Chaotic Nights

Chapter 146 - Lonely

Chaotic Nights — Chapter 146. Lonely

Translator: Atlas

Weekly Chapter 4/4

Yuljae, who was also unable to find Eunha’s body today, decided to find her alive.

I can’t open the door, Yuljae.

After he returned to Harye, Jihak never opened the door to his room. He slept in the room Eunha used. But that didn’t mean he could fall asleep. He climbed the mountain early in the morning to look for clues about Eunha. When he returned dirty with dirt, he went into the bathroom. That is why he received visitors neatly.

Yuljae noticed the hidden anger on his smooth face. There were probably even deeper emotions hidden there.

“My Lord trusted you guys. However, you put the woman at risk. If Eunha isn’t found alive, you’ll need to give up your lives.”

Yuljae slowly looked at the four warriors. Jihak had ordered these Shadows to protect Eunha. The roving samurai who attacked the house were killed. But did she escape? Did they really not see her?

Jihak had a hostile expression. Yuljae felt that the warriors hid something.

“I guess I should listen to your stories guys…”

He frowned softly, then pointed at a warrior’s neck with his sword. The moment the sharp blade touched his neck, they simultaneously fell to their knees.

“Forgive me! It wasn’t my choice.”

A coldness appeared in Yuljae’s eyes. There should never be betrayal.

“Then tell me what happened!”


Crimson droplets fell from the sword’s edge.

Jihak looked indifferently at the men with the severed arms.

“It means she’s alive.”

His heart beat fast. It felt like his blood was flowing in reverse.

The individuals slain by his sword moments ago were assassins concealed in Harye. Jihak searched for the assassins to vent his anger.

Jihak left the area where the corpses lay. He looked around.

“They released Eunha.”

“Yes. The moment Eunha discovered her sister was in danger, she lost her mind.”

“Who told her the news?”

“It was Kim.”

He grinned while gazing into the emptiness.

“I believe he needs some discipline.”

Days passed but he couldn’t fall asleep.

With his eyes closed, he could see her. With his eyes open, he could hear her voice.

It was a mortal pain. But he could not die.

He longed to look at her face again.

Jihak walked quietly forward. He crossed the street, which was crowded with people, and passed the fabric store he often visited with her.

His eyes wavered when he reached the book shop. He could hear murmurs from within, despite the tightly closed door.

“Do you want to enter there?”

He should have done it before, but he didn’t have the courage. If Sir Song was unaware of Eunha’s integrity, he felt his last hope would be lost.

But there was no reason to doubt now that he knew she might be alive.

Jihak opened the worn wooden door. Sir Song stood surrounded by a mountain of books, his eyes widening to the size of dinner plates.

The other person present was startled when she saw Jihak. But Yuljae grabbed her back because she tried to run away.

Jihak’s gaze slowly moved to the person Yuljae captured.

“Jihak! Forgive me!”

It was Gari.

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