Chaotic Nights

Chapter 144 - Broken Heart

Chaotic Nights — Chapter 144. Broken Heart

Translator: Atlas

Weekly Chapter 2/4

The sky was dark, it looked like it would rain soon.

He remembered the past in the drawing room. As she sat on his lap, she wrote their names on their skins. He wanted to consume her as the ink vanished with the sweat.

He was so happy he felt pathetic.

As he stepped into the tight corridor, a dark shadow greeted him. The wind that blew was different. It was neither dreary, nor cold as a blade.

The long-awaited spring had come, but now she was gone.

The Grand Prince opened the bathroom door. He saw Eunha through the steam. Her cheeks were flushed. His reflection in her dark eyes appeared more profound than ever before. A shadow appeared over her naked body.

When Jihak took a step forward, she took a surprised step back, but lost her balance, so she fell into the water.


Jihak dashed to the bathtub in a panic, his hands feeling around the bottom.

His whole body was soaked, but he didn’t stop. He called out for Eunha in a panic, desperately looking for her as though she had truly disappeared into the bathtub.

“My Lord!”

Jihak had even dipped his head into the water. Yuljae pulled him out.

His drenched face distorted. Jihak, who took a deep breath, ran his hand over his wet face. The blood that escaped from his palm created a bloodstain on his face. It appeared as though he had cried tears of blood.

“Lord, don’t do this. We’ll find Eunha’s body, we’ll find her alive!”

Jihak leaned his head back against Yuljae’s chest, while misty steam drifted through the open doorway towards the gem-studded ceiling.

“It might be preferable if I broke my leg…”

“No, my lord. Eunha…”

“I can’t open the door, Yuljae.”

Jihak’s eyes darted to the open door.

“If I open that door, I believe Eunha will appear. That’s why I lack the courage to do it…”

He embraced Jihak’s shoulders, worried that something bad might occur.

The Prince’s face was pale. What he saw a moment ago was a hallucination. His vision began to fade, so he created something in his imagination.

He positioned himself in front of Eunha’s room door. He hesitated as he gripped the knob. If he experienced another similar hallucination, he didn’t think he could stop. In the end he didn’t open the door.

He walked until he reached the area connected to the back mountain.

The wind that blew from the gloomy mountain caressed his face. Then he closed his eyes.

Tears welled up in his slightly closed eyes.

His broken heart fell like rain.

Was she useful?

Unless he became a commoner, his relationship with Eunha was meaningless. He knew that no matter how much he loved her, the ending would not be beautiful.

But he still wanted to keep her close.

He had told her she was useful so she wouldn’t run away.

He would find her.

His wide eyes began to emanate a fierce heat as he gazed at the mountains.

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