ChangNing’s Imperial Army

Chapter 111 - Two

Chapter 111 – Two
Cen Zheng Sat across from Shen Leng and looked at him with a half smile. “I know that there were a lot of things you did not understand from before. Such as, why I directly killed Bai Xiu in the coastal border region. Right now, do you have a better understanding?”

Shen Leng looked at the bundle next to Cen Zheng’s hand. What was inside was called ‘inside intelligence box’ – it was a top secret channel to send information to the emperor. Even the identity of the person who sent the information was hidden – at the very least, other people could not easily guess it. Cen Zheng had the inside intelligence box in his hand, hence his reason behind killing Bai Xiu was not solely because Bai Xiu wanted to kill him. The emperor would not allow Cen Zheng to get exposed over a small matter as such.

“Even though the emperor wanted me to give the inside intelligence box to you, I need to see your abilities for myself.”

Cen Zheng asked Shen Leng. “I killed Bai Xiu…why?”

Shen Leng subconsciously looked at Mr. Shen. Mr. Shen nodded slightly, indicating that it was alright for him to say.

Shen Leng sorted out his wording but ultimately, he only said one word, “Exposed.”


Cen Zheng’s eyes evidently lit up. He did not expect Shen Leng’s answer to be that simple, yet accurate.


“Even though I do not understand His Majesty, I am certain of one thing – His Majesty is the only person who is best at selecting people to use in this world…”

Shen Leng explained, “The decision to transfer you to Pingyue was not a last minute thing. It was a very huge move. His Majesty has definitely carefully pondered over the officials’ appointments a long time ago. Hence, before we headed to the south, he has already made the decision to transfer you to Pingyue.”

Cen Zheng gestured to him, indicating that he wanted Shen Leng to continue speaking. His eyes were full of admiration for that young man. In fact, Shen Leng had already given the most perfect answer. ‘Exposed’ was the answer.

“General Zhuang does not know who the inside intelligence box in the Navy is, but General Zhuang definitely knows about it.”

Shen Leng continued, “His Majesty would not suspect General Zhuang’s loyalty. However, he wants to control everything within the Navy. This was something that gnawed at General Zhuang’s mind…he knew for a fact that His Majesty had placed an inside intelligence box within the Navy, but he did not know who it was. Inevitably, General Zhuang would wonder if His Majesty really trusted him or not. I don’t know how His Majesty found out what he was feeling, but he needed you to reveal yourself to him as a result.”

“When the Navy was first established, His Majesty did not tolerate failure. General Zhuang’s position was as steady as a boulder; in order not to allow General Zhuang to be overly suspicious, you had to think of a way to expose yourself, allowing General Zhuang to know that you are the one in possession of the inside intelligence box. Thereafter, His Majesty transferred you to Pingyue division to hold a new post. As far as General Zhuang was concerned, it was His Majesty’s attitude towards him – His Majesty trusts him, and the person with the inside intelligence box in the Navy gets transferred away…if I were General Zhuang, I would be very touched.”

Shen Leng pondered for a while before continuing, “His Majesty transferred you out. So how was it possible that General Zhuang did not think about the fact that you might have passed the inside intelligence box to me…”

Cen Zheng laughed, “Very good.”

He passed the bundle to Shen Leng with both hands. “You can take it with you. The inside intelligence box has two secret compartments in total. Every single inside intelligence box was created meticulously by Great Ning’s best smiths. If you try to pry it open without using the correct method, the venom inside will flow out and everything inside would be burned. The person who comes in contact with the box will die too.”

“One of the secret compartments is used to pass on information to the emperor. Place the information you have written into that compartment and pass the inside intelligence box to the person that specializes in passing on information. Your task will then be done…the other compartment contains the method in which you can use to get in touch with the messenger – who they are, where they are, and what their names are. I have written everything down. Burn it after you have read it…in the future, when somebody replaces you, you will have to do the same.”

Cen Zheng’s hand refused to leave the inside intelligence box. “Do not take this lightly. Every piece of information you put inside this box will affect His Majesty’s judgment. All His Majesty’s affairs are not trivial. Every word and action would implicate the entire empire.”

