhm, pushed the bottle… inside of you.”


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