Chaotic Nights

Chapter 145 - Lonely

Chaotic Nights — Chapter 145. Lonely

Translator: Atlas

Weekly Chapter 3/4


Eunha looked at the vast ocean. She felt that the long journey was over.

When she saw with her own eyes the sea she had only read about in books, she could not believe there was such a place in the world. Unfamiliar feelings overwhelmed her.

Eunha, who was sitting on a rock, felt the sea breeze. The women mending the fishing nets glanced at her, astonished to see her dressed in men’s attire.

Her shoes were worn out. She had not eaten properly for 15 days, so her body was thinner. She looked like a beggar.


She turned her head. Yongi, carrying her bags, took a seat beside her.

“The town is pleasant. The people are friendly too. I heard that the priests settle here. Should we stay here too?”

Eunha slowly looked around. It was on the second mountainside that she met Yongi again. As soon as she crossed the first mountain, it started raining heavily. Eunha believed that the rain would stop her sister from moving forward. Therefore, she looked for a house situated midway up the mountain and discovered Yongi, who had luckily avoided the rain.

She sobbed as she recalled her sad past.

After parting ways with the hunters, Eunha traveled with the merchants until they arrived at this coastal town.

“How are you feeling?”

“I’ll be fine as long as I’m with you.”


“Actually. The priests provided me with significant assistance. That’s why this time I want to help the priests. I’m still a little clumsy, but I can imitate an uinyeo.”

It was the first time Eunha had seen her sister so relaxed.

Besides, Yongi didn’t ask her anything. Why did you come now? What happened in Harye? Why are you crying? She simply hugged her to comfort her.

Eunha turned her gaze back to the sea. At the water’s edge, the fishermen were smiling because they had caught many fish. There were also many birds.

“Maybe I should find a house?”

Yongi smiled bitterly at those words.

“We’ll be able to live here. We’ll be safe, Eunha.”

Eunha rested her forehead on Yongi’s shoulder. She appeared to be starting to develop a fever. Her body felt heavy like wet cotton. Her eyelids were starting to shut.

She had probably released the tension she felt.

Had Jihak returned to Harye? Had he been surprised?

He had told her to think about him every day. At the time, she didn’t really understand what that meant. But now she thought she knew.

Despite her efforts to avoid it, the man named Jihak dominated her thoughts. Eunha tried to distract herself, shaking her head, but it was futile.

She couldn’t cry.

If she chose to remain with him, she would need to tolerate all his whims. So she shouldn’t cry, let alone miss him.

Eunha reflected on Kim’s words.

The Great Prince’s madness stopped only after the deer lost its life. Please go far away, never come back again.

She felt the sea breeze all over her body. The spring she had waited for so long had come, but her heart was still cold.

She felt lonely. It felt like she was in a winter forest.


Eunha’s body was nowhere to be seen.

That was a promising sign. That meant she might still be alive.

No blood was discovered in the forest where she escaped. If Kim was being honest, they should have at least found broken bones.

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