Mr. Shen continued listening the entire time. He knew that Cen Zheng had no need to avoid him. The initial primary concept was suggested by him. At that time, the few of them had already drank a lot of wine. He assumed what they talked about over drinks would vanish as soon as they sobered up. However, he did not expect His Majesty to remember what he said earnestly.

Cen Zheng and the rest were taught and trained by Mr. Shen at the very start. Mr. Shen did not know how big the scale was presently. At that time, he had personally taught almost every single one of them. Perhaps, those people had already become the absolute core of controlling the inside intelligence box.

“His Majesty already knows what you said.”

Cen Zheng’s gaze finally left the inside intelligence box and fell upon Zhuang Yong. “There is something His Majesty would like me to say to you.”

Mr. Shen quickly stood up. He straightened out his clothes before bowing with his head lowered.

Cen Zheng stood up too. His tone was still as calm as ever, “His Majesty said that…Qingsong, I understand you.”

After he said that, Cen Zheng supported Mr. Shen up. “Just that sentence.”


When Mr. Shen lifted his head, his eyes were already watery.

Cen Zheng supported Mr. Shen and said, “His Majesty trusts you with that matter. Based on your accuracy when it comes to investigating things, it is not a message for you from His Majesty. It is for Ye Liuyun. So, Daoist priest, you should understand, right?”

Mr. Shen nodded with all his might. “I will not disappoint him.”


Cen Zheng exhaled a long breath. “I guess I am done with my errand. I will be steadfast and wait patiently for the transfer order before I head to Pingyue…there are several things over there that are waiting to be done, and they are very diverse. It’s nothing compared to the comfortable and happy life in the Navy. Shen Leng…you should know very clearly about His Majesty’s stance when it comes to the Navy. If it’s something that benefits the Navy, you have to consider its magnitude. You don’t have to report the minute details, but you must report the big details. If it’s something that is detrimental to the Navy, report everything regardless of its magnitude or importance. This is the duty of possessing the inside intelligence box.”

“I will remember it.”

Shen Leng held the inside intelligence box with both hands. Logically speaking, having met with such a huge and sudden unforeseen event, causing a person to shoulder such a huge responsibility, putting him in grave danger, any human being would feel anxious, worried and afraid. However, at this moment, Shen Leng looked very calm. Any emotional fluctuations could not be detected at all.

“Young men who are as calm as you are hard to come by.” Cen Zheng praised him from the bottom of his heart.

“Meng Changan.”

That was Shen Leng’s answer.

Cen Zheng smiled without saying anything. It seemed as though there was a deeper meaning behind his smile.

“I’m making a move.”

Cen Zheng got up. “General Zhuang will know that I came by. How will you answer General Zhuang’s questions?”

“General was not here to see me, but here to see Mr. Shen instead.”

That was Shen Leng’s answer.

Cen Zheng laughed, feeling satisfied. He was extremely satisfied.

If Cen Zheng went there specially to see Shen Leng, regardless of what the reason was, Zhuang Yong would only think of one reason. If Cen Zheng went there to see Mr. Shen, it made sense because Zhuang Yong knew Mr. Shen’s identity, and he happened to tell Shen Leng to remind Mr. Shen to be more careful.

This was also why Cen Zheng dared to show up at their residence so openly. He was not afraid to let Zhuang Yong find out.

“Eat first before you go.” Shen Leng subconsciously blurted that out.


Cen Zheng took the suggestion into serious consideration before nodding, “Alright.”

Shen Leng started to regret.

Mr. Shen glared at him.

Cen Zheng sat down once again. “In that case, I shall wait for the food.”

At this moment, the black dog, who was laying lazily in the yard, suddenly lifted its head and looked somewhere far away. He wanted to bark, but it seemed as though it held itself back. He looked over there, feeling baffled. And slowly lay back down, only to lift its head abruptly once more. Ultimately, it still did not make a sound.

It wagged its tail, and knew how to express its emotions, but it seldom barked.

Nobody saw what it did though.

And at this very moment, a black figure left the roof of the courtyard and landed in the alley. He walked away, with his hands behind his back. He thought about how interesting the dog was, and perhaps he should eat it.

Shen Leng went to cook. Naturally, to him, cooking was not a difficult thing to do. The only difficult thing was that this meal would taste wrong. The reason why Cen Zheng stayed behind was because he wanted to talk to Mr. Shen, and not him. He was already done talking to Shen Leng. The longer he stayed, the more unfavorable it would be for Mr. Shen. People like Cen Zheng had lethal eyes. Nobody knew that he would bear in mind every mistake that other people made.

Master Cha leaned against the wall not far from Shen Leng and watched him get busy. She realized that Shen Leng did not actually look calm.

The vegetable slices were different in length and thickness.

A moment later, Shen Leng tossed the vegetable slices into the cask. He took another vegetable and started slicing again, taking deep breaths. His hands became more steady. However, he was cutting forcefully.

Master Cha went over to place her hand on his shoulder. Thereafter, Shen Leng noticeably became more relaxed.

“Who you are worrying about is not yourself.”






Master Cha became silent. She knew that Mr. Shen came from an unusual background. She thought that she knew everything, but when Shen Leng told her about his conversation with Cen Zheng, she realized that Mr. Shen had bottled up a lot, a lot of secrets.

“Nothing will happen to sir,” said Master Cha in a low voice.

Shen Leng nodded. He did not stop cutting the vegetables. “Nothing will happen to sir.”

He repeated it again; however, he was not merely repeating what she said. When Master Cha said that nothing would happen to Mr. Shen, she said it because she was worried, she was praying, and she was afraid. When Shen Leng said the same thing, it was resolve.

He finished cutting the vegetables. This time, he cut them well. Hence, he smiled. “Family comes first.”

Master Cha started laughing too.

In Mr. Shen’s study, after Cen Zheng stayed silent for a very, very long time, he finally said something, “Daoist priest, you know the reason why I stayed behind for a little longer. Ye Liuyun has been investigating that case for a very long time. On the whole, the truth has already come to light. If you have already confirmed it, why did you not bring him back?”

After hearing that, Mr. Shen knew that Cen Zheng was a significant figure in the eyes of the emperor. Otherwise, he would not have known about that matter.


“I am not certain.”

Mr. Shen replied, “Now, come to think of it, that matter is a lot more complicated than I expected. If I hastily bring him back without careful consideration, I would be irresponsible towards His Majesty. Perhaps, Ye Liuyun’s claim of finding out the truth is only a facade. What if the person who rigged it wasn’t her alone? And that…she had an accomplice?”

Cen Zheng was very taken aback. He was a person who was able to hide every single emotion very well, but what Mr. Shen said had clearly shocked and frightened him.


Cen Zheng wanted to say something, but Mr. Shen waved his hand and looked out of the window in the direction of the kitchen. “Since His Majesty passed this matter onto me, I will give him a flawless answer. Before then, I will not say anything more. Besides, you are going to Pingyue. It’s not convenient for you to know more about the things here.”

Cen Zheng nodded. “I understand.”

He got up. “I’m leaving.”

“Not eating?”

“Not eating anymore. His knife work is a little messy. If I continue to stay here, perhaps he might cut a finger off. Wouldn’t young lady Cha’er hold me responsible then?”

Cen Zheng walked towards the exit. “When I entered the door, she had already taken down her sword.”

Mr. Shen started laughing, “In that case, I shall not keep you any longer.”

“His knife work is messy because he is worried about you, right.”

Cen Zheng stopped walking. He turned around and looked at Mr. Shen. “When I said all those things pertaining to the inside intelligence box, his breathing was completely unaffected. It concerned him, yet he was calm. And now, his hands are unsteady…regardless of whether he is or not, at the very least, you have raised a good disciple. I am very envious.”


Mr. Shen said complacently. “You are wrong.”

“Where did I go wrong?”

Mr. Shen became even more complacent. “Not one, but two.”

Cen Zheng was slightly dumbfounded. Thereafter, he laughed out loud as he left.

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